114 research outputs found

    The Acquisition of Past Temporality by Two ESL Learners at Different Levels of Proficiency

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    The acquisition of English past temporality has been a topic of discussion in the second language acquisition field. Most of the studies have looked at a case study or a group of learners of the same level of proficiency. The findings indicated that learners with low proficiency level keep relying on using the lexical means as their verbal morphology begin established. No study has compared between two case studies or two group of different level of proficiency to find whether this phenomenon can be true with learners of different level of proficiency. This study sought to find this by examining the development of English past temporality with two case studies of learners of English as a second language. Each learner was interviewed for 20 minutes. The results indicated that there is a difference between the two learners in terms of the level of English past temporality mastery. However, it was found that even the second learner has reached a level of mastery of English past temporality; he still relies on using the lexical means

    Effects of Cinnamon Water Extract as a Cariostatic Agent on Nicotine-Induced Streptococcus Mutans Biofilm

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of cinnamon water extract on nicotine-induced Streptococcus mutans biofilm. This study utilized S. mutans biofilm assays with varying concentrations of nicotine/cinnamon water extract levels. Design: A preliminary experiment was carried out to confirm the most likely effective concentration of cinnamon water extract on S. mutans biofilm. Then a 24-hour culture of S. mutans UA159 in microtiter plates was treated with varying nicotine concentrations (0-32 mg/ml) in TSBS at the same time with or without the optimum cinnamon water extract concentration. A spectrophotometer was used to determine total growth absorbance and planktonic growth. The microtiter plate wells were washed, fixed and stained with crystal violet dye and the absorbance measured to determine biofilm formation. Results: The results indicated that cinnamon water extract was able to inhibit biofilm formation significantly (p<0.05) at 5 mg/ml cinnamon water extract, therefore, 5 mg/ml of cinnamon water extract was recognized as the MIC for S. mutans biofilm formation. When combined with nicotine, cinnamon water extract sub-MIC (2.5 mg/ml) demonstrated a significant inhibitory effect (p<0.05) in biofilm and total absorbance measures at high concentrations of nicotine (8 mg/ml and above). In addition, cinnamon water extract showed a significant effect (p<0.05) at very low concentrations of nicotine (0.25 and 0.5 mg/ml) in all measures (biofilm, planktonic and total absorbance). However, at low concentrations of nicotine (2 and 4 mg/ml), there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in biofilm growth, whereas planktonic growth was significantly (p<0.05) decreased at the same concentrations. Conclusion: These results provided more evidence regarding the negative effects of nicotine and also demonstrated the positive influence of cinnamon water extract in reducing nicotine-induced biofilm formation, which needs be confirmed by in-vivo studies

    Comparison of Three Models Dealing with Working Memory and Its Dimensions in Second Language Acquisition

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    The current status of research on working memory (WM) and its components in second language acquisition (SLA) was examined in this review. Literature search was done on four aspects using search terms in Google Scholar. Hence, the review results are given and introduced. 1. In the definition of WM, some confusion exists on whether short term memory (STM) or recent memory is the same as WM or different. 2. In this review, three main models have been discussed elaborately, as they are the only ones discussed in literature. They are: multicomponent model of Baddeley (2000), embedded process model of Cowan (2005) and attention control model of Engle and Kane (2003). 3. The phonological and executive components of WM were examined in more detail, as these determine the two basic aspects of language acquisition: language characteristics and acquisition methods (Wen, 2012). Overall, the variables related to phonological and executive working memories are evident from published research, but their interactive relationships and affecting factors are not entirely clear. 4. Admittedly, several diverse internal and external factors affect WM in relation to SLA. Some practically useful interventions are indicated by certain findings

    Immediate feedback : a new mechanism for real-time feedback on classroom teaching practice

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    The proliferation of technology has re-defined the traditional learning environment. The classical classroom model of teacher to student delivery is changing as technology becomes more pervasive in educational environments. In addition, the availability of technology and the breadth of different device categories and platforms is a stark contrast to the traditional classroom, and the pervasiveness of low-cost devices provides opportunities to significantly re-define the learning environment. In this paper, we have developed a real-time feedback mechanism supported by technology to allow students and educators to assess comprehension in the teaching environment. Real-time feedback is input that is acquired whilst a teaching practice is ongoing, and the outcomes derived from the feedback mechanism have provided a strong pedagogical value to the learning environment. These benefits have been clearly elicited by the academic staff who trialled the system

