55 research outputs found
Good Faith and Fair Dealing as an Underenforced Legal Norm
- Author
- &
- . V Kmart Corp
- Aditi Bagchi
- Alabama V North Carolina
- Alan D Miller &
- Brudney
- Burton &
- Clark V State St
- Cleary V
- D&apos
- Divergence Shiffrin
- Duncan Kennedy
- E
- E G
- E G
- E G Beidel V
- E G Best V
- E G Hoffman La-Roche V
- E G Sager
- E G See
- E G Vieth
- Fallon
- Fallon
- Fallon
- Fallon
- Fallon
- Ian R Macneil
- Ian R See
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Inc Tecom
- Indeed
- Info
- James B Thayer
- Kennedy
- Law Roberto Mangabeira Unger
- Markovits
- Mitford V De Lasala
- Monge V Beebe Rubber
- P Henry
- Paul MacMahon
- Ramos
- Richard H Fallon
- Robert E Scott
- Sager
- Sager
- Seana Valentine Shiffrin
- See Berman
- See Bryan
- See Gillette
- See Henry
- See Ian Ayres &
- See Joseph Singer
- See Libbey Glass
- See Road &
- See Robert
- See Robert
- See Seana Valentine Shiffrin
- See Steven Shavell
- See Stuart
- Stephen J See
- Stewart Macaulay
- Summers
- Todd Rakoff
- U S Const
- White
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Reforming Restrictive Housing: The 2018 ASCA-Liman Nationwide Survey of Time-in-Cell
- Author
- A Brie
- Alabama
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Alaska
- Alaska Alabama
- Alexandra Harrington
- Anna VanCleave
- Annie Wang
- Arizona
- Arizona
- Arizona Alaska
- Asca-Liman
- Asca-Liman
- Bccla V
- Braggs V Dunn
- Braggs V Dunn
- Braggs V Dunn
- Braggs V Dunn
- Brian O Hagan
- Brie A Williams
- C S
- Carla M Perissinotto
- Carolina North
- Carolina North
- Carolina South
- Carolina South
- Catherine McCarthy
- Ccla V
- Ccla V
- Ccla V
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Committee
- Connecticut
- Connecticut
- Cyrus Ahalt
- D Braggs V. Dunn
- D Lopez V. Brown
- D Mark
- Dakota South
- Davis
- Delaware
- Delaware
- Delaware Alabama
- Fatos Kaba
- George Lombardi
- Georgia
- Georgia
- Gregory Conyers
- Hamilton
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Idaho
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Iowa
- J Breyer
- J J V D Litscher
- J J V D Litscher
- J Kennedy
- Jenny Tumas
- Johnson V Wetzel
- Judith Resnik
- Judith Resnik
- Kansas
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Kristen Bell
- Maryland
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Michigan
- Minnesota Kansas
- Minutes
- Mississippi
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nelson Mandela Rules
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Mexico
- New York
- Nordstrom V Ryan
- North Dakota
- North Dakota
- North Those Jurisdictions Were Kansas
- Ohio
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania
- Reid
- Rhode Island
- Robert Morgan
- Roy Parker
- See Ashley Southall
- See Braggs V. Dunn
- See Craig Haney
- Sharon See Generally
- South Maryland
- T R
- T R
- Tennessee
- Tennessee
- Terry Kupers
- Together
- U N Esc
- V W V Conway
- Valerie Clark
- Vera Rethinking Restrictive
- Washington
- Washington
- Williams V Sec&apos
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Wyoming
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Lex Mitior: Converse of Ex Post Facto and Window into Criminal Desert
- Author
- (see Hawaii
- 489 U Teague
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- B
- B
- C
- C
- Colorado (see Colo
- Connecticut (see Conn
- D
- Georgia
- Georgia (see Ga
- Harv L Rev
- Herbert Morris
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Iowa
- J Harlan
- J Phil
- Kentucky (see Ky
- Louisiana (see La
- Maryland
- Maryland (see Md
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri (see Mo
- N C North Carolina (see
- Nebraska
- Nev
- Nevada
- Nevada (see Nev
- Oklahoma
- Penry V Lynaugh
- Peter K. Westen
- Rethinking Note
- Richard Burgh
