5 research outputs found

    Application of Knowledge Management in The Sudanese Universities: An Analytical Study

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    Knowledge management (KM) is becoming a very important issue in higher education, which drives the ability to collect and analyze information, transform knowledge and apply novelties. Therefore, this paper aimed at introducing a framework of thoughts for applying knowledge management in the Sudanese universities, depending on the analysis of the theoretical studies and the available literature related to the topic. In doing so, the researchers followed a qualitative and analytical type of research. To collect data, previous studies and papers, especially those related to higher education institutions are reviewed. The paper covered the basic concepts, definitions, justifications, and domains, besides the application of (KM) in the Sudanese universities. The main factors that can help in relieving difficulties facing (KM) are also discussed. The paper concluded that Sudanese Universities are considered the most suitable institutions to apply (KM), as they have a strong infrastructure that is favorable to the production and application of knowledge through the venues of investment in scientific research. The paper recommended the utmost necessity of adopting (KM) in the Sudanese universities as an approach to developing the individual and the official administrative to improve the level of outputs and to increase its capacity to adapt to all the prevalent changes and challenges. The use of knowledge management, according to this paper's inference, promotes staff members to advance both themselves and their universities by using this information to scientific research and studies


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    The study aimed to identify the reality of the application of transformational leadership among secondary school leaders from the teachers' points of view. In this study, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach; The study population included (323) teachers. The researcher chose a simple random sample of (168) teachers. The researcher also used the questionnaire as a tool to collect data: to analyze the data, the researcher used the statistical analysis program, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings showed that there is  highly effect, with an arithmetic mean of 3.92, In light of these results, the study recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: more dissemination of the culture of transformational leadership, setting accurate criteria by the Educational Department to select leaders, and holding specialized training courses with the aim of increasing the degree of awareness among school leaders of the importance of applying the dimensions of transformational leadership

    Politics of Islam in Javanese Aesthetics: R. Ng. Yasadipura I’s Poe(li)tical Imagination of Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi

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    This paper is to figure out R. Ng. Yasadipura I’s poe(li)tical imagination of Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi. The ‘politics’ is defined not merely as instrumental utility, but intertwined with ‘poetics’, an aesthetic strategy which allegorically unveils an interpretation of the undecidability of  Islam as central Islam or peripheral Islam, as Arabia Islam or Javanese Islam. Based on the biographical and structural approaches, this article attempts to analyze textual, ideological, and religious traces of this 18th century Javanese Muslim bhujangga and its relation to the way he describes Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi. Yasadipura I is a political subject, since he describes Islam not merely as a religious consensus, but also dissensus to other identities. This dissensus is partly a logical consequence of—using Jacques Rancière’s term—Yasadipura I’s ‘class migration’, ranging from Muslim student (santri) from Kedu, royal advisor (menteri) of Surakarta court, to prolific writer and translator of Hindu-Buddhist kakawin and Islamic Malay suluk

    Technical Assistance Program as A Media to Overcome the Problem of Children’s Dyslexia in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    AbstractReading is an important activity in everyday life and must be mastered by children from an early age. However, many children still cannot read, especially in one of the madrasah ibtidaiyah in Probolinggo Regency, East Java which is the location of this research. This study aims to analyze the teacher's strategy in overcoming the reading problem of dyslexic children with technical guidance. This study used a phenomenological approach, where researchers try to understand the phenomena in the field through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in stages, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the teacher's strategy in overcoming the reading problem of dyslexic children through Technical Guidance was carried out through preparation of technical assistance, implementation of technical assistance, and evaluation of technical assistance. This research has implications for the importance of the teacher's understanding of student learning characteristics from an early age so that teachers can find out the students’ various problems so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally.Keywords: technical assistance, children’s dyslexia, madrasah ibtidaiyah. AbstrakMembaca merupakan kegiatan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan harus dikuasai oleh anak-anak sejak dini, namun masih banyak anak-anak yang belum bisa membaca, terutama di salah satu madrasah ibtidaiyah di Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur yang menjadi lokasi penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang strategi guru dalam mengatasi masalah membaca anak disleksia dengan bimbingan teknis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, di mana peneliti mencoba memahami fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara bertahap, mulai dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi guru dalam mengatasi masalah membaca anak disleksia melalui Bimbingan Teknis yang dilakukan dengan penyusunan bantuan teknis, pelaksanaan bantuan teknis, dan evaluasi bantuan teknis. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada pentingnya pemahaman guru terhadap karakteristik belajar siswa sejak dini, sehingga guru dapat mengetahui berbagai permasalahan yang akan dihadapi oleh siswa, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara optimal.Kata Kunci: bimbingan teknis, anak-anak disleksia, madrasah ibtidaiyah