54 research outputs found

    Polynomial Computability of Fields of Algebraic Numbers

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We prove that the field of complex algebraic numbers and the ordered field of real algebraic numbers have isomorphic presentations computable in polynomial time. For these presentations, new algorithms are found for evaluation of polynomials and solving equations of one unknown. It is proved that all best known presentations for these fields produce polynomially computable structures or quotient-structures such that there exists an isomorphism between them polynomially computable in both directions

    A compact 3-dB coupler with microstrip cells

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    Research of the design of a coupler with an operating frequency of 1.8 GHz has been conducted. This construction has a small area and can be used in microwave circuits for power division. Suggested construction, taking into consideration the reduced dimensions, has characteristics comparable to the design in the traditional version. Miniaturization of the device was achieved by using synthesized microstrip cells which were installed instead of ordinary sections. The coupler was modeled and fabricated and the measured characteristics are well coincide with the calculations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Design of miniature directional coupler with wide bandwidth

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    Miniature directional coupler with wide bandwidth consisting of compact structures and curved lines has been developed. The type of structures was chosen in such a way as to achieve the greatest possible coincidence of their characteristics in the bandwidth with the characteristics of quarter-wave sections. The area of the developed coupler is 69.8% less than the area of the same device in its standard version. Device modeling was performed in the Cadence AWR program. It is shown that miniaturization of the directional coupler caused deterioration of such characteristics as operating frequencies band, preservation of the phase differences between the outputs in a wide frequencies band, and attenuation in the band. A model of the coupler was made, which allowed us to confirm experimentally the correctness of calculations in AWR. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    A compact 3-dB coupler with stubs

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    High wave resistance line and no-load stubs were used as a tool for reducing the area of directional coupler on microwave substrate. Replacement of all λ/4 sections (segments) that are part of the coupler with the described artificial transmission lines allowed to reduce the area of the device by 76,8% (with frequency 1.9 GHz). Mathematical calculation and analysis of devices was made using Cadence AWR DE. The manufactured layout has comparable characteristics with the characteristics obtained for the model in AWR program. Negative aspects of miniaturization are narrowing of the line and increasing losses at the coupler. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The competitiveness of individual companies is related not only to their own characteristics, but also to the institutional and economic characteristics of the home countries of these companies. How the business environments of countries affect the results of applying management practices in different companies is a complex research issue, as managerial practices have many characteristics. Nevertheless, Russian enterprises have to use new technologies to increase competitiveness in the world market. We analysed both the sector of transportation where geographic closeness is a key indicator of competition, and transportation facilities where incremental costs and savings can be implemented to build variables of the market structures. The research sample includes 210 specialized logistic firms with variation of ownership structure and collateral agreements. We have examined firms in two markets: Russian and German ones. The analysis is based on the data from 7 Russian regions, and 6 German federal states. We have found that the quality of managerial practices — estimated by using a new survey instrument — is strongly linked with commercial ratios such as a rate of fail to deliver and a rate of consumer satisfaction. A high level of competitiveness is demonstrated by a greater number of companies in the same region. We have found that this is positively correlated with increased quality of managerial capabilities. This correlation is reinforced when we quantify the number of local firms with local logistic infrastructure. This paper reveals that the increasing the effectiveness of managerial practices are due to the characteristics of the country of origin. The results allow to develop recommendations for policy-makers to improve the business environment. © Ruzhanskaya, L. S., Lukyanov, S. A. & Alaev, G. A. Text. 2018


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    The competitiveness of individual companies is related not only to their own characteristics, but also to the institutional and economic characteristics of the home countries of these companies. How the business environments of countries affect the results of applying management practices in different companies is a complex research issue, as managerial practices have many characteristics. Nevertheless, Russian enterprises have to use new technologies to increase competitiveness in the world market. We analysed both the sector of transportation where geographic closeness is a key indicator of competition, and transportation facilities where incremental costs and savings can be implemented to build variables of the market structures. The research sample includes 210 specialized logistic firms with variation of ownership structure and collateral agreements. We have examined firms in two markets: Russian and German ones. The analysis is based on the data from 7 Russian regions, and 6 German federal states. We have found that the quality of managerial practices — estimated by using a new survey instrument — is strongly linked with commercial ratios such as a rate of fail to deliver and a rate of consumer satisfaction. A high level of competitiveness is demonstrated by a greater number of companies in the same region. We have found that this is positively correlated with increased quality of managerial capabilities. This correlation is reinforced when we quantify the number of local firms with local logistic infrastructure. This paper reveals that the increasing the effectiveness of managerial practices are due to the characteristics of the country of origin. The results allow to develop recommendations for policy-makers to improve the business environment. © Ruzhanskaya, L. S., Lukyanov, S. A. & Alaev, G. A. Text. 2018

    World-Class University Campuses as a New Form of Organization of Educational Spaces on the Territory of the Russian Federation