- Saavedra V. State
- See Mirko Bagaric &
- See Peter Westen
- State V Barron
- State V Menditto
- State V Sherman
- State V Townsend
- State V Wilson
- Tex
- Victor See
- Virginia (see Va
- Virginia (see Va
- Warden
- Washington
- Washington
- Worley V Commonwealth
- Wyoming
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Canine Tracking and Scent Identification: Factoring Science into the Threshold for Admissibility
- Author
- A Lesniak
- A M Curran
- A M Curran
- A M Curran
- A M Curran
- A M Curran
- A Miklosi
- A Taslitz
- A Thesen
- Adams V Arkansas
- Allen V Alabama
- App
- B A Craven
- B A Craven
- B A Edge
- Bacon V
- Bailey
- C Doyle
- California V Craig
- California V Gonzales
- California V Gutierrez
- California V Willis
- Carolina V South
- Coleman V U S
- Copley V. Tennessee
- D L Wells
- D M Stoddart
- E King
- E S E Hafez
- Epperly V Virginia
- F
- G A A Schoon
- G A A Schoon
- G A A Schoon
- G J Hargreaves
- G S Settles
- G S Settles
- H Kalmus
- H M Budget
- Haak Gerritsen
- Harvey
- Hinton V
- Hinton V
- Hodge V Alabama
- I Gazit
- Id
- Indiana V Mcdonald
- Iowa V Grba
- J A Shivik
- J B Steen
- J Bodingbauer
- J Brueggemann
- J C Mcwhorter
- J D K Dawes
- J P Schreider
- J Porter
- J Schwartz
- Jezierski Ensminger
- John J. Ensminger
- Johnston Williams
- K G Furton
- K Most
- K Yamazaki
- K Yamazaki
- K Yamazaki
- K Zuschneid
- K Zuschneid
- Kalmus
- Kansas
- Kansas V Wainwright
- Kansas V Wainwright
- Keaton V Kentucky
- L M Harvey
- L W Davis
- Lesniak
- Long
- M D Pearsall
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Williams
- M Williams
- Martin
- Mcclurg V Benton
- Meyers V
- Michigan
- Michigan
- Michigan V Baker
- Michigan V Garner
- Michigan V Giles
- Michigan V Harper
- Michigan V Martin
- Michigan V Mcpherson
- Michigan V Norwood
- Michigan V See
- Michigan V Stone
- Michigan V Warriner
- Miss
- Missouri
- Missouri V Shawley
- Montana V Storm
- North Carolina V
- Ohio V Armstrong
- Oregon V Harris
- P G Hepper
- P G Hepper
- P Quignon
- Pelletier V Virginia
- Pennsylvania V Patterson
- R A Stockham
- R A Stockham
- R Becker
- R Gerritsen
- R H Settle
- R Hunt
- Roberts V Maryland
- S A Mackenzie
- S E
- S Tacher
- S W
- Schalansky
- Schell V. Georgia
- Schoon
- See Meyers V
- Settle
- T Jezierski
- T Uchida
- Tacher
- Terrell V Maryland
- Terrell V Maryland
- V E Negus
- W G Syrotuck
- W Neuhaus
- W Neuhaus
- W Neuhaus
- Washington V
- Washington V Burnice
- Washington V Douangdala
- Washington V Ellis
- Washington V Lathim
- Washington V Nicholas
- Washington V Salazar-Rodriguez
- Washington V Welker
- Williams
- X N Zeng
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
A Broken System: Error Rates in Capital Cases, 1973-1995
- Author
- * In
- * In
- * In Re Brown
- *state V
- . . . Alabama
- . . . Arkansas
- . . . California
- . . . Delaware
- . . . Florida
- . . . Georgia
- . . . Indiana
- . . . Kentucky
- . . . Key
- . . . Louisiana
- . . . Maryland
- . . . Mississippi
- . . . Missouri
- . . . Montana
- . . . Nebraska
- . . . Nevada
- . . Arizona
- . . Idaho
- . . Illinois
- / Bowen
- / Brandley
- / Cervi
- / Christy
- / Jimerson
- / Knapp/Arizona
- / Mazzan
- / Munson
- / Parker
- / Roman
- / Serna
- / Smith
- / Taylor
- / Troedel
- / Wilkins
- / Williamson
- /Tennessee Mark Houston
- /Texas
- Adrian Tisdale
- App
- B Stephen
- Banks V
- Bowen V Maynard
- Brimmer/Tennessee
- Brown V
- C Spann/South Carolina Professor John
- Carriger V Stewart
- Codianna V Utah
- Denise Young
- Douglas G Morris
- Earl Washington
- Edwin Ex Parte
- Engberg V Wyoming
- Esq Laura Wightman Fitzsimmons
- Ex Parte
- Harris V Wood
- Hudgins/South
- Iac &
- Jackson V *chauncey
- James C Lohman
- James S. Liebman
- Jb = 1
- Jb = 3
- Jeffrey Fagan
- Joe Jackson
- John M Baker
- Jordan Ex Parte
