6 research outputs found


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    The role of the NU youth as an extension of the NU kyai was so great in eradicating parties and forbidden ideologies such as the PKI. Based on the basic principles of NahdlatulUlama such as tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, and tasamuh, plus a platform for thinking and acting based on the principles of the ushulfiqh and guidance from kyai, NU youths steadfastly declared war with communism. Similarly, when they defend the rights of former Communist activists or those who are considered Communists and their families, they are also based on these principles. For this reason, this paper aims to examine the idealized upheaval of NU youth in addressing the anti-communism discourse.This article was written by critically examining pre-existing scientific texts to expose ideological upheaval among NU youth sociologically. In simple terms, through this article it can be concluded that NU youth based on existing principles have a big contribution in maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, starting from the eradication of the PKI, as well as other efforts to defend Indonesia. On the other hand, they also have concern for oppressed groups including former 1965 political prisoners and their families. They were so diligent in fighting for the rights of former political prisoners in 1965 even though in the past they had also suppressed the PKI to its roots. One of the discourses that arose relating to the anti-communism discourse was the discourse of reconciliation between the NU group and Communism. The discourse was responded to differently by NU youth. Some consider it a form of humanism, and there are those who see it as a bad idea, and some even consider it as an extreme step.Peran pemuda NU sebagai kepanjangan tangan dari para kyai NU begitu besar dalam pemberantasan partai dan ideologi terlarang seperti PKI. Dengan berpijak pada prinsip dasar Nahdlatul Ulama seperti tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, dan tasamuh, ditambah pijakan berpikir dan bertindak yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada ushul fiqh serta petunjuk dari para kyai, pemuda NU dengan mantap menyatakan perang dengan komunisme. Begitu pula ketika mereka membela hak-hak dari mantan aktivis Komunis atau yang dianggap Komunis dan keluarganya, mereka pun juga berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip tersebut. Untuk itu tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pergolakan idelogi di kalangan pemuda NU dalam menyikapi wacana anti-komunisme.Artikel ini ditulis dengan menelaah secara kritis teks-teks ilmiah yang telah ada sebelumnya untuk menelanjangi pergolakan ideologi di kalangan pemuda NU secara sosiologis. Secara sederhana, melalui artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemuda NU dengan berdasar prinsip yang ada memiliki andil besar dalam mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI, mulai dari pemberantasan PKI, serta upaya-upaya lain dalam mempertahankan Indonesia. Di sisi lain, mereka juga memiliki perhatian terhadap kelompok tertindas termasuk mantan tahanan politik 1965 dan keluarganya. Mereka begitu gigih memperjuangkan hak-hak mantan tahanan politik 1965 meski di masa lalu mereka pula yang memberangus PKI sampai ke akarnya. Salah satu wacana yang mengemuka berkaitan dengan wacana anti-komunisme adalah wacana rekonsiliasi antara golongan NU dan Komunisme. Wacana tersebut ditanggapi berbeda-beda oleh pemuda NU. Ada yang menganggapnya sebagai bentuk sifat humanis, adapula yang melihatnya sebagai gagasan buruk, bahkan ada yang memandang rekonsiliasi tersebut sebagai langkah ekstrim

    The Suitability of Distance Education for Students With Mental Health Issues and Economically Disadvantaged Students in East Java

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    Distance learning is not the only effective way to achieve the goals of education in the post-pandemic era, and it is not suitable for some students, in part because of the implications on mental health of following distance learning implementation. This research used qualitative methods together with a case study approach and it took place in East Java. The results showed that distance learning was not as effective with the students with mental health issues who were studied in this research. This was due in part to the lack of internet access in certain facilities. Students also experienced stress due to distance learning, especially sociology students. Most assignments which students were asked to do via distance learning were categorized as projects. Such projects forced students to think critically, while distance learning conditions rendered critical thinking more difficult. Another case study showed that economically disadvantaged students were not favored through distance learning. Many students were disturbed by the fact that their parents had become unemployed, and many students’ needs could not be fulfilled by their parents because of this economic problem. Keywords: remote learning, mental health student

    Pelatihan Pengoperasian Media Pembelajaran bagi Guru untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru

