89 research outputs found

    Survey of occurrence of bacteria Vibrio cholera in the two provinces Baghdad and Babel

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    The present study was branched into two lines ,the first line aim to study Tigris River within Baghdad city  and Euphrates  River within Babel city to assess physical ,chemical and biological factors of  rivers water that Affect  the quality of water . the second line is isolating and diagnosis of  Vibrio  cholera bacteria from clinical and environmental sources in the two provinces and study of its  sensitivity against (13) antibiotic also conducting a molecular study to detect  the presence of plasmids and the toxin genes in All  isolated bacteria . the study area included three stations on Tigris river in Baghdad city and three stations on Euphrates river in Babel city , monthly samples were collected from October 2015 to September 2016 in addition to samples were collected from patients in three Hospitals  by using sterile containers . Keywords : Choleragen , Primers , DNA agarose gel electrophoresi

    Digital Algorithmic Generative Method of Case-based Design The generation of Primary School Plans as a Case Study

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    أدى توظيف لغات البرمجة في مجال العمارة الى تعزيزالمناهج الخوارزمية الرقمية في التصميم المعماري، والتي تكمن اهم فوائدها في إمكانية التوليدالسريع واليسيرلمجموعة واسعة من الحلول التصميمية. إذ كلما ازداد عدد الحلول التي يمكن توليدها وتقييمها، كانت القرارات التصميمية وعملية اختيار الحلولالملائمة أكثر استنارة ودعما. يتبنى البحث المنهج الخوارزمي الرقمي في توليد المخططات المعمارية, ويتحرى عن إمكانية استخدام البرمجة البصرية المطبقة في Grasshopperالملحق ببرنامجRhinoceros  لإنشاء وتنفيذ خوارزمية معدة من قبل الباحثين, تعتمد حالة توليد محددة المعطياتفي إنتاج تصاميم جديدة لمخططات أبنية ذات طابع نمطي كالمدارس, من غير استخدام برمجية حاسوبية جاهزة في عملية التوليد.إذ يهدف البحث الى الحصول على عدد من البدائل وحسب ادخالات المستخدم المتاحة, ويفترض البحث أنالتنويع في المدخلات يسهم بشكل فاعل في تنويع وتعدد الخيارات التصميمية المتولدة.  وقد أظهرت النتائج ان الطريقة كانت مجدية فيما يتعلق بالمشكلة ذات المعطيات المحددة قيد الدراسة، اضافة الى كفاءة المنهج الخوارزمي التوليدي في إنتاج تصاميم متنوعة تلبي المدخلات المتباينة للمستخدم.The use of programming languages in the field of architecture has strengthened the digital algorithmic approaches in the architectural design, which their main benefits lie in the possibility of rapid and easy generation of a wide range of design solutions. The generation and evaluation of more design solutions lead to more informed design decisions and the selection of the appropriate solution. The research adopted the digital algorithmic approach to generating architectural plans and investigates the possibility of using the visual programming applied in Grasshopper, the (plug-in) of Rhinoceros software. Its aim was to create and implement an algorithm prepared by researchers, which depends on a specific data in producing new designs for typical buildings plans, such as schools, without the use of ready software in the generation process. The research sought to obtain a number of alternative plans according to the user inputs. It hypothesized that the variation in the design inputs contributes effectively to the plurality of the generated design options.   The findings verified that the method was feasible regarding the problem with specific data under consideration. In addition, it showed the efficiency of the generative algorithm approach in producing various designs that meet the different inputs of the user

    Techniques of Utilizing Information in BIM System A comparative Study of International Standards for the UK, USA, Australia and Singapore

