6 research outputs found

    Explainable Predictive Maintenance

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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) fills the role of a critical interface fostering interactions between sophisticated intelligent systems and diverse individuals, including data scientists, domain experts, end-users, and more. It aids in deciphering the intricate internal mechanisms of ``black box'' Machine Learning (ML), rendering the reasons behind their decisions more understandable. However, current research in XAI primarily focuses on two aspects; ways to facilitate user trust, or to debug and refine the ML model. The majority of it falls short of recognising the diverse types of explanations needed in broader contexts, as different users and varied application areas necessitate solutions tailored to their specific needs. One such domain is Predictive Maintenance (PdM), an exploding area of research under the Industry 4.0 \& 5.0 umbrella. This position paper highlights the gap between existing XAI methodologies and the specific requirements for explanations within industrial applications, particularly the Predictive Maintenance field. Despite explainability's crucial role, this subject remains a relatively under-explored area, making this paper a pioneering attempt to bring relevant challenges to the research community's attention. We provide an overview of predictive maintenance tasks and accentuate the need and varying purposes for corresponding explanations. We then list and describe XAI techniques commonly employed in the literature, discussing their suitability for PdM tasks. Finally, to make the ideas and claims more concrete, we demonstrate XAI applied in four specific industrial use cases: commercial vehicles, metro trains, steel plants, and wind farms, spotlighting areas requiring further research.Comment: 51 pages, 9 figure

    Human Understandable Interpretation of Deep Neural Networks Decisions Using Generative Models

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    Deep Neural Networks have long been considered black box systems, where their interpretability is a concern when applied in safety critical systems. In this work, a novel approach of interpreting the decisions of DNNs is proposed. The approach depends on exploiting generative models and the interpretability of their latent space. Three methods for ranking features are explored, two of which depend on sensitivity analysis, and the third one depends on Random Forest model. The Random Forest model was the most successful to rank the features, given its accuracy and inherent interpretability.

    Machine Learning Survival Models : Performance and Explainability

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    Survival analysis is an essential statistics and machine learning field in various critical applications like medical research and predictive maintenance. In these domains understanding models' predictions is paramount. While machine learning techniques are increasingly applied to enhance the predictive performance of survival models, they simultaneously sacrifice transparency and explainability.  Survival models, in contrast to regular machine learning models, predict functions rather than point estimates like regression and classification models. This creates a challenge regarding explaining such models using the known off-the-shelf machine learning explanation techniques, like Shapley Values, Counterfactual examples, and others.    Censoring is also a major issue in survival analysis where the target time variable is not fully observed for all subjects. Moreover, in predictive maintenance settings, recorded events do not always map to actual failures, where some components could be replaced because it is considered faulty or about to fail in the future based on an expert's opinion. Censoring and noisy labels create problems in terms of modeling and evaluation that require to be addressed during the development and evaluation of the survival models. Considering the challenges in survival modeling and the differences from regular machine learning models, this thesis aims to bridge this gap by facilitating the use of machine learning explanation methods to produce plausible and actionable explanations for survival models. It also aims to enhance survival modeling and evaluation revealing a better insight into the differences among the compared survival models. In this thesis, we propose two methods for explaining survival models which rely on discovering survival patterns in the model's predictions that group the studied subjects into significantly different survival groups. Each pattern reflects a specific survival behavior common to all the subjects in their respective group. We utilize these patterns to explain the predictions of the studied model in two ways. In the first, we employ a classification proxy model that can capture the relationship between the descriptive features of subjects and the learned survival patterns. Explaining such a proxy model using Shapley Values provides insights into the feature attribution of belonging to a specific survival pattern. In the second method, we addressed the "what if?" question by generating plausible and actionable counterfactual examples that would change the predicted pattern of the studied subject. Such counterfactual examples provide insights into actionable changes required to enhance the survivability of subjects. We also propose a variational-inference-based generative model for estimating the time-to-event distribution. The model relies on a regression-based loss function with the ability to handle censored cases. It also relies on sampling for estimating the conditional probability of event times. Moreover, we propose a decomposition of the C-index into a weighted harmonic average of two quantities, the concordance among the observed events and the concordance between observed and censored cases. These two quantities, weighted by a factor representing the balance between the two, can reveal differences between survival models previously unseen using only the total Concordance index. This can give insight into the performances of different models and their relation to the characteristics of the studied data. Finally, as part of enhancing survival modeling, we propose an algorithm that can correct erroneous event labels in predictive maintenance time-to-event data. we adopt an expectation-maximization-like approach utilizing a genetic algorithm to find better labels that would maximize the survival model's performance. Over iteration, the algorithm builds confidence about events' assignments which improves the search in the following iterations until convergence. We performed experiments on real and synthetic data showing that our proposed methods enhance the performance in survival modeling and can reveal the underlying factors contributing to the explainability of survival models' behavior and performance

