321 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis Berbasis Arduino Nano

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    Design an automatic plant watering device that uses the Arduino Nano platform as its base. The aim of this research is to develop an efficient and water- saving plant watering automation system. This tool is designed to monitor soil moisture and automatically water plants when soil moisture drops below a specified limit. This tool development method involves designing both hardware and software. On the hardware side, the soil moisture sensor and water pump are controlled by Arduino Nano, while on the software side, an Arduino program was developed to set the watering algorithm based on soil moisture data. Test results show that this tool can work well in maintaining the desired soil moisture level and reducing water waste. In the context of modern agriculture which increasingly demands resource efficiency, this automatic plant watering device can be a valuable solution for farmers and plant lovers. Additionally, integration with remote control via smartphone app provides ease of use and better monitoring. This research makes a positive contribution in developing agricultural automation technology that is environmentally friendly and sustainable


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    The objective of computer vision research is to endow computers with human-like perception to enable the capability to detect their surroundings, interpret the data they sense, take appropriate actions, and learn from their experiences to improve future performance. The area has progressed from using traditional pattern recognition and image processing technologies to advanced techniques in image understanding such as model-based and knowledge-based vision. In the past few years there has been a surge of interest in machine learning algorithms for computer vision-based applications. Machine learning technology has the potential to significantly contribute to the development of flexible and robust vision algorithms that will improve the performance of practical vision systems with a higher level of competence and greater generality. Additionally, the development of machine learning-based architectures has the potential to reduce system development time while simultaneously achieving the above-stated performance improvements. This work proposes the utilization of a computer vision-based approach that leverages machine and deep learning systems to aid the detection and identification of sow reproduction cycles by segmentation and object detection techniques. A lightweight machine learning system is proposed for object detection to address dataset collection issues in one of the most crucial and potentially lucrative farming applications. This technique was designed to detect the vulvae region in pre-estrous sows using a single thermal image. In the first experiment, the support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used after extracting features determined by 12 Gabor filters. The features are then concatenated with the features obtained from the Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) to produce the results of the first experiment. In the second experiment, the number of distinct Gabor filters used was increased from 12 to 96. The system is trained on cropped image windows and uses the Gaussian pyramid technique to look for the vulva in the input image. The resulting process is shown to be lightweight, simple, and robust when applied to and evaluated on a large number of images. The results from extensive qualitative and quantitative testing experiments are included. The experimental results include false detection, missing detection and favorable detection rates. The results indicate state-of-the-art accuracy. Additionally, the project was expanded by utilizing the You Only Look Once (YOLO) deep learning Object Detection models for fast object detection. The results from object detection have been used to label images for segmentation. The bounding box from the detected area was systematically colored to achieve the segmented and labeled images. Then these segmented images are used as custom data to train U-Net segmentation. The first step involves building a machine learning model using Gabor filters and HOG for feature extraction and SVM for classification. The results discovered the deficiency of the model, therefore a second stage was suggested in which the dataset was trained using YOLOv3-dependent deep learning object detection. The resulting segmentation model is found to be the best choice to aid the process of vulva localization. Since the model depends on the original gray-scale image and the mask of the region of interest (ROI), a custom dataset containing these features was obtained, augmented, and used to train a U-Net segmentation model. The results of the final approach shows that the proposed system can segment sow\u27s vulva region even in low rank images and has an excellent performance efficiency. Furthermore, the resulting algorithm can be used to improve the automation of estrous detection by providing reliable ROI identification and segmentation and enabling beneficial temporal change detection and tracking in future efforts

    Syrian Refugee

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    The present research explores the experiences of Syrian refugee students in American schools. This qualitative research project is based in interviews of five Syrian students from refugee backgrounds aged between 11-18 years old who had come to the United States after the civil war raged in Syria in 2011. This qualitative research examines the educational barriers and supports, from the Syrian refugee students’ perspectives, by understanding their educational and social experiences. Based on the findings, these five Syrian refugee students had both positive and negative experiences in the United States schools. Major themes were found in the data that are central to the students’ educational and social experiences. These themes presented as (a) social and academic experiences in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt and then, (b) learning a new language, and then, (c) current experiences in U.S., with attention to the building of relationships. Recommendations on how educators can support their quest for belonging and inclusion are discussed. Recommendations on how Syrian refugee can be supported in the U.S. schools are discussed. Key words: Syrian refugees, refugee educational and social experiences, sense of belonging

