267 research outputs found

    F-16XL Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes/Large Eddy Simulation on Unstructured Grids

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    The Cranked-Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Project International investigation is continued with the FUN3D and USM3D flow solvers to fuse flight test, wind-tunnel test, and simulation of swept-wing aerodynamic features. Simulations of a low-speed, high-angle-of-attack condition are compared: detached-eddy simulation, modified delayed detached-eddy simulation, and the SpalartAllmaras Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes model. Isosurfaces of Q criterion show the development of coherent primary and secondary vortices on the upper surface of the wing that spiral, burst, and commingle. Mean detached-eddy simulation and modified delayed detached-eddy simulation pressures better predict the flight-test measurements than SpalartAllmaras model predictions, especially on the outer-wing section. The USM3D simulations predicted many sharp tones in volume point pressure spectra with low broadband noise, and the FUN3D simulations predicted more broadband noise with weaker tones. Spectra of the volume points near the outer-wing leading edge were primarily broadband for both codes. Time-averaged forces are very similar between FUN3D simulations and between USM3D simulations, but FUN3D predicts slightly higher lift and lower drag than USM3D. There is more variation in the pitching moment predictions. Spectra of the unsteady forces and moment are mostly broadband for FUN3D and tonal for USM3D simulations

    Numerical Investigation of Flow in an Over-Expanded Nozzle with Porous Surfaces

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    A new porous condition has been implemented in the PAB3D solver for simulating the flow over porous surfaces. The newly-added boundary condition is utilized to compute the flow field of a non-axisymmetric, convergent-divergent nozzle incorporating porous cavities for shock-boundary layer interaction control. The nozzle has an expansion ratio (exit area/throat area) of 1.797 and a design nozzle pressure ratio of 8.78. The flow fields for a baseline nozzle (no porosity) and for a nozzle with porous surfaces (10% porosity ratio) are computed for NPR varying from 2.01 to 9.54. Computational model results indicate that the over-expanded nozzle flow was dominated by shock-induced boundary-layer separation. Porous configurations were capable of controlling off-design separation in the nozzle by encouraging stable separation of the exhaust flow. Computational simulation results, wall centerline pressure, mach contours, and thrust efficiency ratio are presented and discussed. Computed results are in excellent agreement with experimental data

    F-16XL Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes/Large Eddy Simulation on Unstructured Grids

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    This study continues the Cranked Arrow Wing Aerodynamics Program, International (CAWAPI) investigation with the FUN3D and USM3D flow solvers. CAWAPI was established to study the F-16XL, because it provides a unique opportunity to fuse fight test, wind tunnel test, and simulation to understand the aerodynamic features of swept wings. The high-lift performance of the cranked-arrow wing planform is critical for recent and past supersonic transport design concepts. Simulations of the low speed high angle of attack Flight Condition 25 are compared: Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), Modi ed Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (MDDES), and the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) RANS model. Iso- surfaces of Q criterion show the development of coherent primary and secondary vortices on the upper surface of the wing that spiral, burst, and commingle. SA produces higher pressure peaks nearer to the leading-edge of the wing than flight test measurements. Mean DES and MDDES pressures better predict the flight test measurements, especially on the outer wing section. Vorticies and vortex-vortex interaction impact unsteady surface pressures. USM3D showed many sharp tones in volume points spectra near the wing apex with low broadband noise and FUN3D showed more broadband noise with weaker tones. Spectra of the volume points near the outer wing leading-edge was primarily broadband for both codes. Without unsteady flight measurements, the flight pressure environment can not be used to validate the simulations containing tonal or broadband spectra. Mean forces and moment are very similar between FUN3D models and between USM3D models. Spectra of the unsteady forces and moment are broadband with a few sharp peaks for USM3D

    Computational Analysis of the Effect of Porosity on Shock Cell Strength at Cruise

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    A computational flow field analysis is presented of the effect of core cowl porosity on shock cell strength for a modern separate flow nozzle at cruise conditions. The goal of this study was to identify the primary physical mechanisms by which the application of porosity can reduce shock cell strength and hence the broadband shock associated noise. The flow is simulated by solving the asymptotically steady, compressible, Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes equations on a structured grid using an implicit, up-wind, flux-difference splitting finite volume scheme. The standard two-equation k - epsilon turbulence model with a linear stress representation is used with the addition of a eddy viscosity dependence on total temperature gradient normalized by local turbulence length scale. Specific issues addressed in this study were the optimal area required to weaken a shock impinging on the core cowl surface and the optimal level of porosity and placement of porous areas for reduction of the overall shock cell strength downstream. Two configurations of porosity were found to reduce downstream shock strength by approximately 50%

    Unstructured CFD and Noise Prediction Methods for Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustics

