60 research outputs found

    Sustainable entrepreneurship development in Oman:a multi-stakeholder qualitative study

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    Abstract Purpose: Even though sustainable entrepreneurship has increasingly received researchers’ attention in recent years, the topic remains rather under-researched in natural resources’ rich Gulf countries such as Oman. Hence, this paper aims to fill this gap in the literature and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is one of the first attempts to assess the state of sustainable entrepreneurship development in Oman from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Design/methodology/approach: This paper uses a qualitative research approach where in-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 12 respondents representing relevant stakeholders of sustainable entrepreneurship development in Oman. The interviewees included four sustainable entrepreneurs, four policymakers and four educationists representing entrepreneurial skills development institutes in Oman. Findings: This papers’ findings highlight that despite some positive improvements, several critical challenges remain, which hinder sustainable entrepreneurship development. The authors further found the role of FinTech to be critical in this concern by all stakeholders, though its usage and acceptance remain low. Also, the costs associated with the post-carbon (sustainable) economy and different profitability evolution have resulted in a slow change in the policy development in this concern. From an educational (skills development) perspective, a lack of context-specific training programmes and culture-based hesitations appeared to be hindering achieving sustainable entrepreneurship possibilities in Oman. The nascent entrepreneurial ecosystem, bureaucracy and lack of human capital (attraction as well as retention) appeared to be significant challenges for entrepreneurs. Finally, the findings highlighted the need for cross-sector collaboration with clear benchmarks for effective policy development concerning sustainable entrepreneurship in Oman. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is the first academic study explicitly highlighting the state of sustainable entrepreneurship in Oman by incorporating the development initiatives as well as the major challenges in the analysis. Secondly, this study is also a pioneering work specifying the interlinkage between financing (FinTech), policy initiatives and skills development and the development of a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in an under-researched context of Oman. Finally, the transition to a sustainable economy is challenging in natural resources’ dependent economies like Oman, as it needs to be supported by the mindset change in the larger society (legitimacy). In this concern, this paper, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, is one of the first academic endeavours to also specify the role of legitimacy from the perspective of different stakeholders (and larger society) for sustainable entrepreneurship development in such contexts

    RDET stacking classifier: a novel machine learning based approach for stroke prediction using imbalance data

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    The main cause of stroke is the unexpected blockage of blood flow to the brain. The brain cells die if blood is not supplied to them, resulting in body disability. The timely identification of medical conditions ensures patients receive the necessary treatments and assistance. This early diagnosis plays a crucial role in managing symptoms effectively and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals affected by the stroke. The research proposed an ensemble machine learning (ML) model that predicts brain stroke while reducing parameters and computational complexity. The dataset was obtained from an open-source website Kaggle and the total number of participants is 3,254. However, this dataset needs a significant class imbalance problem. To address this issue, we utilized Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Adaptive Synthetic Sampling (ADAYSN), a technique for oversampling issues. The primary focus of this study centers around developing a stacking and voting approach that exhibits exceptional performance. We propose a stacking ensemble classifier that is more accurate and effective in predicting stroke disease in order to improve the classifier’s performance and minimize overfitting problems. To create a final stronger classifier, the study used three tree-based ML classifiers. Hyperparameters are used to train and fine-tune the random forest (RF), decision tree (DT), and extra tree classifier (ETC), after which they were combined using a stacking classifier and a k-fold cross-validation technique. The effectiveness of this method is verified through the utilization of metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. In addition, we utilized nine ML classifiers with Hyper-parameter tuning to predict the stroke and compare the effectiveness of Proposed approach with these classifiers. The experimental outcomes demonstrated the superior performance of the stacking classification method compared to other approaches. The stacking method achieved a remarkable accuracy of 100% as well as exceptional F1-score, precision, and recall score. The proposed approach demonstrates a higher rate of accurate predictions compared to previous techniques


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    Teori Komunikasi Organisasi

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    Dalam era globalisasi yang dinamis, organisasi menghadapi kompleksitas yang semakin meningkat. Kemampuan organisasi dalam mengelola komunikasi internal dan eksternal menjadi kritis untuk efisiensi dan keberlanjutan. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi teori komunikasi organisasi sebagai kerangka konseptual untuk menganalisis, memahami, dan merancang strategi komunikasi efektif dalam konteks organisasional. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini memaparkan teori komunikasi organisasi utama, seperti komunikasi vertikal dan horizontal, fungsi komunikasi, dan proses komunikasi. Hasil penelitian memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang dinamika komunikasi organisasi, mengidentifikasi hambatan-hambatan seperti gangguan, kepentingan, motivasi, dan prasangka. Artikel ini juga membahas pendekatan makro, mikro, dan individual dalam memahami komunikasi organisasi serta menguraikan perkembangan teori komunikasi organisasi dari pendekatan klasik hingga postmodernisme. Pemahaman teori ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi praktisi, akademisi, dan pengambil keputusan dalam mengoptimalkan proses komunikasi, meningkatkan kinerja, dan menghadapi perubahan dengan adaptif
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