418 research outputs found


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    According to exiting literature, most change programs fail to manage and/or meet the expectations of stakeholders; leading to the failure of larger strategic organisational and transformational initiatives. Undoubtedly, change management necessitates introspective planning and responsive implementation but a failure to acknowledge and manage the external stakeholder environment will undermine these efforts. This article presents some practical frameworks for managing the delivery of change that were used collectively in different situations and contributed to the successful implementation of change programs. It does not recommend any specific approach to yield successful outcomes, but it considers a range of approaches for practitioners to take into account to assure seamless integration of programs with the formulation of overall strategy and implementation planning. Understanding the components of each program is asserted to support organisations to better understand the people and non-technology dimensions of their projects and the need to ensure effective, consultative communications to gain and maintain support for the program of change.people Management, change Management tactics

    Modeling Market Volatility in Emerging Markets: The case of Daily Data in Amman Stock Exchange 1992-2004

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    This paper attempts to investigate the volatility of the Jordanian emerging stock market using daily observations from Amman Stock Exchange Composite Index (ASE) for the period from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 2004. Preliminary analysis of the data shows significant departure from normality. Moreover, returns and residuals show a significant level of serial correlation which is related to the conditional heteroskedasticity due to the time varying volatility. These results suggest that ARCH and GARCH models can provide good approximation for capturing the characteristics of ASE. The empirical analysis supports the hypothesis of symmetric volatility; hence, both good and bad news of the same magnitude have the same impact on the volatility level. Moreover, the volatility persists in the market for a long period of time, which makes ASE market inefficient; therefore, returns can be easily predicted and forecasted.Stock Exchange, Modeling Volatility, Emerging Markets, Jordan


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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a complex and revolutionary strategic management concept that aims at integrating organisational functions to present consumers with a single face of the organization. To this end, the presentation of this face of the company must be agreed upon by the multi-functional teams in the organization, especially regarding what the face of the organization is and/or how it should be presented. A number of critical success factors must apply if the implementation of CRM is to succeed. This study investigated the possibility of integrating the critical success factors (CSF) of customer relationship management (CRM), customer satisfaction and customer retention in the oil and gas sector in the United Arab Emirates. It was proposed to culminate in a framework/model for successfully implementing CRM and/or to provide an integrative perspective on the critical success factors of doing so in an international customer context in the UAE oil and gas industry. The present empirical study of this industry would help fill the current gap in explorations of the role of CRM and its applicability to both the UAE and other fuel exporting countries and could be used by CSF/enablers for successful CRM Implementation. CRM has proved useful in several industries, including banking, hospitality, healthcare and retailing. The research hypothesized that CRM, by virtue of aiming to develop and consolidate the vendor-to-customer relationship, could also be successfully implemented in the oil and gas sector to ensure sustainability, competitive advantage and higher levels of customer retention and satisfaction. The research and its hypotheses used data from on UAE’s leading oil and gas entity – Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which often deals in local and international business-to-business transactions. Critical path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to conduct the study. The critical path analysis revealed that, of