353 research outputs found

    Bromodomain Inhibitor JQ1 as a Candidate Therapeutic Agent in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare tumor that develops from the mesothelial linings of the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities. The actual risk factor for developing the disease is exposure to asbestos in workplace. Bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) domain proteins are epigenetic signaling agents that associate with acetylated histones and expedite the transcription of target genes. This study investigates whether the small molecule BET protein inhibitor JQ1 specifically may be an effective therapy for MPM. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction methods reveal an inclusive change in gene expression implying that JQ1 is a potential inhibitor which targets the BET proteins. Our results report that JQ1 has tumor-suppressive effects as it significantly ceased cellular activity in MPM cell lines. We predict that JQ1 may be the promising therapy for pleural mesothelioma cancers

    The Role and Impact of Social Media Influencers

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    In this paper, we explore the influence of influencers in the digital space and their impact on society. The research involved 375 intentional sampled respondents who are social media followers. The findings revealed that TikTok is the most popular platform for influencers, followed by Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter. Influencers predominantly create entertainment and gaming content, with art and skills, social issues, education, and religion following suit. The study highlights that influencers are crucial in shaping societies by providing attractive and concise information and experiences, fostering development and support among their followers. The author suggests enhancing influencers skills through workshops and training programs, focusing on positive interactions, humanitarian aspects, and support for affected sectors, particularly therapeutic institutions

    An Analytical Review of the Societal Impacts of the Jordanian

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    Some radio programs effectively make an impact on individuals and societies. Among the radio programs on the Arab level is the Wast Al-Balad program, which is broadcast on the Jordanian Fan FM radio. The article aimed to provide an analytical reading of the societal sides of the program. The article adopted the qualitative analytical approach using discourse analysis and interview tools. The results showed that the most effective aspect of Wast El Balad program was contributing to solving the social problems of individuals and overcoming difficulties, followed by influencing public opinion and community development. The program focused on the values of helping the needy and addressing societal problems, as well as problems related to government actions. The results also showed that there is a completely harmonious between the vocal and lyrical effects with the topics presented. The interviewees pointed out the programs need for improvement notes for the program, such as diversity, keeping on the current performance, and reducing the advertisements

    The Convergence of Traditional Media to the Digital Communicative Environment- The Reality and Gap

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    The article aimed to reveal the developments that affected the traditional media in response to the digital communication environment, to identify the aspects of employing digital communication, and to address the gap created by the new digital environment compared to the traditional media performance. The qualitative approach was used in addressing the problem of the paper, through the in-depth interviews tool with (8) executives and technicians of six Jordanian media outlets: Radio of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Rotana Radio, Jordan TV, Amman TV, Al-Rai newspaper, and Al-Ghad newspaper. The article concluded that the most prominent aspects of employing communication digitization in Jordanian media are the preservation of the archive digitally, the creation of a unique application, an earlier manifestation is the creation of a website, and then the opening of accounts on social networks. The results also showed that one of the most essential motivations of digital transformation is reaching ease to the audience with the highest quality, which mobile technology and its applications have enhanced. The form of media sharing of its content on digital platforms and social networks has varied, most notably live broadcasts, publishing news and programs, urgent news, short news stories, video clips, links, infographics, or interviews

    Framing the Entrepreneurship in Television Youth Programs An analytical study

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    The article aimed to identify the contributions of Jordanian TV youth programs in promoting entrepreneurship issues to the youth through content analysis of the youth programs content on the Jordanian TV channels (2021). The study sample was content of; (Jalssah 3alaniyyeh on Almamlaka Tv) and (Rass Btaqiyyeh on Roya TV) during the study year; 2021). The article concluded that the most important results are TV programs focus on the commercial and industrial fields in enhancing the culture of entrepreneurship at youth and other ages. Most of media content topics have been done by producing models and experiences to motivate the public. On the framing, the main ideas, the defining, and the solutions are the most frames depended by TV programs in presenting the entrepreneurship. The TV programs have gotten the information and raw content from TV reporter and correspondent. The researcher recommended to achieve training course for the TV correspondents, presenters, and delegates in the presenting the entrepreneurial programs and using the scientific and planned method to manage the Jordanian TV channels

    Strategic information systems planning: A case in the context of United Arab Emirates

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    Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) is increasingly regarded as critical to help business organizations decide their preferences and priorities that are pertinent to IS&T investment, and to ensure that the adoption of such technologies will culminate in tangible business gains and drive value creation for competitive advantages. This study is part of a much wider scoped-research that is concerned with SISP in UAE organizations. The objective of this explorative research is to provide insights on the SISP implementation processes in one of the organizations in the UAE. Future studies would follow to examine multiple organizations and to evaluate the effectiveness of SISP on the organizations performance and to track success factors, strengths weaknesses, processes, methods, techniques, and tools that practitioners are adopting

    Data virtualization design model for near real time decision making in business intelligence environment

