933 research outputs found

    Effect of Thermal Neutron Irradiation on the Growth and Structure of K2SO4 Crystal

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    In this work we studied the effects of K2SO4 crystal which is exposure to thermal neutron radiation. This crystal was  grown by slow evaporation of the aqueous solution  technique to the size (28 x 6x 6  )mm3.X-ray powder diffraction was used to identify the structures for  before and after irradiation samples. Lattice  parameter calculations revealed orthorhombic crystal system for before irradiation and monoclinic for after irradiation sample. Then we followed it by DSC which  allowed us to highlight the high temperature phase transition around Tc581.9?Cfor before irradiation and at 670ºC for after irradiation .The difference in Tc at high temperature during heating run indicates for structural changed. Then IR study verifies the reduction in crystal symmetry, which indicates to the correlation between thermal neutron irradiation and structure of K2SO4. Keywords: Thermal neutron, Isomorphism, Single crystal, Phase transition, Symmetry reduction, after irradiation

    Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Cr2O3 Nanoparticles Prepared by Using Cr(NO3)3.9H2O and Triethanolamine Under Microwave Irradiation

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    In this study, Chromium oxide nanoparticles (Cr2O3-NPs) was prepared by sol-gel method, using Cr(NO3)3.9H2O as a Precursor material, triethanolamine (TEA) as a template and water as green solvent under microwave irradiation . X- ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Rietveld refinement and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were employed to characterize the average  crystallite size, crystalline structure, morphology, unit cell parameters and chemical groups of the annealed powder. From  XRD data and Dicvol 91 software analysis, the crystal system was found to be rhombohedral structure for samples. The average  crystallite size is calculated by using Debye-Scherrer formula, crystallites size and strain are calculated by using Williamson-Hall formula. The effect of particle size on the crystal lattice distortion ratio, specific surface area, dislocation density and number of unit cell was discussed. A good agreement is between XRD data and FIR data. The qualitative phase analysis is performed by Rietveld analysis using “Fullprof” program of Cr2O3-NPs. Keywords: Cr2O3, Nanoparticles,  Sol – Gel , Structural Properties, Rietveld refinement

    Improving chemical, rheological and sensory properties of commercial low-fat cream by concentrate addition of whey proteins

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    The present study was conducted to determine the effect of whey protein concentrate (WPC) addition on the commercial low-fat cream's chemical, rheological and sensory properties. WPC was added to the low-fat cream (10% fat)   in ratios of 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0% to represent the treatments C1, C2, and C3, respectively.In addition, a fat-rich, positive control treatment (C +) with a fat percentage of 30% and a negative low-fat control treatment (C-) with a fat percentage of 10% were investigated without adding WPC. Chemical tests were carried out, including the percentage of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, total acidity, and pH, as well as rheological tests that included; hardness, springiness, and Cohesiveness. Also, a sensory evaluation was conducted. The results showed a decrease in the moisture percentage of the added treatments with the increment of the added WPC quantity. Also, a decrease in the fat percentage and pH of the WPC addition treatments was observed, combined with an increment in the percentage of protein, carbohydrates, ash, and total acidity. Regarding the microbiological properties, no bacterial or mycological contamination was observed during the manufacturing and storage periods. The results also showed the improvement of rheological and sensory characteristics by increasing the percentage of WPC addition compared with the positive and negative control treatments. The present study would be helpful in the production of low-fat cream fortified with whey proteins with high nutritional value

    Evaluated the Up –regulation in Gene ‎Expression of Hepatic Insulin Gene and ‎Hepatic Insulin Receptor Gene in Type 1 ‎Diabetic Rats Treated with Cuscuta chinesis ‎Lam.‎

