118 research outputs found

    Histological and Morphometrical Studies on the Ampulla of the Deferent Duct of Donkey (Equus Asinus) in Different Seasons

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    The objective of this study is to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the ampulla ductus defrentis during different seasons of the year. The experiment was carried out on the ampulla of the deferent duct of 24 sexually mature apparently healthy male donkeys (5 to 7 years) distributed over the four seasons of the year. Both the lamina epithelialis and the epithelium lining the ampullary glands of the donkey showed highly significant (P < 0.01) seasonal variations. The interstitial tissue/ glandular tissue ratio of the ampullary glands showed as seasonal variations. The glandular epithelium of the ampullary glands of donkey had strong PAS positive reaction. This reaction decreased gradually during summer and autumn to reach its minimal amount during winter. In conclusions, the ampullary glands of donkey appeared more active during spring and this activity decreased gradually during the summer and autumn to reach it lowest activity during winter

    Histological and Histochemical Studies on the Ampulla of the Deferent Duct of Donkey (Equus asinus)

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    The present study was performed on the ampulla of the deferent duct of 24 sexually mature apparently healthy male donkeys (5 to 7 years) distributed over the four seasons of the year. The ampullary glands were branched tubulo-alveolar in type which they were opened in a central lumen. The luminal and the glandular epithelium were formed of principal and basal cells. Singly scattered rod- shaped cells were observed among the principal cells. PAS positive reactivity was observed in the surface and the glandular epithelium of the ampulla ductus deferentis. Only the luminal contents and the secretory materials attached to the apical border of the principal cells, showed positive reactivity for alcian blue. The present study presents the first description of the ampulla ductus deferentis of donkey. In addition to, it acts as a reservoir for sperms it had a secretory function for neutral and acid mucopolysaccharid

    Organizational Intelligence and its Relationship to Administrative Excellence among the Principals of Private Schools in the Capital, Amman

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    The study aimed to identify the level of organizational intelligence and administrative excellence among private school principals in the capital, Amman, from the teachers ’point of view, and the relationship between them. the relational descriptive approach was used to achieve the aim of the study, also the study sample consisted of (396) male and female teachers, who work in Private schools affiliated to the directorates of the capital, Amman two questionnaires were developed: the first consists of (42) items about organizational intelligence the second consists of (34) items about administrative excellence. according to this the results showed that the level of organizational intelligence and administrative excellence among private school principals is high, and there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between the level of organizational intelligence of managers and the level of managerial excellence. According to these results, several recommendations were made, the most important of them are establishing a department specialized in organizational intelligence in all educational institutions, holding workshops to study gaps in organizational intelligence, and engaging school principals in training programs and courses to enable them to achieve administrative excellence in educational institution

    Effects of Cannabis sativa extract on haloperidol-induced catalepsy and oxidative stress in the mice

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    Haloperidol is a classic antipsychotic drug known for its propensity to cause extrapyramidal symptoms due to blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the striatum. Interest in medicinal uses of cannabis is growing. Cannabis sativa has been suggested as a possible adjunctive in treatment of Parkinson's disease. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of repeated administration of an extract of Cannabis sativa on catalepsy and brain oxidative stress induced by haloperidol administration in mice. Cannabis extract was given by subcutaneous route at 5, 10 or 20 mg/kg (expressed as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol) once daily for 18 days and the effect on haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced catalepsy was examined at selected time intervals using the bar test. Mice were euthanized 18 days after starting cannabis injection when biochemical assays were carried out. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (the concentrations of nitrite/nitrate) were determined in brain and liver. In saline-treated mice, no catalepsy was observed at doses of cannabis up to 20 mg/kg. Mice treated with haloperidol at the dose of 1 mg/kg, exhibited significant cataleptic response. Mice treated with cannabis and haloperidol showed significant decrease in catalepsy duration, compared with the haloperidol only treated group. This decrease in catalepsy duration was evident on days 1-12 after starting cannabis injection. Later the effect of cannabis was not ap-parent. The administration of only cannabis (10 or 20 mg/kg) decreased brain MDA by 17.5 and 21.8 %, respectively. The level of nitric oxide decreased by 18 % after cannabis at 20 mg/kg. Glucose in brain decreased by 20.1 % after 20 mg/kg of cannabis extract. The administration of only haloperidol increased MDA (22.2 %), decreased GSH (25.7 %) and increased brain nitric oxide by 44.1 %. The administration of cannabis (10 or 20 mg/kg) to haloperidol-treated mice resulted in a significant decrease in brain MDA and nitric oxide as well as a significant increase in GSH and glucose compared with the haloperidol-control group. Cannabis had no significant effects on liver MDA, GSH, nitric oxide in saline or haloperidol-treated mice. It is concluded that cannabis improves catalepsy induced by haloperidol though the effect is not maintained on repeated cannabis administration. Cannabis alters the oxidative status of the brain in favor of reducing lipid peroxidation, but reduces brain glucose, which would impair brain energetics

