92 research outputs found

    The use of planning in crisis management and its impact on the educational sector: An analytical exploratory study at the Dor Institute of the Northern Technical University

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    The educational system in universities has been exposed to several crises, the most recent of which is the Corona crisis, which affected the educational systems followed and the latest change in the education system, which turned to e-learning systems to prevent the spread of the epidemic and preserve the lives of students from infection, so the types and forms of crisis management systems differed in the diversity of planning methods and what it contains From (realistic, comprehensive, coordination, integration, timing, participation, provision of the necessary resources), so the educational administration followed the distance education strategy with the availability of places for social distancing and keeping the geographical space allocated to the university as it is. In order to overcome the problem of availability and wide spaces for study halls and laboratories, various planning methods must be used, as it is possible to use crisis management approaches, given that crises have become an integral part of the fabric of contemporary life, and that the occurrence of crises has become a fact of daily life, and the name of each crisis has become It is associated with a special type of disaster. One of the characteristics of the crisis is entering into a circle of future unknowns that are difficult to know or accurately calculate, given that the real danger of the crisis does not go away or relates to the past and the present only, but is strongly oriented towards what the crisis may lead to in the future, so it required intensive professional training for workers In the field of education, on how to face crises, develop their awareness of the characteristics and nature of the crisis, and develop their skills that must be available in those managing the educational process to enable them to deal effectively with various crises . The study dealt with the correlation and the impact of planning and crisis management on the educational sector by relying on an academic sample of (128) teachers and academic staff

    The role of accounting thought in the face of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq ( Applied and analytical study on the accounting and control units working in government institutions in Diwaniyah )

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    يسعى هذا البحث إلى معرفة الدور الذي يمكن إن يحققه الفكر المحاسبي في مواجهة الفساد المالي والإداري في العراق، فقد تعرض هذا  الفكر التقليدي للعديد من الانتقادات نظرا لقصوره في معالجة قضايا الفساد نتيجة مرونته وقصوره في تطبيق القواعد والمعايير والسياسات المحاسبية, فالفساد المالي والإداري يعد مشكلة مجتمعية، تهدد كل المجتمعات وخاصة العراق على وجه التحديد، فهذه المشكلة ترتبط برغبة الإنسان في الحصول على مكاسب مادية طائلة بطرق غير مشروعة، والسبب في ذلك يعود إلى ضعف الأنظمة المحاسبية والرقابية من المنظورين المالي والإداري، وكذلك غياب دور المساءلة المحاسبية، فالفساد المالي والإداري استشرى في المؤسسات والدوائر الحكومية كالنار في الهشيم وعلى مختلف المستويات فلا يوجد مفصل من مفاصل الدولة أو احد مؤسساتها إلا وفيه شيء من الفساد ابتداء من التقاعس في انجاز الإعمال والواجبات المكلفين بها  فالوظائف المحاسبية والرقابية العامة أخذت تفقد هيبتها وتجهز على الإعمال والانجازات التي تحققها الأجهزة الإدارية التي ينشدها أفراد المجتمع. ومن اجل تحقيق هدف هذا البحث فقد تم استخدام المنهج التحليلي والتطبيقي، في تحليل مشكلة الفساد المالي والإداري في العراق، ثمّ استنتاج طرق المواجهة من خلال الفكر المحاسبي، كذلك محو الآثار السيئة التي خلفها الفساد المالي والإداري في الاقتصاد العراقي، ومما يترتب عليه من نهضة وتقدم اقتصادي شامل في العراق. This research seeks to know the role that accounting thinking can play in the face of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq. This traditional thinking has been criticized for its lack of dealing with corruption issues due to its flexibility and lack of application of accounting rules and standards. Financial and administrative corruption is a societal problem , Threatens all societies, especially Iraq in particular, this problem is linked to the desire of the human to obtain substantial material gains by illegal means, due to the weakness of accounting and control systems from the financial and administrative perspectives, as well as the absence of the role of accountability For accounting, financial and administrative corruption consulted in institutions and government departments such as wildfire at various levels there is no detailed joints of the state or one of its institutions except in it a bit of corruption from the failure to complete the work and the duties assigned to them, the functions of accounting and public control has lost prestige and equipped to work and achievements Achieved by the administrative organs sought by members of society.     In order to achieve the objective of this research, the analytical and applied approach was used to analyze the problem of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq, and then to conclude the methods of confrontation through accounting thought, as well as to erase the bad effects of financial and administrative corruption in the Iraqi economy and the consequent renaissance and progress Comprehensive economic in Iraq.   &nbsp

