7 research outputs found

    How to Calculate Bibliometric Using VOSviewer with Publish or Perish (Using Scopus Data): Science Education Keywords

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and demonstrate step-by-step bibliometric data analysis using VOSViewer completely and systematically using article data taken from Scopus. A step-by-step analysis is provided to make first-time users easily follow how to use VOSviewers. This research makes it possible to provide easy data analysis by utilizing capture tools and providing analysis of research developments related to science education. The method used in this study is to perform bibliometric analysis to produce various types of visualizations, namely network visualization, overlay visualization, and density visualization. The analysis was carried out by the number of publications obtained related to a predetermined topic of 200 documents with the range of article publication years from 2013 - 2023. As a practical example, we evaluate the analysis of articles that discuss the keywords used for data collection, namely "Science Education". We found that VOSviewer can be used for shock results in 3 forms of visualization

    Sustainability Literacy to Vocational Students through Distance Learning with Experimental Demonstration: Ionic Liquid Experiment and Its Application as Fire Retardant

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    The purpose of this study is to introduce sustainability literacy to vocational students through distance learning with experimental demonstration as well as show the production process of ionic liquid and its application as a fire-retardant agent. The method was the implementation of distance learning with an experimental demonstration method to 40 vocational students through three stages, namely given a pre-test; given an instructional video, and given a post-test. The learning process carried out was assisted by a learning video containing basic theory, experiments, and the application of ionic liquids. In this case, we taught the concept of manufacturing ionic liquid and its application in the industrial world that will be useful for vocational students when they graduate. The results showed that the experimental demonstration method succeeded in improving student learning outcomes because of an increase in the score between the pre-test and post-test scores. This success is because students are taught through unique learning media such as a learning video. This learning video succeeded in increasing students' understanding because the information in the video was presented attractively to stimulate students' curiosity and interest in the subject. In addition, students' responses to the learning video were that they became more enthusiastic about learning because the content delivered relates to the vocational training that they are learning, the video display is attractive, and the videos are easily accessible. Furthermore, the impact of the learning video on industrial applications is that the information conveyed in the video can be an alternative to making environmentally friendly solvents and solutions to improve the quality of bamboo as one of the materials used in industry. The addition of an experimental demonstration using commercially available materials also attracts students more because it motivates them to try it themselves. This study shows that experimental demonstration is effectively used in learning and fosters sustainability values in students

    Collaborative Practicum with Experimental Demonstration for Teaching the Concept of Production of Bioplastic to Vocational Students to Support the Sustainability Development Goals

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate collaborative practicum using experimental demonstrations for teaching the concept of making bioplastics to vocational students. This research was conducted using a one group pretest-posttest design which was carried out through collaborative practicum to 15 students vocational at Bandung, Indonesia. The teaching process was carried out using demonstration videos (as learning media). The manufacture of bioplastics is done by dissolving starch, glycerol, and vinegar using water which is then cooked at a temperature of 60°C so that gelatinization occurs. The resulting bioplastic has good biodegradability property, which can be degraded in 2-week immersion and overgrown with fungi as confirmed by the identical FTIR patterns. The results show that students understand the concept that is indicated by increasing the pretest and posttest scores. The increase in the gain of pretest and posttest scores varied between 13.33-53.33. The statistical analysis indicate that the students' post-test scores increased significantly. The experimental demonstrations using available materials makes students more interactive because students want to try it themselves. This study is expected to have an impact on the further teaching of experimental demonstration research which is believed to provide good learning success for students

    Best Practice in Distance Learning with Experimental Demonstration on the Concept of the Automotive Brake Pad Fabrication from Domestic Waste to Vocational Students for Supporting Education for Sustainable Development

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    The aim of this study was to determine the best practice of using distance learning with conventional teaching methods and experimental demonstration methods to teach vocational students about the concept of fabricating automotive brake pad systems from domestic waste. This study employs an experimental design with pre- and post-test control groups to class-XI vocational students. We taught vocational students about brake pad fabrication and its industrial applications. Conventional methods of instruction were used in the control class, while the experimental demonstration method with learning videos was used in the experimental class. The learning videos used in the experimental class during the learning process contain basic theory and experiments on related materials. The results of the pre-test and post-test scores were analysed and measured to determine student learning outcomes. The findings revealed differences in learning outcomes between the control and experimental groups. Students in the experimental group comprehended the concept of fabricating brake pads more thoroughly than students in the control group. Students can get concrete examples from the teacher or instruction through experimental demonstration. Practical experience can help to form strong memories and skills. This success can be attributed to the availability of learning videos that students can watch repeatedly. Students are also more enthusiastic about learning videos because we teach something that can be applied in the industry. The addition of experimental demonstrations using commercially available materials increases student interest by increasing students' ability to experiment on their own. In addition, we also explain the concept of recycle and reuse agricultural waste for fabricating brakepad that can support current sustainable development goals (SDGs). Further learning applications using experimental demonstration methods are expected to be carried out because this method is proven to be effective for student learning

