41 research outputs found

    Contribution of tocols to food Sensorial properties, stability, and overall quality

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    This paper reviews the contribution of tocopherols and tocotrienols (tocols) to food quality as well as their bioactivity and health-promoting properties, which have attracted researchers and food technologists. Tocols are lipophilic phenolic antioxidants encompassing tocopherols that are characterized by a saturated side chain and tocotrienols with an unsaturated isoprenoid side chain. Tocols are natural constituents of several foods like dairy, vegetable oils, nuts, and grains. Their presence in foods, namely, as food additives, helps prevent lipid oxidation, which negatively affects the sensorial quality of foods, and even the nutritional value and safety. Supplementation of animals’ diets with tocopherols has proven its effectiveness in preserving fresh color and flavor of the meat. Although alfa-tocopherol displays much higher vitamin E activity than other tocols, health outcomes have been reported for tocotrienols, thus calling for more studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Composition and physicochemical properties of dried berry pomace

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    [EN] BACKGROUND Berry pomace is a valuable but little used by-product of juice manufacturing. When processed to a stable fruit powder, the composition differs from that of the whole fruit. To facilitate application in foods, a detailed knowledge of its composition and physicochemical properties is essential. RESULTS Blackcurrant, redcurrant, chokeberry, rowanberry and gooseberry were selected for analysis. All pomace powders had a high fibre content (> 550 g kg(-1)) and a fat content of up to 200 g kg(-1). Despite identical milling conditions, the particle sizes of the pomace powders varied. This can be traced back to seed content and brittleness, which also becomes apparent with respect to surface characteristics. Blackcurrant pomace powder differed from other varieties in terms of its low water-binding capacity (3.2 g g(-1)) and a moderate moisture uptake, whereas chokeberry pomace powder showed the highest polyphenol content and rowanberry pomace powder was rich in flavonols. CONCLUSION The results obtained in the present study provide a comprehensive overview of the properties of berry pomace powder and allow conclusions to be made regarding their applicability for use in complex food systems. (c) 2018 Society of Chemical IndustryThe research project was approved during the second SUSFOOD ERA-Net call (www.susfood-era.net).The funding of the project, assured through the national partner organizations, is gratefully acknowledged: Federal Ministry of Education and Research via PTJ in Germany (grant 031B0004), INIA in Spain and FORMAS in Sweden.Reibner, AM.; Al Hamimi, S.; Quiles Chuliá, MD.; Schmidt, C.; Struck, S.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Turner, C.... (2018). Composition and physicochemical properties of dried berry pomace. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99(3):1284-1293. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.930212841293993Elleuch, M., Bedigian, D., Roiseux, O., Besbes, S., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (2011). 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Acta Alimentaria, 42(1), 91-101. doi:10.1556/aalim.42.2013.1.9Struck, S., Plaza, M., Turner, C., & Rohm, H. (2016). Berry pomace - a review of processing and chemical analysis of its polyphenols. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 51(6), 1305-1318. doi:10.1111/ijfs.13112Skrede, G., Wrolstad, R. E., & Durst, R. W. (2000). Changes in Anthocyanins and Polyphenolics During Juice Processing of Highbush Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). Journal of Food Science, 65(2), 357-364. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2000.tb16007.xHoltung, L., Grimmer, S., & Aaby, K. (2011). Effect of Processing of Black Currant Press-Residue on Polyphenol Composition and Cell Proliferation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(8), 3632-3640. doi:10.1021/jf104427rOszmiański, J., & Wojdylo, A. (2005). Aronia melanocarpa phenolics and their antioxidant activity. European Food Research and Technology, 221(6), 809-813. doi:10.1007/s00217-005-0002-5Viuda-Martos, M., López-Marcos, M. 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    The expression of virulence genes in Group B Streptococcus isolated from symptomatic pregnant women with term and preterm delivery.

