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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceFamily farms in the region of Kolda, characterized by poverty, experiencing the drastic face changes in their social, cultural and technical. Agriculture being the main activity was less important because of the deterioration of the means of production. To cope and maintain social cohesion, new activities are highlighted because of the stability of the income they generate. Through traditional poultry farming, we intend to see the impact of these activities within the family farm. Specifically, how the improvement of traditional poultry farming makes it increased revenue, especially through women and durability in its new configuration, within the farm. To try to answer them, we used the concepts of family farm, system activities, innovation and sustainable livelihoods. We have also mobilized two projects that have introduced innovations related to poultry farming in the region of Kolda. The surveys were conducted at the farm level and recipients were sent to their various active members particularly the heads of families and dependents (men and women). It appears from these investigations that agricultural activities remain important, but those outside farming are becoming more over. Poultry traditional, long left stranded, knows a revival of interest especially with the stability of income provided for women who begin to have a financial role in the operation. With the support of projects, this activity is becoming more secure through better organization at the farm level and within umbrella organizations. This has resulted in improved and stable income poultry. Finally, we tried to demonstrate the sustainability of this activity within the family farm focusing on improvements to the human, social, physical, natural and financial as well as the involvement of politicians

    Optimal Recharging Strategy for Battery-Switch Stations for Electric Vehicles in France

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    Most papers that study the recharging of electric vehicles focus on charging the batteries at home and at the work-place. The alternative is for owners to exchange the battery at a specially equipped battery switch station (BSS). This paper studies strategies for the BSS to buy and sell the electricity through the day-ahead market. We determine what the optimal strategies would have been for a large fleet of EVs in 2010 and 2011, for the V2G and the G2V cases. These give the amount that the BSS should offer to buy or sell each hour of the day. Given the size of the fleet, the quantities of electricity bought and sold will displace the market equilibrium. Using the aggregate offers to buy and the bids to sell on the day-ahead market, we compute what the new prices and volumes transacted would be. While buying electricity for the G2V case incurs a cost, it is possible to generate revenue in the V2G case, if the arrivals of the EVs are evenly spaced during the day. We compare the total cost of implementing the strategies proposed with the cost of buying the same quantity of electricity from EDF

    Conseil d’administration et performance des entreprises publiques au Tchad

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    Les entreprises publiques du Tchad sont caractérisées par un dysfonctionnement de leurs conseils d’administration (CA). Cette situation semble affaiblir l’efficacité du CA qui aurait une influence sur leur performance. Alors que le CA est un mécanisme de gouvernance indispensable à l’accomplissement de la performance des entreprises. L’objectif de ce papier est de mettre en évidence l’influence de la taille et de la mixité du CA sur la performance des entreprises publiques au Tchad. Pour tester nos hypothèses portant sur la relation entre les caractéristiques du CA et la performance financière (RAO et ROE), nous avons utilisé deux modèles de régressions linéaires. A partir d’une enquête menée auprès de dix (10) entreprises publiques au Tchad, sur la période 2014-217, les résultats montrent qu’à l’exception de la Taille du CA, la Mixité du CA et la Taille des entreprises influencent positivement et significativement la performance financière des entreprises publiques
