168 research outputs found

    Key factors enhancing acceptance of management information systems

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    Abstract Management information systems play a key role in the life of organizations; it provides the appropriate information in right time as needed to support the management activities. In the telecommunication companies in Yemen, management information systems enable to compilation, processing and storage of the information; with overall purpose to make that information available on demand in the required format. There are some factors hinder the acceptance of management information systems. Synthesizing from the literature and interviews with some of the employees of telecommunications companies in Yemen, this paper proposes a theoretical framework on the factors contributing to the acceptance of management information systems in Yemen companies

    First record of the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Temminck Schlegel, 1844) from the coast off Sur, Sultanate of Oman

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    A single specimen of the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis was caught on 11 May 2017 in a long-line operated about 40 nautical miles off the coast of Sur atconfluent of Sea of Oman and Arabian Sea coast of Oman. This first record of its occurrence indicates the extension of distributional range of the species to the Arabian Sea coast of Oman

    Testing of the Technology Acceptance Model in Context of Yemen

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    Recently, the technology acceptance model (TAM) has been widely used by researchers in order to gain a better understanding of the factors that affect on acceptance of technology. Technology Acceptance Model is one of the most common models in field of acceptance of the technology. Technology Acceptance Model has been tested in North America, but the factors that effect on acceptance of technology may be different in diverse cultural and social contexts. This paper test the technology acceptance model in context of telecommunication companies in Yemen. Where, test the model with different data set help to generalization of the model. The questionnaire used to collect primary data. The 269 completed questionnaires were received from the companies. This study test the model by using structural equation modeling techniques. The study found that, three of the hypotheses are supported. This means that technology acceptance model useful in context of Yemen. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s1p26

    Different chemical behaviors and antioxidant activity of three novel schiff bases containing hydroxyl groups. X-ray structure of CH2{cyclo-C6H10-NH=CH-(2-O-naphth)}2.H2O

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    The antioxidant activities of three new Schiff base compounds, 1–3, were studied through their direct scavenging ability to eliminate free radicals using DPPH and ABTS methods and also through their indirect antioxidant activity as measured using the ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method. The number of OH groups in the compounds and their positions play a role in the activity. The crystal structure of CH2{cycloC6H10NHCH-(2-O-naphth)}2.H2O (1), has been determined and proves the existence of intramolecular hydrogen-bonds and hydrogen-bonded water molecules and reveals the keto-amine (NH⋯O) tautomer of this compound. One cyclo-hexyl ring was found to be disordered, and was resolved in two orientations. Hydrogen atoms of the NHCH groups were located in difference maps and were refined freely. Compounds 2 and 3 exhibit the enol-imine form. The UV–vis spectra of the three compounds have been studied in organic solvents of different polarity, and in basic and acidic media, and were found helpful in understanding the tautomeric forms in these compounds; the polarity was modified by adding (CF3COOH) or [(C2H5)3N] to the solvent. All three compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, UV–vis, FTIR, NMR and MS

    The Impact of Top Management Support, Training, and Perceived Usefulness on Technology Acceptance

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of top management support, training , and perceived usefulness on the acceptance of technology in Yemeni organizations. The questionnaire used to collect the data. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of review of literature. 250 completed questionnaires were received from the telecommunication companies in Yemen. Data were obtained through 4 companies. The responses were collected on seven point liker type scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. This study analyzed the data two times first with Pearson correlation (SPSS), second by using structural equation modeling techniques (AMOS Graphics), then compare the findings. Based on correlation techniques this study found that there are significant relationship between top management support, training, and perceived usefulness with acceptance of the technology. In other hands, based on SEM techniques this study found that there is significant relationship between perceived usefulness and acceptance of the technology. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s4p1

    On-Treatment Platelet Reactivity in Peripheral and Coronary Arterial Blood in Patients Undergoing Primary PCI for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