    Machine Learning Survival Models : Performance and Explainability

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    Survival analysis is an essential statistics and machine learning field in various critical applications like medical research and predictive maintenance. In these domains understanding models' predictions is paramount. While machine learning techniques are increasingly applied to enhance the predictive performance of survival models, they simultaneously sacrifice transparency and explainability.  Survival models, in contrast to regular machine learning models, predict functions rather than point estimates like regression and classification models. This creates a challenge regarding explaining such models using the known off-the-shelf machine learning explanation techniques, like Shapley Values, Counterfactual examples, and others.    Censoring is also a major issue in survival analysis where the target time variable is not fully observed for all subjects. Moreover, in predictive maintenance settings, recorded events do not always map to actual failures, where some components could be replaced because it is considered faulty or about to fail in the future based on an expert's opinion. Censoring and noisy labels create problems in terms of modeling and evaluation that require to be addressed during the development and evaluation of the survival models. Considering the challenges in survival modeling and the differences from regular machine learning models, this thesis aims to bridge this gap by facilitating the use of machine learning explanation methods to produce plausible and actionable explanations for survival models. It also aims to enhance survival modeling and evaluation revealing a better insight into the differences among the compared survival models. In this thesis, we propose two methods for explaining survival models which rely on discovering survival patterns in the model's predictions that group the studied subjects into significantly different survival groups. Each pattern reflects a specific survival behavior common to all the subjects in their respective group. We utilize these patterns to explain the predictions of the studied model in two ways. In the first, we employ a classification proxy model that can capture the relationship between the descriptive features of subjects and the learned survival patterns. Explaining such a proxy model using Shapley Values provides insights into the feature attribution of belonging to a specific survival pattern. In the second method, we addressed the "what if?" question by generating plausible and actionable counterfactual examples that would change the predicted pattern of the studied subject. Such counterfactual examples provide insights into actionable changes required to enhance the survivability of subjects. We also propose a variational-inference-based generative model for estimating the time-to-event distribution. The model relies on a regression-based loss function with the ability to handle censored cases. It also relies on sampling for estimating the conditional probability of event times. Moreover, we propose a decomposition of the C-index into a weighted harmonic average of two quantities, the concordance among the observed events and the concordance between observed and censored cases. These two quantities, weighted by a factor representing the balance between the two, can reveal differences between survival models previously unseen using only the total Concordance index. This can give insight into the performances of different models and their relation to the characteristics of the studied data. Finally, as part of enhancing survival modeling, we propose an algorithm that can correct erroneous event labels in predictive maintenance time-to-event data. we adopt an expectation-maximization-like approach utilizing a genetic algorithm to find better labels that would maximize the survival model's performance. Over iteration, the algorithm builds confidence about events' assignments which improves the search in the following iterations until convergence. We performed experiments on real and synthetic data showing that our proposed methods enhance the performance in survival modeling and can reveal the underlying factors contributing to the explainability of survival models' behavior and performance

    Discovering Premature Replacements in Predictive Maintenance Time-to-Event Data

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    Time-To-Event (TTE) modeling using survival analysis in industrial settings faces the challenge of premature replacements of machine components, which leads to bias and errors in survival prediction. Typically, TTE survival data contains information about components and if they had failed or not up to a certain time. For failed components, the time is noted, and a failure is referred to as an event. A component that has not failed is denoted as censored. In industrial settings, in contrast to medical settings, there can be considerable uncertainty in an event; a component can be replaced before it fails to prevent operation stops or because maintenance staff believe that the component is faulty. This shows up as “no fault found” in warranty studies, where a significant proportion of replaced components may appear fault-free when tested or inspected after replacement. In this work, we propose an expectation-maximization-like method for discovering such premature replacements in survival data. The method is a two-phase iterative algorithm employing a genetic algorithm in the maximization phase to learn better event assignments on a validation set. The learned labels through iterations are accumulated and averaged to be used to initialize the following expectation phase. The assumption is that the more often the event is selected, the more likely it is to be an actual failure and not a “no fault found”. Experiments on synthesized and simulated data show that the proposed method can correctly detect a significant percentage of premature replacement cases.Som manuscript i avhandling/As manuscript in thesis.</p

    Explainable Predictive Maintenance

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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) fills the role of a critical interface fostering interactions between sophisticated intelligent systems and diverse individuals, including data scientists, domain experts, end-users, and more. It aids in deciphering the intricate internal mechanisms of “black box” Machine Learning (ML), rendering the reasons behind their decisions more understandable. However, current research in XAI primarily focuses on two aspects; ways to facilitate user trust, or to debug and refine the ML model. The majority of it falls short of recognising the diverse types of explanations needed in broader contexts, as different users and varied application areas necessitate solutions tailored to their specific needs. One such domain is Predictive Maintenance (PdM), an exploding area of research under the Industry 4.0 &amp; 5.0 umbrella. This position paper highlights the gap between existing XAI methodologies and the specific requirements for explanations within industrial applications, particularly the Predictive Maintenance field. Despite explainability’s crucial role, this subject remains a relatively under-explored area, making this paper a pioneering attempt to bring relevant challenges to the research community’s attention. We provide an overview of predictive maintenance tasks and accentuate the need and varying purposes for corresponding explanations. We then list and describe XAI techniques commonly employed in the literature, discussing their suitability for PdM tasks. Finally, to make the ideas and claims more concrete, we demonstrate XAI applied in four specific industrial use cases: commercial vehicles, metro trains, steel plants, and wind farms, spotlighting areas requiring further research.The paper is funded from the XPM project funded by the National Science Centre, Poland under CHIST-ERA programme (NCN UMO-2020/02/Y/ ST6/00070), French National Research Agency(ANR) under CHIST-ERA programme (ANR-21-CHR4-0003), Swedish Research Council under grantCHIST-ERA-19-XAI-012 and Portuguese Funding Agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under CHIST-ERA programme (CHIST-ERA/0004/2019). The research has been supportedby a grant from the Priority Research Area (DigiWorld) under the Strategic Programme ExcellenceInitiative at Jagiellonian University</p