    Building Personal Friendships In A Multicultural Society

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    Friendship ranks highly among the social issues that develop and creates a stable andprosperous society. However, people tend to focus more on individuals who share social values while making friends. On the other hand, in a multicultural society, people work, leave, or learn together to share such values. The diversity of the origin of people living in the United States (US), especially in major cities, varies significantly regarding race, ethnicity, and religion, resulting in super-diverse urban setups. This study examined the multicultural friendship between international Arab students studying in the US and their American counterparts. The study was guided by identity management theory. The researcher employed desktop review to achieve research objectives. The researcher searched for stories in journal articles and dissertations published online. The data sources had interview stories on the experiences of Arab students in American universities. In this research study, inductive analysis of the texts was employed. Thematic content analysis was carried out. Multicultural friendships result in increased linguistic competence and success in life. Language difficulties, inadequate time for socialization, and culture shock characterize the state of multicultural friendships in the US. Multicultural friendship has led to an understanding of other cultures, acceptance of people from diverse cultures, respect for different cultures, and adoption of other cultures. The researcher established that racial discrimination, avoidance, and kindness are thematic areas in the area of multicultural friendship between international Arab students studying in the US and their local counterparts. Multicultural friendship can be encouraged through a few initiatives such as support of teaching staff, participation in group activities, negotiations during multicultural interactions, educational media, and the promotion of multicultural festivals and events in learning institutions. It is recommended that international students in the United States be supported to overcome language and culture shock challenges. Additionally, multicultural friendships should be encouraged to promote the appreciation of people from all cultures. Moreover, racial discrimination should be condemned in the US to enhance multicultural friendships

    Struktur Bahasa Bonai (1985)

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    تأثير استخدام طريقة أمي في ترقية مهارة القراءة للطلبة في المدرسة سوريا بوانا المتوسطة بمالانج

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    مستخلص البحث هناك عدّة من المشاكل التي يواجهها الطلبة في قراءة النصوص العربية، وهي أنهم يشعرون بالصعوبة في قراءة النصوص بشكل صحيح وفصيح ولا يفهمون محتوى النصوص والأفكار الرئيسيّة من النصوص التي يقرأونها. عند تعليم قراءة النصوص العربية، تكون طريقة أمّي الطريقة المستخدمة في تعليم قراءة القرآن التي تهدف إلى تحقيق القدرة على القراءة حسب مخارج الحروف و والتجويد. لذلك، يستطيع لطريقة أمّي أن تساعد الطلبة على ترقية مهارة قراءتهم، خاصة في مخارج الحروف. الأهدف من هذا البحث هي لمعرفة عن: (1) استخدام طريقة أمّي لترقية مهارة القراءة لدى الطلبة بمدرسة سوريا بوانا المتوسطة بمالانج (2) فعالية استخدام طريقة أمّي لترقية مهارة القراءة لدى الطلبة بمدرسة سوريا بوانا المتوسطة بمالانج. استخدم هذا البحث مدخل البحث الكمّي ونوع البحث بأثر راجعي (ex post facto). استخدم طريقة الملاحظة، والمقابلة، والاختبار، والتوثيق لجمع البيانات. واستخدم هذا البحث طرق جمع البيانات الإحصاء الوصفي وSPSS، واستخدام اختبار الحالة الطبيعية، واختبار التغايرية، واختبار t لتحليل البيانات. ونتائج من البحث الذي قام بمدرسة سوريا بوانا المتوسطة بمالانج هي: (1) عند استخدام طريقة أمّي بمدرسة سوريا بوانا مالانج هناك التخطيط الذي يتضمن إلى تجميع الطلبة، وأدوات التدريس التي تشمل كالنماذج، والمراحل، والوسائل، وتقويمات التعليم التي تتبع الشروط من طريقة أمي ومناسبة مع أحوال المدرسة. (2) يستطيع أن ترتقي مهارة القراءة للطلبة عند قراءة النصوص العربية باستخدام طريقة أمّي بمدرسة سوريا بوانا بمالانج ويستطيع أن يقول بأنها فعال. بناء من نتائج thitung التي حصلت إلى 6،302 وهو أكبر من مقدار ttabel التي حصلت إلى 0.273. وبهذا الحال يستطيع على الاستنباط انّ Ha أو الفرضية مقبولة. ABSTRAK Terdapat beberapa masalah siswa dalam membaca teks Bahasa Arab yaitu terdapat kesulitan untuk membaca teks dengan benar dan fasih serta tidak memahami isi bacaan dan gagasan utama dalam teks yang dibacanya. Dalam pembelajaran membaca teks bahasa arab, Metode ummi menjadi metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur'an yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kemampuan membaca yang sesuai makhorijul huruf serta tajwid. Sehingga metode Ummi dapat menjembatani siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membaca khususnya pada makhorijul huruf. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (1) penggunaan metode Ummi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pada siswa di MTs Surya Buana Malang (2) efektifitas penggunaan metode Ummi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pada siswa di MTs Surya Buana Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian ex post facto. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, angket, tes dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data Statistic Descriptif dan SPSS, dan analisis data dengan uji normalitas, uji heterokedestisitas dan uji-t. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di MTs Surya Buana Malang yaitu (1) penggunaan metode Ummi di madrasah terdapat perencanaan yang meliputi pengelompokkan siswa, perangkat ajar yang mencakup model, tahapan, media, serta evaluasi pembelajaran telah mengikuti ketentuan metode Ummi dengan disesuaikan pada kondisi madrasah. (2) kemampuan membaca teks bahasa Arab siswa melalui metode Ummi di MTs Surya Buana Malang dapat meningkat dan dapat dikatakan efektif. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan hasil thitung yang diperoleh dengan angka 6,302 yang lebih besar dari ketentuan jumlah ttabel yaitu sebesar 0,273. Dengan ini dapat dikatakan bahwa Ha diterima atau Hipotesis diterima. ABSTRACT There are several student problems in reading Arabic texts, namely there are difficulties in reading the text correctly and fluently and not understanding the content of the reading and the main idea in the text they read. In learning to read Arabic text, the Ummi method becomes a method used in learning to read the Qur'an which aims to realize the ability to read according to makhorijul huruf and tajweed. So that the Ummi method can bridge students to develop reading skills, especially on makhorijul letters. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the use of the Ummi method in improving reading skills in students at MTs Surya Buana Malang (2) the effectiveness of the use of the Ummi method in improving reading skills in students at MTs Surya Buana Malang. This research uses a quantitative approach and ex post facto research type. Data were collected using observation, interview, questionnaire, test and documentation methods. In this study using Statistic Descriptif and SPSS data collection methods, and data analysis with normality test, heterodesticity test and t-test. The results of research conducted at MTs Surya Buana Malang are (1) the use of the Ummi method in school there is planning which includes grouping students, teaching tools which include models, stages, media, and learning evaluations have followed the provisions of the Ummi method by adjusting to the conditions of the school. (2) the ability to read Arabic texts of students through the Ummi method at MTs Surya Buana Malang can increase and can be said to be effective. This can be shown by the results of the thitung obtained with a number 6.302 which is greater than the provisions of the ttabel amount of 0.273. With this it can be said that Ha is accepted or the hypothesis is accepted