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    Во многих странах мира актуальным вопросом является повышение эффективности использования образовательных пространств, которое достижимо путем создания кампусов. Кампусы способствуют экономическому росту, локализуя обучение, науку, инновации и бизнес в едином пространстве. Однако создание кампусов в Российской Федерации должно быть обосновано как для частных инвесторов, участвующих в их создании, так и для государства, на долю которого приходится значительный объем их финансирования. Отсюда необходимо определение параметров, которые позволят создавать на территории Российской Федерации наиболее востребованные и эффективные образовательные пространства. В работе рассмотрены различные виды кампусов, которые наблюдаются в мировой практике: городские и автономные, локальные и дисперсные, исторические и нового времени, а также кампусы различных моделей: английской, французской, американской, юго-восточной и спутниковой. Кампусы как эффективная форма организации образовательных пространств известны в мировой практике с XVIII в., но в Российской Федерации создаются только сейчас. С 2021 г. были отобраны 17 проектов, в последующие годы отбор будет продолжен. По результатам исследования представлены параметры, которые не учитываются при определении предельного объема субсидий, направленного на создание кампусов на основании существующих нормативно-правовых документов. Однако в соответствии с проведенным анализом мировой практики данные параметры являются необходимыми и непосредственно влияют на создание и дальнейшее функционирование кампусов. Большое значение имеет система дополнительных критериев, которые позволяют определить не только успешность проекта для городской среды и эффект для экономики региона, но и целесообразность финансовых вложений как для государства, так и для частного инвестора. В работе сделаны выводы, что при рассмотрении проектов по созданию кампусов необходимо дополнительно учитывать коммерческую и бюджетную эффективность; расположение кампуса, масштабность и направленность; вовлеченность в городскую среду и загрузку создаваемых объектов инфраструктуры для создания наиболее эффективных кампусов на территории Российской Федерации.An urgent problem in many countries is to increase the efficiency of using educational spaces, which is solvable through the creation of campuses. Campuses contribute to economic growth by localizing education, science, innovation and business in a single space. However, the establishment of campuses in the Russian Federation should be justified both for private investors involved in their creation and for the state, which accounts for a significant amount of their financing. Hence, it is necessary to determine the parameters that will allow creating the most popular and effective educational spaces on the territory of the Russian Federation. The paper considers various types of campuses available in world practice: urban and autonomous, local and dispersed, historical and modern, campuses of various models: English, French, American, Southeastern and satellite. Though known in world practice from the 18th century, campuses as an effective form of organizing educational spaces are currently only being created in Russia. Since 2021, there have been selected 17 projects, and the selection of projects will continue in subsequent years. The study resulted in parameters that are not taken into account when determining the maximum amount of subsidies aimed at creating campuses on the basis of existing regulatory documents. However, the analysis of the world practice shows that these parameters are necessary and directly affect the creation and further functioning of campuses. A system of additional criteria is of great importance, which makes it possible to assess not only the success of the project for the urban environment and the effect on the economy of the region, but also the expediency of financial investments, both for the state and for the private investor. The paper concludes that when considering projects for the creation of campuses, it is necessary to additionally take into account commercial and budgetary efficiency; the location of the campus, its scale, orientation, involvement in the urban environment; the load of infrastructure facilities to ensure the creation of the most effective campuses on the territory of our country


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    Abstract: The article gives a critical review and comparison of the concepts of history in two recently published books by sinologists L.S.Vasiliev and O.E.Nepomnin. The concept of L.S.Vasiliev is built upon the rejection of Marxism, especially historic Marxism, though Marx’s idea on the Asian type of production is still used. The main idea of Nepomnin’s book is to distinguish a few oriental models of societal relations, different not only from the West but from each other. Unlike Vasiliev who wants to generalize the East in one scheme, Nepomnin wants to stress the differences between Asian civilizations, though without determining the peculiarities of the models with the help of objective methods and not offering any convincing parameters of comparison. The article shows that now there is a mix of pieces of various concepts, which are outdated and not linked to each other. The author suggests to tackle the methodological issues of history ic process, to apply new approaches in periodization, based not on one factor (like type of production) but on multifactor paradigms and to make new research of the development of the West

    Polynomial Computability of Fields of Algebraic Numbers

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We prove that the field of complex algebraic numbers and the ordered field of real algebraic numbers have isomorphic presentations computable in polynomial time. For these presentations, new algorithms are found for evaluation of polynomials and solving equations of one unknown. It is proved that all best known presentations for these fields produce polynomially computable structures or quotient-structures such that there exists an isomorphism between them polynomially computable in both directions

    Fields of Algebraic Numbers Computable in Polynomial Time. I

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. It is proved that the field of complex algebraic numbers has an isomorphic presentation computable in polynomial time. A similar fact is proved for the ordered field of real algebraic numbers. The constructed polynomially computable presentations are based on a natural presentation of algebraic numbers by rational polynomials. Also new algorithms for computing values of polynomials on algebraic numbers and for solving equations in one variable with algebraic coefficients are presented