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                 انجزت هذه الدراسة للكشف عن فعالية مستخلص نبات الحامول الخافض للسكر  ودراسة ألية عمله على المستوى الجزيئي  والنسيجي  للاعضاء ذات العلاقة بمرض السكر( البنكرياس والكبد)، حيث تم قياس  العديد  من المؤشرات مثل مستوى سكر الدم الصيامى، مستوى الانسولين الصيامى في المصل، التعبير الجيني لكل من جين الانسولين في الكبد، جين الانسولين في البنكرياس و جين مستقبل الانسولين في الكبد بالاضافة الى اجراء فحوصات لمقاطع في انسجة البنكرياس والكبد. لاجراء هذه التجربة تم تقسيم اربعا وخمسون ذكراً من الجرذا ن نوع ٌRattus  rattus  والتي تراوحت معدلات  أوزنها من  200-180 غم  الى ثلاثة مجاميع رئيسية: مجموعة أ (مجموعة السيطرة للجرذان الطبيعي والتي تم تجريعها بالماء المقطر يومياً)، مجموعة ب(مجموعة السيطرة للجرذان المصابة  بداء السكري النوع الاول والتي تم تجريعها ايضاً بالماء المقطر يومياً) اما المجموعة الثالثة ج فكانت (مجموعة الجرذان المصابة  بداء السكري النوع الاول والتي تم تجريعها يومياً بالمستخلص الميثانولي بمقدار 400 ملغم/ كغم من وزن الجسم). تم تقسم كل مجموعة رئيسية والتي كانت تتالف من 18 جرذا الى ثلاث مجاميع ثانوية وفقا لمدة التجريع : مجوعة رقم (1) ، مجموعة رقم 2 ومجموعة رقم 3 لتشير الى عدد أيام التجريع 30 ، 60 و 90 يوما على التوالي ولقد تم قياس جميع المؤشرات السابقة وأوضحت النتائج بان التجريع اليومي بمستخلص نبات الحامول  400ملغم/كغم وزن جسم ادى الى الانخفاض المعنوي لمستوى سكر الدم الصيامي للمجموعة ج قياسا  بالمجموعة ب وكذلك رفع من مستوى كل من الانسولين الصيامى في المصل و، مستوى التعبير الجيني لكل من جين الانسولين في الكبد ، جين الانسولين في البنكرياس و جين مستقبل الانسولين في الكبد في المجموعة ج قياسا بالمجموعة ب ، كما ونلاحظ بانه اعاد جميع المؤشرات المدروسة في المجموعة ج الى الحالة الطبيعية بضمنها الطبيعة النسيجية لكل من النكرياس والكبد. استنتجت هذه الدراسة بان التجريع اليومي للجرذان المصابة بداء السكري من النوع الاول ب400ملغم ملغم/كغم من وزن الجسم من مستخلص نبات الحامول ولمدة 60 يوماً أعاد مستوى سكر الدم الصيامي الى مستواه الطبيعي من خلال رفع مستوى التعبير الجيني لكل من جين الانسولين في الكبد، جين الانسولين في البنكرياس  ،جين مستقبل الانسولين في الكبد ، اضافة الى ترميم خلايا بيتا في البنكرياس واعادة التركيب النسيجي لكل من البنكرياس والكبد الى الحالة الطبيعية        This research was conducted to study the hypoglycemic activity of C. chinesis Lam on type 1 diabetic disease and investigate the  molecular and histological mechanism of  its action .many parameters was investigated , Fasting blood glucose (FBG), Fasting serum insulin,Hepatic Insulin Gene Expression, pancreas Insulin Gene Expression ,Hepatic Insulin  Receptors Gene expression  and histological sections of pancrease and liver.54 Rattus rattus male rats weighting(180 -200g) were divided into 3 groups: A normal control daily administrated with Dw, B Diabetic control daily administrated with Dw  and C  diabetic group daily administrated with 400 mg/Kg body weight of C. chinesis  Lam. methanolic extract, each group consisted of  18 rats and further divided into (3) sub- groups 1 ,2  and 3. According to the period of administration  30, 60 and  90 days respectively. The results showing  the daily administration of 400 mg/Kg body weight of C. chinesis  Lam. methanolic extract for 60 day causing significance  decrease  in FBG and In the other hand each of fasting serum insulin, hepatic Insulin gene expression,pancreas Insulin gene expression and hepatic Insulin receptor gene expression was increased in group C in compare to B group and return all studied parameters involving pancrease and liver texture to the normal state ,which were statically morphologically  not appeared any significant difference from A group .this study concluded that the daily administration type 1 diabetic rats with 400 mg/Kg body weight of C. chinesis  Lam. extract for 60 day was return  fasting serum insulin and FBG to normal value by  upregulated  the gene expression of hepatic INS Gene ,INSR gene , pancreas INS Gene ,regenerate pancreatic beta- cell and returnthe texture of both liver and pancrease to the normal stat