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    نظرا لأهمية نظام نمذجة معلومات البناء BIM في التصميم والتنفيذ المعماري، فقد لجأت العديد من الدول الى اصدار المعايير والارشادات الهادفة الى تنظيم العمل الهندسي وتذليل صعوباته. تهدف الورقة البحثية الى التحري عن أوجه التماثل والتباين في أساليب توظيف المعلومات في نظام BIM ضمن المعايير الدولية لكل من المملكة المتحدة والولايات المتحدة الامريكية واستراليا وسنغافورة لُتشكّل قاعدة معرفية يمكن اعتمادها مستقبلا في إعداد معايير تطبيق نظام BIM الخاصة بالعراق. يطرح البحث إطارا نظرياً لأساليب توظيف المعلومات في نظام BIM، ويعتمد الإطار أساسا في التحليل المقارن بين معايير وارشادات BIM للدول الأربعة. يتكون الإطار من مستويين، الاول يتناول المعلومات التصميمية الموظفة في BIM مثل أساليب هيكلة البيانات التصميمية، ومعلومات العناصر والمكونات، وأساليب خزن البيانات، واساليب تنسيقها وتصنيفها، واساليب تمثيلها. أما المستوى الثاني فيركز على تقنيات النظام الرقمية الداعمة لتوظيف المعلومات، ويشمل اساليب الجمع والخزن الرقمي للمعلومات، وأساليب إدارة وتبادل المعلومات، وأساليب الامن الرقمي، وأساليب التكامل والتشغيل البيني في التمثيل الرقمي للمعلومات. ويتضمن التحليل المقارن التحري عن وجود أساليب توظيف المعلومات في معايير وإرشادات الدول الأربع، والتحقق من تطابق محتواها المعرفي. توصلّ البحث الى تطابق بعض التقنيات الرقمية لتوظيف المعلومات في BIM ضمن معايير الدول الأربعة، والمتمثلة بأساليب الخزن والتنظيم الرقمي للمعلومات، واساليب الامن الرقمي، واساليب التكامل والتشغيل البيني للمعلومات، بحيث يمكن اعتمادها في المعيار العراقي بوصفها أساليب مشتركة عالمياً. بينما تتباين هذه الدول في أساليب هيكلة البيانات التصميمية، وأساليب خزن قاعدة البيانات المتمثلة بالمكتبة الوطنية، واساليب تنسيق وتصنيف وتمثيل المعلومات (التسمية والمصطلحات)، مما يشير الى خصوصية كل دولة في تطبيقها للنظام، وعليه يتوجب توظيفها بحيث تعكس خصوصية المعيار العراقي لنظام BIM.Due to the importance of the Building Information Modeling System (BIM) in the field of architectural design and construction, many countries have published standards and guidelines to organize engineering practice and to overcome its difficulties. The paper investigated the similarities and differences in the methods of managing information in BIM standards of the UK, USA, Australia and Singapore. The aim of the study was to establish a knowledge base for initializing the Iraqi BIM standards. To achieve this aim, the paper put forward a theoretical framework for processing information in the BIM system. The framework identified the methods at two levels. The first level is concerned with the design information, including the techniques of structuring design data, the techniques of storing the database, the techniques of coordinating and classifying building information and the techniques of representing information. The second level, on the other hand, is concerned with the digital techniques supporting the information management in BIM. It includes the techniques of digital collecting and storing information, the techniques of managing and exchanging information, the techniques of digital security, and finally the techniques of integration and interoperability in the digital representation of information. The techniques of utilizing information in BIM were investigated in the descriptions of the standards and guidelines of the four countries to determine their similarities and differences. The comparative analysis findings revealed similarities in the techniques of digital storing, collecting and organizing information, in addition to the techniques of digital security and integration and interoperability of information. In this case, the shared techniques can be adopted in the Iraqi standards. The differences can be found in the techniques of structuring the design data, storing the database in the national library, and coordinating, classifying and representing the design information. They reflect the specificity of each country in the implementation of BIM. Therefore, these techniques Requires special preparation for the Iraqi standards of BIM

    Nd: YAG laser welding of ZE41A-T5 magnesium sand casting alloy

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    Butt joints of ZE41A-T5 plates with two thicknesses (2 and 6 mm) were laser welded using 1.6 mm EZ33A-T5 filler wire and a continuous wave Nd:YAG system with variable laser process parameters; power (2.5--4 kW), welding speed (2--7 m/min), joint gap (0--0.6 mm) and defocusing distance (0 to -4 mm). Acceptable weld geometries with smooth top and bottom profiles and minor defects were produced with the open keyhole mode. The optimum laser power was 4 kW for both thicknesses, and the welding speed was 6 and 2 m/min for thin and thick plates, respectively. The suitable gap size for the 2 mm and 6 mm plates was found to be between 0.3 and 0.4 mm. The increase in welding speed reduced the FZ defects on a condition of having an open keyhole mode. The fusion zone showed significant grain refinement due to high cooling rate. No grain coarsening was observed in the HAZ. The microhardness test showed that fusion zone hardness was recovered to the value of the base metal after natural aging of around one year. The HAZ with a typical width between 1.5 and 2 mm, showed a drop in hardness compared with the BM. Tensile test showed that the optimum parameters had a joint efficiency between 85 and 95%. Moderate and high Weibull moduli were obtained for the mechanical properties and weld geometry indicating that the laser welding process seems to have good repeatability. Simulation of laser welding process was developed through combining different models and concepts that enabled to describe the keyhole and weld profile. This model shows good agreement with the experimental results

