2,398 research outputs found

    Street theatre : Critical pedagogy for social studies education

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    This paper aims at exploring the usefulness of street theatre as critical pedagogy in teaching of social studies education. It gives a brief background of street-theatre and its linkages with critical pedagogy. In the light of theoretical underpinnings of this arts-based pedagogy, the paper deliberates upon the relevance and efficacy of street theatre in a social studies classroom. This paper uses a street theatre performance case to look at the techniques such as: body motion, body work, props, use of visual and audio aids, etc.; processes such as: conscientization and catharsis; and dialogical approach employed by street theatre to bring awareness about socio-political and cultural issues prevalent in a society. The analysis of this performance act shows that street theatre successfully encourages spectators or the oppressed masses to reflect, and triggers action in them to come out of socio-political oppression. When looked at from educational perspective, street theatre encourages the employment of multiple-intelligences of both students and teachers; and therefore, it can be one innovative strategy to make students aware of the issues infecting their society and also to empower students for action

    A Comparison of Two Anastomotic Techniques in the Jejunum of the Goat

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    This study was carried out to test two different anastomotic techniques to identify advantages and disadvantages of each technique in goats. All animals were under local infiltration anaesthesia. A five-cm length of jejunum was resected from the first part of the jejunum and end to end anastomosis using 3-0 Polygalactin-910 with one row of sero-submoucosal interrupted sutures (SSIS) group, and one row of horizontal mattress interrupted sutures (HMIS) group. Two animals from each group were euthanized on the 4th, 14th and 21st postoperative days. A 7-cm segment of jejunum including the anastomosed area was resected from each animal. There was no significant adhesion between anastomosis area and surrounded tissues observed in SSIS animals, while there was significant adhesion between anastomosis area and surrounded tissues which were observed in HMIS animals. Stenosis degree was lower in the SSIS than the HMIS group. The bursting pressure was higher in the SSIS than the HMIS group. Macroscopic evaluation indicated that the anastomotic line mucosa was abridged better with less local edema in the SSIS group. Histological evaluation in the SSIS group showed almost all parameters such as epithelial recovery and repair of submucosal-mucosal layer demonstrated better healing compared to the HMIS group

    The effect of Aqueous Olive Leaves Extract on the Pancreatic Islets of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes Mellitus in mice

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    The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of the aqueous crude extract of Olea europaea on serum glucose level and histopathological changes in islets of Langerhans in an induced-diabetic mellitus in mice. The experimental recommended 60 male mice were divided into three groups contained 20 mice each. The fi rst group was the control and they were given normal saline pH 7.0. The second group was intraperitoneally injected by a dose of 100mg/Kg of STZ and 10% glucose instead of normal drinking water over the 24 hours followed the treatment. The third group was injected intraperitoneally with 100mg/kg STZ and orally given 0.33g/ Kg aqueous extract of olive leaves everyday for four weeks. Blood specimens were collected, and the serum separated and stored at 4OC until it is used. The animals were dissected and the pancreatic tissues were obtained, the tissue specimens were fi xed in the Boun’s solution for 24 hr, and processed for histological studies. There was a signifi cant increase in blood glucose level of the STZ- diabetic mice by the fi rst week of injection with STZ in comparison with control group. A signifi cant decrease in blood glucose level occurred in the STZ-diabetic group treated with Olea europaea aqueous extract. Islets of langerhans are hypertrophied in the STZ-diabetic group and this hypertrophy showed a signifi cant increased in the average of islets size at the last week, while the treatment with Olea europaea aqueous extract showed a reduction of the islet size compared with the islets of the STZ –diabetic Mic

    Synthesis, Characterization of some New 1, 3, 4-Oxadiazole derivatives based on 4- amino benzoic acid

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    In this research various of 2,5-disubstituted 1,3,4-oxadiazole (Schiff base, oxo-thiazolidine , and other compounds) were synthesized from 2,5-di(4,4?- amino-1,3,4-oxadiazole ) which use quently synthesized from mixture of 4-amino benzoic acid and hydrazine in the presence of polyphosphorus acid. The synthesized compounds were characterized by using some Spectral data (UV, FT-IR, and 1H-NMR)

    Maternal obesity and its relation with the cesarean section: A hospital based cross sectional study in Iraq

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity during pregnancy is reported in approximately one in five pregnant women worldwide. It increases the risk of pregnancy complications many of which necessitate Cesarean section (CS). This study determines the association between obesity and type of delivery. METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving 404 pregnant women was carried out at Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq. Women with hypertension, diabetes, preterm labor, fetal presentation other than cephalic presentation and multiple gestations were excluded from the study. BMI and past obstetric history were recorded. RESULTS: The overall rate of CS was 38%. The overall mean body mass index (BMI) was 25.0 ± 4.52 Kg/m(2) and it was significantly higher among women who delivered by cesarean section. Significantly high rate of CS was found in primigravida and multigravida women with high BMI. Moreover, all obese multigravid women with history of previous CS were delivered by CS. The rate of CS was higher in women with primary level education when compared to women with secondary or tertiary education. CS was significantly lower in women with a previous history of abortion. CONCLUSION: Obese women with or without a previous history of CS are at a higher risk of having a CS and should therefore be considered as high risk and managed appropriately during pregnancy. Weight management prior to or during pregnancy could help reduce the need for CS