all the dependent variables, human factors were essential to the successful implementation of CRM and critical for determining the quality of transactions and relations. This justifies the contention of previous scholars that CRM promotes the usefulness of technology and human resources in the study of consumer behaviour in delivering more value to consumers if their preferences can be identified. Overall, the research found that, although CRM allows consumer behaviour to be studied, its success depends on building relationships with consumers viii based on identified preferences and unique behaviours. The study is implicatively useful for marketing and management practitioners in the oil and gas industry from fuel exporting countries which deal specifically with B2B international customers and seek to leverage CRM tools and strategies to attain competitive advantage

    Assessment of surface water quality using statistical analysis methods: Orontes River (Case study)

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    تحقق الدراسة في جودة مياه نهر العاصي الذي يعتبر من أهم مصادر المياه في سوريا، تستخدم مياهه في عدة مجالات) الشرب، الري، السباحة، الصناعة (، حيث تم استخدام قاعدة بيانات مؤلفة من 660 قياس لـ13 بارامتر، تم خذها من 11 نقطة رصد موزعة على طول نهر العاصي لمدة خمس سنوات من 2015-2019، ولدراسة علاقة الارتباط بين البارامترات وتأثيرها على نوعية المياه تم تطبيق التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام برنامج (SPSS). تم تطبيق التحليل العنقودي على مجموعة البيانات من أجل تصنيف مناطق التلوث على طول النهر، وأعطى عنقودين: (منخفض التلوث -عالي التلوث)، حيث تم تصنيف المناطق حسب مصادر التلوث التي تتعرض لها، وذلك يدل على أهمية التحليل العنقودي في دراسة حركة الملوثات وتقليل عدد نقاط أخذ العينات. أعطى التحليل العاملي 5 عوامل رئيسية مسؤولة عن تفسير 92.86٪ من التباين الكلي، مع جودة قياس 78.2٪، يتضمن 7 معلمات أساسية: (EC, TUR, NO3, Na, pH, NH4, COD)، هذه الدراسة أظهرت قدرة التحليل العاملي في تحديد أهم البارامترات التي تؤثر على نوعية المياه مما يساعد في تقليل عدد البارامترات اللازمة لأخذ العينات.The study investigates the water quality of the Orontes River, which is considered one of the important water recourses in Syria, as it is used for drinking, irrigation, swimming and industrial needs. A database of 660 measurements for 13 parameters concentrations used, were taken from 11 monitoring points distributed along the Orontes River for a period of five years from 2015-2019, and to study the correlation between parameters and their impact on water quality, statistical analysis was applied using (SPSS) program. Cluster analysis was applied in order to classify the pollution areas along the river, and two groups were given: (low pollution - high pollution), where the areas were classified according to the sources of pollution to which they are exposed. This indicates the importance of cluster analysis in studying movement of the pollutants and reducing the number of sampling points. Factor analysis gave 5 main factors responsible for explaining 92.86% of the total variance, with 78.2% measurement quality, it includes 7 basic parameters: (EC, TUR, NO3, Na, pH, NH4, COD). This study showed the ability of factor analysis in determining the most important parameters that effect on the water quality, which helps in reducing the number of parameters needed for sampling

    Strategic and large scale government IT projects management: innovation report

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    This research focuses on the Implementation of IT systems and public sector and national ID card projects in particular. Such projects have high expectations but low success rates. The study Investigated the factors contributing to IT projects failure through on extensive review of the existing literature. This was enriched and tested by close Involvement with the UAE national ID card project, surveys and In depth interviews with senior managers from other ID card projects and presentations and attendance at over 50 conferences on this subject. Many of the factors leading to either success or failure identified in many practical studies could be addressed through a well designed project management methodology. Based on the literature, practical experience, observations and feedback from practitioners a project management methodology; named PROMOTE - PROject Management Of Technology Endeavours - was developed and tested for the planning and Implementing large scale IT projects mainly In a government context. The US$200+ million dollar national