    Scenarios of Building Information Modelling-Based Design Education in Architecture Schools

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    Due to the rapid development of computer technologies and trends in digital design, including building information modeling (BIM) and its diffusion into architectural design practice, it was necessary to introduce BIM into architectural curricula in order to prepare students for practice. This article therefore aims to identify scenarios for teaching BIM to architecture students worldwide. To achieve this objective, a thematic analysis of BIM teaching experiences in several selected academic institutions was conducted. The data studied included published articles and official university websites dealing with BIM teaching. A theoretical framework for BIM education was determined, comprising two aspects: pedagogical methods for BIM education and specifications for BIM courses in architecture programs. The document identified several scenarios for teaching BIM in multidisciplinary or architecture-specific courses. BIM teaching can be offered as part of a single course integrated with other courses, or as a separate course. It may be taught as part of related or unrelated courses. Related courses can be organized in parallel with an academic semester, or over several semesters. In addition, there are different types of input to project-based BIM teaching, such as a new design project, the results of a previous design course or an actual project. These scenarios can serve as a reference for universities wishing to integrate BIM into their programs

    Hormonal Assessment for Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease in Babylon Province

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    الذئبة الحمامية مرض المناعة الذاتية النظامية المزمن مع اعراض سريريه متغيره ويمكن ان يؤثر على جميع اعضاء الجسم ويهدد الحياة. هدفت الدراسة الى تحديد العلاقة بين عامل نمو البشرة وهرمون الكورتزول عند مرضى الذئبة الحمامية وقد اجريت الدراسة على 70 عينه شملت 36 مريضا و34 شخصا يمثلون مجموعه السيطرة واثبت الدراسة وجود فروقات ذات دلاله احصائية لعامل نمو البشة والكورتزول بين مجموعات الدراسةSystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease with variable clinical presentation. SLE can affect all organs and the involvement of major organs can be life threatening. This study aimed to determine the relationship of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Cortisol hormone on SLE Disease. This study was carried out on (70) study sample, (36) were patients and (34) control. SLE disease had significant association between study groups and sex of patients with SEE disease were 16 times more likely to be female. There were significant mean differences of Epidermal growth factor and Cortisol Hormones by study group

    Specifications for Building a Parametric Model in Digital Architectural Designs

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    تعد عملية إنشاء النموذج البارامتري Parametric Modelمرحلة مهمة في عملية التصميم الرقمي بشكل عام وفي عملية التصميم البارامتري بشكل خاص. إذ يسمح النموذج البارامتري للمصمم بانجاز التغييرات وإعادة التشكيل الجيومتري دون محو وإعادة الرسم، وكذلك يساعد في استكشاف البدائل التصميمية حيث أنه يمتلك مستوى من المرونة يسمح بتحديثها باستمرار عند إضافة او تغيير او حذف أحد المكونات ضمن هيكل النموذج البارامتري. تبلورت مشكلة البحث في عدم وجود تصور واضح حول الجوانب المتنوعة لمواصفات إنشاء النموذج البارامتري في تصاميم العمارة الرقمية المعاصرة. وعليه تحدّد هدف البحث في بناء إطار نظري يعرف بشكل أوضح مواصفات إنشاء النموذج البارامتري. إذ اشتمل الإطار على ست مفردات اساسية تعرّف كل من: توقيت إنشاء النموذج البارامتري، والمعرفة الموظّفة فيه، ومنهج إنشاء النماذج البارامترية، وأسلوب تنقيح بنية النموذج البارامتري، وموضع تطبيق النمذجة البارامترية، واخيرا تعددية النماذج البارامترية ضمن التصميم. وقد تمّ تطبيق الإطار على ستة مشاريع عالمية تتبنى المنهج البارامتري في تصاميمها، وتمّ تحديد خصوصية مواصفات إنشاء النموذج البارامتري فيها مثل البدء بتوظيف النمذجة البارامترية على الأغلب في مرحلة تطوير الأفكار التصميمية والإستمرار بالعمل به في مرحلتي وضع التفاصيل ثم التصنيع، وإعتماد المعرفة التصميمية الغير كاملة في إنشائه، وتعريف المتغيرات التصميمية بدلالة الخصائص الكمية والنوعية، وفي الغالب إستخدام نموذج بارامتري واحد مشترك بين التخصصات التصميمية المتعددة.The construction of parametric model is an important stage in the digital design process in general and in the parametric design process in particular. The parametric model allows the designer to make changes and reshape the geometry without erasing and redrawing. It also helps to explore design alternatives as it provides a level of flexibility to be continuously evaluated, revised and updated when adding or altering different components within the same parametric model structure. The research problem has been identified, as there is no clear definition of the specifications of constructing a parametric model in the contemporary digital architectural designs. Therefore, the objective of the research is to put forward a theoretical framework that defines clearly the specifications of building a parametric model. The framework describes the specifications using the following issues: the timing of constructing the parametric model, the knowledge employed in the construction of parametric model, the methods of constructing and revising a parametric model, The place where a parametric model is applied, and finally the number of parametric models within a design. The framework has been applied to six international projects adopting a parametric design approach. The results showed that employing parametric modeling mostly starts at the development stage of design and continues in the detailing and manufacturing stages, the adoption of ill-defined knowledge, the definition of design variables in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and using one parametric model shared among multiple design disciplines

