173 research outputs found

    An empirical assessment of consumption practices in a revolutionary epoch : the case of Egypt and Libya

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    The aim of this thesis was to determine the impact of the recent and ongoing Arab Spring phenomenon on consumption practices in Egypt (Cairo) and Libya (Tripoli). The purpose behind the research was to empirically analyse how the Arab Spring has been driven by consumption and the extent to which consumption has been affected by the Arab Spring. A study was conducted between March-April 2013 in two of the main cities associated with the Arab Spring; Cairo (Egypt) and Tripoli (Libya). Retrospective accounts were obtained to capture citizens past experiences, present experiences and future expectations in order to develop a greater understanding of changing consumption practices. This thesis is grounded firmly in the marketing discipline as much as it is in the social sciences, particularly since the consulted literature is of an interdisciplinary nature and the Arab Spring phenomenon is not only of interest to marketing academics and practitioners but also policy makers and sociologists alike.Change is central to this thesis and citizens are considered the anchor of change. The main findings to emerge from this research are that consumption was a call for the revolution but also a cause of it. Two streams of consumption have been identified. These are conservative and conspicuous consumption. While citizens in Cairo have become more conservative in the present epoch (time of data collection March-April 2013), Libyans have become more conspicuous and are excited to try new modes of consumption. Furthermore, a contention raised in this thesis is that marketing operations in times of flux are often neglected. However, the findings demonstrate that there is a greater opportunity to capitalise on new clientele in a state of flux and amidst the instability and insecurity. As a result of the data collected in flux, this study would seem to have particular value and interestingess in the marketing discipline and beyond.Contributions made in this thesis are of a revelatory nature due to the combination of multiple theoretical lenses and the findings marking a very early empirical contribution across the social science disciplines in understanding the impact of the Arab Spring on consumption practices as well as the development and ongoing epiphenomenal state of flux in the Middle East. To the author’s best knowledge, this study is the first to conceptualise the revolutions within the marketing discipline. The findings may be transferred to other contexts and settings to examine other societies in a state of flux such as Ukraine, Syria and Iraq. A conceptual framework is used to illustrate practices in flux. Emergent themes are proposed via a conceptual model to demonstrate how flux influences consumption practices. Moreover, a novel and unusual methodological approach is used by combining a systematic literature review (SLR) as an entry point into the literature alongside grounded theory methods to study matters of consumption practices

    Arab consumer attitutes towards international marketing as a result of the ongoing Arab Spring : a systematic literature review

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    Paper from the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCI), Thessaloniki, 13-15 June 2012 The Middle East has been recently and continues to be affected by a phenomenon referred to popularly as the ‘Arab Spring’. The phenomenon appears to have sparked a wave of candidness amongst Arab consumers in a way that hitherto was not apparent. A question as to whether the uprisings are about the pursuit of democracy, political reform or freedom of speech remains to be settled. The purpose of this discussion paper is to ask what effects the Arab Spring may have on marketing theory and practice. To that end, the paper presents the results of a systematic literature review pertaining to marketing in the Middle East. A quantitative bibliometric method of citation analysis is deployed to identify the range of themes that have been previously researched. From this review, the paper identifies the particular relevance of the Arab Spring phenomenon to international marketing theory and practice. Thus, this study makes the first attempt to conceptualize what the Arab Spring means for future international marketing theory and practice and marks the start of a first investigation, and potential beginning of a longitudinal study into the phenomenon as it continues to unfold, grounded firmly in the marketing discipline

    Middle Eastern consumers in a state of flux- an exploration of conservative vs. conspicuous consumption practices

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    This paper focusses on one particular phenomenon; that of the Arab Spring. Given the scope for a wealth of consumption opportunities and paucity of studies in the consumer research literature on the Middle East, it would appear timely to reassess how consumption practices have been affected and the extent to which consumers caught up in these turbulent environments transition through the ongoing flux. To this end, this paper contributes to the literature by discussing two streams of consumption; conspicuous and conservative and discusses how consumers have interchanged between the streams at different epochs (periods in time). These epochs are characterised by a history, happening and hopes narrative in this paper to demonstrate how consumers’ consumption practices were in the past, their present experiences and also their expectations for the future. The findings demonstrate a dialectic interplay between Egyptian and Libyan consumers’ consumption practices over the three epochs

    The role of the Civil and Commercial Court of Qatar Financial Centre under the New Arbitration Law No. 2 of 2017

