206 research outputs found

    A proteomics-based approach to studying the impact of transgenic maize (MON810) in rats as a model

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    Phd thesisTransgenic maize MON810 is a maize variety that has been genetically modified to express Cry1Ab isolated from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to produce a natural insecticide (Bt toxin) which kills larvae of the European corn borer (ECB), a major pest of maize. The mode of action of Bt toxin in ECB is through binding to specific receptors on the epithelial cells of the highly alkaline midgut of the insect, resulting in pore-formation, osmotic imbalance, cell lysis and subsequent death of the insect. In contrast, this Bt toxin is considered to be harmless or nontoxic to mammals due to acidified gut pepsinolysis and the lack of Cry protein binding-sites on the mammalian gut epithelial cells. However, to date, no studies have investigated the cellular effects of these Cry proteins at the proteome level. The aim of this study was therefor to investigate the in vivo and in vitro effects of MON810 maize expressing the δ-insecticidal protein Cry1Ab from Bacillus thuringiensis, on differential gene expression at the proteome level in the epithelial cells of the small intestine of the rat as a model for mammals. Proteomic profiling techniques were included for the in vivo and in vitro studies to obtain a better understanding of the underlying molecular responses in rat to MON810. Transgenic Bt maize (MON810), the corresponding parental non-transgenic maize (MON CONV CORN), and 3 other maize varieties, MON Garst 8450, MON Gold HVST H8920 and MCert Rod commercial control (used as internal controls), were provided by Monsanto, USA. All diets were formulated by TestDiet and contained approximately 33% (w/w) corn grain; other diet components were adjusted to provide approximately equal levels of protein, calories and nutrients. Different reference varieties were used in this study to determine whether the changes that may occur with the consumption of MON810 maize lay within the expected range for several different unmodified reference varieties. Two rats feeding trials (7-day and 28-day) were conducted to assess the safety of MON810 maize using forty immature male Wistar rats (rats were between 6 to 7 weeks of age at the beginning of the study). Rats were assigned to the above 5 experimental groups based on body weight means. No adverse behavioural effects on rats were observed and there were no significant differences in absolute body weights, body weight gains, food consumption and feed conversion efficiency between rats fed MON810 in the diet when compared to rats fed diets containing grain from the other maize varieties. Thus the transgenic variety MON810 had no adverse effects on these parameters. Following these feeding studies, rats were sacrificed and the total proteins extracted from the small intestinal epithelial cells were separated by 2D gel electrophoresis. Differentially expressed proteins were identified using SameSpot Progenesis software followed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS); the mass spectrometry data were analysed by Global Proteome Machine (GPM) search engine for protein identification. The same proteomic profiling techniques were used for the in vitro approaches for MON810 maize safety evaluation where primary intestinal epithelial cells and HCT116 cell line were used. In vivo effects of these different maize varieties on the proteome of the epithelial cells of the small intestine when all five groups were compared showed that there were 5, 4, 3, 0, 0, differentially expresed protein spots for Mcert, Mon Conv Corn, MON810, Mon Garst and MON Gold, respectively for the 7- day trial. Two stress-related proteins (LDLR chaperone MESD precursor and peroxiredoxin-6) were up-regulated (2.4 fold) in the MON810 group and 1 stress-related protein (thioredoxindependent peroxide reductase) was up-regulated (2.6 fold) in the Mcert group. For the 28-day trial, only 2 proteins spots (representing 6 proteins) were up-regulated in the small intestinal epithelial cells of rats fed MON810, one of which was a stress-related protein (stress-induced phosphoprotein 1; 3.1 fold). In vitro effects of MON810 and its near isogenic line on the proteome of the epithelial cell lines were negligible, with only 4 protein spots (5 stress-related protein) being up-regulated in the small intestinal primary epithelial cells (IE cells) when exposed to Bt maize extracts and 2 protein spots (1 stress-related protein) being up-regulated when exposed to non-Bt maize extracts. There were no differentially expressed spots between the HCT116 cell lines. The findings from the in vivo and in vitro studies both suggest that MON810 has negligible effects on rats at the cellular level. They also confirm the lack of mammalian toxicity when using rats as a model system

    Identity Criticism from the Perspective of the Cultural Construct in Criticism Books of the Arabic Novel

