233 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial Leadership In Kuwaiti private firms

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    This study examines the traits and characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders within the Kuwaiti context, by drawing from the different but related leadership and entrepreneurship theories. We first identified several areas where these fields theoretically converge with an emphasis on traits, styles and behavioural characteristics, which led to the emergence of a new leadership paradigm herein referred to as ‘entrepreneurial leadership’. Entrepreneurial leadership is conceptualised as a process of social influence, transformation, and empowering in rapidly changing and uncertain contexts. We operationalised the construct of entrepreneurial leadership by identifying the key traits and characteristics of Kuwait’s private sector leaders. These traits and characteristics included the leaders’ values and beliefs, vision, proactivity, creativity and innovation, opportunity-seeking and risk-taking. The study adopted a predominantly positivist ontology and objective epistemology in order to better understand the phenomenon under investigation (i.e. entrepreneurial leadership). This necessitated obtaining data largely from surveys of 345 leaders, mainly from the financial banking and investment sectors of Kuwait, complemented by qualitative data from 12 interviews. The study provides important insights into the concepts related to entrepreneurial leadership in a non-Western environment and enriches our knowledge in this sector of the management field. The research contributes to knowledge on leadership in Kuwait by conceptualizing a model of entrepreneurial leadership, which places emphasis on leaders’ traits and characteristics and how that relates with leadership effectiveness. The implications of the research relate closely to the way in which companies must be managed or led in a global and competitive environment

    Effectiveness of the conceptual maps strategy to develop a critical thinking in the educational process in the schools of Kuwait (Case Study: Kuwaiti Ministry of Education)

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    This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of learning methods and means of modern learning, including conceptual maps on the development of critical thinking among students in the seventh grade of intermediate stage in the city of Kuwait, and the researcher applying this study on a stratified sample consisting of (100) students from males in the intermediate school Saud Al Kharji in Kuwait City, the capital of the State of Kuwait. It have been using the most commonly used tests in the educational community, it is a test of (California) 2000 and test (Lepper) 2005, where the stratified sample was divided into two random samples were distributed to two different groups: first, applied the conceptual maps, and second group:  applied the traditional way of learning. The results of this study proved that the ability of conceptual maps to develop the critical thinking among students involved in the study sample, and the results of this study substantially agree with previous studies. Keyword’: Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, conceptual maps, learning methods, critical thinking, test of (California) 2000, test (Lepper) 2005

    The effect of using brainstorming in Achievement and developing of scientific thinking in the course of science to seventh grade students in Saud Kharji School, Kuwait City, Kuwait

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    This research aims to identify the difference between the method of brainstorming and lecture, in Achievement and developing of scientific thinking in the course of science to seventh grade students in Saud Kharji School, So the researcher used the experimental method and the research sample consisted of seventh-graders, were selected simple random way, were divided into two groups of 20 students per group, one of them experimental were been taught according to the method of brainstorming and the other one was a control group taught according to the method of lecture. The researcher took into account the provision of internal and external safety of the experiment, the researcher prepared educational program consisting of 32 educational units distributed to 16 educational units for each group, as the program was implemented in a way brainstorming for the experimental group and the lecture for control group .And by two units a week. After the completion of the implementation of the program was conducted two tests grades and scientific thinking and after data acquisition and processing means of statistical tests the (t) for independent samples equal number, it has been getting some results, The researcher recommended after that by using the method of brainstorming as the better method than the lecture in the achievement of science course and the development of scientific thinking. Keywords’: Brainstorming, Scientific Thinking, Achievement, Experimental Method, Lecture Method, Educational Program

    The Effectiveness of Applying Educational Activities in Secondary Schools in Al Muwaqqar Education from the Point of View of Principals and Their Assistants

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    The current study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of applying educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of the principals and their assistants. The study used the descriptive survey method, and to achieve this researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (30) items,divided into four areas. It was applied to the study sample, which consisted of (92) principals and assistants. The results indicated the effectiveness of the application of educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of the principals and their assistants, in the field of objectives came to a weak degree, and the field of desire, time and field of possibilities came to a medium degree, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of effectiveness of application Educational activities in secondary schools in Al Muwaqqar education from the point of view of principals and their assistants, due to the variables of gender and educational qualification. Keywords: Educational Activities, Principal, Assistant. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-22-07 Publication date:August 31st 2022

    The Degree of Information Technology Use and Its Impact on the Administrative Creativity of the Employees of Al Muwaqqar Directorate of Education

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    The current study aimed to reveal the degree of use of information technology and its impact on the administrative creativity of the employees of Al Muwaqqar  directorate of Education . It was applied to the study sample, which amounted to (78) employees of the Directorate. The results indicated that the degree of information technology use and its impact on administrative creativity among the employees of Al Muwaqqar  directorate of Education came to a medium degree for each of the part related to information technology and the part related to administrative creativity. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of information technology use and its impact on administrative creativity among the employees of the Directorate of Education due to the variable of gender and educational qualification. Keywords: Information Technology, Administrative Creativity. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-22-03 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengembangan inovasi produk keuangan dan perbankkan syariah dalam rangka untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepuasan nasabah atau konsumen yang telah ada serta untuk meningkatkan perluasan pasar yang masih terbuka lebar bagi kemajuan keuangan dan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dengan metode literasi dari berbagai sumber-sumber yang dapat dipercaya, seperti jurnal-jurnal penelitian sebelumnya, buku, dan lain sebagainya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan inovasi produk perbankan syariah salah satunya adalah mengembangkan pembiayaan ke sektor korporasi dengan cara menerapkan 1) pembiayaan sindikasi, yakni pembiayaaan yang diberikan kepada satu mudharib atau debitur oleh bank-bank yang tergabung dalam satu kerjasama (musyarakah). 2) Inovasi dengan Trade Finance, fasilitas yang diberikan untuk membiayai kegiatan perdagangan debitur yang berkaitan dengan transaksi perdagangan luar negeri (ekspor-impor) maupun dalam negeri (jual beli). 3) Produk pengelolaan kas. 4) Pembiayaan Start up, adalah usaha dengan menggunakan basis teknologi informasi untuk produknya. 5) Business Development, yaitu salah satu fungsi manajemen perusahaan dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan bisnis yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan.Kata kunci: inovasi produk, keuangan dan perbankan syariah, kepuasan nasaba


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    Hand hygiene (HH) is the single most important procedure that can be followed by healthcare workers (HCWs) to reduce the risk of spreading healthcare-associated infections. The irritating contact dermatitis (ICD) that occurs due to the rehashed presentation of HH products and technique is one reason often referred to for resistance. HH is the most vital method that can be followed by HCWs to reduce the possibility of spreading of infection in human being, followed by50% of HCWs. Limited researches are published related to different features of irritant contact disorders among HCWs. This study concentrates manly on the clinical application of irritant contact dermatitis on hands and its diagnosis based on an extensive research review process. It can be concluded from this review that by proper adherence and compliance to necessary HH techniques lead to skin damage and higher pathogen load. Therefore, it is important that HCWs should appreciate this concept and are given methods or tactics of expertise to avoid skin irritation and damage. Inability to provide proper policies, practices and guidelines to these workers may lead to adherence in case of an ICD appearance