    Bacterial toxins in sudden unexpected nocturnal death

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    The Effects of Script on Reading Development of Farsi and Arabic Bilinguals

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    Knowledge of orthographic depth, the degree of letter-sound consistency, is one of the important skills that must be acquired by beginning readers. Vowelized Arabic and Farsi scripts are consistent in terms of grapheme-phoneme mappings and beginning readers should find it easier to read regular and consistent words. However, vowels are removed from Farsi and Arabic texts read by more experienced learners, which make these script forms more challenging for readers. Sixty students who were learning to read Farsi or Arabic (age range of 7-14 years) were tested for reading ability as well as cognitive and phonological processing in two languages: Farsi or Arabic as the first language (L1) and English as the second language (L2). Since there has been no previous study on the effects of including or excluding vowels in Farsi orthography, the first aim was to investigate the performance of Farsi readers in vowelized and unvowelized tasks. It was found that Farsi-English bilinguals performed better on vowelized tasks in comparison to unvowelized tasks. This indicates that including vowels facilitates reading skills of these students. Unexpectedly, vowelization made no differences in reading skills of Arabic-English bilinguals in this study. It was also found that phonological awareness in the L1 was related to phonological awareness in the L2. Finally, phonological and morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge were strong predictors of word reading in L1 and L2. One practical implication of the present study would be to avoid the elimination of vowels from text for Farsi-English bilinguals


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    The present research explores the experiences of Syrian refugee students in American schools. This qualitative research project is based in interviews of five Syrian students from refugee backgrounds aged between 11-18 years old who had come to the United States after the civil war raged in Syria in 2011. This qualitative research examines the educational barriers and supports, from the Syrian refugee students\u27 perspectives, by understanding their educational and social experiences. Based on the findings, these five Syrian refugee students had both positive and negative experiences in the United States schools. Major themes were found in the data that are central to the students\u27 educational and social experiences. These themes presented as (a) social and academic experiences in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt and then, (b) learning a new language, and then, (c) current experiences in U.S., with attention to the building of relationships. Recommendations on how educators can support their quest for belonging and inclusion are discussed. Recommendations on how Syrian refugee can be supported in the U.S. schools are discussed

    Receiver function studies of crustal structure, composition, and evolution beneath the Afar Depression, Ethiopia

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    The dissertation utilizes a set of sophisticated computer programs developed at the Geophysics group at Missouri S&T to characterize crustal properties beneath the Afar Depression in Ethiopia where extensional tectonics dominates. In this study, measurements of crustal thickness (H), crustal mean Vp/Vs [which is related to Poisson\u27s ratio (Σ)], and the sharpness of the Moho (R) were determined using teleseismic data from 18 broadband seismic sensors that we deployed along a profile of 250 km long with a station spacing of ~ 10 km. The stations had been recording continuously for an entire year from December 2009 until December 2010. The measurements were determined by stacking P-to-S converted waves (PmS) and their multiples (PPmS and PSmS). Results suggest that the average crustal thickness beneath the Afar Depression is about 28.56±0.28 km and the crust is characterized by large Vp/Vs of 1.93±0.017 and smaller-than-normal overall stacking amplitude of the P-to-S converted phases beneath most stations. Our results suggest that the crust beneath the entire study area is significantly thinned and extensively intruded by mafic dikes, representing a transitional stage between continental and ocean crust. The Tendaho Graben has the thinnest and most mafic crust, which is also supported by the observation of gravity data which suggest that the active magmatic areas are characterized by higher gravity anomalies while the thicker crusts have smaller and negative anomalies. Thus, the crust beneath the center of the Tendaho Graben is likely to be oceanic-type, and becomes progressively more continental away from the center --Abstract, page iii