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    يتوجه هذا البحث إلى نقد الكتب النقدية التي اتخذت من الهوية مسارا لقراءة النصوص الروائية من منظور البنية الثقافية وما تشتمل عليه من مكونات رئيسة في التأسيس الثقافي، تكمن محاولتنا القرائية في الكشف عن أهم تلك المكونات الثقافية التي قرأ النقاد الهوية في النصوص الروائية عبرها. فعني النقاد بفاعلية مكون ثقافي واحد أو أكثر في النصوص الروائية والوقوف عند السياق الخطابي والتفاعل معه أو الإعلان عن مضمرات المكونات الثقافية وقراءتها تبعا للاشتغال القرائي وأدوات الناقد المنهجية، مستندين في قراءتنا على استراتيجية تفكيك الخطاب النقدي. وقد قسمنا البحث إلى ملخص ومدخل للتعريف بعلاقة الهوية بالثقافة ومدى تداخلهما، ثم الوقوف عند أهم المكونات الثقافية الواردة في السياقات النقدية لنقد الهوية في الرواية العربية ابتداء بالدين والجسد واللغة والموسيقى وبعضا من المكونات الثقافية الأخرى، وختمنا البحث بأهم النتائج والملاحظات والهوامش وثبتا بالمصادر النقدية قيد الدراسة وبعضا من المصادر في مجال الثقافة والنقد.This research is directed to critique the critical books that took the identity as a path to read the narrative texts from the perspective of the cultural structure and what it includes from the main components in the cultural foundation. The critics effectively meant one or more cultural components in the novelistic texts, standing at the rhetorical context and interacting with it , or declaring the implications of the cultural components and reading them according to the reading work and the critic’s methodological tools , basing our reading on the strategy of deconstructing the critical discourse. We divided the research into a summary and an introduction to define the relationship of identity with culture and the extent of their overlap, then to stand at the most important cultural components contained in the critical contexts of identity criticism in the Arabic novel, starting with religion, body, language, music and some of the other cultural components, and we concluded the research with the most important The results, notes and margins are proven by the critical sources under study and some sources in the field of culture and criticism

    Protective Activity of Glycyrrihzaglabra against Histopathological Changes in White Albino Rats

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    The study was aimsto evaluation the protective activity of methanol-water extract of Glycyrrihzaglabraroot (GL) against histopathological changes induced by cyclophosphamide in white albino rats. Multiple doses for drug and extract were used to investigate the accumulation effect of drug and extract onliver and kidney. Results show that drug causes different harmful changes in rat organs in all doses concentrations used in study and extract have protective activity to prevent changes in tissue in 1000, 750 and 250 mg \kg , but dose 500 was failure to protect liver and lowest effect on kidney. Conclusion of present study is Glycyrrihzaglabrauseful for protective body organs against side effect of drugs and harmful effect of oxidative stress. Keywords: Glycyrrihzaglabra  ,cyclophosphamide, liver, kidney

    On Estimating a Constant Stress Life Test Model Using Time-Censored Data from the Linear Failure Rate Distribution

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    In this paper, a constant stress partially accelerated life test model is considered and investigated using type-I censored data from the linear failure rate distribution. The maximum likelihood estimates (point and interval) of the distribution parameters and the acceleration factor are obtained. For accuracy reasons, the mean squared errors are calculated using different sizes of samples. For illustration, Monte Carlo simulation studies are presented.Предложена модель частично ускоренных испытаний на циклическую долговечность с постоянным напряжением с использованием данных, подвергнутых цензурированию типа I с линейным распределением скорости разрушения. Получены точечные и интервальные оценки максимального правдоподобия параметров распределения и коэффициента ускорения. С целью повышения точности прогнозов расчет среднеквадратических погрешностей осуществлялся для образцов разных размеров. Для иллюстрации работоспособности модели выполнено моделирование тестовых задач с использованием метода Монте-Карло.Запропоновано модель частково прискорених випробувань на циклічну довговічність з постійною напругою з використанням даних, які було піддано цензуруванню типу I із лінійним розподілом швидкості руйнування. Отримано точкові й інтервальні оцінки максимальної правдоподібності параметрів розподілу і коефіцієнта прискорення. Із метою підвищення точності прогнозів розрахунок середньоквадратичних похибок проводився для зразків різних розмірів. Для ілюстрації роботоздатності моделі виконано моделювання тестових задач із використанням методу Монте-Карло

    Encompassing the literature on the themes of job-performance, published in journals indexed in the Scopus-Elsevier database from 2000 – 2019.

