356 research outputs found

    Business Model: California Agriculture Marketing Agency

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    The importance of creating a marketing agency specializing in agriculture is to bridge the gap between producers and consumers. The lack of transparency from the producer has created a torn industry causing the average consumer to be questioning his or her food, or simply not understanding the agricultural way of life. An agricultural marketing firm in California can represent and advocate for local businesses to start closing the producer to consumer gap. The American farmer excels at many things, but lacks in public communications. Modern day farmers have been able to produce more food than ever despite fewer resources and inputs. As the population rises and more people migrate from rural areas to cities, the population involved in agriculture drops and a knowledge gap is created (Larson, 2017). Simply due to where people live, there is a disconnect between the public and story of agriculture. The typical farmer is viewed as a simpleton, who only went to work and came home (Larson, 2017). Today, farming continues as a generational business built upon former family success and having a profitable future for additional generations — farming is still a way of life. According to Allin, agriculture faces a “so-called ‘farm problem,’” (Allin, 1958). A farm problem is a “barrier to better public understanding by urban majority of the nation of the problems and needs of agriculture (Allin, 1958)

    Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic/superconducting hybrids

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    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy ferromagnetic/ superconducting (FM/SC) bilayers with a labyrinth domain structure are used to study nucleation of superconductivity on a fractal network, tunable through magnetic history. As clusters of reversed domains appear in the FM layer, the SC film shows a percolative behavior that depends on two independent processes: the arrangement of initial reversed domains and the fractal geometry of expanding clusters. For a full labyrinth structure, the behavior of the upper critical field is typical of confined superconductivity on a fractal network.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    A better understanding of the impact of childhood trauma on depression in early psychosis: A differential item functioning approach.

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    Childhood trauma (CT) has been shown to impact depressive symptoms measured broadly in early psychosis patients. Beyond the broad intensity of such impact, less is known about which depressive features are more impacted. Patients of a specialized early intervention programme were evaluated after the first two and six months of treatment with the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). We used the first assessment available. We estimated an Item-response model to reveal potential differential item functioning (DIF) in order to highlight depressive features that could be impacted differently than others by experiences of abuse (sexual physical and emotional) and neglect (physical and emotional). Two hundred and sixty-two recent onset patients with psychosis were assessed. Results at the beginning of the Treatment and Early Intervention in Psychosis Program (TIPP) showed that abuse but not neglect was associated with more severe depression levels, measured at a global MADRS score. Concerning specific depressive symptoms, concentration difficulties were left largely unaffected by abuse in contrast with other aspects of depression. The cognitive item of the depressive dimension assessed by the MADRS was not impacted by experiences of abuse, while the remaining subdomains involving anxiety, suicidality, somatic symptoms, and anhedonia were. Trials focusing on improving the impact of depression in traumatised individuals should account for the possible diluting effect of concentration when measuring the depression broadly. DIF is a promising method to better understand the impact many variables may have on various psychological dimensions at the item level

    Topological defects and misfit strain in magnetic stripe domains of lateral multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    Stripe domains are studied in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy films nanostructured with a periodic thickness modulation that induces the lateral modulation of both stripe periods and inplane magnetization. The resulting system is the 2D equivalent of a strained superlattice with properties controlled by interfacial misfit strain within the magnetic stripe structure and shape anisotropy. This allows us to observe, experimentally for the first time, the continuous structural transformation of a grain boundary in this 2D magnetic crystal in the whole angular range. The magnetization reversal process can be tailored through the effect of misfit strain due to the coupling between disclinations in the magnetic stripe pattern and domain walls in the in-plane magnetization configuration

    Controlled nucleation of topological defects in the stripe domain patterns of Lateral multilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: competition between magnetostatic, exchange and misfit interactions