- Joseph Giarratano
- Jurek/Texas
- Miranda/Nevada Professor Eric Freedman
- Monroe V Blackburn
- Munsey/North
- N D Ga
- Ng = 1
- Ng = 2
- Ng = 2
- O Iac &
- Oscar Morris
- Pm = 1
- Pse = 13
- Pse = 2
- Pse = 4
- Pse = 5
- Purtell Ex Parte
- Rp = 2
- Rp =1
- Sheridan V
- Spann/South
- State
- State V John Michael
- State V Jordan
- State V. Raymond Tison
- Sylvester Smith
- Torres-Arboleda V. State
- Valerie West
- Washington
- Wheat/Mississippi Prof
- Wilson In Re
- Wilson V Wainwright
- Womack Ex Parte
- Young V State
- Zeigler V Dugger
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Evidence in the Age of Privacy: Access to Data in the Criminal Justice System
- Author
- &
- See
- Ala Alabama
- Alaska Alaska
- Amar
- Ann
- Ann
- Anna Roberts
- Ariz Rev Arizona
- Ark Arkansas
- Bd
- C F R
- C F R
- C F R
- Cf
- Ch
- Colo Rev Colorado
- Conn Gen Connecticut
- Del Delaware
- Derrick Bell
- E G
- E G See
- E G See
- F Supp
- Fla Florida
- G A Georgia
- Haw Rev Hawaii
- I I Nardone
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Idaho Idaho
- Illinois
- Ind Indiana
- Kan Kansas
- Ky Rev Kentucky
- L A Louisiana
- L Pitt
- Legislative History
- M D Maryland
- M E Maine
- M O Missouri
- Mass Gen Massachusetts
- Mich Michigan
- Minn Minnesota
- Miss Mississippi
- Mont Montana
- N C North Carolina
- N D North Dakota
- N J New Jersey
- Neb Nebraska
- Nev Rev Nevada
- New Hampshire
- O R Oregon
- Ohio Ohio
- Okla Oklahoma
- Orin S Cf
- Orin S Kerr
- Pennsylvania
- Rebecca Wexler
- Rhode Island
- S C South Carolina
- S D South Dakota
- Tenn Tennessee
- Tex Texas
- The Reed Amar
- U S
- U S C
- U S C
- U S C
- U S C
- U S Nbc V
- Utah Utah
- V A Virginia
- V T Vermont
- Wash Rev Washington
- West Virginia
- William N Eskridge
- Wis Wisconsin
- Wyo Wyoming
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Prepared Statement, Hearing on 'The State of Class Actions Ten Years after the Class Action Fairness Act'
- Author
- . L Tex
- . L Vand
- Ag V Daimler
- Alabama Judiciary
- Alaska Judiciary
- Arizona Judiciary
- Arkansas Judiciary
- Carolina North
- Carolina South
- Center
- Colorado Judiciary
- Dakota North
- Dakota South
- Delaware Judiciary
- E G
- E G Center
- E G Kevin
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- Elizabeth Schneider
- Emery G See
- Florida Judiciary
- Georgia Judiciary
- Hadfield
- Hawaii Judiciary
- Illinois Judiciary
- Indiana Judiciary
- Iowa Judiciary
- J
- J Mcintyre Machinery
- Judiciary Rhode Island
- K Gillian
- Kansas Judiciary
- Kentucky Judiciary
- Law &
- Louisiana Judiciary
- Maine Judiciary
- Margo Schlanger
- Maryland Judiciary
- Massachusetts Judiciary
- Michigan Judiciary
- Minnesota Judiciary
- Mississippi Judiciary
- Missouri Judiciary
- Montana Judiciary
- Nebraska Judiciary
- Nevada Judiciary
- New Hampshire Judiciary
- New Mexico Judiciary
- New York Judiciary
- Ohio Judiciary
- Oklahoma Judiciary
- Patricia W Hatamyar Moore
- Patricia W Moore
- Patricia W. Hatamyar Moore
- Penn L Rev
- Pennsylvania Judiciary
- Rev
- Richard Alderman
- Richard Reuben
- Richmond L Rev
- See Jean
- Tennessee Judiciary
- Terence Dunworth
- Terence Dunworth
- Theodore Eisenberg
- Utah Judiciary
- Vermont Judiciary
- Virginia Judiciary
- Washington Judiciary
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin Judiciary
- Wyoming Judiciary
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Time-In-Cell: The ASCA-Liman 2014 National Survey of Administrative Segregation in Prison
- Author
- A R Nevada
- Admin Ohio
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Andrea J Sedlak &
- Arizona
- Arizona
- Arizona
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Arkansas
- Asca-Liman
- Asca-Liman
- Asca-Liman
- Asca-Liman
- Burke See
- C M R Massachusetts
- C North Carolina