    Exhausted Grape Seed Residues as a Valuable Source of Antioxidant Molecules for the Formulation of Biocompatible Cosmetic Scrubs

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    Grape seed of Obeidi, a white Lebanese autochthonous variety, was previously tested in different studies as a valuable source of bioactive molecules such as polyphenols, oils, and proteins by means of extraction procedures for the development of cosmetic and therapeutic products. However, an un-valorized, exhausted grape seed residue remains as "secondary waste" after the extraction processes. In this study, the exhausted seeds have been further exploited to produce cosmetic scrubs capable of releasing antioxidant molecules during the exfoliation process, in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and going toward a zero-waste process. The deep characterization of the exhausted seeds confirmed the presence of antioxidant phenolic molecules including gallic acid, catechins and protocatechuic acid (0.13, 0.126, and 0.089 mg/g of dry matter DM), and a high phenolic content (11.85 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of dry matter (DM)). Moreover, these residues were shown to possess a sandy texture (Hausner ratio (HR): 1.154, Carr index (CI): 0.133, and angle of repose: 31.62 (& DEG;) degrees), similar to commercial natural exfoliants. In this respect, exhausted Obeidi grape seed residues were incorporated at increasing concentrations (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% w/w) in a cosmetic scrub, and stored for 5 weeks at 4, 25, and 50 & DEG;C for stability testing. All tested scrub formulations exhibited good spreadability with a spread diameter of 3.6-4.7 cm and excellent physical stability, as no phase separation or color change were observed after four cycles of heat shock at 4 and 50 & DEG;C. Finally, an in vivo skin irritation test showed that the scrub enriched with 1.5% of exhausted Obeidi grape seed residues was the most promising formulation, as it possessed a high amount of phenolic molecules (0.042 & PLUSMN; 0.001 mg GAE/mL of scrub) and good stability and could be safely applied to the skin with no irritation phenomena. Overall results underlined that exhausted grape seed residues can be transformed into promising systems for both physical and chemical exfoliation, thus confirming the importance of the effective exploitation of agro-industrial by-products for the development of high value cosmeceutics towards a more sustainable and zero-waste approach

    Future scenarios of green hydrogen in the MENA countries: the case of Egypt

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    Green hydrogen is a clean and renewable energy source that has the potential to play a major role in decarbonizing the global economy. Green hydrogen has become a promising decarbonization strategy for several industries, including transportation and manufacturing. The widespread use of green hydrogen technology still confronts several obstacles, such as high costs, a lack of infrastructure, and regulatory restrictions. The paper commences by examining the potential of green hydrogen production in MENA countries with a specific emphasis on Egypt as best practice example. It proceeds to identify the key drivers that will shape future scenarios of green hydrogen and outlines the best and worst-case scenarios for green hydrogen in MENA region by 2050. Through scenario analysis, the paper presents potential pathways for green hydrogen deployment in Egypt and the wider MENA countries, highlighting key drivers and potential barriers. According to the findings, Egypt emerges as pivotal player in driving the deployment of green hydrogen within the MENA region. The MENA region, rich in solar and wind resources and strategically located, emerges as a potent hub for green hydrogen production. Egypt, in particular, is at the forefront of this initiative, aiming to become a key exporter in the global hydrogen economy by leveraging its renewable resources, strategic projects, and conducive investment environment. The study employs a multifaceted methodology, integrating PEST analysis and identifying key drivers like renewable targets and technological advancements to assess green hydrogen’s potential in the MENA region, focusing on Egypt. It constructs best- and worst-case scenarios by 2050, utilizing these drivers to evaluate the implications of various influencing factors. In the best-case scenario, by 2050, Egypt aspires to be a pivotal player in the global green hydrogen economy, aiming for up to 8% market share. Through strategic investments, policy enhancements, and global partnerships, Egypt plans to become a major exporter, particularly to the European Union, aligning with global decarbonization goals. Comprehensive strategies are expected to drive economic prosperity, potentially increasing Egypt's GDP by $10-18 billion by 2025. Collaborations with global entities have fostered a robust infrastructure, enabling an integrated ecosystem for green hydrogen innovation and production