    Prevalence and Predictors of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Systemic Sclerosis: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is now the most frequent cause of death in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Aims: The aims of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and predictors in SSc among Iraqi patients. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted on 56 patients with SSc diagnosed according to the criteria developed by the American College of Rheumatology. Baseline characteristics [age, sex, body mass index (BMI), duration of SSc, type of SSc, duration of Raynaud’s phenomenon, and presence of telangiectasia] were documented.  Antiscleroderma 70 (anti-SCL70) and anticentromere antibodies were measured. Doppler echocardiography was done to diagnose PAH. A risk score was obtained from 7 criteria, namely: Anti-Centromere Ab, Limited disease type, short duration of Raynaud's phenomena (<2.5 years), older age group (40+ years), absence of Telangiectasia, female gender, and absence of anti SCL70 Ab.  Results: We found that PAH was present in 11 (19.6%) SSc patients with a 95% confidence interval of (9.2% to 30.0%). Risk score in addition to anti-centromere antibodies were enough to diagnose PAH with accuracy level of 89.3%. Conclusions: PAH in SSc occurs in significant proportion of patients. Risk score and anti-centromere antibodies had high accuracy level in predicting PAH. Screening of patients with SSc for PAH will help in early diagnosis and appropriate timely therapeutic intervention before significant endorgan damage occurs. Key words Systemic sclerosis. Connective  tissue. Pulmonary hypertension

    Sensitivity of Serum Acetylcholine Esterase Toward Derivatives of Oxadiazole

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    This work addresses the kinetic analysis of the interaction of some oxadiazoles (L1 , L2, L3 & L4) in ethanol with serum acetylcholinesterase. It was found that ethanol have inhibitory effect (25.18%) on AChE enzyme for this reason niglicable it as solvent and instead of it use dimethyl sulfoxide which had no effect. The % inhibition of L1 , L2, L3 & L4 at 10-7 M was 45.42,71.51,54.67&74.27 respectively and it elevated with increasing the concentration till at 10-1 M it reached 53.62,99.08,56.22&99.43 respectively. The effect of both L2 & L4 was reversible in nature. Michaelis – Menten constant and maximum velocity for the hydrolysis of acetyl thiocholine iodide by AChE were determined in control and treated systems. Line weaver – Burk plot and their secondary replots indicated that the nature of inhibition in both compounds was noncompetitive inhibition. The value of Ki was estimated also. The mechanism of action of these types of compounds acting as inhibitors to the AChE is suggested

    Glutathione Mediates Growth Regulation of Chickpea Plant Cicer arietinum and Mitigates Salinity Stress.

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    Glutathione is water-soluble with a low molecular weight and is commonly spread in plants. It is a co-factor in several biochemical reactions and acts together with signaling molecules and hormones, and its redox state activates signal transduction. The experiment was conducted in the botanical garden, Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn Al- Haitham, University of Baghdad, during the growing season 2020-2021 to evaluate the potential effects of foliar spraying with (25, 50, 75 mg.L-1) glutathione in addition to the control (0) on the growth of chickpea plants subjected to sodium chloride salt (100, 200 mM.L-1) addition to the control (0). The results point out that salinity clearly decreased, as did plant height, branch number, shoot dry weight, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium concentration, protein percentage, and increased sodium concentration in chickpea plants. A foliar spray of Glutathione, notably 50 and 75 mg.L-1, enhanced the tolerance of chickpea plants by improving growth traits