152 research outputs found

    Major Security Issue That Facing Social Networks with Its Main Defense Strategies

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    The Social Network Service "SNS" has enabled significant advancements in a wide variety of scientific fields, and as a result, it has become an extremely popular subject in both academia and business. SNSs can be extremely beneficial to users because they eliminate economic and geographical barriers and can be used for job searching, entertainment and education. Regardless of the economic and social benefits, protecting businesses and users\u27 security and privacy remains a critical issue that must be addressed. It is critical to address and evaluate social network service challenges, as they vary according to the variety of SNS sites. Thus, by discussing SNS challenges alongside available and potential solutions, users, developers, and businesses can identify relevant and timely responses to specific threats, resulting in the best SNS-based services possible. The objective of this article is to discuss the inherent challenges of social networking sites and some critical solutions for resolving them. We extracted and analyzed seminal papers to add to the corpus of literature by focusing on several critical challenges in the social network service domain and shedding light on how these challenges affect a variety of domains, including users, sites, and business. The most frequently mentioned difficulties concerned privacy risks, anonymity risks, malware, spam, identity theft, phishing, business data, social content, technical issues, and psychological difficulties. By incorporating previously discovered solutions, this paper addressed these issues. The implications for both researchers and practitioners have been discussed

    Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with an Intracranial Haemorrhage: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare, life-threatening disorder. It has an annual incidence of approximately two to four per million people per year. Nearly 70–80% of all cases of CVST are located in the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). CVST presents a diagnostic challenge due to different presentations. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe the case of a young pregnant female who presented to the emergency room with an acute headache attributed to multifactorial causes. CONCLUSION: This report highlights the importance of including CVST in the differential diagnosis when treating a pregnant female with headaches. Although the symptoms of CVST are varied, the most common occlusion is in the SSS. In such cases, the patient may present with signs and symptoms that include headaches, intracranial hypertension and papilloedemas

    Learning and Thinking Styles Based on Whole Brain Theory in Relation to Sensory-Motor Integration

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    Abstract The study aims to explore learn ing and thinking styles based on Whole Brain Theory; and their relationship with sensory-motor integration. It also explores the correlat ions between variables. Two tests were used to explore the correlations between the two variables (learning and thinking styles based on Whole Brain Theory test and sensory-motor integration test). Tests were admin istered to discover whether the variables differ accord ing to gender and age groups. Validity and reliab ility of the tests were insured. The study was conducted based on a stratified random (cluster) sample of (753) male and female students. The part icipants are (12-16) years old, enro lled in 13 public schools (7 male and 6 female schools) at Irbid first directorate. The study reveals significant correlations between both (Q_D0 F i) and (Q_C1 F ii) wit h sensory-motor integration test due to gender differences in favour of females

    The Metaphorical Character in the Poetry of Abdullah Al-Bardouni: A Semiotic Study

