420 research outputs found

    From Uyghur Muslims in China to the Uyghur Diaspora in Southeast Asia: A Political Reflection

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    This article discusses the problems of the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, People's Republic of China, who have experienced mistreatment and violence from the communist regimes of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu Rongji, and Xi Jinping. Despite facing this treatment, the Uyghur Muslim minority has received criticism and negative labels for their resistance. The world community has also shown little attention to the Uyghur issue. This article aims to reveal the dynamics among Uyghur Muslims as they shift from nationalistic interests to their participation in acts of terrorism. This article uses a descriptive-analytical qualitative method based on data obtained from interviews, documents and literature studies. This article also explores the novelty of this topic by discussing the impact and implications of Uyghur Muslim involvement in global jihadist groups. For example, this article shows that thousands of Uyghur Muslims have become diasporas in other countries (Turkey, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.) seeking solutions to their problems, while being in a difficult and disadvantageous position . This article also explores the magnitude and extent of the activities and presence of Uyghur Muslims in Indonesia, such as in Aceh, Jakarta and Papua

    The Prevalence of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle among Adolescents in Palestine

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    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior have been considered the most contributing predisposing factors for many chronic diseases. Regular Physical activity has the potential to attenuate the health and economic burden that Physical inactivity places on Palestinian society.The authors of this paper would like to thank the Department of Community Medicine, Universiti Sains Malaysia. As well as, the authors would like to thank both the all participants of this study, and the Palestinian Ministry of Education Board committee for their assistance during this study

    Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on Physical Activity-Related Knowledge among High School Students in Southern Rural Palestinian Community, in 2012

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    Low Physical activity during adolescence is recognized as a key public health concern. School-based interventions are thought to be the most globally applicable and effective way to counteract levels of physical inactivity and sedentary behavior. This study aimed to investigate the effects of an eight-week school-based teaching intervention to promote physical activity through increasing the physical activity-related knowledge of high school students in Palestinian national high schools in 2012. Baseline and 3 months post-test data from the Health Knowledge Inventory Survey (HKI) were analyzed for group differences through independent t tests and for improvement over time via repeated measures ANOVA. The findings indicated no significant differences between the groups in terms of mean physical activity knowledge scores (P = 0.059) before the intervention. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in mean knowledge scores between the intervention and control schools 3 month after intervention follow-up and there was a significant difference in term of gender [male (p=0.028) and female (p=0.007)] and stream of education track (Scientific and non-scientific) in the intervention schools. Whereas significant difference for control group (p<0.001) was found solely between scientific and non-scientific stream students. Media and internet were the two most common sources of physical activity-related knowledge. The evidence suggests the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions, given the positive effects on physical activity knowledge. Schools are a suitable setting for the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Additional research on the long-term impact of these interventions is needed.The authors of this paper would like to thanks to the Department of Community Medicine, Universiti Sains Malaysia. As well as, would like to thank all participants of this study. Also the authors would like to thank the Palestinian Ministry of Education Board committee for their assistance during this study. This study was self-sponsored

    A Hydrodynamic Study of Benzyl Alcohol Oxidation in a Micro-Packed Bed Reactor

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    The various flow regimes prevalent during gold-palladium catalyzed benzyl alcohol oxidation in a micro-packed bed reactor and their influence on reaction performance are identified. The reaction is studied in a 300μm deep x 600μm wide silicon-glass micro-structured reactor packed with 65μm catalyst particles at a temperature of 120°C, pressure of 1 bar (g), using pure oxygen and neat benzyl alcohol as the feed. Significant improvement in the conversion and selectivity to the main product, benzaldehyde, is observed with increasing gas flowrate and decreasing liquid flowrate, which coincides with a change in the flow pattern from “liquid-dominated slug” (segregated regions of liquid and gas slugs) to “gas-continuous trickle” (thin film coated catalyst particles with gas flowing through the voids). The latter flow regime results in enhanced external mass transfer due to an increase in the available interfacial area and shorter diffusional distances. Results show selectivity up to 81% at a catalyst space time of 76 gcatgalc -1.s, outperforming a conventional batch laboratory reactor