689 research outputs found

    The Debates on Scientific Realism Today: Knowledge and Objectivity in Science

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    Debates on realism in science concern two main questions: whether theoretical knowledge is possible, and whether it is objective. Today, as in the past, the possibility of theoretical knowledge is often denied because of the empirical underdetermination of theories. Realists rely on explanatory power, theoretical virtues, and instrumental but theory-free observation to solve this problem. Besides, they use the “no miracles argument” for the truth of successful theories. Antirealists, however, deny that explanation is either necessary or possible, and that is a cue to truth. Moreover, they reject realism and the cogency of the no miracle argument by the pessimistic induction from the falsity of since past successful theories. Some realists reply that there is a radical discontinuity between past science (largely off-track) and current science (basically sound). But this reply is at best insufficient, and most realists prefer to restrict their commitment to selected parts or features of theories, both past and present. Forms of “selective realism” are entity realism, structural realism, deployment realism and semirealism, but also the verisimilitude research program and the restricted-domain approach. Realists need criteria to identify the true components of theories, and a noteworthy candidate is essential involvement in functionally novel and surprising predictions. The second main question is a special instance of the old debate between realists and relativists or idealists: according to antirealists science cannot be objective, because of its inherently “perspectival” nature, characterized by a priori and subjective factors. On the contrary, perspectival realists argue the specific “viewpoints” within which scientists must work do not prevent them to discover objective features of reality

    Anthology of Non-Male Stories Through Electronic Music

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    This creative project aims to create an album that explores the collective experience of being a non-male person through sonic landscapes and gathered testimonies. The idea comes from the desire to bring up situations involving microaggressions and toxic masculinity that every non-male lives. For this, the project wants to translate the feelings those situations create into sonic landscapes for the listener to enter the experience together with some reflections in testimonies as interludes. This idea is carried out by trying to find the middle ground between the sound design of a scene and a musical piece that would be delivered in the form of an LP. The musical elements in this project are produced electronically although not tied to a specific genre as the sounds are at the service of creating a scene portraying specific feelings.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1276/thumbnail.jp

    Evandro Agazzi’s Scientific Objectivity and its Contexts

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    none1Evandro Agazzi’s volume Scientific Objectivity and its Contexts is here introduced. First, the genesis and the content of the book are outlined. Secondly, an overview of Agazzi’s philosophy of science is provided. Its main roots are epistemological realism in the Aristotelian/scholastic tradition, and contemporary science-oriented epistemology, especially in Logical Empiricism. As a result, Agazzi’s thought is nicely balanced between empiricism and rationalism, it avoids gnoseologistic dualism by stressing the intentionality of knowledge, and it insists on the operational and referential character of science. Finally, an account is given of Agazzi’s view of the origin and nature of scientific objects, which allows to understand how his sophisticated and “perspectival” realism differs both from naïve realism and constructivism.embargoed_20180203Alai, MarioAlai, Mari

    Augusto Boal no Brasil e suas marcas na contemporaneidade

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    Este ensayo trata de reflexionar y problematizar la recepción interna de Augusto Boal en Brasil a fines del siglo XX. Desde la diáspora latinoamericana, el autor se vuelve una referencia internacional gracias a sus métodos y procedimientos que podrían configurar aquello que en el área de las artes escénicas podría denominarse como sistema Boal. El intento de reflexionar sobre esa trayectoria pasa por examinar uno de los íconos del movimiento artístico de los años 60, el Teatro Arena, una dramaturgia que combinaba el arte con la política durante la dictadura brasileña, las lecturas en el período posterior y, en particular, el campo de las universidades y academias brasileñas de formación de profesionales en el área del teatro. Con algunos antecedentes cuantitativos frustrados, la configuración de esta reflexión adopta por momentos un carácter especulativo en este ensayo, que por su naturaleza es provisional, y se arriesga a observar cambios en la proyección póstuma de Augusto Boal después de 2009, año de su falecimiento. El propósito es promover nuevos enfoques sobre la obra de Augusto Boal, sobre todo en el área académica en Brasil, con el fin de visualizar al dramaturgo como creador de técnicas, géneros, procedimientos y un modo de encarar al actor y al no actor, entender las relaciones entre el arte y la política, las artes escénicas y sus contextos, aunque esto es tan sólo un paso que revisita a Boal en lo que él presenta de original no sólo para el mundo, sino tambiuén para los estudios de teatro en Brasil


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    The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to understand how leaders at two community colleges that participated in Guided Pathways used early momentum metrics (EMMs) to change institutional policies or practices to improve student success and degree completion rates. By focusing on EMMs as short-term indicators, leaders could track the effectiveness of institutional changes for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Guided Pathways. The results of this study contributed new understanding to how leaders can better use EMMs to shape institutional changes that improve student success. This study provided leaders with tangible examples of EMMs in action and tools for how leaders can be prepared to support their institution to move forward with data-informed decisions around Guided Pathways. This study found that having access to data tools and a strong relationship with Institutional Research was important to develop a culture of inquiry and improve data-informed decision-making. Knowledge and financial resource support aided to streamline the implementation of Guided Pathways and the use of EMMs in practice. EMMs should be used early and often by community college leaders to monitor change on campus and remain focused on helping students achieve success and completion