    Periodotnal health status and treatment needs among Iraqi dental students

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    Background: periodontal disease are the major risk factors for tooth loos in aged persons. Clinically, patients with gingivitis or periodontitis usually suffer from gingival bleeding and periodontal probing. Material and method: The human sample consisted of five hundred and ninety eight students, 208 males and 390 females. Russel's periodontal index (PI) plaque index (PI. I) and the periodental treatment need system (PTNS) were scored. Results: The mean PI and P1.I for males were 1.94, 1.72 respectively. For females the corresponding values were 1.73. 1.49. From the total sample 2.4% males and 6.1% females were in no need of periodontal therapy.A comparison between first and final year students showed for all indices used a statistically highly significant differences (P<0.01). Conclusions: Although an improvement in all indices does occur, but still more emphasis should be placed on prevention through out the dental on curriculum

    Wave Equation on Spherically Symmetric Lorentzian Metrics

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    Wave equation on a general spherically symmetric spacetime metric is constructed. Noether symmetries of the equation in terms of explicit functions of θ and ϕ are derived subject to certain differential constraints. By restricting the metric to flat Friedman case the Noether symmetries of the wave equation are presented. Invertible transformations are constructed from a specific subalgebra of these Noether symmetries to convert the wave equation with variable coefficients to the one with constant coefficients

    Assessment Of Dietary Pattern For Patients With Peptic Ulcer

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    الخلاصةالهدف: تقييم النمط الغذائي للمرضى المصابين  بقرحة المعدة وإيجاد العلاقة بين النمط الغذائي وبعض الصفات الديموغرافية بين الفئات العمرية والجنس.                                                                                                                          المنهجية: دراسة وصفية أجريت في مستشفى أمراض الكبد والجهاز الهضمي ومستشفى الكاظمية التعليمي في مدينة بغداد خلال فترة الثالث عشر من آذار ولغاية  العاشر من حزيران 2012حيث  تم اختيار عينة غرضيه( غير احتمالية) مكونة من (100) مريض مصاب بقرحة المعدة تراوحت  أعمارهم ما بين(20-60) سنة وتم استعمال استبانه مصممة من ثلاثة أجزاء  تضمن  الجزء الأول المعلومات الديموغرافية للعينة والجزء الثاني يتضمن عوامل الخطورة والجزء الثالث يتضمن مؤشرات النمط الغذائي موزعة على(18) فقرة تم جمع المعلومات من خلال استمارة الاستبانة وبطريقة المقابلة الشخصية  للمرضى,  واستغرقت المقابلة مع كل مريض مابين (12-15) دقيقة وتم تحليل بيانات الدراسة من خلال استعمال الإحصاء الوصفي الذي تضمن التكرارات والنسب المئوية,  علاوة على استعمال الإحصاء ألاستنتاجي الذي شمل مربع كاي والقيمة الاحتمالية.                                                                                                 النتائج: أظهرت نتائج الدراسة إن أكثر من ثلث المرضى المصابين بقرحة المعدة ضمن الفئة العمرية (20-29) سنة واغلبهم من الإناث,  ومن خريجي الجامعات,  متزوجون وموظفين حكوميين  وان معظم هؤلاء المرضى لا يدخنون ولا يتناولون الكحول وأكثر المصابين بقرحة المعدة دائما يتناولون الأطعمة الحارةالاستنتاجات: استنتجت الدراسة ان هناك دلالة احصائية ذات  مستوى معنوي بين النمط الغذائي والعمر والجنس.التوصيات: اوصت الدراسة بالاتي: 1-  برنامج تثقيفي يجب أن يصمم لزيادة معلومات الناس حول المرض وللتقليل من خطر الإصابة بالمرض.2- اصدار كتيب يجب أن يهيئ ويقدم للمرضى المصابين بقرحة المعدة كدليل للتكيف مع المرض. Abstract:Objective: To assess dietary pattern that may contribute to the occurrence of peptic ulcer as risk factors and find out the relationships between dietary pattern indicators and some demographic characteristics (age groups& gender) of the patients with peptic ulcer.Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out in liver and digestive disease hospital and Al-Kadhmiya Teaching Hospital in Baghdad city during the period from March/13/2012 to June/10/2012. A purposive( non- probability) sample was selected that consisted of(100) patients with peptic ulcer their age between(20-60) years old. A questionnaire format and observational checklist were used which consist of three parts the first part includes demographic information of the sample, the second part includes risk factors information and the third part includes dietary pattern indicators distributed to(18) items. The data were collected through the utilization of questionnaire and the structure interview technique with peptic ulcer patients, the interview with each patient took approximately( 12-15) minutes. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical measures which included frequencies& percentage, as well as the use of inferential statistical measures which include Chi- Square(X2) and p- value.Results: The results of the study sample have revealed that more than one third of patients with peptic ulcer were with the age group(20-29) years, mostly females, college graduate, married and government employee( officer). However, the greater number of these patients were non smoker and not drinking alcohol. Most patients with peptic ulcer were(63%) always eat hot foods.Conclusions; The study concluded that there was a significant differences between dietary pattern indicators with age and gender.Recommendations: The study recommended that:1-    Educational program should be designed to increase people information toward the disease and to reduce the risk of peptic ulcer.2-    A booklet should be prepared and presented to patients with peptic ulcer as guide for the management of the disease.Keywords: Assessment, Peptic ulcer, Dietary pattern