7 research outputs found

    Model Perilaku Pembelian Online Melalui Market Place Bukalapak Dilihat Dari Perspektif Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Komunikasi Pemasaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengaruh keputusan pembelian secara online di marketplace. Objek penelitian adalah penjual yang mempunyai reputasi baik dan transaksi siginifikan dalam berjualan di e-commerce Bukalapak. Variabel independen yang didapatkan dari hasil survei pendahuluan kepada pembeli adalah persepsi harga, kualitas pelayanan, dan komunikasi pemasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data SEM dan pengolahan data menggunakan PLS.Populasinya adalah pelanggan e-commerce bukalapak yang berbelanja di toko Farqi Cellular, dengan sampel sekitar 162 responden. Hasil pengujian data dengan menggunakan software SmartPLS 3.0 didapatkan didapatkan persepsi harga mempunyai hubungan positif dan berpengaruh tidak signifikan,kualitas pelayanan dan komunikasi pemasaran mempunyai hubungan positif dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian online. Dengan nilai R-square (R2) = 0.757 menunjukan bahwa kemampuan variabel independen (persepsi harga, kualitas pelayanan, komunikasi pemasaran) dalam menerangkan varians variabel dependen (keputusan pembelian online) sebesar 75,7%. Sedangkan 24.3% sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor lain di luar model

    Analisi Strategic Location dan Marketing Communication Terhadap Minat Beli di Perumahan Azalea Garden Tanggerang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of strategic location and marketing communication on the purchasing decisions of respondents who are housing owners in Azalea Garden. This research is descriptive. Primary data and secondary data were obtained. Secondary data was obtained from various sources such as journals, books and other related primary publication data obtained by distributing questionnaires to target respondents. By using convenience sampling technique, the target sample is at least 100 respondents. The analytical method used in this research is Variance Based Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square and data processing using SmartPLS version 3.0 program. This study shows the results that strategic location and marketing communication have a positive relationship and have a significant effect on purchase intention. The variability of strategic location and marketing communication constructs is 70.1% on purchase intention

    Analysis Stock Return on Manufacture Sector Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Manufacturing companies in Indonesia support the government’s role in the development of the economic growth in the country. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused problems in making a profit. Therefore, the main problem of this study is to find out and analyze how net profit margin and earning per share affect stock return. Second, knowing and analyzing capital structure as an intervening variable that relates the effect of net profit margin and earning per share to stock return. This study explores the theoretical model and empirical results of how net profit margin and earning per share affects stock return through capital structure. The sampling method was carried out using the purposive sampling method, a data source collection technique that determines the sample with certain considerations. There were 25 companies that were sampled in this study. The data processing was done by multiple linear regression analysis. From various empirical results, there is still little research on the ability of capital structure as a intervening variable to analyze manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is expected to contribute to further research and facilitate the government to approach the development of manufacturing companies to encourage the economy. Meanwhile, investors can be informed about the company’s stock return. The importance of this research can be useful for companies in providing solutions on how to increase net profit margin and earning per share by increasing stock return through capital structure factors. Keywords: net profit margin, earning per share, capital structure, stock retur

    Human Resources BSI Employee's Performance in Jakarta Barat: Training and Development with Leadership as a Moderating Variable Post-Covid-19

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    Naturally, the new business will resume training and human resource development efforts that had been put on hold for a while due to the Covid-19 condition during the post-pandemic period. Training and human resource development are closely related to enhancing employee performance, particularly in the banking industry. After the pandemic, banks will begin to improve their performance for the first time because there are many customer bottlenecks that contribute to declining banking profits and affect banking performance. The goal of this study is to examine the effects of leadership as a moderator on the performance of BSI Jakarta Barat employees. Training and the development of human resources are the study’s independent factors. This study used 77 samples taken from all BSI West Jakarta employees. This research will use quantitative tools as the data processing, namely SEM PLS. This is an -ongoing study, we need to give a quesioner and get data from our research subject, until we get result for the case in this research. For now, we have result before we finish the case, training as variable X1 and human resource development as variable X2 affect to leadership as variabel Z, and then leadership affects performance as variable Y. However, further assistance is needed from our research subject in order to complete this research. Keywords: training, human resource development, performance, leadershi

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Leadership at Bank DKI Jakarta Selatan Post Covid-1

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    This study aims to see the factors influencing leadership at Bank DKI South Jakarta. The variables in this study are organizational culture, motivation, work environment, and leadership after the Covid-19 pandemic. A survery research with a quantitative descriptive approach was conducted on all employees of bank DKI Jakarta, and 58 samples were taken from all employees of Bank DKI South Jakarta. Quantitative data tools, namely SEM PLS was used for data processing. Data collection methods: The data collection techniques carried out are interviews, questionnaires, observations, interviews. Research results: Based on the table obtained R-Square values for constructs X1, X2, and X3 of 0.707, which means that these values can identify Y and can be explained by variables X1, X2, and X3 by 70.7% while the rest is influenced by other variables outside the study. Keywords: leadership, organizational culture, motivation, work environmen

    The Effect of Brand Awareness, Price Perception and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) Toward Purchase Intention on Instagram

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    The most popular social media promotion tool is Instagram. The main factor is that social networking tools enable users to exchange photographs and videos. Additionally, Instagram, which is open to all users and is free, is utilized as a promotional tool, particularly by business people who are trying to establish their own companies. The study aims to determine the effect of the relationship variables that affect purchase intention on Instagram, a social media platform whose popularity is growing at the present time. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires sent to a total of 120 respondents located in a variety of cities throughout Indonesia. The data were analyzed using the application of structural positive and equation model (SEM) partial least square (smartPLS 3.0), to determine all of the relationships that exist between the variables of price perception, electronic word of mouth (E-WOM), and brand awareness on purchase intention in the model. The structural model indicates that the model on the buying interest variable can be said to be strong because it has a value that is greater than 0.67. The model of the influence of the independent latent variables (price perception, electronic word of mouth, and brand awareness) on purchase intention has an R-Square value of 0.743, which can be interpreted to mean that the variability of price perception, E-WOM, and brand awareness is 74.3%. Keywords: price perception, Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), brand awareness, purchase intentio