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    Magnetic lateral multilayers have been fabricated on weak perpendicular magnetic anisotropy amorphous Nd-Co films in order to perform a systematic study on the conditions for controlled nucleation of topological defects within their magnetic stripe domain pattern. A lateral thickness modulation of period ww is defined on the nanostructured samples that, in turn, induces a lateral modulation of both magnetic stripe domain periods λ\lambda and average in-plane magnetization component MinplaneM_{inplane}. Depending on lateral multilayer period and in-plane applied field, thin and thick regions switch independently during in-plane magnetization reversal and domain walls are created within the in-plane magnetization configuration coupled to variable angle grain boundaries and disclinations within the magnetic stripe domain patterns. This process is mainly driven by the competition between rotatable anisotropy (that couples the magnetic stripe pattern to in-plane magnetization) and in-plane shape anisotropy induced by the periodic thickness modulation. However, as the structural period ww becomes comparable to magnetic stripe period λ\lambda, the nucleation of topological defects at the interfaces between thin and thick regions is hindered by a size effect and stripe domains in the different thickness regions become strongly coupled.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Caracterización de placas de yeso con residuos de espuma de poliuretano reforzadas con fibras de polipropileno

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    Gypsum plasterboard that incorporates various combinations of polyurethane foam waste and polypropylene fibers in its matrix is studied. The prefabricated material was characterized in a series of standardized tests: bulk density, maximum breaking load under flexion stress, total water absorption, surface hardness, thermal properties, and reaction to fire performance. Polypropylene fibers were added to the polyurethane gypsum composites to improve the mechanical behavior of the plasterboard under loading. The results indicate that increased quantities of polymer waste led to significant reductions in the weight/surface ratio, the mechanical strength and the surface hardness of the gypsum, as well as improving its thermal resistance. The polypropylene fibers showed good adhesion to the polymer and the gypsum matrix, which enhanced the mechanical performance and the absorption capacity of these compounds. The non-combustibility test demonstrated the potential of the new material for use in internal linings.Este artículo presenta un estudio experimental basado en la reutilización de residuos de poliuretano en una matriz de yeso para elaborar una placa de yeso laminado. Las placas fueron caracterizadas mediante los ensayos normalizados de densidad aparente, carga de rotura máxima a flexión, absorción total de agua, dureza superficial y reacción al fuego. Se han introducido fibras de polipropileno en la matriz con el objetivo de aumentar la resistencia mecánica del material. Los resultados muestran que el incremento de residuo polimérico en el material implica importantes reducciones de peso, resistencia mecánica y dureza superficial, a la par que se mejora su resistencia térmica consiguiéndose valores similares a los comerciales. Las fibras de polipropileno mostraron una buena adhesión con el polímero, mejorando el comportamiento mecánico y la capacidad de absorción. El ensayo de reacción al fuego confirmó que los residuos de poliuretano pueden ser empleados en la fabricación de placas de yeso laminado en cumplimiento con la normativa

    Duration of untreated psychosis: Impact of the definition of treatment onset on its predictive value over three years of treatment.

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    While reduction of DUP (Duration of Untreated Psychosis) is a key goal in early intervention strategies, the predictive value of DUP on outcome has been questioned. We planned this study in order to explore the impact of three different definition of "treatment initiation" on the predictive value of DUP on outcome in an early psychosis sample. 221 early psychosis patients aged 18-35 were followed-up prospectively over 36 months. DUP was measured using three definitions for treatment onset: Initiation of antipsychotic medication (DUP1); engagement in a specialized programme (DUP2) and combination of engagement in a specialized programme and adherence to medication (DUP3). 10% of patients never reached criteria for DUP3 and therefore were never adequately treated over the 36-month period of care. While DUP1 and DUP2 had a limited predictive value on outcome, DUP3, based on a more restrictive definition for treatment onset, was a better predictor of positive and negative symptoms, as well as functional outcome at 12, 24 and 36 months. Globally, DUP3 explained 2 to 5 times more of the variance than DUP1 and DUP2, with effect sizes falling in the medium range according to Cohen. The limited predictive value of DUP on outcome in previous studies may be linked to problems of definitions that do not take adherence to treatment into account. While they need replication, our results suggest effort to reduce DUP should continue and aim both at early detection and development of engagement strategies

    Insight as a social identity process in the evolution of psychosocial functioning in the early phase of psychosis.

