202 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effect of liquid humic fertilizers on yield of maize genotypes in Ardabil region

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    In order to investigate the response of maize genotypes against the  application of two types of liquid humic fertilizers (derived from peat and  leonardite), an experiment was conducted as factorial based on completely  randomized block design with three replications. The main factor was included three conditions (application of peat based and leonardite based humic  fertilizer, without the application of humic fertilizer) whereas the sub-factor  included six maize genotypes. Results indicate that there was a significant  difference between experimental conditions in terms of grain yield at 1% and biological yield at 5% probability levels. Results from mean comparison  indicate that ZP677 had the highest (20.89 ton/ha) biological yield, whereas OS 499 had the lowest (16.93 ton/ha). Application of leonardite based liquid humic fertilizer proved to be more productive than the two other conditions. This humic fertilizer produced the highest values for biological yield (21.99 ton/ha) and grain yield (7.09 ton/ha).Key words: Maize, humic, fertilizer, yield

    Are there neurological symptoms in type 1 of gaucher disease?

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    Objective Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare inborn error of metabolism, classified as a lipid storage disorders. This disease is caused by a deficiency in glucocerebrosidase enzyme. It has been classified according to the presence or absence of neurological symptoms into the following types: type 1 non-neuropathic, type 2 acute infantile neuropathic and type 3 or chronic neuropathic. We evaluated neurological symptoms in patients with GD1 and GD3 and compared both of these groups. Materials & Methods Eleven patients were identified according to their clinical presentation and the presence of disease confirmed by genetic testing, from 2006-2016, at the Mofid Children Hospital Clinic, Tehran, Iran. We included eight patients with GD 1 and three patients with GD3. Careful neurological examination was performed on these patients during treatment by pediatric neurologist. Results Patients with GD1 had some neurological symptoms including cognitive impairment, developmental disability, behavioral disorder, microcephaly and increased deep tendon reflexes (DTR). Of course, neurological signs in patients with type 3 of GD were different and were included seizures, supranuclear gaze palsy, cerebellar signs, and ataxia. Conclusion The current nomenclature for 3 types of Gaucher disease does not meet all clinical symptoms. Patients with GD1 display many neurological deficits in young ages not reported adequately earlier. © 2018, Iranian Child Neurology Society. All rights reserved

    Substitutional doping of Cu in diamond: Mott physics with pp orbitals

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    Discovery of superconductivity in the impurity band formed by heavy doping of boron into diamond (C:B) as well as doping of boron into silicon (Si:B) has provided a rout for the possibility of new families of superconducting materials. Motivated by the special role played by copper atoms in high temperature superconducting materials where essentially Cu dd orbitals are responsible for a variety of correlation induced phases, in this paper we investigate the effect of substitutional doping of Cu into diamond. Our extensive first principle calculations averaged over various geometries based on density functional theory, indicates the formation of a mid-gap band, which mainly arises from the t2gt_{2g} and 4p4p states of Cu. For impurity concentrations of more than 1\sim 1%, the effect of 2pbandsofneighboringcarbonatomscanbeignored.Basedonourdetailedanalysis,wesuggestatwobandmodelforthemidgapstatesconsistingofaquarterfilledholelike bands of neighboring carbon atoms can be ignored. Based on our detailed analysis, we suggest a two band model for the mid-gap states consisting of a quarter-filled hole like t_{2g}band,andahalffilledbandof band, and a half-filled band of 4pstates.IncreasingtheconcentrationoftheCuimpuritybeyond states. Increasing the concentration of the Cu impurity beyond \sim 5%, completely closes the spectral gap of the host diamond.Comment: 5 figure

    Devil's staircase transition of the electronic structures in CeSb

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    Solids with competing interactions often undergo complex phase transitions with a variety of long-periodic modulations. Among such transition, devil's staircase is the most complex phenomenon, and for it, CeSb is the most famous material, where a number of the distinct phases with long-periodic magnetostructures sequentially appear below the Neel temperature. An evolution of the low-energy electronic structure going through the devil's staircase is of special interest, which has, however, been elusive so far despite the 40-years of intense researches. Here we use bulk-sensitive angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and reveal the devil's staircase transition of the electronic structures. The magnetic reconstruction dramatically alters the band dispersions at each transition. We moreover find that the well-defined band picture largely collapses around the Fermi energy under the long-periodic modulation of the transitional phase, while it recovers at the transition into the lowest-temperature ground state. Our data provide the first direct evidence for a significant reorganization of the electronic structures and spectral functions occurring during the devil's staircase.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    An ontological framework for cooperative games

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    Social intelligence is an emerging property of a system composed of agents that consists of the ability of this system to conceive, design, implement and execute strategies to solve problems and thus achieve a collective state of the system that is concurrently satisfactory for all and each one of the agents that compose it. In order to make decisions when dealing with complex problems related to social systems and take advantage of social intelligence, cooperative games theory constitutes the standard theoretical framework. In the present work, an ontological framework for cooperative games modeling and simulation is presented