12,583 research outputs found

    Effect of disorder on the electronic properties of graphene: a theoretical approach

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    In order to manipulate the properties of graphene, its very important to understand the electronic structure in presence of disorder. We investigate, within a tight-binding description, the effects of disorder in the on-site (diagonal disorder) term in the Hamiltonian as well as in the hopping integral (off-diagonal disorder) on the electronic dispersion and density of states by augmented space recursion method. Extrinsic off-diagonal disorder is shown to have dramatic effects on the two-dimensional Dirac-cone, including asymmetries in the band structures as well as the presence of discontinuous bands in certain limits. Disorder-induced broadening, related to the scattering length (or life-time) of electrons, is modified significantly with the increasing strength of disorder. We propose that our theory is suitable to study the effects of disorder in other 2D materials, e.g., a boron nitride monolayer.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Pandangan Al-ghazali Mengenai Pendidikan Akliah (Tinjauan Teoretis Dan Filosofis)

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    Bahasa Indonesia:Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pandangan Al-Ghazali mengenai pendidikan akliah dalam Islam. Dalam pandangannya, Islam memberikan penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap akal. Banyak dari ayat Al-Qur\u27an dan Hadits Nabi yang menganjurkan dan mendorong manusia untuk mempergunakan akalnya dan banyak berpikir guna mengembangkan intelektualnya. Merujuk kepada ayat-ayat Al-Qur\u27an yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai kata seperti dabbara, naz{ara, faqiha, tafakkara, ‘aqala, Al-Ghazali mengkaitkan kegunaan akal dengan kekuatan daya pikirnya. Pendekatan yang digunakan berbasis teoritis dan filosofis, dengan merujuk kepada ayat Qur\u27an yang berkaitan dengan keunggulan akal dalam skala makro berpikir manusia, serta pendapat para tokoh. Hasil dari pembahasan didapatkan, bahwa akallah yang menemukan isyarat-isyarat ilmu pengetahuan yang dalam tahap selanjutnya dapat memperkokoh keimanan, keyakinan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT. Akal adalah sumber ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan kebudayaan yang dipergunakan untuk menciptakan alat-alat yang berguna dan menghadapi problem-problem manusia. Al-Ghazali menghendaki perkembangan akal, disamping ingin menjauhkan manusia dari manusia yang individualis, materialis dan pragmatis. Beliau menghendaki adanya keseimbangan antara kemajuan akal dan penghayatan spiritual, keseimbangan antara kegunaan dan kebenaran, sehingga pendidikan yang dicapai tidak hanya memiliki, tetapi juga memuat azas tanggung jawab kepada Tuhan, pencipta akal.English:This article aims to describe the view of Al-Ghazali on the nonsensical education in Islam. Al-Ghazali argues that Islam gives high appreciation of reason. Many of the verse of the Qur\u27an and the Hadith of the Prophet who was advocate and encourage people to use their minds and a lot of thinking to develop intellectually. Referring to the verses of the Qur\u27an in which there are various words such as dabbara, naz{ara, faqiha, tafakkara, ‘aqala, Al-Ghazali linking USAbility sense with the power of thought. The approach based on the theoretical and philosophic, with reference to the Qur\u27anic verses related to the sense of excellence in the macro-scale human thought, and scholars opinion. The conclution of this article, intellect which find cues science in the later stage can strengthen faith, belief and devotion to God Almighty. Intellect is the source of science, technology and culture which are used to create tools that are useful and faced with the problems of man. Al-Ghazali requires the development of reason, in addition to want to keep people from the man individualist, materialist and pragmatic. He calls for a balance between progress and appreciation of spiritual sense, a balance between USAbility and truth, then education is achieved not only have, but also includes the principle of responsibility to God, the creator of sense

    Interplay of chemical pressure and hydrogen insertion effects in CeRhSn {\bf CeRhSn} from first principles

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    Investigations within the local spin density functional theory (LSDF) of the intermetallic hydride system CeRhSnHx {\rm CeRhSnH_x} were carried out for discrete model compositions in the range 0.33xH1.33 0.33 \leq x_H \leq 1.33 . The aim of this study is to assess the change of the cerium valence state in the neighborhood of the experimental hydride composition, CeRhSnH0.8 {\rm CeRhSnH_{0.8}} . In agreement with experiment, the analyses of the electronic and magnetic structures and of the chemical bonding properties point to trivalent cerium for 1xH1.33 1 \leq x_H \leq 1.33 . In contrast, for lower hydrogen amounts the hydride system stays in an intermediate-valent state for cerium, like in CeRhSn {\rm CeRhSn} . The influence of the insertion of hydrogen is addressed from both the volume expansion and chemical bonding effects. The latter are found to have the main influence on the change of Ce valence character. Spin polarized calculations point to a finite magnetic moment carried by the Ce 4f 4f states; its magnitude increases with xH x_H in the range 1xH1.33 1 \leq x_H \leq 1.33

    Experimental determination of the state-dependent enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density in solids

