45 research outputs found

    The Role of Knowledge Authority or Job Authority in the Process of Decision-Making: Empirical Evidence

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    This study aimed to show the role of knowledge authority or job authority in the process of decision-making, in Jeddah Municipality . Study population consisted of the employees Top and Medal Management at the Jeddah Municipality, at the head office. The number of the Study population  is (485) males and females employees. A random sample was selected that consisted of (250) employees working in the analytical descriptive method in treating the study topic, the descriptive method was used to cover the study theoretical side, while the analytical method was used to cover the practical side. SPSS was used for analysis including Frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations, and Simple Regression Analysis. The prominent findings indicate, There is a statistically significant relationship between the (knowledge authority or job authority or both), and the process of decision-making. And also There are statistic significant difference between demographic variables job level and the process of decision-making,. There favor of (manager). There are no statistic significant difference relationship between demographic variables (age, experience) and the process of decision-making.  And  the study recommended the -Involve Employees in Decision Making, When associates are involved in the decision making, they feel  in ownership and management positions value them as a significant contributor to the team’s success, then raise their level of effort and commitment to ensure the department’s or company’s success. Keywords: Knowledge authority , Job authority, Jeddah Municipality, Decision Making, KSA

    A Study of Culture Impacts on Mobile Phone Purchasing: A Comparison Between Arab and Non-Arab Postgraduate Students of Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    The aim of this research is to determine and evaluate whether difference in national culture impact on the buyer behavior of Arabian and non Arabian students at UUM University as consumers when purchasing a mobile phone. The research was conducted in order to identify and compare key cultural attributes that influence mobile phone purchasing between Arabian and non Arabian student consumers. An empirical study was based on the concept of Hofstede's dimension of individualism, collectivism and power distance as well as looking at Schwartz's values dimension of power, achievement, hedonism, and self direction. The data was collected from 140 questionnaires using students at University Utara Malaysia. The findings indicated that there is a significant difference between Arabian and non Arabian student consumers in terms of mobile phone purchasing behavior as far as looking into Hofstede's cultural dimensions and Schwartz's cultural values are concerned. The findings also recommend that managers in mobile phone organizations should be concerned with the cultural dynamics of consumers as part of their going re-segmentation, communication, and promotion strategies within their overall marketing strategies. The cultural factors will assist mangers to guide the specifications required for the development of online customer decision support systems

    A new dynamic speech encryption algorithm based on lorenz chaotic map over internet protocol

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    This paper introduces a dynamic speech encryption algorithm based on Lorenz chaotic map over internet protocol to enhance the services of the real-time applications such as increases the security level and reduces latency. The proposed algorithm was divided into two processes: dynamic key generation process using 128-bit hash value to dynamically alter the initial secret keys, and encryption and decryption process using Lorenz system. In the proposed algorithm, the performance evaluation is carried out through efficient simulations and implementations and statistical analysis. In addition, the average time delay in the proposed algorithm and some of the existing algorithms such as AES is compared. The obtained results concluded that, the proposed dynamic speech encryption algorithm is effectually secured against various cryptanalysis attacks and has useful cryptographic properties such as confusion and diffusion for better voice communication in the voice applications field in the Internet

    A new speech encryption algorithm based on dual shuffling Hénon chaotic map

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    Over the past few decades, many algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of speech encryption over un-secure channel (i.e., Internet). In this paper, the security level was enhanced using a dynamic dual chaotic based on Hénon chaotic map. In the proposed algorithm, the speech elements are shuffled in a random fashion. Moreover, when both Hénon state variables are free to be used for shuffling the index is toggled randomly between them according to toggle bit. After index shuffling each speech element is modified with XOR operation between the original speech element value and the key that is selected randomly from the updated key table. The same chaotic map is used to initiate the empty or full table and provide new table entries from the values that are already shuffled. The experimental results show that the proposed crypto-system is simple, fast with extra random toggling behavior. The high order of substitution make it sensitive to initial condition, common cryptanalysis attacks such as linear and differential attacks are infeasible

    Design of a New Block Cipher Algorithm

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    The new attack methods show some lacuna in the encryption algorithms and key schedule. As the strength of an encryption algorithm depends on the difficulty of cracking the original message, a number of symmetric key encryption algorithms like DES, TRIPLE DES, AES, BLOWFISH, and RC6 have been developed to provide greater security affects. Most of them are most popular in achieving data security at a great extent like AES. But, as security level is increased, the time and complexity of algorithm is also increased. This is the major cause of decreasing speed and efficiency of the encryption system. This paper presents a new algorithm for block data encryption that enhances the security level. The proposed algorithm is executed with block wise parallel encryption model to decrease the delay time. Keywords: Plain-text, encryption, block cipher, decryption, parallel encryption mode