    Enhancement of educational services by using the internet of things applications for talent and intelligent schools

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    This study deals with the issue of improving educational services for schools of talent and intelligence. The availability of devices, equipment, sensors, and the Internet of things applications led to a direct contribution to improve the level of student education. In addition, the students can complete the tasks and homework easily. The talented and intelligent students are more efficient, skilled, and active. In addition, they are Deeping to understand virtual reality and coexist with it with awareness and consciousness of the development period of information, the spread of equipment, and smart devices. Educational entities achieved their goals by graduating intelligent students who can join the labor market and contribute to the development of the country. In this research, the important features of the Internet of things that are available in the educational environment were studied, and how to get the benefit from them in developing educational services and scientific research service. The Developing of artificial intelligence capabilities, building the right management strategies and creating comprehensive (security, health, and economic) databases that can be relied upon with complete reliability

    Accumulation of some heavy metals in the prevailing plants (Alhagi mourorum and Suaeda vermiculata) near the thermal power plant in Al-Nasiriyah city south of Iraq

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of Thermal power plant emissions upon two species of plant  Alhagi mourorum  and Suaeda vermiculata which growth in the region close to Thermal power plant. triplicater samples were collected seasonllys from  autumn 2016 up to summer 2017 one time from each season. three station were selected in the study area  to execute this study meters. The first station distances 400 meters from the thermal power station, The second station is located 800 meters from the thermal power plant . While, the third station distances 1200 meters from the thermal power plant . Three stations were with prevailing wind direction (north wind) , while control station situated far from the thermal power plant about 12 km. the concentratios of heavy  metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were estimate in root and shoot systems for both plants, their concentration in root system more higher than their concentrations in shoot system. its concluded from the present study  that thermal electric power station emissions affected upon the plants which growth in the surrounding region with thermal power plant.

    The role of digitization in revitalizing the course system at Northern Technical University

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    Northern Technical university in Iraq relied in their education on the course system, this system was characterized by some kind of difficulties. A questionnaire was distributed to professors, technicians, administrators, and students subject to the curriculum system as a secondary source for collecting data and information. The study found that NTU as a young and modern university has an infrastructure supported by an electronic educational administrative information system, It provides an integrated digital platform for teachers to participate extensively in lectures, courses, scientific and practical workshops, create interactive lessons, create assignments, tests and assessment through a solid and efficient platform that facilitated the student to complete his homework and duties in the time available to him by notifying them and informing them by sending an email that includes educational content and information and communication technology urged the university to continue with the course system. The study dealt with data analysis using structural equation modeling and the confirmatory factor analysis strategy as a means to measure the observational variables represented by the digitization axes, which in turn matched the measures of statistical analysis Amos

    Accumulation of some heavy metals in the prevailing plants (Alhagi mourorum and Suaeda vermiculata) near the thermal power plant in Al-Nasiriyah city south of Iraq

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of Thermal power plant emissions upon two species of plant  Alhagi mourorum  and Suaeda vermiculata which growth in the region close to Thermal power plant. triplicater samples were collected seasonllys from  autumn 2016 up to summer 2017 one time from each season. three station were selected in the study area  to execute this study meters. The first station distances 400 meters from the thermal power station, The second station is located 800 meters from the thermal power plant . While, the third station distances 1200 meters from the thermal power plant . Three stations were with prevailing wind direction (north wind) , while control station situated far from the thermal power plant about 12 km. the concentratios of heavy  metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were estimate in root and shoot systems for both plants, their concentration in root system more higher than their concentrations in shoot system. its concluded from the present study  that thermal electric power station emissions affected upon the plants which growth in the surrounding region with thermal power plant.