ID programme In the United Arab Emirates was the main test vehicle. Its Innovations include a hybrid systems development/project management customer based philosophy, a number of new tools and techniques and the Introduction of a mentor for the project manager. To help assess the general applicability of the methodology it was also tested In the Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Bahrain national ID initiatives. The methodology phases were refined several times (and other phases were added) to address the problems Identified from UAE project, the literature, the experiences reported at GCC committee meetings and from other large scale Implementations around the world (from conferences and study visits to other countries). From the testing conducted, the methodology is believed to add a significant contribution to the field of IT projects Implementation and In Increasing the success chances of such projects. Such success should have a profound Impact on government services. The study also recognises that a better understanding of the new methodology and its contributions Is only possible through further research and application In other large scale IT projects. This should allow the extension of the applicability of this methodology to a much wider spectrum

    Bank Characteristics and Liquidity Transformation: The Case of GCC Banks

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    This paper uses a simple measure of liquidity creation to examines empirically the effect of bank capital and other micro and macro-characteristics on liquidity creation. We apply the analysis to data from a sample of 43 banks operating in 6 of the countries comprising the GCC (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) market over the period 1998-2008. Large banks with high capital seem to produce most of the liquidity by the banking sector in the GCC market. However, the negative relationship between profitability and liquidity created by banks indicate either high loan losses or high cost of intermediation

    Caratterizzazione mineralogica e strutturale di malte e intonaci del sito archeologico di Barsinia, Giordania settentrionale

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    Summary Twelve mortar and plaster samples excavated in the archaeological site of Barsinia were mineralogically and petrographically examined by XRay Diffraction (XRD) and Stereo and Polarized Light Microscopy, while the total carbonate content was measured using a DietrichFruhling Calcimeter. The physical properties of the samples, such as water uptake under atmospheric pressure and under vacuum, together with density and porosity, were measured. Only twelve samples were available for the purposes of this study: 8 plaster samples and 4 mortar samples. Eleven samples out of the total number of samples were mortars or plasters with lime binder and silica aggregate; calcite and quartz were identified in all of these samples. In most of the samples one or more pozzolanic components were detected; a hydraulic effect therefore exists in practically most of the studied mortars. Excluding the plasters taken from waterbearing constructions such as cisterns, and the mortar sample from the compact floor, the binder content is high; in general, the overall porosity of the studied samples is high. Porosity and petrographic investigation results suggest that the burning temperature of the limestone was low and/or the duration of the combustion was short; such preparation conditions produce a desirable quicklime. Owing to the significant compositional and textural differences between the samples that were reported, there is consequently no suitable general mortar that can be adopted for the restoration of the whole site. Riassunto Dodici campioni di malta e intonaco, prelevati dal sito archeologico di Bar sinia, sono stati esaminati mineralogicamente e petrograficamente utilizzando l’analisi di diffrazione a raggi X (XRD) e microscopi stereoscopici e a luce pola rizzata, mentre il contenuto totale di carbonati è stata misurato utilizzando il cal cimetro DietrichFruhling. Sono state misurate le proprietà fisiche dei campioni, come l’assorbimento di acqua a pressione atmosferica e sotto vuoto, insieme alla densità e alla porosità. Per le finalità di questo studio erano disponibili solo dodici campioni: 8 campioni di intonaco e 4 campioni di malta. Undici campioni rispetto al numero totale erano malte o intonaci con legante di calce e aggregati di silice, e