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    Using unstructured mesh CFD methods for Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustics (PAA) analysis has the distinct advantage of precise and fast computational mesh generation for complex propulsion and airframe integration arrangements that include engine inlet, exhaust nozzles, pylon, wing, flaps, and flap deployment mechanical parts. However, accurate solution values of shear layer velocity, temperature and turbulence are extremely important for evaluating the usually small noise differentials of potential applications to commercial transport aircraft propulsion integration. This paper describes a set of calibration computations for an isolated separate flow bypass ratio five engine nozzle model and the same nozzle system with a pylon. These configurations have measured data along with prior CFD solutions and noise predictions using a proven structured mesh method, which can be used for comparison to the unstructured mesh solutions obtained in this investigation. This numerical investigation utilized the TetrUSS system that includes a Navier-Stokes solver, the associated unstructured mesh generation tools, post-processing utilities, plus some recently added enhancements to the system. New features necessary for this study include the addition of two equation turbulence models to the USM3D code, an h-refinement utility to enhance mesh density in the shear mixing region, and a flow adaptive mesh redistribution method. In addition, a computational procedure was developed to optimize both solution accuracy and mesh economy. Noise predictions were completed using an unstructured mesh version of the JeT3D code

    Computational Analysis of the Flow and Acoustic Effects of Jet-Pylon Interaction

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    Computational simulation and prediction tools were used to understand the jet-pylon interaction effect in a set of bypass-ratio five core/fan nozzles. Results suggest that the pylon acts as a large scale mixing vane that perturbs the jet flow and jump starts the jet mixing process. The enhanced mixing and associated secondary flows from the pylon result in a net increase of noise in the first 10 diameters of the jet s development, but there is a sustained reduction in noise from that point downstream. This is likely the reason the pylon nozzle is quieter overall than the baseline round nozzle in this case. The present work suggests that focused pylon design could lead to advanced pylon shapes and nozzle configurations that take advantage of propulsion-airframe integration to provide additional noise reduction capabilities

    Crocin Inhibits Angiogenesis and Metastasis in Colon Cancer via TNF-α/NF-kB/VEGF Pathways

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    Angiogenesis and metastasis play pivotal roles in the progression of cancer. We recently discovered that crocin, a dietary carotenoid derived from the Himalayan crocus, inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells. However, the exact role of crocin on the angiogenesis and metastasis in colorectal cancer remains unclear. In the present study, we demonstrated that crocin significantly reduces the viability of colon cancer cells (HT-29, Caco-2) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), but was not toxic to human colon epithelial (HCEC) cells. Furthermore, pre-treatment of human carcinoma cells (HT-29 and Caco-2) with crocin inhibited cell migration, invasion, and angiogenesis in concentration -dependent manner. Further studies demonstrated that crocin inhibited TNF-α, NF-κB and VEGF pathways in colon carcinoma cell angiogenesis and metastasis. Crocin also inhibited cell migration, invasion, and tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) in a concentration -dependent manner. We also observed that crocin significantly reduced the secretion of VEGF and TNF-α induced activation of NF-kB by human colon carcinoma cells. In the absence of TNF-α, a concentration-dependent reduction in NF-kB was observed. Many of these observations were confirmed by in vivo angiogenesis models, which showed that crocin significantly reduced the progression of tumour growth. Collectively, these finding suggest that crocin inhibits angiogenesis and colorectal cancer cell metastasis by targeting NF-kB and blocking TNF-α/NF-κB/VEGF pathways

    Exploiting the Metabolism of the Gut Microbiome as a Vehicle for Targeted Drug Delivery to the Colon

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    The prevalence of colon-associated diseases has increased significantly over the past several decades, as evidenced by accumulated literature on conditions such as Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, and ulcerative colitis. Developing therapeutics for these diseases is challenging due to physiological barriers of the colon, systemic side effects, and the intestinal environment. Therefore, in a search for novel methods to overcome some of these problems, researchers discovered that microbial metabolism by gut microbiotia offers a potential method for targeted drug delivery This overview highlights several drug delivery systems used to modulate the microbiota and improve colon-targeted drug delivery. This technology will be important in developing a new generation of therapies which harness the metabolism of the human gut microflora

    Nanoarchitectures in Management of Fungal Diseases: An Overview

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    Fungal infections, from mild itching to fatal infections, lead to chronic diseases and death. Antifungal agents have incorporated chemical compounds and natural products/phytoconstituents in the management of fungal diseases. In contrast to antibacterial research, novel antifungal drugs have progressed more swiftly because of their mild existence and negligible resistance of infections to antifungal bioactivities. Nanotechnology-based carriers have gained much attention due to their magnificent abilities. Nanoarchitectures have served as excellent carriers/drug delivery systems (DDS) for delivering antifungal drugs with improved antifungal activities, bioavailability, targeted action, and reduced cytotoxicity. This review outlines the different fungal diseases and their treatment strategies involving various nanocarrier-based techniques such as liposomes, transfersomes, ethosomes, transethosomes, niosomes, spanlastics, dendrimers, polymeric nanoparticles, polymer nanocomposites, metallic nanoparticles, carbon nanomaterials, and nanoemulsions, among other nanotechnological approaches