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    During pregnancy, group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization is one of the risk factors for preterm delivery and neonatal infections. Previous studies have revealed the crucial roles of GBS virulence factors including hemolytic pigment (CylE), hyaluronidase (HylB), serine rich protein (Srr) and bacterial surface adhesion of GBS (BsaB) in mediating GBS colonization and intrauterine ascending infection, that triggers preterm delivery. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between mRNA expression of virulence genes in GBS isolates obtained from symptomatic pregnant women and preterm delivery. GBS isolates were obtained from high vaginal swabs of pregnant women (n=40) with gestational age less than 37 weeks and symptoms including preterm labour, preterm premature rupture of membrane (pPROM), vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding. RNA was extracted from these GBS isolates and RT-qPCR was performed to determine the relative mRNA expression of GBS virulence genes including CylE, HylB, Srr and BsaB. Women with preterm labour and pPROM who delivered prematurely were demonstrated with higher expression of CylE gene and a trend towards an increased expression of HylB gene, in comparison to women with term delivery. The expression of Srr and BsaB genes were both similar between symptomatic pregnant women who delivered at term and prematurely. These results suggest that following vaginal colonization, both CylE and HylB genes possibly contribute to intrauterine ascending infection and inflammation, causing preterm delivery in humans. These virulence factors may be targeted for the pre-clinical stages of vaccine development or therapeutic intervention

    Development of a Low Cost Eco-Friendly Minimum Quantity Lubrication System for Machining Processes

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    Recently all environmental worries are calling for reducing the usage of fluids in machining operations. One of the promising solutions that appeared lately is minimum quantity lubrication (MQL). This research aimed to develop an eco-friendly cooling system for a lathe machine and assess its performance. After considering the customer needs, the needs were translated into engineering specifications in the conceptual design phase, and then the quality function deployment was developed. Three concepts were generated and evaluated considering the selection criteria, and a final concept was selected using the decision matrix method. Following this, a detailed design and fabrication of the sub-systems such as the oil tank and a structure accommodate all the components. The developed system was tested on six different workpiece samples to compare the MQL system with the conventional one. In general, the MQL system resulted in lower surface roughness values as well as lower tool wear

    Dynamic extraction coupled on-line to liquid chromatography with a parallel sampling interface—a proof of concept for monitoring extraction kinetics

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    On-line hyphenation of extraction with chromatography has been explored in several different types of combinations. However, monitoring the complete process of a dynamic, continuous-flow extraction is not possible with any hyphenated system reported so far. The current work demonstrates that this challenging task can be effectively fulfilled by using a parallel sampling interface, which mimics the concept of comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography. In this study, pressurised hot water extraction was coupled on-line with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography. The set-up was utilised in a kinetic study of dynamic pressurised hot water extraction of curcuminoids from turmeric powder. Compound-specific extraction curves were obtained, which clearly indicated the rate-limiting factors of the extraction processes under different conditions. Additionally, thermal degradation of curcumin during the extraction could also be demonstrated in some of the extractions

    Dynamic extraction coupled on-line to liquid chromatography with a parallel sampling interface—a proof of concept for monitoring extraction kinetics

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    On-line hyphenation of extraction with chromatography has been explored in several different types of combinations. However, monitoring the complete process of a dynamic, continuous-flow extraction is not possible with any hyphenated system reported so far. The current work demonstrates that this challenging task can be effectively fulfilled by using a parallel sampling interface, which mimics the concept of comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography. In this study, pressurised hot water extraction was coupled on-line with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography. The set-up was utilised in a kinetic study of dynamic pressurised hot water extraction of curcuminoids from turmeric powder. Compound-specific extraction curves were obtained, which clearly indicated the rate-limiting factors of the extraction processes under different conditions. Additionally, thermal degradation of curcumin during the extraction could also be demonstrated in some of the extractions

    High density supercritical carbon dioxide for the extraction of pesticide residues in onion with multivariate response surface methodology