    An Exploratory Study of HRM Practices in the Hospitality Sector of Saudi Arabia

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    Effective human resource management practices are considered to be very important for the overall success of an organization. We have investigated the prevailing human resource management practices in the hospitality sector of Saudi Arabia. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews from the human resource managers and general managers of hotels operating in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Finding of the study shows that proper human resource management practices are not adopted, especially very little attention is given to employees training and development and their performance appraisals. Mangers are confronted with a number of challenges due to ineffective human resource management practices. Limitations of the study and future research directions are given Keywords: HRM practices, Hospitality sector and Saudi Arabia

    Exploring Service Quality in the Hospitality Sector from the Perspective of Religious Tourists in Saudi Arabia

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    In a developing country like KSA some studies have explored individual concepts regarding service quality and customer satisfaction, but fewer if none have investigated their relationship in hotel industry. Clientsā€™ perceptions seem to be largely ignored by the management in hotel industry. Therefore, this study is a customer-centered one and focuses on examining service quality indicated by differences of clientsā€™ expectations and perceptions. It also examines the link between clientsā€™ perception and their overall satisfaction with hotel services. Respondents were interviewed using a modified SERVQUAL (Service quality) questionnaire. Results of the study reveals that relatively high customer perception scores were found for understanding of speci?c needs of client, individual attention by the company, interest in solving clientā€™s problems etc. and low perception was found for advanced reservation technology, employees behavior towards customers , just in time service etc. the article concludes by giving Future research directions and policy recommendations. Keywords: Service Quality, Religious Tourists, Perceptions, Saudi Arabia

    In vitro Cariostatic effects of cinnamon water extract on nicotine-induced Streptococcus mutans biofilm

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    Background: Dental caries is one of the most prevalent chronic oral diseases worldwide. Dental caries is mainly associated with Streptococcus mutans and the Lactobacillus species. A specific relationship was found between nicotine and S. mutans growth as the presence of nicotine increased S. mutans biofilm formation. Nicotine is able to increase the number of S. mutans and extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) synthesis. Among the widely used herbs and spices is cinnamon which demonstrated a strong antibacterial activity against a wide variety of bacteria including S. mutans and showed the ability to inhibit S. mutans biofilm formation. Cinnamon essential oil, obtained from the leaves of C. zeylanicum, has been demonstrated to be effective against S. mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus, which are partially responsible for dental plaque formation and caries development. The aim of this study was to identify the effects of nicotine exposure on the inhibitory effects of cinnamon water extract on S. mutans biofilm formation. Materials and methods: A 24-h culture of S. mutans UA159 in microtiter plates was treated with varying nicotine concentrations (0-32 mg/ml) in Tryptic Soy broth supplemented with 1% sucrose (TSBS) with or without a standardized concentration (2.5 mg/ml) of cinnamon water extract. A spectrophotometer was used to determine total growth absorbance and planktonic growth. The microtiter plate wells were washed, fixed and stained with crystal violet dye and the absorbance measured to determine biofilm formation. Results: The presence of 2.5 mg/ml cinnamon water extract inhibits nicotine-induced S. mutans biofilm formation from 34 to 98% at different concentrations of nicotine (0-32 mg/ml). Conclusion: The results demonstrated nicotine-induced S. mutans biofilm formation is decreased from 34 to 98% in the presence of 2.5 mg/ml cinnamon water extract. This provides further evidence about the biofilm inhibitory properties of cinnamon water extract and reconfirms the harmful effects of nicotine

    Risk and diagnostic factors and therapy outcome of neonatal early onset sepsis in ICU patients of Saudi Arabia: a systematic review and meta analysis

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    BackgroundNeonatal early onset sepsis (NEOS) is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition affecting newborns within the first few days of life. While the diagnosis of NEOS was based on clinical signs and symptoms in the past, recent years have seen growing interest in identifying specific diagnostic factors and optimizing therapy outcomes. This study aims to investigate the diagnostic and risk factors and therapy outcomes of neonatal EOS in ICU patients in Saudi Arabia, with the goal of improving the management of neonatal EOS in the country.MethodsThis method outlines the protocol development, search strategy, study selection, and data collection process for a systematic review on neonatal early onset sepsis in Saudi Arabian ICU patients, following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) is a well-established guideline that provides a framework for conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses in a transparent and standardized manner. It aims to improve the quality and reporting of such research by ensuring clear and comprehensive reporting of study methods, results, and interpretations. The search strategy included electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and the Cochrane Library) and manual search of relevant studies, and data were extracted using a standardized form.ResultsThe systematic review included 21 studies on neonatal sepsis in Saudi Arabia, with varying study designs, sample sizes, and prevalence rates of sepsis. Group B streptococcus and E. coli were the most commonly isolated pathogens. Various diagnostic factors and risk factors were reported, including hematological parameters, biomarkers, and blood cultures. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and Joanna Briggs Institute critical checklist.ConclusionsThe review identified a number of risk and diagnostic factors and therapy outcomes for neonatal sepsis. However, most of the studies were having small scale cohort groups. Further research with controlled study designs is needed to develop effective prevention and management strategies for neonatal sepsis in Saudi Arabia