    Apresentação Yo el Supremo (1974-2014)

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    Colóquio Yo el Supremo (1974-2014) – Augusto Roa Bastos – 03 e 04 de dezembro de 2014. Organizadores Alai Diniz e Fernanda PereiraDesejo começar lembrando as vozes secularmente esquecidas e aquelas que hoje aqui estão nestes Anais por aceitarem compor um conjunto em sua diferença, dando voz ao evento. É preciso começar por elas! Escutar os movimentos indígenas potencializa a interculturalidade. Refiro-me especialmente aos palestrantes indígenas que aceitaram sair de seu espaço, perigosamente conquistado e que necessita ser defendido no dia-a-dia. No momento a luta é contra a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC 215) que retiraria do poder executivo o poder de demarcar terras para transferi-lo ao Congresso. Os depoimentos sobre as violações desses direitos; as lutas e o pensamento guarani de alguns caciques Mbya Guarani do Guaira; Terra Roxa, a voz de jovens docentes e lideranças Ava Guarani do Tekoha Ocoí estão aqui nos Anais e podem ser ouvidos na íntegra. Aos caciques Ilson Soares; Liborio Garcia do Guaira; a Cassemiro Pereira Centurião e a Delmira Peres do Tekoha Ocoí e a todos que contribuíram com a potência de sua fala na batalha do cotidiano, meu eterno agradecimento

    Interculturalidade e tradição/tradução cultural

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    I Congresso Internacional América Latina e Interculturalidade: América Latina e Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos, 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 - UNILANo papel de mediadora da mesa INTERCULTURALIDADE E TRADIÇÃO/TRADUÇÃO CULTURAL, apresento considerações sobre o enfoque do Prof. Néstor Ganduglia sobre a tradição oral e a seguir à exposição de Ana Rossi que trouxe a questão da tradução de Ayvu Rapita, agradecendo a ambos pelas contribuições e passo a trazer à mesa alguns elementos sobre a questão da interculturalidade e da tradução cultural de modo a contribuir com o debate

    Multivariate lifetime distributions for the exponential dispersion family

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    We consider a general form of a multivariate lifetime model in which dependence is induced via a common shock component. The univariate marginal distributions come from the well-known and widely applied exponential dispersion family that includes the normal, compound-Poisson, gamma and negative binomial distributions. Any combination of truncation or censoring, either left or right, is considered, for which all moments are derived. This allows for the model to be calibrated to any affine transformation of lifetime data

    Murro em ponta de faca: o teatro como denúnica e enfrentamento

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    O I Encontro Internacional do MALOCA Grupo de Estudos Multidisciplinares em Urbanismos e Arquiteturas do Sul teve por objetivo apresentar os resultados do seu primeiro triênio (2014-2016) e debater os rumos das pesquisas do grupo para o triênio 2017-2019. Divulgamos agora os Anais Eletrônicos do I Encontro, que aconteceu em outubro de 2017 na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). Confiram no link: https://revistas.unila.edu.br/anaismaloca/index :)Augusto Boal, teatrólogo brasileiro, contribuiu para que a dramaturgia tivesse uma nova configuração, o que lhe trouxe, além de reconhecimento, enfrentamentos por parte da parcela social que se via em posição de desvantagem, sob quebras ideológicas, propostas do Teatro do Oprimido, desenvolvidas em território nacional. Uma das consequências, e provavelmente a mais significativa, foi o exílio enfrentado por Boal, caracterizado como oportunidade de disseminação de sua estética ao redor do mundo, cruzando fronteiras geográficas e discursivas que puderam romper com paradigmas e pensamentos de sociedades opressoras. Murro em ponta de faca (1978) é uma das peças escritas por Boal que exemplificam a experiência do exílio, a complexidade da liberdade ideológica e os enfrentamentos a favor da defesa da pátria em períodos de ditadura e forte repressão em diferentes espaços e contextos, inclusive latino-americanos. Esta análise terá como objetivo a compreensão do processo de escrita de identidade e ruptura presente da peça em relação a relatos de experiências vividas pelo escritor em seus anos de exílio e propagação do Teatro do Oprimido dentro e fora da América LatinaAugusto Boal, a Brazilian dramatist, contributed to the new configuration of dramaturgy, which brought him, in addition to recognition, confrontations on the part of the social group that was seen as disadvantaged under ideological ruptures, proposals of the Theater of the Oppressed, developed nationally. One of the consequences, and probably the most significant, was the exile confronted by Boal characterized as the opportunity to spread his aesthetics around the world, crossing geographical and discursive borders that could break paradigms and thoughts of oppressive societies. Murro em ponta de faca (1978) is one of the plays written by Boal that exemplifies the experience of exile, the complexity of ideological freedom and the confrontations in favor of the defense of his homeland in periods of dictatorship and strong repression in different spaces and contexts, including Latin American . This analysis will have as an objective the understanding of the process of identity writing and present rupture of the play in relation to reports of experiences lived by the author in his years in exile and propagation of the Theater of the Oppressed beyond Latin AmericaGrupo de Estudos Multidisciplinar em Urbanismo e Arquitetura do Sul - MALOC