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    The excessive use of pesticides is a serious health problem due to their toxicity and bioaccumulation through the food chain. Due to the complexity of foods, the analysis of pesticides is challenging often giving large matrix effects and co‐extracted compounds. To overcome this problem, a selective and “green” supercritical fluid extraction method was developed, using neat carbon dioxide as a solvent at pressures of up to 800 bars. A Box–Behnken response surface experimental design was used, with the independent variables of density (0.70–1.0 g mL–1), temperature (40–70 °C), and volume (10–40 mL) of solvent, and the dependent variable of extracted amount of pesticides. The optimum extraction condition was found at the use of 29 mL of supercritical CO2 at 0.90 g mL–1 and 53°C (corresponding to 372 bars of pressure). It was observed that increasing the density of CO2 significantly increased the extraction recovery of endrin and 2,4′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane. Matrix‐matched calibration curves showed satisfactory linearity (R2 ≥ 0.994), and LODs ranged from 0.2 to 2.0 ng g–1. Precision was lower than 11% and recoveries between 80%–103%. Thus, the developed method could efficiently be used for trace analysis of pesticides in complex food matrices without the use of organic solvents

    Ultrahigh-pressure supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography of Moringa oleifera and Moringa peregrina seed lipids

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    An ultrahigh-pressure supercritical fluid extraction method was optimized and applied to extract seed oil lipids from two moringa species, namely Moringa oleifera (MO) and Moringa peregrina (MP). A full-factorial design was used to investigate the direct and interaction influence of pressure and temperature in the range of 40 to 80 MPa and 40 to 70 °C, respectively, on the extracted amount of oil from crushed seeds. The results revealed that pressure has a significant positive influence on the extracted amount of oil. The best extraction condition using neat CO 2 was found at 80 MPa and 57 °C, yielding 396 ± 23 and 529 ± 26 mg oil per gram of seeds for MO and MP, respectively. An extraction kinetics study revealed a mainly solubility-controlled extraction of oil, and 28 g of CO 2 was required to extract 400 mg of oil per gram of seeds of MO using the developed method. Addition of ethanol to the sample prior to the extraction increased the proportion of extractable polar lipids as well as the total amount of extracted oil. The developed method increased the extracted amount of oil twofold compared to a reference method based on solvent sonication. The obtained oil consisted mainly of glycerolipids, sterol esters, and phospholipids. Phospholipids, campesterol, and stigmasterol ester concentrations were found to be higher in MO while cholesterol ester was more abundant in MP

    Screening of stationary phase selectivities for global lipid profiling by ultrahigh performance supercritical fluid chromatography

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    The performance of seven sub-2-μm particle packed columns (2-picolylamine, 2-PIC; charged surface hybrid fluoro-phenyl, CSH-FP; high strength silica C18 SB, HSS-C18; diethylamine, DEA; 1-aminoanthracene, 1-AA; high density diol and ethylene bridged hybrid; BEH) was examined for lipid separation in ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography (UHPSFC) coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Based on the results of the column screening a method for profiling of multiple lipid species from the major lipid classes was developed. Stationary phases containing β-hydroxy amines, i.e. 1-AA, DEA and 2-PIC, yielded strong retention and poor peak shapes of zwitterionic lipids with primary amine groups, such as phosphatidylserines, phosphatidylethanolamines and its lyso forms. The BEH and HSS-C18 columns showed strong retention of polar and nonpolar lipids, respectively. The Diol column retained the majority of major lipid classes and also produced symmetric peaks. In addition, this column also produced the highest resolution within and between major lipid classes. An injection solvent composed of methanol:chloroform (1:2, v:v) and the addition of 20 mM ammonium formate in the mobile phase improved chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry detection in comparison to ammonium acetate or absence of additive. Finally, chromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters were optimized for the Diol column using a design of experiments approach. The separation mechanism on the Diol column depended on the lipid functionality and the length and degree of unsaturation of the acyl groups. The developed method could resolve 18 lipid classes and multiple lipids within each class, from blood serum and brain tissue in 11 min