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    The main purpose of Business Intelligence (BI) is to focus on supporting an organization‘s strategic, operational and tactical decisions by providing comprehensive, accurate and vivid data to the decision makers. A data warehouse (DW), which is considered as the input for decision making system activities is created through a complex process known as Extract, Transform and Load (ETL). ETL operates at pre-defined times and requires time to process and transfer data. However, providing near real time information to facilitate the data integration in supporting decision making process is a known issue. Inaccessibility to near realtime information could be overcome with Data Virtualization (DV) as it provides unified, abstracted, near real time, and encapsulated view of information for querying. Nevertheless, currently, there are lack of studies on the BI model for developing and managing data in virtual manner that can fulfil the organization needs. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to propose a DV model for near-real time decision making in BI environment. Design science research methodology was adopted to accomplish the research objectives. As a result of this study, a model called Data Virtualization Development Model (DVDeM) is proposed that addresses the phases and components which affect the BI environment. To validate the model, expert reviews and focus group discussions were conducted. A prototype based on the proposed model was also developed, and then implemented in two case studies. Also, an instrument was developed to measure the usability of the prototype in providing near real time data. In total, 60 participants were involved and the findings indicated that 93% of the participants agreed that the DVDeM based prototype was able to provide near real-time data for supporting decision-making process. From the studies, the findings also showed that the majority of the participants (more than 90%) in both of education and business sectors, have affirmed the workability of the DVDeM and the usability of the prototype in particular able to deliver near real-time decision-making data. Findings also indicate theoretical and practical contributions for developers to develop efficient BI applications using DV technique. Also, the mean values for each measurement item are greater than 4 indicating that the respondents agreed with the statement for each measurement item. Meanwhile, it was found that the mean scores for overall usability attributes of DVDeM design model fall under "High" or "Fairly High". Therefore, the results show sufficient indications that by adopting DVDeM model in developing a system, the usability of the produced system is perceived by the majority of respondents as high and is able to support near real time decision making data


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    The shear wave velocity (VS) is one of the important parameters that represent the stiffness of the soil layers. The shear wave velocity profile is typically measured by conducting wave propagation tests in the field such as seismic Reflection Test, seismic Refraction Test, suspension logging test, seismic down hole (up hole) test, spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW), Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW), etc. But usually it is not economically possible to perform these tests at all the sites. Therefore, a reliable empirical relationship between VS and N-value would be significant advantage; the correlation between N-value and VS can be utilized to evaluate geotechnical parameters in regions where boreholes are not available or geophysical investigation exist. On the other hand, shear wave velocity can be used to estimate several soil parameters through many empirical correlations. In this study, two site investigations for two different sites in Malaysia have been conducted, three SPT test accompanied with MASW test was conducted in first site, while two SPT test and MASW test were conducted in second site. After collecting all the data of SPT and shear wave velocity VS, this study has developed a new relationship between N value and shear wave velocity VS

    Religiositas pelaku Cybersex : Studi kasus pada mahasantri Hafiz Qur'an berlatar belakang Pesantren

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    Perilaku cybersex sebagai salah satu dampak teknologi di bidang informasi dan komunikasi sudah marak terjadi di berbagai kalangan tidak terkecuali pada mahasantri Hafiz Qur’an berlatar belakang pesantren di salah satu Universitas berbasis Islam di Kota Bandung. Ditemukan dua subjek pelaku cybersex yang merupakan mahasantri Hafiz Qur’an berlatar belakang pesantren dengan kemungkinan kecenderungan gangguan penyimpangan seksual BDSM dan eksibisi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran religiositas kedua subjek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya gambaran religiositas yang beragam pada masing-masing aspek kedua subjek dan ditemukan faktor religiositas terutama pada faktor pengalaman kedua subjek sebagai korban perundungan di pondok pesantren serta faktor kebutuhan individu akan kehadiran teman cerita dan pemenuhan kasih sayang secara emosional dari kedua orang tua yang membuat kedua subjek mulai mencari teman secara virtual namun pada akhirnya menjadi pelaku cybersex

    Mindfulness And Its Relationship to Creative Thinking Among A Sample of University Students

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    AbstractThe Stage of University Education is one of the Most Important Stages in A Student’s Life, as this Stage Coincides with the Stage of Late Adolescence, which is The Stage before Adulthood and is Characterized by Rapid Developmental Changes, and Intellectual and Creative Production, the Link Between Thoughts and Emotions so that this Reflects Positively on Individuals. (Al-Asmi: 2012), Mindfulness Is a Qualitative Practice of Awareness that Makes a Person Aware of Everything That Is Going on Around Him. Creative Thinking is Also an Integrated Unit of a Set of Subjective and Objective Factors, Which Leads to the Achievement of a New, Original Production of Value by The Individual and the Group. Responding and Dealing with Emergency Events, while Minimizing Mistakes,The Current Study Aimed to Verify the Relationship between the Variables of The Current Study, where the Problem of the Study Crystallized in an Attempt to Reveal the Nature of the Correlation between Mindfulness and Creative Thinking, and to Verify the Differences in the Average Scores of the Current Study Sample on the Study Scales Prepared by (The Researcher), as the Study Tried to Verify from the Extent of the Relative Contribution of Mindfulness in Predicting Creative Thinking Among the Current Study Sample, Which Consisted of (100) Items for the Pilot Study Sample, from Students of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, from (Scientific And Literary) Disciplines. the Aim of This Sample is to Calculate the Psychometric Properties of Tools the Current Study is Valid and Reliable, as the Basic Sample Consisted of (320) Male and Female Students from the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, and the Mindfulness Scale Prepared By (The Researcher) was Applied, and the Scale (Creative Thinking) Prepared by the Researcher was Applied to the Sample of the Current Study. The Study Relied on the Descriptive Correlative Approach, and the Results Revealed a Positive Correlation Between the Variables of The Current Stud