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    The state-dependence of the enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density is investigated for some transition and simple metals (Cr, V, Ag and Al). Quantitative comparison with linearized muffin-tin orbital calculations of the corresponding quantity in the first Brillouin zone is shown to yield a measurement of the enhancement of the s, p and d states, independent of any parameterizations in terms of the electron density local to the positron. An empirical correction that can be applied to a first-principles state-dependent model is proposed that reproduces the measured state-dependence very well, yielding a general, predictive model for the enhancement of the momentum distribution of positron annihilation measurements, including those of angular correlation and coincidence Doppler broadening techniques

    In re Harrods Ltd.: The Brussels Convention and the Proper Application of Forum Non Conveniens to Non-Contracting States

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    Although the doctrine of forum non conveniens is unknown in Continental legal systems, Community law does not prevent English courts from preserving their discretion to stay proceedings, in conflicts involving a defendant domiciliary, in favor of more appropriate courts in a non-Contracting State. Where the provisions of the Brussels Convention do not address a legal question, the answer must be sought in the objectives and scheme of the Convention. The English Court of Appeals in Harrods properly understood that Community law does not require ritualistic reliance on the Convention\u27s jurisdiction conferring provisions in cases involving a defendant domiciled in a Contracting State and the jurisdiction of a court in a non-Contracting State

    Current-Voltage Characteristics of Long-Channel Nanobundle Thin-Film Transistors: A Bottom-up Perspective

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    By generalizing the classical linear response theory of stick percolation to nonlinear regime, we find that the drain current of a Nanobundle Thin Film Transistor (NB-TFT) is described under a rather general set of conditions by a universal scaling formula ID = A/LS g(LS/LC, rho_S * LS * LS) f(VG, VD), where A is a technology-specific constant, g is function of geometrical factors like stick length (LS), channel length (LC), and stick density (rho_S) and f is a function of drain (VD) and gate (VG) biasing conditions. This scaling formula implies that the measurement of full I-V characteristics of a single NB-TFT is sufficient to predict the performance characteristics of any other transistor with arbitrary geometrical parameters and biasing conditions

    Gambaran Perilaku Mahasiswa Serumpun Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Sumatera Utara terhadap Proses Pencarian Pengobatan di Kota Medan Tahun 2013

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    Treatment search process is a process performed by a person in response to pathological reactions that occur within his body. The search process is made up of medical knowledge and attitude towards his condition. Knowledge and attitudes can be formed of a good education. Clumps student health faculty learn it so, it would be good to see how the image of student behavior in the process searching of medical treatment. This type of research is a descriptive study with a survey method. The population in this study were all students of the Faculty of Medicine (FK), School of Public Health (FKM) and School of Nursing (FKep) University of North Sumatra regular program who active force from 2009 to 2012 with a sample size of 93 student. The samples came from 44 medical students, 35 public health students and 14 students of Nursing Faculty. Presentation of data using frequency distribution tables. The results showed that the characteristics of the respondents had been studying for 2 and 4 semesters as many as 28 students (30.1%), female sex as many as 59 students (63.4%), with the 19-20 year age group as many as 48 students (51, 2%) and the Batak tribe as many as 42 students (45.2%). Media Information shows, respondents read 2-3 types of information as many as 44 students (47.3%), with less than 3 types of search as much information as 33 students (35.5%) and considered the best media to inform the treatment of less than 3 as many as 56 types of students (60.2%). Categories of knowledge respondents are in good category as many as 79 students (84.9%), the attitude of the respondents were in either category were 68 students (73.1%) and respondents' actions are in either category were 72 students (77.4%). From the results of the study suggested the clump students to better understand the health faculty of knowledge that has been gained in the lecture bench and apply it in everyday life.ABSTRACT Treatment search process is a process performed by a person in response to pathological reactions that occur within his body. The search process is made up of medical knowledge and attitude towards his condition. Knowledge and attitudes can be formed of a good education. Clumps student health faculty learn it so, it would be good to see how the image of student behavior in the process searching of medical treatment. This type of research is a descriptive study with a survey method. The population in this study were all students of the Faculty of Medicine (FK), School of Public Health (FKM) and School of Nursing (FKep) University of North Sumatra regular program who active force from 2009 to 2012 with a sample size of 93 student. The samples came from 44 medical students, 35 public health students and 14 students of Nursing Faculty. Presentation of data using frequency distribution tables. The results showed that the characteristics of the respondents had been studying for 2 and 4 semesters as many as 28 students (30.1%), female sex as many as 59 students (63.4%), with the 19-20 year age group as many as 48 students (51, 2%) and the Batak tribe as many as 42 students (45.2%). Media Information shows, respondents read 2-3 types of information as many as 44 students (47.3%), with less than 3 types of search as much information as 33 students (35.5%) and considered the best media to inform the treatment of less than 3 as many as 56 types of students (60.2%). Categories of knowledge respondents are in good category as many as 79 students (84.9%), the attitude of the respondents were in either category were 68 students (73.1%) and respondents' actions are in either category were 72 students (77.4%). From the results of the study suggested the clump students to better understand the health faculty of knowledge that has been gained in the lecture bench and apply it in everyday life