830 research outputs found

    An error-based variational approach to computational electromagnetics

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    Imperial Users onl

    An examination of the impact of the oil prices and economic determinants on India's economic development

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    The economic development of developing nations has been impacted by several factors, including the fluctuation of oil and other commodity prices due to environmental and economic degradation. This issue requires the attention of contemporary researchers and policymakers. Consequently, the current study investigates the effect of oil prices and economic determinants such as the wholesale price index, the consumer price index, inflation, and industrialization on the growth of the Indian economy. The study utilized the World Bank database from 1986 to 2020 to collect secondary data. The researchers used the Dynamic Auto-regressive Distributed Lags (DARDL) method to examine the relationships between the study's variables. The findings revealed that oil prices, the wholesale price index, the consumer price index, inflation, and industrialization positively affect India's economic growth. This study assists policymakers in formulating economic development policies with the proper emphasis on oil price fluctuations and economic determinants.Haidar Ali Al Dulaimi (College of Business and Economics, University of Babylon, Iraq)Includes bibliographical references


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    This paper explores the actual and future impact of the Metaverse as a virtual space. Thus, it focuses the probe on the technical challenges that face this everlasting emerging technology. Today, the Metaverse presents a digital environment to build collective architecture and historical heritage in a virtual space. In this digital world, the modeling and design methodology is based on individual archetypes that can puzzle new elements. Currently, traditional methods require change and adaptation in both the education and work market, especially due to the remote-work integration in the last few years. For example, many components are required to build a Virtual Reality (VR) laboratory or a VR museum. Virtual environments present us with novel opportunities to bring together the real world with a virtual extension or duplication. This technology will remove physical boundaries and design constraints and consequently will open a gate to a metaphysical world. Imagine a world with limitless space where gravity doesn’t exist, and water can float upward. There is no limit for art and architecture but even this magic has its limitation related to computer technology. Therefore, this paper surveys the state-of-the-art computational technologies and the ecosystems of the Metaverse. The paper covers the fields of Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, and future mobile networks. In application, the Metaverse will allow users to have a fantastic experience being part of worldwide entertainment and socio-economic network

    New algorithms to Enhanced Fused Images from Auto-Focus Images

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    هذا البحث يقترح طريقة جديدة لدمج صورة ذات التركيز التلقائي بالاعتماد على خوارزميات جديدة. الخوارزمية الأولى تعتمد على حساب الانحراف المعياري لدمج صورتين. الخوارزمية الثانية تتركز على التباين عند نقاط الحافات وطريقة الترابط كعامل معيار لجودة الصورة الناتجة. هذه الخوارزمية تعتمد على ثلاثة مربعات بأحجام مختلفة عند المناطق المتجانسة وتتحرك 10 نقاط ضمن المنطقة المتجانسة.  الصورة الناتجة من الدمج تحتوي على نتائج جيدة في التباين بسبب إضافة نقاط حافات من الصورتين والتي تعتمد على الخوارزميات المقترحة. تم مقارنة النتائج مع طرق مختلفة.Enhancing quality image fusion was proposed using new algorithms in auto-focus image fusion. The first algorithm is based on determining the standard deviation to combine two images. The second algorithm concentrates on the contrast at edge points and correlation method as the criteria parameter for the resulted image quality. This algorithm considers three blocks with different sizes at the homogenous region and moves it 10 pixels within the same homogenous region. These blocks examine the statistical properties of the block and decide automatically the next step. The resulted combined image is better in the contrast value because of the added edge points from the two combined images that depend on the suggested algorithms. This enhancement in edge regions is measured and reaches to double in enhancing the contrast. Different methods are used to be compared with the suggested method

