547 research outputs found

    Schwartz: The Value Structure in Forty European Societies. An exploratory approach based on Shalom Schwartz's theory

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    Values are a determining factor in social cohesion and conflict. In essence, when considering societies from an international perspective, the first issue that arises is interculturality. An interculturality that is not limited to the forms that everyday life takes. Deeper and more decisive is the way we perceive the world. A way of perceiving reality that is conditioned by acquired social values. Values that, whether based on needs or motives, are expressed through attitudes towards society. Theories addressing human needs and values have held a prominent position in the field of social sciences for an extended period, going back several decades (Hoffman, 1988). Despite the diversity in terms of approach and practical applications, these theories share a unifying goal: to decipher the essential principles that underlie human behavior, the decisions made, and the aspirations pursued (Tay & Diener, 2011). In this series of reports, four representative theories are examined: Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Milton Rokeach's Theory of Types of Values, Shalom Schwartz's Theory of Value Structure, and Geert Hofstede's Theory of Cultural Values. Through their respective approaches, these theories provide insight into the intricate web of values and needs that make up the human experience (Kenrick et al., 2010). This report examines Shalom Schwartz's Theory and its potential empirical application in various European societies, using the value data collected in Eurobarometer 98.2 (2023). The value system appears to be associated with different social realities according to their content. In this case, in Schwartz's model, economic status tends to be associated with the dimension of power, achievement, stimulation, or self-direction. The value of "safety", "conformity" or "tradition" with age and "universalism" with gender. Considering the different values of Schwartz's model, in virtually all countries the most stable association is with ideological location. In short, it is observed how the configuration of the value system is conditioned by different sources and social situations. In any case, the results are in line with Schwartz's argument that the dimensions that make up the value system are stable, although they modify their intensity (cultural prevalence) as a function of social change. However, as far as this report is concerned, it can be concluded, provisionally and exploratorily, that there is a greater or lesser relationship between the Schwartz model and the dimensions considered; either with the socio-demographic and economic dimension, or the ideological dimension. Of the forty societies considered, 36 of them show an association between the values of the Schwartz model and the dimensions of political ideology. In 34 countries, there is evidence of a generational structure, in 33 an effect of economic position, and in 5 societies there are gender differences. Thus, it can be observed that values are more closely linked to subjective variables of an ideological nature. However, the effect of generational change and the diffusion of different values according to the economic situation of the interviewees is very significant. In Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Montenegro, it can be seen that the Schwartz value model is associated, in some of its dimensions, with the five variables considered. In short, in these societies the structure of values is clearly referenced in the social and ideological structure, the latter expressed in terms of political ideology. Certainly, the existence of a greater number of axiological dimensions facilitates the association between any of them and the control variables considered. In general, value models that contain greater diversity offer a greater number of points of contact with sociodemographic and ideological control variables.Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU

    Hofstede: The Value Structure in Forty European Societies. An exploratory approach based on Geert Hofstede's theory

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    This report examines Geert Hofstede's theory and its potential empirical application in various European societies, using the securities data collected in Eurobarometer 98.2 (2023). Given the nature of the data, which were collected for other purposes, the analysis is exploratory and necessarily fragmentary. In relation to the exploratory application of other simpler models, Hofstede's model contains six dimensions defined on the basis of alternative subdimensions. Given that the number of values asked about in the questionnaire is limited, and they are also predefined, the increase in the variability to be measured has an impact on the ability to measure. A limitation that comes from the lack of variables that collect enough values to operationalize all dimensions.Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU

    Rokeach: The value structure of forty European societies. An exploratory approach based on Milton Rokeach's theory

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    This report considers Rokeach's Theory and its possible empirical application to various European societies thanks to the data on values collected in the European barometer Eurobarometer 98.2 (2023). It is an exploratory and necessarily fragmentary approach, due to the use of data obtained in a measurement carried out for other purposes. This research has two objectives. The first objective is to design and evaluate the results of an exploratory measurement of the Rokeach model. The second objective is to provide valuable information for application in different societies; The analysis has detected the existence of significant patterns in several of the societies analysed. Specifically, this study observes the existence of a sociodemographic or ideological basis behind the value structure of some of the societies considered. This offers the possibility for researchers with greater knowledge of the historical experiences of these societies to deepen this relationship. The measurement obtained has been controlled by two dimensions. The first refers to the sociodemographic and economic conditions of the interviewees, considering variables such as gender, age and economic difficulties. Economic hardship can be seen as an indirect indicator of social standing. The second of an ideological nature, considers the variable ideological positioning on a scale from left to right.Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU

    Pedagogía Scout

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    The international public opinion and the Welfare State