    Estimation of some Immunological Factors in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم بعض معايير المناعة الخلوية لمرضى التدرن الرئوي من خلال تقدير مستويات الانترلوكينات IFN-γ )وIL-10و( IL-12   وتقدير فيتامين. D3  تم خلال الدراسة جمع عينات الدم من 50 مريضا بالتدرن الرئوي من المراجعات الى العيادة الاستشارية للأمراض الصدرية في الحلة -محافظة بابل خلال الفترة مابين شهر شباط 2016 إلى شباط 2017. ومن بين مرضى التدرن الرئوي، كان هناك 27 ذكور و23 إناث، وعمر المرضى يتراوح بين 12-80 عاما. تم قياس السايتوكينات وفيتامين D3باستخدام تقنية الاليزا. أظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل الدم IL-10  وIL-12 أن هناك زيادة معنوية (p˂ 0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي بالمقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة (4.024 و1.049) بغ / مل , (51.563 و13.514) بغ / مل على التوالي.  في حين لم يظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل IFN-γ زيادة معنوية (p˃0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة (36.505 و25.019) بغ / مل. أظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل الدم ل VD3 انخفاضا معنويا (p ˂ 0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة (18.186 و29.321) نغ/ لThis study aimed to assess the status of cell mediated immunity for pulmonary tuberculosis patients through evaluation levels of Interleukins (IFN-γ ,IL-10, IL-12) and estimation vitamin D3 . Whole blood samples collected from 50 pulmonary tuberculosis patients who are admitted to consultant clinic for respiratory diseases in Hilla – Babylon province during the period from February 2016 to February 2017. Out of the pTB patients, there were 27 males and 23 females, the patients age range was between 12-80 years. Cytokines levels and vitamin D3 estimated by using ELISA technique. The mean of serum concentration of IL-10  and IL-12 revealed that there is a significantly increased (p˂ 0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients as compared to controls (4.024 and 1.049)pg/ml (51.563 and 13.514) pg/ml ,respectively. While, the mean of serum concentration of IFN-γ showed no significant increasing (p˃0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients compared to controls (36.505 and 25.019)pg/ml.  The mean of serum concentration of VD3 showed a significant decreasing (p˂ 0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients as compared to controls (18.186 and 29.321) ng/ml. Conclusions: The results provide a good correlation between the levels of  IL-10 , IL-12, IFN-γ and Vitamin D3 with the cellular immunity against pulmonary tuberculosis

    Laboratory study on the effects of nutrient enrichment on a phytoplankton population in Sawa Lake, Iraq

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    Nutrient enrichment of Sawa lake water was made using different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations during autumn and spring at three stations. Different concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and N: P ratios were used to test variations in phytoplankton population dynamics. Nitrogen at a concentration of 25 µmole.l-1 and N: P ratio of 10:1 gave highest phytoplankton cell number at all stations and seasons. A total of 64 algal taxa dominated by Bacillariophyceae followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae were identified. The values of Shannon index of diversity were more than one in the studied stations

    Cytogenetic Effects of Benzene on Human Blood Cells

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    The study aims to investigate the cytogenetic effect of benzene on human blood cells in vitro using chromosomes abnormalities and mitotic index test. Different concentrations of benzene were added to human blood culture at 24 hour, then cells were arrested at metaphase to detect chromosomes malformations and its proliferation, the result show that benzene causes increased in mitotic index level and different aberrations in chromosomes which increased with benzene concentrations. Keywords: Benzene, Chromosomes abnormalities, Mitotic index

    Inhibition of cyclophosphomide mutagenicity using Glycyrrihza glabra root extract

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    The aims of the studying is using methanolic - water extract of the Glycyrrihza glabra root for inhibition the mutagenicity of anticancer drug by cytogenetic assays in vivo in three interaction between the drug and extract. The result shows that the extract is bioantimutagenesis. The treatment by extract after drug causes increase mitotic index and decrease chromosome aberration and sperm head abnormalities. The thin layer chromatography of the extract show that is contains different polar compounds

    Anatomical Studies of Medicinal Plant Fumaria densiflora in Iraq

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    The anatomical characters of the leaf, stem and fruits of Fumaria densiflora of Papaveraceae family were studied by scanning electron and light microscopy. The results showed that the wall cells of adaxial and abaxial epidermis was thick with straight- sinuate anticlinal cell walls. Both surface have stomatal types of anomocytic, anisocytic and hemiparacytic. Leaf mesophyll consists of 1- 2 layers of palisade cells under the superior epidermis thickness rang 121.44 um and 3 or 6 layers of spongy tissue under the palisade layer. Cross sections of stems are pentagonal- shaped in outline and having five prominent angles.Fumaria fruits are tetragonal in shaped (fruit ribs are four). The external area included 2-4 layers of chlorenchyma cells as well as several layers of hypodermal collenchyma cells were recognized below the epidermis. Laticifer tubes could be seen in the sclerenchymatous sheath of the vascular bundles, the fruit wall, placenta and internal parenchyma layers. Keywords: Papaveraceae, Fumaria densiflora, leaves, stem, fruits

    Design for safety : safety consideration in planning and design of airport airsides

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    During airport planning and design stages, the major issues of capacity and safety in construction and operation of an airport need to be taken into consideration. The airside of an airport is a major and critical infrastructure that usually consists of runway(s), taxiway system, and apron(s) etc., which have to be designed according to the international standards and recommendations, and local limitations to accommodate the forecasted demands. However, in many cases, airport airsides are suffering from unexpected risks that occurred during airport operations. Therefore, safety risk assessment should be applied in the planning and design of airsides to cope with the probability of risks and their consequences, and to make decisions to reduce the risks to as low as reasonably practicable(ALARP) based on safety risk assessment. This paper presents a combination approach of Failure Modes, Effect, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fuzzy Reasoning Approach (FRA), and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to develop a risk analysis model for safety risk assessment. An illustrated example is used to demonstrate risk assessment process on how the design of an airside in an airport can be analysed by using the proposed safety risk assessment mode