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    Awareness of illness (insight) has been found to have contradictory effects for different functional outcomes after the early course of psychosis. Whereas it is related to psychotic symptom reduction and medication adherence, it is also associated with increased depressive symptoms. In this line, the specific effects of insight on the evolution of functioning over time have not been identified, and social indicators, such as socio-occupational functioning have barely been considered. Drawing from social identity theory we investigated the impact of insight on the development of psychosocial outcomes and the interactions of these variables over time. The participants, 240 patients in early phase of psychosis from the Treatment and Early Intervention in Psychosis Program (TIPP) of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, were assessed at eight time points over 3 years. Cross-lagged panel analyses and multilevel analyses were conducted on socio-occupational and general functioning [Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)] with insight, time and depressive symptoms as independent variables. Results from multilevel analyses point to an overall positive impact of insight on psychosocial functioning, which increases over time. Yet the cross-lagged panel analysis did not reveal a systematic positive and causal effect of insight on SOFAS and GAF scores. Depressive symptoms seem only to be relevant in the beginning of the treatment process. Our results point to a complex process in which the positive impact of insight on psychosocial functioning increases over time, even when considering depressive symptoms. Future studies and treatment approaches should consider the procedural aspect of insight

    Geopolymers based on the valorization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration residues

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    he proper management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has become one of the main environmental commitments for developed countries due to the uncontrolled growth of waste caused by the consumption patterns of modern societies. Nowadays, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is one of the most feasible solutions and it is estimated to increase in Europe where the accessibility of landfill is restricted. Bottom ash (BA) is the most significant by-product from MSWI as it accounts for 85-95 % of the solid product resulting from combustion, which is classified as a non-hazardous residue that can be revalorized as a secondary aggregate in road sub-base, bulk lightweight filler in construction. In this way, revalorization of weathered BA (WBA) for the production of geopolymers may be a good alternative to common reuse as secondary aggregate material; however, the chemical process to obtain these materials involves several challenges that could disturb the stability of the material, mainly from the environmental point of view. Accordingly, it is necessary that geopolymers are able to stabilize heavy metals contained in the WBA in order to be classified as non-hazardous materials. In this regard, the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio plays an important role for the encapsulation of heavy metals and other toxic elements. The aim of this research is to formulate geopolymers starting from the 0-2 mm particle size fraction of WBA, as a unique raw material used as aluminumsilicate precursor. Likewise, leaching tests of the geopolymers formulated were performed to assess their environmental impact. The findings show that it is possible to formulate geopolymers using 100 % WBA as precursor, although more investigations are needed to sustain that geopolymer obtained can be considered as non-hazardous materials

    Rational Design of Superhydrophilic/Superoleophobic Surfaces for Oil-Water Separation via Thiol-Acrylate Photopolymerization

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    We report a simple, rapid, and scalable strategy to fabricate surfaces exhibiting in-air superoleophobic/superhydrophilic wetting via sequential spray deposition and photopolymerization of nanoparticle-laden thiol–acrylate resins comprising both hydrophilic and oleophobic chemical constituents. The combination of spray deposition with nanoparticles provides hierarchical surface morphologies with both micro- and nanoscale roughness. Mapping the wetting behavior as a function of resin composition using high- and low-surface-tension liquid probes enabled facile identification of coatings that exhibit a range of wetting behavior, including superhydrophilic/superoleophilic, superhydrophobic/superoleophobic, and in-air superhydrophilic/superoleophobic wetting. In-air superhydrophilic/superoleophobic wetting was realized by a dynamic rearrangement of the interface to expose a greater fraction of hydrophilic moieties in response to contact with water. We show that these in-air superoleophobic/superhydrophilic coatings deposited onto porous supports enable separation of model oil–water emulsions with separation efficiencies up to 99.9% with 699 L·m–2 h–1 permeate flux when the superhydrophilic/superoleophobic coatings are paired with 0.45 μm nylon membrane supports