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    Esta investigación efectúa una revisión de los proyectos internacionales de opinión pública que estudian, de forma comparada, las opiniones y valores relacionados con la provisión del bienestar social. Las dificultades metodológicas que plantea la comparación entre diferentes países es elevada. No obstante, de dicho estudio exploratorio se pueden extraer varias conclusiones relevantes. Así, la opinión pública entiende que la obligación de proveer de bienestar social es del gobierno y de la administración pública. No es una responsabilidad de la sociedad civil o de las organizaciones que la vertebran. El papel que se atribuye a las instituciones de caridad o del sector privado es mínimo. La reducción de la intervención del estado en el bienestar, es valorada de forma negativa en todos los países considerados. En la atención a la pobreza y la reducción de desigualdades también se atribuye el papel central al gobierno y el estado. En general, tanto los planteamientos individualistas, donde cada individuo debe resolver sus problemas por sí solo, como el planteamiento que traslada a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil la responsabilidad de la protección social, no tienen acogida en la opinión pública de los países considerados. La opinión sobre la necesidad de que el gobierno intervenga para reducir las diferencias en los ingresos, debe interpretarse en un contexto general donde la impresión más extendida afirma que la desigualdad se acentúa e incrementa en los últimos años. Una desigualdad considerada como un problema grave, e importante para la democracia en el país. En cierto sentido la desigualdad, la pobreza y la responsabilidad del gobierno para atenuar una y evitar la otra, son más que evidentes, así como su lectura desde la óptica de la legitimación democrática del sistema. Nos encontramos en una situación paradójica donde, si bien queda perfectamente claro que la responsabilidad de la lucha contra la pobreza es de los gobiernos, como veremos, en general la confianza en que estos gobiernos van a actuar e intervenir correctamente es bastante baja. La crisis iniciada en 2007 y el desmantelamiento del estado de bienestar que se efectúa en varias sociedades del sur de Europa se producen en este contexto.Los resultados del presente trabajo están integrados en el proyecto de investigación “Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models”, subvencionado por el 7º Programa Marco UE. FP7 PEOPLE-2012-IRSES. Grant Agreement Number 318938. Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models (CIVIL-SW). PIRSES-GA-2012-318938

    La opinión pública internacional y los Derechos de la Tierra

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    Las sociedades occidentales vienen prestando cada vez más atención a la naturaleza y a los problemas que se derivan del cambio climático. No obstante, hay dos corrientes principales en la preocupación de la opinión pública sobre la naturaleza: la que otorga un valor a la naturaleza por sí misma, y otra que la considera de forma instrumental, derivando su valor de su utilidad

    The State as protector: globalization and social exclusion

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    El artículo considera, en primer lugar algunas de las principales tipologías elaboradas sobre las sociedades europeas. La idea que propone es considerar de forma comparada y evaluar el grado de complementariedad que existe entre estas diferentes tipologías y de su grado de interdependencia. Tras este recorrido por las diferentes tipologías el autor pasa a considerar las teorías sobre los efectos que los procesos de globalización, especialmente en lo referido a la internacionalización de los mercados de consumo y de trabajo, han podido tener sobre ellas. Finalmente, se someten a consideración algunos datos de opinión pública referidos a la globalización así como a las expectativas que sobre la pertenencia a la Unión Europea manifiestan los países del este.This article considers, first, some of the major typologies formulated to describe European societies. The idea proposed is to consider them in a comparative way and evaluate the degree of complementarities that exist between the different typologies and their degree of interdependence. After this overview of the different typologies, the author will next consider theories about the effects that the processes of globalization have had on said societies, especially with respect to the internationalization of consumer and labour markets. Last, some data about public opinion on globalization will be considered, as well as data on public expectations about Eastern European countries joining the European Union

    Estructuras básicas de los valores perdidos en encuestas con modos mixtos

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    One of the main concerns is the nature of the missing values. Let’s consider extremes for simplicity. If missing at random we have not to care about. But if missing shows structures that covariate with substantive variables we have to make decisions. There are, in fact, several options to take. We are speaking about one country, one mode. But if you go cross-cultural (or more precisely, cross-state nations) and mixed modes many questions raise. For example, the simple one. What are we comparing? Reports and books usually go straight into variables distributions and coefficient comparisons. This is possible because the annalist presume "tabula rasa" effect from data collections procedures. But this is not, frequently, the real situation. This paper will expose the mixed missing mode imprint in international surveys. This will help to evaluate how deal with this problem. Also, to consider the real meaning of observed cross-national differences.Una de las principales preocupaciones en la investigación mediante encuestas es la naturaleza de los valores perdidos. En el caso de que sean de ocurrencia aleatoria no generan problemas excesivos. Por el contrario, si los valores perdidos muestran estructuras que covarían con variables relevantes deben tomarse decisiones fundamentales. Eso en el caso de una encuesta en un país. Pero si se trata de una encuesta comparada, efectuada en varios países y además con modos mixtos de recolección de datos, la cuestión deviene bastante más complicada. Entre las preguntas surge la más evidente ¿Qué se está comparando realmente? Con frecuencia los investigadores emplean directamente distribuciones de frecuencia y coeficientes, haciendo “tabula rasa” de otros factores que puedan generar diferencias. Esta investigación muestra como la interacción entre las estructuras de valores perdidos, el modo de recolección de datos y el hecho de la cross-culturalidad es significativa. Se muestra su efecto en los datos

    La medición del "Buen Vivir"

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    La medición de la calidad de vida en las sociedades, más allá del PIB, experimenta un salto cualitativo y cuantitativo en los últimos años. El texto utiliza datos de la Encuesta General Europea para ajustar un modelo estructural de medición a datos de la sociedad española, contrastando los planteamientos psicológicos hedonistas del bienestar social

    Regularitats, incerteses i vida quotidiana

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    Lección Inaugural Curso Académico 2012-2013 | Lliçó Inaugural Curs Acadèmic 2012-201