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    Abstract. The training activities were carried out at SMPN 1 Krembung which aimed to improve the professionalism of teachers in the operation of electronic-based learning media. This dedication is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used in the form of lectures, discussions, training, and documentation. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The activities carried out are: (1) providing understanding for teachers about the importance of utilizing developing technology as a learning medium, and (2) conducting simulations of making electronic-based learning media ranging from how to create to the operation of electronic-based learning media. This activity was attended by twenty teachers from SMP Negeri 1 Krembung. Seventeen teachers understood the benefits and ways of using electronic learning media as well. Keywords: Training, learning media, electronics, teacher professionalism, Junior High School 1 Krembung. Abstrak. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan di SMPN 1 Krembung yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalisme guru dalam pengoprasian media pembelajaran berbasis elektronik. Pengabdian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam bentuk ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Adapun kegaiatn yang dilakukan adalah: (1) memberikan pemahaman bagi guru mengenai pentingnya memanfaatkan teknologi yang berkembang sebagai media pembelajaran, dan (2) melakukan simulasi pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis elektronik mulai dari cara mebuatan hingga pengoprasian media pembelajaran berbasis elektronik. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh dua puluh guru SMP Negeri 1 Krembung. Sejumlah tujuh belas guru memahami manfaat dan cara menggunakan media pembelajaran media pembelajaran berbasis elektronik dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, media pembelajaran elektronik, profesionalisme guru, SMP Negeri 1 Krembung

    Social Media and Digital Citizenship: The Urgency of Digital Literacy in The Middle of A Disrupted Society Era

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    The rapid development of technology and communication had given birth to a new world order that gave an impact on all aspects of the lives of citizens. This new world order was often known as social media; a new media that was born in the digital era as a result of the existence of the internet. This media made the mobility of citizens' lives became faster so that the interaction among them almost has no boundary, and resulted in the concept of digital citizenship. The emergence of social media certainly brought positive and negative impacts that automatically created disruption to citizens' behavior. The phenomenon of the spread of black campaigns, hate speech, false news (hoaxes), heated arguments toward each other became a common issue as a result of the citizens’ unpreparedness in facing an era of disruption. Therefore, digital literacy was a necessity in this era of disrupted society so that becoming a smart and good citizen would not only be a discourse on the issue of citizenship

    Szanse e-handlowe w erze 4.0 innowacyjny rozwój zarządzania przedsiębiorczością

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    E-commerce is an innovation employed by East Java Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. It is used to seize opportunities in developing innovative entrepreneurial management. Innovation is crucial for business entities' survival in the 4.0 era, including MSMEs. Exploiting opportunities and innovations is the key to creating new products that ensure MSMEs survival. This research was aimed to determine the perceptions about e-commerce opportunities in influencing consumer satisfaction and trust, in providing the best customer service, in satisfying customer expectations, and threats to MSMEs. This research is quantitative descriptive research. This study applied quantitative descriptive approach with survey method. The data obtained from questionnaires and interviews were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Product Moment analysis. The research results exhibited the following e-commerce opportunities to influences satisfaction and trust in performing transactions, provides the best service, satisfying customer expectations, and not being a threat to MSMEs.Handel elektroniczny jest innowacją stosowaną przez mikro, małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa East Java. Służy do wykorzystywania możliwości rozwoju innowacyjnego zarządzania przedsiębiorczością. Innowacja ma kluczowe znaczenie dla przetrwania podmiotów gospodarczych w erze 4.0, w tym MŚP. Wykorzystanie możliwości i innowacji jest kluczem do tworzenia nowych produktów zapewniających przetrwanie MŚP. Badanie to miało na celu określenie postrzegania możliwości handlu elektronicznego w zakresie wpływania na zadowolenie i zaufanie konsumentów, zapewnianie najlepszej obsługi klienta, spełnianie oczekiwań klientów i zagrożeń dla MŚP. Te badania są ilościowymi badaniami opisowymi. W badaniu zastosowano ilościowe podejście opisowe z metodą ankietową. Dane uzyskane z kwestionariuszy i wywiadów przeanalizowano za pomocą analizy korelacji Pearsona. Wyniki badań pokazały następujące możliwości handlu elektronicznego, które mają wpływ na zadowolenie i zaufanie w przeprowadzaniu transakcji, zapewniają najlepszą obsługę, spełniają oczekiwania klientów i nie stanowią zagrożenia dla MŚP