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    أنشئت المحكمة المدنية والتجارية لمركز قطر للمال (محكمة مركز قطر للمال) بموجب قانون مركز قطر للمال رقم 7 لسنة 2005 و تعديلاته. وتختص المحكمة نوعيا بمسائل محددة، حيث تختص الدائرة الإبتدائية بالمحكمة دون غيرها بالفصل في جميع الدعاوى و المنازعات المدنية والتجارية التي يكون أحد أطرافها شركة من الشركات المرخصة من قبل هيئة مركز قطر للمال، بينما تختص الدائرة الإستئنافية بالمحكمة بالفصل في الطعون المقامة أمامها في الأحكام الصادرة عن الدائرة الإبتدائية. و بصدور القانون رقم 2 لسنة 2017 بإصدار قانون التحكيم في المواد المدنية و التجارية، أعطى المشرع القطري المحكمة عدة اختصاصات و صلاحيات إضافية تتعلق بتقديم المعاونة و المساعدة القضائية للتحكيم و الرقابه عليه ، و ذلك إذا ما تم إختيارها من قبل الأطراف في إتفاق التحكيم بصفتها المحكمة المختصة بالاشراف و الرقابة على التحكيم الذي يجري في دولة قطر. و بإعطاء الاختصاص للمحكمة المدنية و التجارية لمركز قطر للمال في قانون التحكيم الجديد ، إلى جانب دائرة منازعات التحكيم المدني و التجاري بمحكمة الاستئناف بحسب الاحوال ، ما هو إلا دليل على الرغبة القوية لدى المشرع القطري في ان تلعب المحكمة دورا رئيسيا في التحكيم التجاري الدولي. وقد نص القانون الجديد على إختصاص المحكمة المختصة بأداء بعض الوظائف المتعلقة بتعين المحكم في المواد 11))5 (البندين أ،ب) ، و رد المحكم في المادة 13)1 ،(و الفصل في اختصاص هيئة التحيكم في المادة 16 بند 3 ،ومساعدة هيئة التحيكم في الحصول على الأدلة في المادة 27 بند 1 ،ونظر دعاوى بطلان حكم التحكيم في المادة 3 بند 2The Civil and Commercial Court of the Qatar Financial Centre (“the QFC Court”) was established by virtue of the Qatar Financial Centre Law No. 7 of 2005 as amended by Law No. 2 of 2009 (“the QFC Law”). The QFC Court has limited jurisdiction over specific subject matters. Under the QFC Law, and the QFC Court Regulations and Procedural Rules, the QFC Court has jurisdiction over civil and commercial disputes which arise from transactions, contracts, arrangements or incidences which take place in or from the Qatar Financial Centre and which are between parties that are established in the QFC. The QFC Court will also hear disputes which relate to civil and commercial disputes between a QFC established entity and contractors and/or employees of the QFC entity. In the case of contractors, what this means is that the contractor does not need to be established in the QFC but in fact may be established anywhere in the world. The QFC Court will also hear disputes which involve an entity established in the QFC and an entity established in the State of Qatar. However, under Law No. 2 of 2017 “Issuing the Law of Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Matters” (the “New Arbitration Law”), the QFC Court has been conferred with additional powers to discharge certain supportive and supervisory functions over arbitrations seated in the State of Qatar, only if it is chosen by the parties as the Competent Court in the arbitration agreement. This is an important development as it allows the parties, inter alia, to utilise the QFC Court, which is modelled on leading international commercial courts, in relation to the arbitral proceedings, and to work under procedures similar to those found in common law systems. The QFC Court’s new functions under the New Arbitration Law include the appointment of arbitrators in Articles 11(5)(a) and 11(5)(b), the removal of arbitrators (Article 13(1)), decisions on arbitral jurisdiction (after the tribunal has already decided) (Article 16(3)), assistance in taking evidence (Article 27(1)), and the setting aside of arbitral awards (Article 33(2)). This article examines the jurisdiction of the QFC Court in relation to arbitration under the New Arbitration Law, key differences between the QFC Court procedures and other State Court procedures, and the importance of a well-drafted forum selection clause to confer jurisdiction on the QFC Court

    The evolution and structure of internet-based consumer research : a citation analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review into the evolution and structure of internet-based ethnographic consumer research during the twenty-year period between 1996 and 2015. The results of a quantitative citation analysis and a qualitative synthesis are presented which demonstrate the limited engagement that marketing researchers have had with the discipline and the limited degree to which the discipline has influenced that literature. This hitherto lack of research presents a significant lacuna and a significant opportunity for marketing scholarship to engage further with that literature. Similarly, there are particular thematic areas where knowledge is currently lacking. Taken together, the quantitative citation analysis and qualitative synthesis demonstrate that netnography is very much an emerging trend in the consumer research literature and there are many theoretical, empirical and practical bases upon which it may be applied, especially in the context of future studies. Keywords: citation analysis, consumer research, netnography, systematic literature revie

    The transition of the self through the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya

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    This paper builds on Belk's notions of the extended, social, family and dialogic selves in an attempt to explore the transformation of the self during the Arab Spring phenomena. From the perspective of the respondents in Egypt and Libya, this paper provides a reading of how images of self are related to artifacts of consumption, rituals, and symbols and how consumer values are navigated through this difficult landscape. The paper uses a three phase history, happening, and hopes narratives to show that the self in a liminal period of flux is referent to history and hopes and proposes a notion of a transitional self that incorporates this observation of reference to past and future. In particular, the findings suggest that consumption, especially Western consumption can be transcendental during a liminal period of flux and that such revelatory incidents offer an opportunity to access the candid thoughts of consumers

    The Evolution and Structure of Consumer Research in Cyberspace: A Citation Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review into the evolution and structure of internet-based ethnographic consumer research during the twenty-year period between 1996 and 2015. The results of a citation analysis and qualitative synthesis are presented which demonstrate the limited engagement that marketing researchers have had with the discipline and the limited degree to which the discipline has influenced that literature. This hitherto lack of research presents a significant lacuna and a significant opportunity for marketing scholarship to engage further with that literature. Similarly, there are particular thematic areas where knowledge is currently lacking. Taken together, the citation analysis and qualitative synthesis demonstrate that netnography is very much an emerging trend in the consumer research literature and there are many theoretical, empirical and practical bases upon which it may be applied, especially in the context of future studies

    Theorems on Certain Fractional Function and Derivative

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    The aim of this paper is to prove the correctness of the relation I - I h (x) = h (x) for all xÎ(a, b], x a x a a a a a 00)