    The Effect of Urban Street Planting on Improving the Climate of Baghdad city

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    The aim of this research is to study the effect of tree planting on the reduction of thermal load of solar radiation falling on the area of Baghdad city and its contribution to weather treatments; since the temperature of green mass of trees is less than the human body and higher than air temperature in winter, so one expects condense tree plantation and foliage may participate in reducing air temperature in summer and could make the climate of the city to approach near the human temperature comfort limits .The impetus to encourage the authors to undertake the research is the positive results and indications derived from earlier authors' research work and that done by other researchers. Recent advances of modern scientific and technological in the field of electronic instrumentation measurements and sophisticated thermal imaging devices, which are expected to help in measurement and obtain temperature pattern of every point on the trees or at any point on block trees, besides measuring the thermal effect of shading on human body of people using the road (the camera has an accuracy of (0.1 oC). In order to ensure high precision and optimum reliability of experimental results in the proposed work, experts from the College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad were approached to assist in selecting one of the best suitable tree for Baghdad environment. Their choice was ( Albizia Lebbech ), and by the use of (GIS) photos of Baghdad city, the most suitable site to perform the experimental measurements in Baghdad city is chosen as the Baghdad University, in view of abundance of Albizia in addition to the availability of all other required variables. With the kind permission of the Presidency of Baghdad University, experiments have been performed on the 21st of June 2012, since this day has the highest amount of solar radiation all over the year The results and analysis have shown that there is a distinct effect of shading with trees in reducing temperature street air temperature and in providing better human effective temperature than shading the walkways with buildings . In an attempt to theoretically verify the extent of this impact on the entire city of Baghdad calculated, only the whole length of the main streets of Baghdad city are found by satellite images "GIS" ( within the boundaries of Municipality of Baghdad). It shows that the forestation process, including the effect of shading and evaporative cooling is equivalent to 45 million tones of refrigeration, which certainly will help in reducing the required energy for buildings' cooling . Therefore, the results will encourage in recommending forestation over all main streets as well as all streets in residential districts, which in return will change the whole climate of the city of Baghdad. Key words: planting trees, thermal comfort, energy consumption, shade an

    The Effect of Moisturizing Treatment of Wind-Catcher on Internal Thermal Environment

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    Abstract Wind-catchers in traditional architecture in Iraq were small in dimensions, where their horizontal cross section and their largest section did not exceed 0.20 square meters. AS a result, architects abandoned their use in modern building designs, especially after electric fans made available and adopted in buildings. Due to the importance of natural air on human health and as natural air is rich in refreshing negative ions that artificial ventilation lacks, which is usually charged with positive ions, causing drowsiness and depression. New large wind-catchers of more than 2 square meters in cross section were employed by the author in house design responsive to hot climate at the end of the eighties in Iraq. Such wind-catchers have proved their efficiency in the provision of natural ventilation and lowering internal temperatures during spring and autumn and summer nights. So came the idea of this research by moisturizing the wind catcher walls to raise the performance in summer. For this purpose practical study has been done by building Wind catcher lined with bricks burned at a temperature ranging between 1150 - 750 C at which the capillary action integrated, making the water content moderate. Measurements shows in days of 43o C that the moisturized wind catcher reduces air temperature of space connected to the wind catcher to about 12 ° C Keywords: Wind Catchers, Natural Ventilation, Climatic Design, Healthy Architecture

    The influence of oil and energy consumption factors on fuel imports in former Soviet Union fuel economies

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    Due to the extensive energy usage derived from oil and fossil fuels, excessive fuel import levels have recently become an international concern. This issue deserves the attention of researchers and regulators. Consequently, this study examines the influence of electricity production from oil sources (EPOR), fossil fuel energy consumption (FFEC), energy use, industrialization, and population growth on oil and fuel imports in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) fuel economies. From 2011 to 2020, the article uses data from a secondary source such as World Development Indicators (WDI). Methods of Moments-Quantile-Regression (MMQR) were used to evaluate the relationship between the constructs in this research. EPOR, FFEC, energy consumption, industrialization, and population growth were found to have a positive relationship with oil and fuel imports in FSU fuel economies. The article guides designing laws to reduce oil and fuel imports by limiting oil and fuel-derived energy use.Haidar Ali Al Dulaimi (University of Babylon, College of Administration and Economics), Asam Mohamed Aljebory (University of Babylon College of Adminstration and Econimics), Mustafa Jawad Kadhim AL-Bakri (AL-Mustaqbal University College), Mustafa Kamil Shakeer (AL-Mustaqbal University College)Includes bibliographical references

    Evaluation of the metaphorical image in architecture

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    The metaphorical image represented in the architectural works was subjected to evaluation by different social sectors perceiving them in the society. Despite the diversity in the studies related to metaphorical image. In addition, the special standards forwarded for metaphorical image were dependent on selective formula as they were conjugated with the cultural context to which the critic belongs giving such interpretations. These studies.could not formulate a theoretical framework comprised cultural contexts. Its methodology concentrated ontheconstructionof atheoretical framework, the isolation of the variables related its main aspects, the clarification of its measurements and the performance of a selected field study which includes the main aspects of the evaluation process. This papers aims to determine and describe factors influencing evaluation of the metaphorical image in architecture according to certain architectural patterns to specimen from Iraqi environment. The framework included aspects represented by the metaphorical process, perception and evaluation. Using a special methodology the research hypotheses were checked and the data were processed using the computer software SPSS for statistical analysis