in tutti questi campioni potrebbero essere identificati calcite e quar zo. Nella maggior parte dei campioni sono stati rilevati uno o più componenti pozzolanici e, dunque, l’effetto idraulico si verifica praticamente nella maggior parte delle malte studiate. Escludendo gli intonaci prelevati da costruzioni ac quifere quali cisterne e il campione di malta dal pavimento compatto, il conte nuto di legante è alto. In generale, la porosità dei campioni studiati è alta. La porosità e i risultati dell’indagine petrografica suggeriscono che la combustione del calcare è avvenuta a temperature basse e/o la durata di combustione è stata breve; tali condizioni di preparazione producono la calce viva. Sarebbero state riportate significative differenze compositive e tessutali tra i campioni e, pertanto, non può essere impiegata nessuna generale malta di composizione per il restauro dell’intero sito. Résumé Douze échantillons de mortier et d’enduit prélevés du site archéologique de Barsinia ont été analysés d’un point de vue minéralogique et pétrographique par analyse par diffraction de rayons X (DRX) et au microscope stéréoscopique et à la lumière polarisée. La teneur totale en carbonates a été mesurée par le cal cimètre de DietrichFruhling. Les propriétés physiques des échantillons ont été mesurées, par ex. l’eau absorbée à la pression atmosphérique et sous vide, la densité et la porosité. Pour cette étude, nous n’avions que douze échantillons: 8 échantillons d’enduit et 4 de mortier. Onze échantillons sur douze étaient des mortiers ou des enduits avec un liant de chaux et des agrégats de silice. La calcite et le quartz pourraient être identifiés dans la totalité des échantillons. Dans la plupart des échantillons, on a détecté un ou plusieurs composants de type pouzzolanes. Dès lors, l’effet hydraulique se vérifie pratiquement dans la plupart des mortiers étudiés. La teneur en liant est élevée. Font exception les enduits prélevés de constructions aquifères (par ex., citernes) et l’échantillon de mortier prélevé du sol compact. En général, les échantillons étudiés étaient très poreux. La porosité et les résultats de l’étude pétrographique font supposer une combustion courte du calcaire, et/ou une combustion à basse température, conditions de préparation qui sont celles de la chaux vive. Du fait des différences importantes de composition et de texture qui auraient été constatées entre les échantillons, aucun mortier de composition standard ne peut être utilisé pour restaurer l’ensemble du site. Zusammenfassung Zwölf Mörtel und Putzproben aus der archäologischen Ausgrabungsstätte von Barsinia wurden mineralogischen und petrografischen Untersuchungen mittels Röntgenbeugung (XRD) und Einsatz von StereoPolarisationsmikroskopen un terzogen, während der GesamtKarbonatgehalt mithilfe eines Calcimeters nach DietrichFrühling ermittelt wurde. Gemessen wurden die physikalischen Eigen schaften der Proben, wie Wasserabsorption bei Atmosphärendruck und unter Va kuum, sowie Dichte und Porosität. Für diese Studie standen nur zwölf Proben zur Verfügung: 8 Putz und 4 Mörtelproben. Von allen vorhandenen Proben bestan den elf aus Mörtel oder Putz mit Kalkbinder und Kieselerde als Zuschlagstoff und in allen Proben könnten Calcit und Quarz nachgewiesen werden. In den meisten Proben wurden eine oder mehrere PuzzolanKomponenten ermittelt, d. h. die Bindung von Wasser findet praktisch in den meisten der untersuchten Mörtel statt. Von den aus Wassergewerken wie beispielsweise Zisternen stammenden Putzproben und den Mörtelproben aus dem kompakten Bodenbelag abgesehen, ist der Bindemittelgehalt hoch. Generell weisen die untersuchten Proben hohe Porosität auf. Die Porosität und die Ergebnisse der petrografischen Analyse las sen darauf schließen, dass die Verbrennung des Kalks bei niedrigen Temperatu ren stattgefunden und/oder dass diese Verbrennung nur kurze Zeit gedauert hat. Unter derartigen Herstellungsbedingungen entsteht Branntkalk. Zwischen den Proben wurden bedeutende Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung und Gewe bestruktur festgestellt, daher ist die Verwendung eines Mörtels mit allgemein ge eigneter Zusam mensetzung für die Restaurierung des gesamten Standorts nicht möglich. Resumen Doce muestras de mortero y enlucido, tomadas en el yacimiento arqueológico de Barsinia, han sido examinadas desde el punto de vista mineralógico y petrográfico mediante análisis de difracción de rayos X (XRD) y microscopios estereoscópicos y de luz polarizada, mientras que el contenido