    Circular economy in Egypt: an overview of the current landscape and potential for growth

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    This paper provides an overview of the circular economy in Egypt. With the country facing significant environmental challenges, a circular economy approach can offer sustainable solutions to Egypt's environmental challenges by addressing issues like limited resources, waste generation, and a growing population in an eco-friendly and long-term perspective. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, including a literature review, surveys, and consultations with key stakeholders. The analysis reveals that although there are numerous challenges to establishing a circular economy in Egypt, such as limited understanding, insufficient government backing, and inadequate infrastructure, there are also opportunities, such as increasing demand for eco-friendly goods and services, as well as a receptive business environment. The paper recommends various policy and practical interventions to overcome these barriers and capitalize on these opportunities, including increasing awareness and understanding of the circular economy, developing supportive programs and regulations, investing in infrastructure and technology, and fostering stakeholder collaboration. This paper provides valuable insights into the potential for a circular economy in Egypt and the steps that can be taken to create a more sustainable future for the country. As such, it will interest policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working in the sustainability and environmental management field. The successful implementation of a circular economy in Egypt will require collective efforts from stakeholders to promote long-term sustainability and environmental stewardship

    Dietary Crocin is Protective in Pancreatic Cancer while Reducing Radiation-Induced Hepatic Oxidative Damage

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    Pancreatic cancer is one of the fatal causes of global cancer-related deaths. Although surgery and chemotherapy are standard treatment options, post-treatment outcomes often end in a poor prognosis. In the present study, we investigated anti-pancreatic cancer and amelioration of radiation-induced oxidative damage by crocin. Crocin is a carotenoid isolated from the dietary herb saffron, a prospect for novel leads as an anti-cancer agent. Crocin significantly reduced cell viability of BXPC3 and Capan-2 by triggering caspase signaling via the downregulation of Bcl-2. It modulated the expression of cell cycle signaling proteins P53, P21, P27, CDK2, c-MYC, Cyt-c and P38. Concomitantly, crocin treatment-induced apoptosis by inducing the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol. Microarray analysis of the expression signature of genes induced by crocin showed a substantial number of genes involved in cell signaling pathways and checkpoints (723) are significantly affected by crocin. In mice bearing pancreatic tumors, crocin significantly reduced tumor burden without a change in body weight. Additionally, it showed significant protection against radiation-induced hepatic oxidative damage, reduced the levels of hepatic toxicity and preserved liver morphology. These findings indicate that crocin has a potential role in the treatment, prevention and management of pancreatic cancer

    Determination of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and ammonia in ambient air using the passive sampling method associated with ion chromatographic and potentiometric analyses

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    Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and ammonia (NH3) were determined in the ambient air of Al-Ain city over a year using the passive sampling method associated with ion chromatographic and potentiometric detections. IVL samplers were used for collecting nitrogen and sulfur dioxides whereas Ogawa samplers were used for collecting ozone and ammonia. Five sites representing the industrial, traffic, commercial, residential, and background regions of the city were monitored in the course of this investigation. Year average concentrations of ≤59.26, 15.15, 17.03, and 11.88 μg/m3 were obtained for NO2, SO2, O3, and NH3, respectively. These values are lower than the maxima recommended for ambient air quality standards by the local environmental agency and the world health organization. Results obtained were correlated with the three meteorological parameters: humidity, wind speed, and temperature recorded during the same period of time using the paired t test, probability p values, and correlation coefficients. Humidity and wind speed showed insignificant effects on NO2, SO2, O3, and NH3 concentrations at 95% confidence level. Temperature showed insignificant effects on the concentrations of NO2 and NH3 while significant effects on SO2 and O3 were observed. Nonlinear correlations (R2 ≤ 0.722) were obtained for the changes in measured concentrations with changes in the three meteorological parameters. Passive samplers were shown to be not only precise (RSD ≤ 13.57) but also of low cost, low technical demand, and expediency in monitoring different locations
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