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    تقف هذه الدراسة على مدونة الشاعر عبد الله البردوني الشعرية عبر زاوية محددة، تنظر إلى تجربته وواقعه الذي جسده في النص على أسس إنسانية يستمدها من استعارة الشاعر للشخصيات الإنسانية؛ والشاعر حين يقيم نصه على أسس إنسانية لا يختلقها من العدم، وإنما هو يستمدها من تجربته الإنسانية ومن واقعه بوصفه مصدرا يستدعي منه مادته الإنسانية والاستدعاء ليس غاية في ذاته، والشاعر حين يستدعي شخصية من التراث مثلا لا يستهدف مجرد الاستدعاء؛ فالاستدعاء هنا يكون بمثابة تغيير للسياق حيث ينقل الشاعر الشخصية من سياقها السابق لسياق جديد مستهدفا تخصيب دلالة جديدة تنضاف إلى الدلالة القائمة في السياق السابق.  الشخصيات المستعارة شخصيات جاهزة الوجود فالشاعر لم يبتكرها الشاعر من العدم، وإنما هي شخصيات حققت وجودها في الواقع واستقرت في الذهن الجمعي لذا فالشاعر ليس في حاجة  إلى تعريفها أو تقديم بطاقة تعريف بها إذ هو يستعيرها من منطقة الشهرة، وجاهزية الشخصية سلاح ذو حدين، فليست هي المجهولة التي يتشوق المتلقي لمعرفتها، وهو ما يحسب للمتلقي، وإنما هي المعروفة التي قد تجعل المتلقي يحجم عن معرفتها فاقدا التشوق لما يطرحه الشاعر لها من سمات فنية تجعلها في صورة قابلة للتشوق، أي إن الشاعر يقاوم  جاهزية الشخصية بتقديم جاهزية جديدة. ولكون الإنسان موضوعاً للخطاب الأدبي، وكونه منتجاً للخطاب بوظيفته الجمالية التي يؤديها وتوظيفها عبر آلية محددة تتقدم هذه الدراسة لتحقيق أهدافها في ثلاث خطوات أساسية: الكشف عن مفهوم الاستعارة وكيف تحققت لدى الشاعر. أنماط الشخصيات المستعارة، واختيار ثلاث شخصيات تبيانا لمساحة ظهورها. الوقوف على أربعة وظائف حققتها استعارة الشخصية: اللغوية، البلاغية، السردية، الدلالية.    This study deals with the poetic blog of the poet Abdullah Al Bardony from a certain perspective. It deals with his experience and the reality he embodied in the text based on human bases which the poet extracts from recalling previous human characters. Upon doing that, the poet does not create these human bases from the beginning but he extracts them from his human experience and from his reality which he considers a source from which he recalls his human material. Recalling that is not an end. The poet does not intend only such recall such as when he recalls a character from heritage. The recall here is a change of context where the poet removes the character from a context to another with the intention to target the enrichment of a new meaning to be added to the outstanding meaning in the previous context. Recalling previous characters is like borrowing characters that were ready in existence. The poet did not create them from nothing. They are characters that were realized in reality and felt by the minds of the people. The poet does not need to define such characters or to identify them to the society. He borrows these characters as they are famous everywhere. The preparation of characters is a double-edged weapon. They are not unknown so that recipients are eager to know them but they are already known so that recipients may be reluctant to know them as they are losing passion to what artistic features the poet may cover them with to make these characters appear appalling. In short, the poet resists the preparedness of characters with the presentation of a new preparedness. Since man is the main theme of the art work, and since man is producing the dialogue through its whole function that he may perform and employ through a certain mechanism, this study aims at achieving its objectives through three main steps: Defining the term of borrowing (recalling previous characters) and how did the poet realize it. Types of recalled (borrowed) characters and choosing three of them to identify the size of their presence. Identifying four functions realized by recalling (borrowing) characters: linguistic, rhetoric, narrative and semantic functions. &nbsp

    Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Solid pseudopapillary tumor (SPT) of the pancreas is rare, accounting for 0.13-2.7% of all pancreatic tumors. It has specific clinical, pathological and radiological characters that make it quite different from other pancreatic tumors.Presentation of case:  A 15-year-old girl with SPT of the pancreas diagnosed after surgical resection with histopathology and immunohistochemistry confirmation. As no clear role for adjuvant treatment, she was elected for follow up.Conclusion: Although SPT is a rare tumor without notable symptoms. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice. The place of chemotherapy or radiotherapy needed to be elucidated

    Triple Primary Carcinomas: Prostatic Adenocarcinoma, Bladder Urethral Carcinoma and Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Patients with multiple tumors represent a segment of the cancer survivor population affected more than once by cancer, the phenomenon is still rare.Case presentation: In this report we present a patient who developed primary bladder urethral carcinoma with synchronous prostatic adenocarcinoma and metachronous papillary thyroid carcinoma where diagnosed within nine month period. There was no clear risk factors could explain this combination except smoking history.Conclusion: The diagnosis of cancer should not exclude the existence of other concomitant malignancies. This combination of multiple primary carcinomas, to our knowledge, has never been reported in the literature

    Studies on Polybenzimidazole and Methanesulfonate Protic-Ionic-Liquids-Based Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes

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    Funding Information: This project was funded by the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (MAARIFAH), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Award Number (2-17-01-001-0042). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.In the present work, different methanesulfonate-based protic ionic liquids (PILs) were synthesized and their structural characterization was performed using FTIR, 1H, and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Their thermal behavior and stability were studied using DSC and TGA, respectively, and EIS was used to study the ionic conductivity of these PILs. The PIL, which was diethanolammonium-methanesulfonate-based due to its compatibility with polybenzimidazole (PBI) to form composite membranes, was used to prepare proton-conducting polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) for prospective high-temperature fuel cell application. The prepared PEMs were further characterized using FTIR, DSC, TGA, SEM, and EIS. The FTIR results indicated good interaction among the PEM components and the DSC results suggested good miscibility and a plasticizing effect of the incorporated PIL in the PBI polymer matrix. All the PEMs showed good thermal stability and good proton conductivity for prospective high-temperature fuel cell application.publishersversionpublishe