total de carbonatos se ha medido empleando el calcímetro DietrichFruhling. Se han medido las propiedades físicas de las muestras, como la absorción de agua a presión atmosférica y al vacío, así como también la densidad y la porosidad. Para los fines de este estudio solo se disponía de doce muestras: ocho de enlucido y cuatro de mortero. Del total de las muestras, once estaban constituidas por morteros o enlucidos con aglutinante de cal y agregados de sílice. En todas ellas se han detectado calcita y cuarzo. En la mayoría se ha hallado por lo menos un componente puzolánico, por lo que puede afirmarse que en gran parte de los morteros estudiados se da el efecto hidráulico. A excepción de los enlucidos tomados en construcciones acuíferas, como cister nas, y de la muestra de mortero del suelo compacto, el contenido de aglutinante es elevado. En general, la porosidad de las muestras estudiadas es alta. La porosi dad y los resultados del estudio petrográfico sugieren que la combustión de caliza fue de breve duración y/o tuvo lugar a bajas temperaturas; dichas condiciones de preparación producen cal viva. Como se han encontrado diferencias significativas en la composición y los tejidos de las muestras, no se puede emplear ningún mor tero de composición de tipo genérico para restaurar la totalidad del yacimiento. 简介 针对十二份取自 Barsinia 建筑的泥浆和灰泥样本,均使用X射线衍射、立体显微镜和 偏光显微镜进行矿物学和岩相学分析测试,总含碳量使用 DietrichFruhling 碳酸计进行 测量。针对样本的物理特性,进行了如压力环境和真空下吸水性,材料密度和多孔性 测试。为达到实验目的仅准备 12 份样本: 8 份灰泥( Plaster )样本, 4 份泥浆( Mor tar )样本。总样本中的 11 份灰泥或泥浆样本混有石灰粘合剂和氧化硅集合体,每份样 本中均有方解石和石英成分存在。 在大部分样本中存在一种或多种白榴火山灰成分,因此在大部分泥浆研究中液压作 用均被实际证实。排除从含水结构如蓄水池中获得的灰泥样本和紧凑地板结构中获得 的泥浆样本,其他样本中均有高含量的粘合剂成分。多孔性和岩相调查提醒石灰常温 燃烧性很低,并且/或着燃烧时间持续很短;这样的条件下产生生石灰。样品间组成和 组织成分有很明显差别,因此在进行整个建筑群修复时,不可以仅使用同一种泥浆。 Резюме Двенадцать образцов раствора и штукатурки, отобранных в археологиче ских раскопках в Барсинии, стали предметом минералографического и петрог рафического исследования, используя рентгенофазовый анализ и стереоско пические и поляризационные микроскопы, в то время как общее содержание карбонатов было измерено при помощи кальциметра ДитрихаФрюлинга. Были измерены такие физические характеристики образцов, как поглощение воды при атмосферном давлении и в вакууме, а также их плотность и пористость. Для проведения этого исследования в распоряжении имелось только двенад цать образцов: 8 образцов штукатурки и 4 образца раствора. Из общего коли чества образцов одиннадцать представляли собой растворы или штукатурки с известковым вяжущим и кремнеземными агрегатами, и во всех этих образцах можно бы обнаружить кальцит и кварц. В большинстве образцов были найде ны один или несколько пуццолановых компонентов, поэтому, гидравлический эффект возникает практически в большинстве исследуемых растворов. За исключением штукатурок, отобранных в таких водоносных сооружениях, как цистерны, и образца раствора из плотного пола, наблюдается высокое содер жание вяжущего вещества. В общем плане пористость исследуемых образцов является высокой. Пористость и заключения петрографического исследования наводят на мысль о том, что известняк горел при низкой температуре и/или в течение непродолжительного времени. При таких условиях подготовки получа ется негашеная известь. Поскольку были обнаружены значительные различия в составе и в текстуре разных образцов, невозможно применение одного общего раствора для реставрации всего объекта.Summary Twelve mortar and plaster samples excavated in the archaeological site of Barsinia were mineralogically and petrographically examined by XRay Diffraction (XRD) and Stereo and Polarized Light Microscopy, while the total carbonate content was measured using a DietrichFruhling Calcimeter. The physical properties of the samples, such as water uptake under atmospheric pressure and under vacuum, together with density and porosity, were measured. Only twelve samples were available for the purposes of this study: 8 plaster samples and 4 mortar samples. Eleven samples out of the total number of samples were mortars or plasters with lime binder and silica aggregate; calcite and quartz were identified in all of these samples. In most of the samples one or more pozzolanic components were detected; a hydraulic effect therefore exists in practically most of the studied mortars. Excluding the plasters taken from waterbearing constructions such as cisterns, and the mortar sample from the compact floor, the binder content is high; in general, the overall porosity of the studied samples is high. Porosity and petrographic investigation