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    Aim of the research: This is a retrospective and quantitative study to evaluate the productivity of research on job performance and aspects of subject to administration and business community through the literature produced and published in journals enlisted Scopus-Elsevier database from 2000 - 2019. Methods/Approach: The material for this study download in coma-separated value (CSV) with a note-paid file to store and tabulated in MS Excel for examination. The frequency of publications, types, and language of documents, total participation and affiliation of authors with their countries, and classification of the Published data were set as objectives. Results: Total 1721 documents downloaded to investigate, 1686 documents existing on 11 academic formats, covers six disciplines, written in twelve languages by 4311 authors affiliated with 86 countries included to an examination of the subjects reflect as a topic of job performance from 2000 - 2019. Conclusion: This study reflects that the discipline of job performance\u27s sensitivity took importance in the academic world of business situated in the developed world to under-developed countries to change the business scenario

    Disintegrating the Patriarchy System in Contemporary Poetry Books

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    يسعى هذا البحث إلى تحرّي مكامن التأسيس في تجربة الكتب الشعرية المعاصرة، بوصفها ذاكرة مضادة للنظام الأبوي، وهو ما يعني النظر إلى الذاكرة خارج التراتبية التي تعلي من شأن المركز وتحط من قيمة الهامش، وذلك من طريق إرساء مفاهيم مضادة تحفر في جذور ذلك النظام، إذ رسمت الثقافة في ماضي التاريخ العربي على وفق نظامها الأبوي ذي الطبيعة الصحراوية، فكراً أحادياً لا يسمح بالتعددية والاختلاف، لأن في هذا الأخير يعدُّ تهديداً لنظامها، الأمر الذي جعل مفهوم الهوية يُقدم بصورة جماعية، أي اقصاء الهوية الذاتية.  إنّ ما تبتغيه الكتب من تجاوزها لهذا النظام بناء فكر يتجه نحو المستقبل، وعدم جعله بنية ذهنية تحكم كل زمان ومكان، لأن في هذا إيقاف لمفهوم الزمن والتعامل معه على أنّه بنية متحجّرة في الماضي، هذا فضلاً عما يحمله النظام الأبوي من قيم متعالية وحتمية ما زالت تتحكم في مجمل الثقافة العربية. وسوف نتناول كتاب طرفة بن الوردة لقاسم حداد، وكتاب الحب لمحمد بنيس. وجدير بالتنويه أن ما نقصده بالكتب الشعرية هي تلك الكتب التي تخطُّ شعريتها من طريق محايثتها مع خطاب سابق لها، أما بالنقيض له أو التأسيس لاختلافاته.This research seeks to establish an anti-patriarchal memory in the experience of contemporary poetic books, which means looking at memory outside the hierarchy that raises the status of the center and degrades the value of the margin, by establishing counter concepts that dig into the roots of that system, as Arab culture is drawn according to its patriarchal system of a desert nature, a monolithic thought that does not allow pluralism and difference, because it is a threat to its system, which made the concept of identity presented collectively, that is, the exclusion of self-identity. What the books seek in terms of transcending this system is to build a thought that moves towards the future, and not to make it a mental structure that governs every time and place, because this stops the concept of time and deals with it as a fossilized structure in the past, in addition to the transcendent and inevitable values ​​that the patriarchal system carries. Control the entirety of Arab culture. Our focus will be on Tarfa ibn al-Wardah by Qassem Haddad, and on Love by Muhammad Bennis

    Optical Transmission Plasmonic Color Filter withWider ColorGamut Based on X-Shaped Nanostructure

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    Extraordinary Optical Transmission Plasmonic Color Filters (EOT-PCFs) with nanostructures have the advantages of consistent color, small size, and excellent color reproduction, making them a suitable replacement for colorant-based filters. Currently, the color gamut created by plasmonic filters is limited to the standard red, green, blue (sRGB) color space, which limits their use in the future. To address this limitation, we propose a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) color filter scheme, which may provide a RGB-wide color gamut while exceeding the sRGB color space. On the surface of the aluminum film, a unique nanopattern structure is etched. The nanohole functions as a coupled grating that matches photon momentum to plasma when exposed to natural light. Metals and surfaces create surface plasmon resonances as light passes through the metal film. The plasmon resonance wavelength can be modified by modifying the structural parameters of the nanopattern to obtain varied transmission spectra. The International Commission on Illumination (CIE 1931) chromaticity diagram can convert the transmission spectrum into color coordinates and convert the spectrum into various colors. The color range and saturation can outperform existing color filters.Funding: This project has received funding from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant 801538