- Cal California
- Cal California
- California
- California
- Christie Thompson
- Colo Rev See
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Colorado
- Cong
- Conn
- Connecticut
- Connecticut
- Consent Order
- Cor Hawaii
- Cor Hawaii
- Cor Hawaii
- Cor Hawaii
- Cor Hawaii
- Corey Guilmette
- D C Pennsylvania
- D C Pennsylvania
- D C Pennsylvania
- D D Minnesota
- Delaware
- Delaware
- Devon E. Porter
- Diana Li
- Doc Maine
- Doc Maine
- Doc Maryland
- Doc Maryland
- Doc Tennessee
- Doc Washington
- Doc Washington
- Doc Washington
- Doc Washington
- Doc Wisconsin
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E-Mail From
- Elizabeth Bennion
- Elli Marcus
- Emily Bazelon
- Fla Florida
- Fla Florida
- Florida Admin
- Gen Mass
- Gen Mass
- Genty
- Georgia
- Georgia
- Georgia
- Giovanna Shay
- Glossip V Gross
- H B See
- Hawaii
- Hope Metcalf
- Human See
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Idaho
- Idaho
- Ill Illinois
- Ill Illinois
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Indiana
- Inter-American Honduras
- Iowa
- Iowa
- Iowa
- Iowa
- Iowa
- Iowa
- James J Citing
- Jean Casella
- Jeffrey L Meltzer
- Johanna Kalb
- Josh Nuni
- Juan Mendez
- Judith Resnik
- Justice Kennedy Cited Fatos Kaba
- Kansas
- Kansas
- Kansas
- Kansas
- Kenneth Mcginnis
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Kentucky
- Keramet Reiter
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Liman
- Lisa Coleen Kerr
- M Philip
- M S Mississippi
- Maine
- Maine
- Maine
- Margo Schlanger
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts
- Materials%2012%2017%2013
- Mich Michigan
- Michigan
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Minnesota
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Mississippi
- Mississippi
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Missouri
- Missouri
- Missouri
- Mohr
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Nevada
- Nevada
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- North Dakota
- O P Virginia
- O P Virginia
- O P Virginia
- O P Virginia
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma
- Parsons V Stipulation
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania
- R J V Jones
- Rev Colo
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- S D Ohio
- Sarah Baumgartel
- See Boudin
- See E G Gen Conn
- See Liman
- Sharon Dolovich
- Sharon Dolovich
- T Ashbel
- Tennessee
- Tennessee
- Tennessee
- Tennessee
- Tennessee
- Terry A Kupers
- Those Six Were California
- U
- U N Esc
- U S The
- Vermont
- Vermont
- Vermont
- Vermont
- Vermont
- Washington
- Washington
- Washington Texas
- West Virginia
- Williams V Hobbs
- Wis Wisconsin
- Wis Wisconsin
- Wis Wisconsin
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Wyoming
- Wyoming
- Wyoming
- Wyoming
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
The AKR1B1 inhibitor epalrestat suppresses the progression of cervical cancer
- Author
- A Adey
- A Schwab
- B Yang
- Cancer Genome Atlas Research N Albert Einstein College of M, Analytical Biological S, Barretos Cancer H, Baylor College of M, Beckman Research Institute of City of H, Buck Institute for Research on A, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences C, Harvard Medical S, Helen FGCC, Research Institute at Christiana Care Health S, HudsonAlpha Institute for B, Ilsbio LLC, Indiana University School of M, Institute of Human V, Institute for Systems B, International Genomics C, Leidos B, Massachusetts General H, McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington U, Medical College of W, Medical University of South C, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer C, Montefiore Medical C, NantOmics, National Cancer I, National Hospital AN, National Human Genome Research