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    BACKGROUND Dual antiplatelet therapy is recommended in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI) for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). In the past few decades, oral antiplatelet agents have proved to significantly reduce the incidence of ischemic events in patients with atherothrombotic diseases. Nevertheless, recurrent ischemic events often occur in patients undergoing stent implantation. High platelets reactivity has been associated with a higher risk for major cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Several pre-analytical variables may influence platelet function analysis. The aim of our study was to assess the on-treatment platelet reactivity in peripheral and coronary blood, in a group of patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI) for STEMI. METHODS Eligible patients for the study were considered as consecutively admitted patients to the emergency department of University-Hospital of Padua with a diagnosis of ACS with ST-segment elevation scheduled for an urgent procedure of coronary angioplasty. One hundred nine patients who consecutively underwent p-PCI (males: 72%, females: 28%; mean age: 64±13 years) were enrolled. Before the coronary angioplasty intervention, the patients were treated with dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 250mg I.V in association with one another oral thienopyridines; Clopidogrel 300/600mg, Prasugrel 60 mg or Ticagrelor 180 mg) and with anticoagulant therapy (unfractionated heparin 70U/Kg I.V). During the coronary angioplasty intervention two different samples were obtained, one from peripheral artery and the other from coronary blood. The platelet aggregation was studied using the impedance aggregometry Multiplate®, according to manufacturer’s indications. For each patient the values of “Area Under the Curve” (AUC) in ADP-test and ASPI-test were considered, both in the peripheral and in coronary blood. “Low responders of antiplatelet therapy” were considered when an AUC value of ASPI-test or ADP-test greater than or equal to a pre-established cut-off. RESULTS The Multiplate® analysis of ADP-test revealed that mean values were slightly higher in peripheral blood compared to coronary blood (peripheral blood: 41±28 U; coronary blood: 39±28 U), However these values with no statistically significant difference (p=0.68). Likewise, for the ASPI-test; no statistically significant difference between the mean values in the peripheral blood compared to the coronary blood (peripheral blood: 23±4 U; coronary blood: 17±2 U; p=0.06). The percentage of low-responders to ADP-receptor inhibitors was significantly greater than the percentage of low-responders to acetylsalicylic acid at time of primary PCI both in the peripheral and in the coronary blood samples (peripheral ADP-test: 38%; peripheral ASPI-test: 14%; p0.05). Finally, a positive and statistically significant linear correlation was observed for both ASPI-test and ADP-test in peripheral and coronary blood (r2 0.23, p <0.001 and r2 0.12, p <0.001; respectively). That means; those who are resistant to acetylsalicylic acid tend to be resistant to ADP receptor inhibitors, and vice versa; those who are sensitive to acetylsalicylic acid therapy tend to be sensitive to ADP inhibitor therapy also. Our observed data did not show a correlation between platelet function and clinical outcome both for in-hospital and 1-year clinical outcomes. CONCLUSIONS In this study we observed that the overall platelet reactivity in coronary blood is lower than in peripheral blood, though not statistically significant. This more likely appears to be due to high antiplatelet drugs effect at plaque ulceration/thrombus site, where the hemostatic process is highly active at onset of STEMI. Larger studies are needed for better evaluation of these mechanisms in term of pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and receptor kinetic properties of antiplatelet agents. The other interesting result emerging from data processing is the high incidence (about 30%) of low response to thienopyridine type antiplatelet drugs at the time of primary angioplasty. This result, moreover known for Clopidogrel in addition our results include patients treated with Prasugrel and Ticagrelor also. An explanation of this phenomenon which also involves potent recent drugs, requires careful analysis and further studies. The significant direct correlation between platelet reactivity in peripheral and in coronary blood is still a matter of debate. Larger studies are needed for in-depth assessment of any correlation between on–treatment platelet reactivity measured in coronary blood and clinical outcome

    Antioxidant Activity: The Presence and Impact of Hydroxyl Groups in Small Molecules of Natural and Synthetic Origin

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    Polyhydroxylated natural phenolic compounds, especially those with low molecular weights, are characterized by their ability to eliminate free radicals as they act as strong antioxidants. The various types of phenolic compounds represent the most important natural antioxidants in addition to some vitamins. The chemical structures of these compounds is discussed in details with their action mechanisms to remove free radicals and prevent many incurable and malignant diseases. In addition to these natural compounds, the last two decades have witnessed increased attempts by many scientific groups and research centers to synthesize chemical compounds in large quantities to mimic these natural compounds, but at a lower cost and greater biological effectiveness. Herein, we conduct a chemical survey of relevant synthetic compounds containing the hydroxyl groups prepared in chemical laboratories and studied for their biological efficacies, such as their effectiveness as antioxidants, as well as the mechanism of elimination of free radicals

    Localised Skin Hyperpigmentation as a Presenting Symptom of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Complicating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis

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    Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in developing countries and should be suspected in patients with unexplained anaemia or neurological symptoms. Dermatological manifestations associated with this deficiency include skin hyper- or hypopigmentation, angular stomatitis and hair changes. We report a case of a 28-year-old man who presented to the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital in Muscat, Oman, in November 2013 with localised hyperpigmentation of the palmar and dorsal aspects of both hands of two months’ duration. Other symptoms included numbness of the hands, anorexia, weight loss, dizziness, fatigability and a sore mouth and tongue. There was no evidence of hypocortisolaemia and a literature search revealed a possible B12 deficiency. The patient had low serum B12 levels and megaloblastic anaemia. An intrinsic factor antibody test was negative. A gastric biopsy revealed chronic gastritis. After B12 supplementation, the patient’s symptoms resolved. Family physicians should familiarise themselves with atypical presentations of B12 deficiency. Many symptoms of this deficiency are reversible if detected and treated early
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