results suggest that the burning temperature of the limestone was low and/or the duration of the combustion was short; such preparation conditions produce a desirable quicklime. Owing to the significant compositional and textural differences between the samples that were reported, there is consequently no suitable general mortar that can be adopted for the restoration of the whole site.Riassunto Dodici campioni di malta e intonaco, prelevati dal sito archeologico di Bar sinia, sono stati esaminati mineralogicamente e petrograficamente utilizzando l’analisi di diffrazione a raggi X (XRD) e microscopi stereoscopici e a luce pola rizzata, mentre il contenuto totale di carbonati è stata misurato utilizzando il cal cimetro DietrichFruhling. Sono state misurate le proprietà fisiche dei campioni, come l’assorbimento di acqua a pressione atmosferica e sotto vuoto, insieme alla densità e alla porosità. Per le finalità di questo studio erano disponibili solo dodici campioni: 8 campioni di intonaco e 4 campioni di malta. Undici campioni rispetto al numero totale erano malte o intonaci con legante di calce e aggregati di silice, e in tutti questi campioni potrebbero essere identificati calcite e quar zo. Nella maggior parte dei campioni sono stati rilevati uno o più componenti pozzolanici e, dunque, l’effetto idraulico si verifica praticamente nella maggior parte delle malte studiate. Escludendo gli intonaci prelevati da costruzioni ac quifere quali cisterne e il campione di malta dal pavimento compatto, il conte nuto di legante è alto. In generale, la porosità dei campioni studiati è alta. La porosità e i risultati dell’indagine petrografica suggeriscono che la combustione del calcare è avvenuta a temperature basse e/o la durata di combustione è stata breve; tali condizioni di preparazione producono la calce viva. Sarebbero state riportate significative differenze compositive e tessutali tra i campioni e, pertanto, non può essere impiegata nessuna generale malta di composizione per il restauro dell’intero sito.Résumé Douze échantillons de mortier et d’enduit prélevés du site archéologique de Barsinia ont été analysés d’un point de vue minéralogique et pétrographique par analyse par diffraction de rayons X (DRX) et au microscope stéréoscopique et à la lumière polarisée. La teneur totale en carbonates a été mesurée par le cal cimètre de DietrichFruhling. Les propriétés physiques des échantillons ont été mesurées, par ex. l’eau absorbée à la pression atmosphérique et sous vide, la densité et la porosité. Pour cette étude, nous n’avions que douze échantillons: 8 échantillons d’enduit et 4 de mortier. Onze échantillons sur douze étaient des mortiers ou des enduits avec un liant de chaux et des agrégats de silice. La calcite et le quartz pourraient être identifiés dans la totalité des échantillons. Dans la plupart des échantillons, on a détecté un ou plusieurs composants de type pouzzolanes. Dès lors, l’effet hydraulique se vérifie pratiquement dans la plupart des mortiers étudiés. La teneur en liant est élevée. Font exception les enduits prélevés de constructions aquifères (par ex., citernes) et l’échantillon de mortier prélevé du sol compact. En général, les échantillons étudiés étaient très poreux. La porosité et les résultats de l’étude pétrographique font supposer une combustion courte du calcaire, et/ou une combustion à basse température, conditions de préparation qui sont celles de la chaux vive. Du fait des différences importantes de composition et de texture qui auraient été constatées entre les échantillons, aucun mortier de composition standard ne peut être utilisé pour restaurer l’ensemble du site.Zusammenfassung Zwölf Mörtel und Putzproben aus der archäologischen Ausgrabungsstätte von Barsinia wurden mineralogischen und petrografischen Untersuchungen mittels Röntgenbeugung (XRD) und Einsatz von StereoPolarisationsmikroskopen un terzogen, während der GesamtKarbonatgehalt mithilfe eines Calcimeters nach DietrichFrühling ermittelt wurde. Gemessen wurden die physikalischen Eigen schaften der Proben, wie Wasserabsorption bei Atmosphärendruck und unter Va kuum, sowie Dichte und Porosität. Für diese Studie standen nur zwölf Proben zur Verfügung: 8 Putz und 4 Mörtelproben. Von allen vorhandenen Proben bestan den elf aus Mörtel oder Putz mit Kalkbinder und Kieselerde als Zuschlagstoff und in allen Proben könnten Calcit und Quarz nachgewiesen werden. In den meisten Proben wurden eine oder mehrere PuzzolanKomponenten ermittelt, d. h. die Bindung von Wasser