    Oralne manifestacije u pedijatrijskih bolesnika zaraženih virusom humane imunodefi cijencije na antiretrovirusnoj terapiji i bez nje: presječno istraživanje

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    The aim of the study was to assess and compare oral manifestations of human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) infected pediatric patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART) and those not undergoing ART. A cross sectional study included HIV positive children (receiving and not receiving ART) aged 5-15 years, registered at the District Hospital ART Centre, Udaipur, and HIV negative schoolchildren. HIV related oral lesions were diagnosed according to the World Health Organization criteria. Sociodemographic and other related information were also recorded. CD4+ cell count was determined in all study subjects. The Ļ‡2 -test, stepwise multiple linear regression and logistic regression were used on statistical analysis. In all tests, confi dence interval and p-value were set at 95% and ā‰¤0.05, respectively. A greater proportion of HIV patients receiving treatment had CD4+ cell count of more than 750 cells/mm3 . The majority of HIV patients receiving ART for more than three years and only 20% of those not receiving ART were free from any oral lesions. The results of the present study demonstrated ART to be eff ective in reducing the prevalence of HIV related oral lesions, as already described in the literature; however, unlike previous studies, the present paper reports more valid fi ndings for having included most of the confounding variablesCilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti i usporediti oralne manifestacije u pedijatrijskih bolesnika zaraženih virusom humane imunodefi - cijencije (HIV) koji primaju antiretrovirusnu terapiju (ART) i onih koji ne primaju ovu terapiju. Ovo presječno istraživanje uključilo je HIV pozitivnu djecu (djecu koja primaju ART i djecu koja ne primaju ART) u dobi od 5-15 godina, registriranu pri Centru za ART u Pokrajinskoj bolnici u Udaipuru te HIV negativnu Å”kolsku djecu. Oralne promjene povezane s HIV-om dijagnosticirane su prema kriterijima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Prikupljeni su socio-demografski te ostali podaci za svu djecu uključenu u ispitivanje. U svih je određen broj CD4+ stanica. U statističkoj analizi primijenjen je Ļ‡2 -test te postupna viÅ”estruka linearna regresija i logistička regresija. U svim testovima interval vjerodostojnosti i vrijednost p utvrđeni su na razini od 95% odnosno ā‰¤0,05. Broj CD4+ stanica veći od 750 stanica/mm3 zabilježen je u većem postotku HIV bolesnika na ART. Bez oralnih promjena bila je većina HIV bolesnika koji su primali ART duže od tri godine, ali samo 20% onih koji nisu primali ART. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju da ART učinkovito snižava učestalost oralnih promjena povezanih s HIV-om, Å”to je već prije opisano u literaturi. Međutim, za razliku od prijaÅ”njih ispitivanja, nalazi prikazani u ovom radu imaju veću vrijednost, jer uključuju većinu čimbenika koji bi mogli utjecati na rezultate

    Clinical Management in Diagnosis and Treatment of the Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults: Systemic Review

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    This study aimed at exploring with a systematic review the clinical management in diagnosis and treatment of the iron deficiency anemia in adults, as the iron deficiency is the most frequent cause of anemia worldwide. And it impairs quality of life, increases asthenia and can lead to clinical worsening of patients. In addition, iron deficiency has a complex mechanism whose pathologic pathway is recently becoming better understood. This review summarizes the current knowledge regarding diagnostic algorithms for iron deficiency anemia. The majority of aetiologies occur in the digestive tract, and justify morphological examination of the gut. First line investigations are upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy, and when negative, the small bowel should be explored; newer tools such as video capsule endoscopy have also been developed. The treatment of iron deficiency is aetiological if possible and iron supplementation whether in oral or in parenteral form.
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