65 research outputs found


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    Every plant really needs water to be able to live and as much as possible to be watered on time, because if it is too late, the growth of the plant will be hampered or even unable to develop and die, therefore there are other alternatives for plant lovers in doing plant care and not making it. We are busy in watering plants, namely using plant watering technology using Arduino electronic control, where this tool can distribute water to each plant by detecting water needs in the plant, if the planting medium on the plant is dry, it will turn on the tool and water the plant. The current method of watering plants requires energy and takes time for us to water the plants and we don't even know whether these plants need water because the surface of the soil is dry, so there is still a lot of water available inside, with this controller the water content can be determined, if the water content in the low soil, the tool will automatically turn on and water the plant


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    Villages where community service has been carried out so far the data will be stored in the LPPMDI archive file in the form of a work report, which annually will be given to LPMP for making lecturer performance reports, but LPPM itself does not yet have historical data on Community Service in the form of maps, so that villages that have been carried out activities or that have never been visited, cannot be presented in a visual form that can be accessed by many people, only limited to report data, besides that the problems that exist in each village in Kuantan Singingi Regency will be different, so a system is needed to describe and select potential and appropriate locations to serve as locations for community service and display the results of this service, villages where community service has been carried out have been mapped and seen the results of the community program the team appointed to implement it in the form of ideas the implementation team, the types of activities carried out, the targets to be achieved by the team in the service program, the results produced after the service, and activity documentation, all of this is entered into a system that can be seen in the form of maps, with the aim of being accessible to general users such as the public. or related institutions

    Implementasi Aplikasi PEMIRA UNIKS Era Covid-19 Berbasis CodeIgniter dan SMS Gateway

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    Di masa pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi diseluruh dunia termasuk di indonesia membuat hampir semua kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan menghadirkan krumunan massa di tiadakan demi memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus COVID-19. Dilain sisi pelaksanaan pemilihan raya mahasiswa di Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi harus dilaksanakan karena sudah melewati masa jabatannya sehingga terjadi kekosongan pada Presiden Mahasiswa. Gubernur dan DPM dikampus Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi. Untuk melaksanakan Pemilahan Raya (PEMIRA) secara langsung sangat tidak memungkinkan di masa pandemi ini, resiko yang terlalu besar sehingga Pemira tersebut dilaksanakan secara online. Dari rancangan yang dilakukan pada tahun 2019 dan telah dipublikasikan ditahun 2019 dengan judul “Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Aplikasi Pemilihan Presiden Mahasiswa Melalui SMS Gateway”  penulis mengimplementasikannya pada pemilihan raya mahasiswa UNIKS 2021. dengan dilaksanakannya secara online calon pemilih tidak perlu hadir kekampus untuk melaksanakan hak suaranya cukup dari rumah dan tinggal membalas sms dengan format yang telah ditentukan, terjadinya nomor ganda dan adanya nomor dari luar sudah diantispasi sehingga mengurangi kecurangan, nomor-nomor didata oleh KPUM kemudian dilakukan penerimaan sms hanya berdasarkan nomor yang telah terdaftar

    Drilling of uni-directional carbon fibre reinforced plastics with diamond tools: experiment and finite element study

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    Carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) are increasingly being used in aerospace, automobile and sporting goods due to its high strength to weight ratios, high resistance to corrosion and low thermal expansion coefficient. One of the most extensively used processes in assembling CFRP components is drilling operation. Different challenges are faced when drilling CFRP, among which Peel-up and Push-out are two distinguishable delamination mechanisms associated with drilling of composite laminates, due to the extremely abrasive nature of the fibres. It is economically signicant to have composite components free of delamination and a long drill life. Owing to the ultra-hardness and superior wear resistance of diamond, polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are being used widely as one of the main solutions for drilling CFRP. In addition to the well known fact that diamond is the hardest material ever found or made, PCD has outstanding properties such as high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of friction and low thermal expansion. All of these properties are critical in drilling CFRP. In addition to cost, there is lots of time wasted when investigating the drilling process experimentally due to the large number of parameters included such as tool types, material type and machining conditions. One of the advantages of utilizing Finite Element Method (FEM) is obtaining mechanical results and thermal behaviour of the drilling tool and workpiece used without investing lots of time and money with the experimental work. Hence manufacturing time and costs are reduced dramatically especially when the input values for the FEM are accurate. In this research, a new 3D nite element model was developed in ANSYS-Explicit by implementing the ply-based modeling technology to simulate the drilling of unidirectional CFRP using PCD twist drill and a special diamond coated double point angle drill tool without using a back-up plate, and also for predicting the thrust force and torque at planned feed rate and speed combinations. The ply-based modeling technology was used to model the laminates and to validate if the meso-scale approach used in this research would be the ideal solution to characterize the drilling induced damage. Hole quality has been investigated through delamination factors in this research experimentally and by finite element analysis, as they are calculated and compared to study the effect of operating parameters for twist drill and double point angle drill on the drilling induced damage. The delamination factor Fd and the adjusted delamination factor Fda have been used in the research, a new approach to measure the equivalent adjusted delamination factor Feda was developed, all of these delamination factors have been compared. Results show that the Feda obtained is suitable to estimate the drilling induced damages, and feed rate is regarded as one of the parameters highly affect the drilling induced damage indicated from the experimental and simulation derived results. Experimental drilling validation process was implemented by utilizing a CNC machining centre, force-torque dynamometer and charge amplier to measure drill torque and forces. While a Philips XL30 scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a Leica optical microscope were used in obtaining the images of the delaminated vicinity of entrance of the holes drilled, software "Image J" was utilized to process the image of delaminated areas

    Meso-scale Modeling of the Drilling of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic: Geometry and Numerical Analysis

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    This paper discussed the 3D finite element modeling (FEM) of the drilling of uni-directional Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP). Most of the real life parts of CFRP are modeled with single layer shell element and can be modeled as composite by assigning a composite property to it. A Meso-Scale (Laminate Level) approach has been developed to extract displacements, overall stiffness behavior, and detailed stresses and strains. The objective of this study is to implement a ply-based modeling technology to model the laminates and to analyze the interaction mechanisms between the drilling tool and material to validate if the meso-scale approach would be the ideal solution to characterize the drilling induced damage. Results show the model has proved its ability to correctly estimate the thrust force and torque


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    Berdasarkan Penelitian di Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi alur penyelesian dosen berprestasi masih dilakukan secara manual seperti melakukan pencatatan pengajaran, Status Dosen Penelitian,Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan melaksanakan Catur Dharma perguruan tinggi. Dosen merupakan tenaga pengajar yang diangkat oleh pemerintah maupun oleh yayasan di mana dosen itu mengabdi. Decision Support Systems atau lebih dikenal dengan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan adalah bagian dari sebuah sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer termasuk sistem yang berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan dipakai untuk mendukung pengambil  keputusan dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. untuk memudahkan pimpinan dalam mengambil sebuah keputusan dibuatlah suatu sistem pengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making  (FMADM) digunakan untuk mencari alternatif optimalkan dari sejumlah alternatif dengan kriteria tertentu, sedangkan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Metode SAW sering juga dikenal istilah metode penjumlahan terbobot. Konsep dasar metode SAW adalah mencari penjumlahan terbobot dari rating kinerja pada setiap alternatif dari semua atribut. Hal ini berguna untuk memudahkan pengambil keputusan yang terkait dengan masalah pemilihan dosen berprestasi, sehingga akan di dapatkan dosen yang paling layak diberi reward atau penghargaan