I, National Institute of Environmental Health S, National Institute on D, Other Communication D, Ontario Tumour Bank LHSC, Ontario Tumour Bank OIfCR, Ontario Tumour Bank TOH, Oregon H, Science U, Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute C-SMC, International SRA, St Joseph's Candler Health S, Eli, Edythe LBIoMIoT, Harvard U, Research Institute at Nationwide Children's H, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins U, University of B, University of Texas MDACC, University of Abuja Teaching H, University of Alabama at B, University of California I, University of California Santa C, University of Kansas Medical C, University of L, University of New Mexico Health Sciences C, University of North Carolina at Chapel H, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences C, University of P, University of Sao Paulo RaPMS, University of Southern C, University of W, University of Wisconsin School of M, Public H, Van Andel Research I, Washington University in St L
- CT Charlesworth
- D Gupta
- F Bray
- F Janku
- F Zhao
- Feng Jiang
- G Hoxhaj
- GA Koning
- H Li
- I Crespo
- J He
- JE Torres-Mena
- Jie Ji
- Juan Zhou
- K Taniguchi
- K Yama
- KA Reddy
- KT Simms
- L Zhang
- M Drolet
- M Gomez-Herranz
- M Plebuch
- MB Xiao
- Min-Xue Xu
- Ming-Bing Xiao
- MJ Zhou
- PA Cohen
- R Gupta
- RBS Roden
- RE Sachs
- RL Siegel
- S Li
- S Suomela
- S Yao
- Sheng-Ze Zhu
- SQ Zhang
- SR Ferdosi
- T Malagon
- Tian-Yang Qian
- V Cheriyath
- V Cheriyath
- V Cheriyath
- V Keskar
- VK Pidugu
- VT Banala
- W Zhang
- W Zheng
- Wei-Song Xu
- X Chen
- X Wu
- XH Zhang
- Y Liu
- Z Pan
- Zhao-Xiu Liu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Class is Greener on the Other Side: How Private Donations to Public Schools Play into Fair Funding
- Author
- &
- Aaron Y Tang
- Abigail Frisch
- Ala
- Alabama Ala
- Ann
- Ann Stat
- Ann Utah Code
- Ann Utah Code
- Ann Utah Code
- Ariz
- Ariz
- Ariz
- Ariz
- Arizona Ariz
- Ark
- Ark
- B William
- C Code Ann
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ga
- Code Ind
- Code Ind
- Code Ind
- Code Ind
- Code Mont
- Code Mont
- Code Mont
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Tenn
- Code Va
- Code Va
- Code Va
- Code Va
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Colo
- Comp
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Conn
- Connecticut Conn
- Del
- Del
- Del
- Fla
- Fla
- Fla
- Florida Fla
- Ga
- Georgia Ga
- Haw
- Haw
- Haw
- Haw
- Haw
- Haw
- Hawaii Haw
- I A St � 256
- Ill
- Ill
- Ill
- Ill
- Illinois Ill
- Ind
- Indiana Ind
- Jeffery D Van Volkenburg
- Kan
- Kan
- Kan
- Kansas Kan
- Kentucky Ky
- Kristi Dosh
- Ky
- Ky
- La Stat
- La Stat
- Louisiana La
- M D Maryland
- M Stat
- Maine Me
- Mass
- Massachusetts Mass
- Md
- Me
- Me
- Mich
- Mich
- Mich
- Mich
- Mich
- Michigan Mich
- Minn
- Minn
- Minn
- Minn
- Minnesota Minn
- Miss
- Miss
- Miss
- Miss
- Mississippi Miss
- Missouri Mo
- Mo
- Mo
- Mont
- N C
- N C
- N C
- N C
- N C
- N C Gen
- N C North Carolina
- N D
- N D
- N D
- N D
- N D Cent
- N H N H
- N J Stat
- N J Stat
- N J Stat
- N J Stat
- N J Stat
- N J Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N M Stat
- N Y Educ
- N Y Pub
- Neb
- Nebraska Neb
- Nev
- Nev
- Nev
- Nevada Nev
- New Hampshire
- Ohio Rev
- Ohio Rev
- Okla
- R C Ohio
- R I Gen
- R I Gen
- Richard A Kaplan
- Richard D Kahlenberg
- Robinson V Cahill
- S
- S C Code Ann
- S C Code Ann
- S C Code Ann
- S C Code Ann
- S C Code Ann
- S D
- S D South Dakota
- S William
- Tex
- Tex
- Tex
- Tex
- Tex
- Ushomirsky &
- Ushomirsky &
- Utah Utah Admin
- Va
- Va
- Va
- Va
- Va
- Va
- Vermont Vt
- Virginia Va
- W Va
- W Va
- W Va
- Washington Wash Rev
- West Virginia
- William E Thro
- Wis
- Wisconsin Wis
- Wyo
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
- …