findet praktisch in den meisten der untersuchten Mörtel statt. Von den aus Wassergewerken wie beispielsweise Zisternen stammenden Putzproben und den Mörtelproben aus dem kompakten Bodenbelag abgesehen, ist der Bindemittelgehalt hoch. Generell weisen die untersuchten Proben hohe Porosität auf. Die Porosität und die Ergebnisse der petrografischen Analyse las sen darauf schließen, dass die Verbrennung des Kalks bei niedrigen Temperatu ren stattgefunden und/oder dass diese Verbrennung nur kurze Zeit gedauert hat. Unter derartigen Herstellungsbedingungen entsteht Branntkalk. Zwischen den Proben wurden bedeutende Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung und Gewe bestruktur festgestellt, daher ist die Verwendung eines Mörtels mit allgemein ge eigneter Zusam mensetzung für die Restaurierung des gesamten Standorts nicht möglich.Resumen Doce muestras de mortero y enlucido, tomadas en el yacimiento arqueológico de Barsinia, han sido examinadas desde el punto de vista mineralógico y petrográfico mediante análisis de difracción de rayos X (XRD) y microscopios estereoscópicos y de luz polarizada, mientras que el contenido total de carbonatos se ha medido empleando el calcímetro DietrichFruhling. Se han medido las propiedades físicas de las muestras, como la absorción de agua a presión atmosférica y al vacío, así como también la densidad y la porosidad. Para los fines de este estudio solo se disponía de doce muestras: ocho de enlucido y cuatro de mortero. Del total de las muestras, once estaban constituidas por morteros o enlucidos con aglutinante de cal y agregados de sílice. En todas ellas se han detectado calcita y cuarzo. En la mayoría se ha hallado por lo menos un componente puzolánico, por lo que puede afirmarse que en gran parte de los morteros estudiados se da el efecto hidráulico. A excepción de los enlucidos tomados en construcciones acuíferas, como cister nas, y de la muestra de mortero del suelo compacto, el contenido de aglutinante es elevado. En general, la porosidad de las muestras estudiadas es alta. La porosi dad y los resultados del estudio petrográfico sugieren que la combustión de caliza fue de breve duración y/o tuvo lugar a bajas temperaturas; dichas condiciones de preparación producen cal viva. Como se han encontrado diferencias significativas en la composición y los tejidos de las muestras, no se puede emplear ningún mor tero de composición de tipo genérico para restaurar la totalidad del yacimiento.简介 针对十二份取自 Barsinia 建筑的泥浆和灰泥样本,均使用X射线衍射、立体显微镜和 偏光显微镜进行矿物学和岩相学分析测试,总含碳量使用 DietrichFruhling 碳酸计进行 测量。针对样本的物理特性,进行了如压力环境和真空下吸水性,材料密度和多孔性 测试。为达到实验目的仅准备 12 份样本: 8 份灰泥( Plaster )样本, 4 份泥浆( Mor tar )样本。总样本中的 11 份灰泥或泥浆样本混有石灰粘合剂和氧化硅集合体,每份样 本中均有方解石和石英成分存在。 在大部分样本中存在一种或多种白榴火山灰成分,因此在大部分泥浆研究中液压作 用均被实际证实。排除从含水结构如蓄水池中获得的灰泥样本和紧凑地板结构中获得 的泥浆样本,其他样本中均有高含量的粘合剂成分。多孔性和岩相调查提醒石灰常温 燃烧性很低,并且/或着燃烧时间持续很短;这样的条件下产生生石灰。样品间组成和 组织成分有很明显差别,因此在进行整个建筑群修复时,不可以仅使用同一种泥浆。Резюме Двенадцать образцов раствора и штукатурки, отобранных в археологиче ских раскопках в Барсинии, стали предметом минералографического и петрог рафического исследования, используя рентгенофазовый анализ и стереоско пические и поляризационные микроскопы, в то время как общее содержание карбонатов было измерено при помощи кальциметра ДитрихаФрюлинга. Были измерены такие физические характеристики образцов, как поглощение воды при атмосферном давлении и в вакууме, а также их плотность и пористость. Для проведения этого исследования в распоряжении имелось только двенад цать образцов: 8 образцов штукатурки и 4 образца раствора. Из общего коли чества образцов одиннадцать представляли собой растворы или штукатурки с известковым вяжущим и кремнеземными агрегатами, и во всех этих образцах можно бы обнаружить кальцит и кварц. В большинстве образцов были найде ны один или несколько пуццолановых компонентов, поэтому, гидравлический эффект возникает практически в большинстве исследуемых растворов. За исключением штукатурок, отобранных в таких водоносных сооружениях, как цистерны, и образца раствора из плотного пола, наблюдается высокое содер жание вяжущего вещества. В общем плане пористость исследуемых образцов является высокой. Пористость и заключения петрографического исследования наводят на мысль о том, что известняк горел при низкой температуре и/или в течение непродолжительного времени. При таких условиях подготовки получа ется негашеная известь. Поскольку были обнаружены значительные различия в составе и в текстуре разных образцов, невозможно применение одного общего раствора для реставрации всего объекта