    Design Blockchain Architecture for Population Data Management to Realize a Smart City in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia

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    Smart city as a concept of city development which integrates information and communication technology with the intention of optimizing city management becomes a major goal for Indonesia, especially through the movement towards 100 Smart Cities. However, population data management is crucial in achieving this for optimal planning and management. Personal data protection becomes a crucial challenge with the rapid population growth and mobility in cities. The need for a more reliable protection system is very necessary. This research proposes a blockchain architecture that not only manages digital identities but also population data. The focus is population administration in Cimahi City, West Java, with the hope of providing security, transparency, and a strong audit trail for all population data. The contribution of this research is to design a blockchain architecture specifically for population data management, meeting the needs of population administration in cities, especially the city of Cimahi. Through a blockchain architecture development approach, this research considers the diverse administrative needs of the population and applies a blockchain model that enables data security and integrity. This implementation of blockchain architecture provides promising results in maintaining the security and integrity of population data, enabling greater transparency and auditability. This implementation of blockchain architecture provides promising results in maintaining the security and integrity of population data, enabling greater transparency and auditability. This research also shows that the use of blockchain technology specifically for population data management can be a reliable and innovative solution in ensuring the security and reliability of data important for smart city development.However, this research has limited access to central data, so the data obtained is still very limited. Therefore, further research is needed to follow up on these limitations. Apart from that, this research is also expected to provide knowledge and solutions in securing data, especially population data in government environments

    Design Blockchain Architecture for Population Data Management to Realize a Smart City in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia

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    Smart city as a concept of city development which integrates information and communication technology with the intention of optimizing city management becomes a major goal for Indonesia, especially through the movement towards 100 Smart Cities. However, population data management is crucial in achieving this for optimal planning and management. Personal data protection becomes a crucial challenge with the rapid population growth and mobility in cities. The need for a more reliable protection system is very necessary. This research proposes a blockchain architecture that not only manages digital identities but also population data. The focus is population administration in Cimahi City, West Java, with the hope of providing security, transparency, and a strong audit trail for all population data. The contribution of this research is to design a blockchain architecture specifically for population data management, meeting the needs of population administration in cities, especially the city of Cimahi. Through a blockchain architecture development approach, this research considers the diverse administrative needs of the population and applies a blockchain model that enables data security and integrity. This implementation of blockchain architecture provides promising results in maintaining the security and integrity of population data, enabling greater transparency and auditability. This implementation of blockchain architecture provides promising results in maintaining the security and integrity of population data, enabling greater transparency and auditability. This research also shows that the use of blockchain technology specifically for population data management can be a reliable and innovative solution in ensuring the security and reliability of data important for smart city development.However, this research has limited access to central data, so the data obtained is still very limited. Therefore, further research is needed to follow up on these limitations. Apart from that, this research is also expected to provide knowledge and solutions in securing data, especially population data in government environments

    Independence of Learning with the Concept of Self-Taught in Non-Formal Education Units in Pesantren Cikoneng, Ciparay District (YPI)

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the role of the Cikoneng Islamic Boarding School (YPI) in creating students' independent learning, to find out what programs the Cikoneng Islamic Boarding School (YPI) has that can support the creation of students' independent learning. This study used a qualitative field research approach, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews with key informants and documentation. Then to analyze the data researchers used data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusions or verification. To determine the validity of the data, researchers used source triangulation techniques and technical triangulation. The results of this study are that all components and systems in the Cikoneng Islamic boarding school (YPI) play an important role in creating independent learning within students. For example, from the human resources, such as teachers, administrators, caretakers and leaders of Islamic boarding schools. Their presence is needed by the students, as motivators, mentors as well as their second parents at the boarding school. Then the creation of learning independence is also created from programs that have been formed by the boarding school, such as additional recitation, scientific and linguistic groups as well as rote tests and others. The Cikoneng Islamic Boarding School (YPI) program that supports the creation of independent learning for students, namely the Muhadhoroh and Munadhoroh programs at Islamic boarding schools, with this program can produce students who are independent and able to appear in society in practicing the knowledge they already having