    New Cryptographic Algorithms for Enhancing Security of Voice Data

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    A real-time application Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the technology that enables voice packets transmission over internet protocol (IP). Security is of concern whenever open networks are to be used. In general, the real-time applications suffer from packet latency and loss due to the nature of IP network. Cryptographic systems may be used to achieve VoIP security, but their impact on the Quality of Services (QoS) should be minimized. Most of the known encryption algorithms are computationally expensive resulting in a significant amount of time added to packet delay. VoIP is usually used by public users resulting in a key exchange problem and a trusted intermediate authority normally takes this responsibility. In this research, VoIP security was enhanced via a proposed cryptographic system. The proposed solution consists of a simple, but strong encryption/decryption algorithm as well as an embedded method to exchange the keys between the users. In this research, a new keys is generated in a random fashion and then used to encrypt each new voice packet to strengthen the security level. Key exchange is carried out by inserting the key with the ciphered voice packet that depends on the table of the key positions at the sender and receiver sides, and the target receiver is the only one who is able to extract the key. The encryption process in this research is divided into three main stages: key generation, encryption process, and key insertion process. The decryption process on the other hand is divided into two main stages: key extraction process, and decryption process. The proposed solution was implemented and tested and the results showed that the required time for the security processes is minimized compared to some known algorithms such as AES_Rijndael algorithm. Furthermore, the analysis has proved that the security level has a direct relationship to the key length and the voice packet size in that large packet size requires more processing time. Finally, the implementation result in this research shows the average time needed to encrypt and decrypt a voice packet size using a proposed algorithm with the long key of 1024-bits is much smaller than AES_Rijndael algorithm with a short key length of 128-bits

    A Guideline to Video Codecs Delay

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    Due to the explosive growth of the internet and increasing demand for multimedia information on the web, streaming video over the Internet has received tremendous attention from academia and industry. Continuous media has a lot of issues and challenges. The most important among of them are delay. Delay is an expression of how much time it takes for a packet of data to get from one point to another. Some of delay source are fixed while the other is not. This paper describes the delay sources and magnitude of the most common video codecs and thus provides a guideline for the choice of the most suitable codec for a given application. Keywords: Continuous media, Processing delay, Encoder, Decode

    Geometrical-based approach for robust human image detection

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    In recent years, object detection and classification has been gaining more attention, thus, there are several human object detection algorithms being used to locate and recognize human objects in images. The research of image processing and analyzing based on human shape is one of the hot topic due to the wide applicability in real applications. In this paper, we present a new object classification approach. The new approach will use a simple and robust geometrical model to classify the detected object as human or non-human in the images. In the proposed approach, the object is detected. Then the detected object under different conditions can be accurately classified (i.e. human, non-human) by combining the features that are extracted from the upper portion of the contour and the proposed geometrical model parameters. A software-based simulation using Matlab was performed using INRIA dataset and the obtained results are validated by comparing with five state-of-art approaches in literature and some of the machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF). The experimental results show that the proposed object classification approach is efficient and achieved a comparable accuracy to other machine learning approaches and other state-of-art approaches. Keywords: Human classification, Geometrical model, INRIA, Machine learning, SVM, ANN, Random forest


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    The leading cause of cancer-related mortality is breast cancer. Breast cancer detection at an early stage is crucial.  Data on breast cancer can be diagnosed using a number of different Machine learning approaches. Automated breast cancer diagnosis using a Machine Learning model is introduced in this research.  Features were selected using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as a classifier model, and noise was removed using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).  On top of that, the research compares five algorithms: Random Forest, SVM, KNN, Naïve Bayes classifier, and Logistic Regression. An extensive dataset of 3002 combined images was used to test the system. The dataset included information from 1400 individuals who underwent digital mammography between 2007 and 2015. Accuracy and precision are the metrics by which the system's performance is evaluated.   Due to its low computing power requirements and excellent accuracy, our suggested model is shown to be quite efficient in the simulation results

    An Adaptive Fractal Image Steganography Using Mandelbrot and Linear Congruent Generator

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    Despite the advancements that occurred in the field of technology, information security (i.e., IS) is still deemed important and critical topic. It is still especially deemed so during the transfer process. In this research, a new approach is proposed for hiding information through the use of iterated function systems (i.e., IFS) from Fractals. This approach employs the main feature of fractals that concentrate on the idea that hackers who seek to find the hidden data shall not be able of locating it. Therefore, there is a need to carry out a decoding process in the aim of revering the conversion for securing the transmitted information. In this research, the secure information is hidden inside a fractal Mandelbrot image using the Linear Congruent Generator (i.e., LCG). Regarding the proposed system, it generates the fractal image through the use of the predefined knowledge gained from the hider site that works as a host for different types of secret messages. The knowledge that comes from the key of image dimensions, parameters of Mandelbrot, LCG key, and key agreement of cryptography method, which makes Stego-image analyses of hidden data unacceptable without the correct knowledge. Based on the results that are obtained through carrying out experiments showed the proposed method meets all the requirements for steganography. Such requirements include: the ones related to capacity, visual appearance, undetectability, robustness against extraction (i.e., security), and hit the highest capacities with a visual appearance of high quality