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Objective: The objective of the study is to optimize the solubility of a drug or a drug-like molecule using Aspen Plus simulation platform. Aspirin (solute) was taken as the second case study. The following solvents were used in our dry (virtual) laboratory experiment: Water, acetone, ethanol, and ethylene-glycol-mono-propyl-ether (PROPGLYC). Methods: A simplified process flow sheet made of a single mixing tank where it has five feed streams, representing the solute, the water, and the set of three organic solvents, and one product stream where aspirin is either solubilized (liquid solution) or remains as solid crystal. Minimization of the molar Gibbs free energy of mixing, ΔGmix, was used as an objective function from an optimization point of view. The Non-random Two-liquid property method was used to analyze the solution properties. Results: Using the molar Gibbs free energy of mixing, ΔGmix, as a criterion of solution thermodynamic stability, it was found that the most stable solution is the quinary mixture made of 24.42% aspirin, 10.22% water, 21.08% acetone, 19.51% ethanol, and 24.77 mole % PROPGLYC. Conclusions: Exploiting Aspen Plus can be extended to handle the solubility of a new drug-like molecule once it is defined within its molecular editor with a little knowledge such as density and/or melting point

    Patient’s experience of self-management in Type 2-Diabetes : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Typ 2-diabetes är en kronisk sjukdom som står för 90 procent av alla diabetesfall i världen och beräknas öka de kommande åren, på grund av bland annat ohälsosamma levnadsvanor såsom kost och fysisk aktivitet. Egenvård innebär att patienten tar ansvar och för att hantera det behövs kunskap och stöd från vårdpersonalen. Syfte: att beskriva upplevelser av egenvården vid typ 2-diabetes, med fokus på livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Resultat: Det har framkommit olika upplevelser av egenvården och dessa har kategoriserats i teman med subteman: 1) Känsla av kontroll: Olika uppfattningar av betydelsen av typ 2-diabetes, 2) Upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar: Kostomläggning och Fysisk aktivitet och 3) Upplevelser av omvårdnadsåtgärder: Rådgivning, Motiverande samtal, MI och Gruppbaserad patientutbildning. Slutsats: Att ändra på sin livsstil kan upplevas som krävande och omställningen behöver stödjas och anpassas utefter patientens behov. Klinisk betydelse: Patientens upplevelser av egenvård med behov, krav och brister kan fungera som ett kunskapsverktyg för vårdpersonalen vid omvårdnaden av typ 2-diabetes. Background: Type 2-Diabetes is a chronic disease that accounts for 90 percent of all diabetes cases in the world and is expected to increase in the upcoming years, due to unhealthy habits such as diet and physical activity. Self-management means that the patient takes responsibility and in order to manage it knowledge is needed and support from caregivers. Objective: To describe the experiences of self-management in Type 2-Diabetes, focusing on lifestyle changes. Method: A literature review based on twelve qualitative scientific articles were conducted. Results: It has turned out that there have been different experiences of self-management and these have been categorized into themes with subthemes: 1) Sense of control: Different views of the importance of Type 2-Diabetes, 2) Experiences of lifestyle changes: Change of diet and Physical activity and 3) Experiences of nursing interventions: Counseling, Motivational interviewing, MI and Group-based patient education. Conclusion: To change the lifestyle may be perceived as demanding and conversion needs to be adjusted to the patient's needs. Clinical significance: Patient’s experiences of self-management with needs, demands and deficiencies can serve as a knowledge tool for the care staff in the care of Type 2-Diabetes