88 research outputs found

    A Combined Petrological-Geochemical Study of the Paleozoic Successions of Iraq

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    The Extent of the Impact of the Displacement Crisis and Its Reflections on the Psychological Health and Behavioral Status on Secondary Stage of Displaced Students in Kurdistan Region- Iraq

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    The current study aimed at identifying the extent of the impact of the displacement crisis and its reflections on the psychological health and behavioral status on secondary stage of displaced students by an intended sample of displaced students in the northern Iraqi city of Dohuk. The sample of study included 700 secondary school male and female students from 12 to 18 years old, displaced from areas under the control of ISIS such as Al-Mosul, Falluja, Ramadi and Biji, in addition,  85 male and female teachers in the displaced schools, and 50 parents (mothers, fathers and relatives such as uncles). To achieve the goal of the study, both researchers prepared three questionnaires, one for students, the second for teachers. Moreover, a questionnaire answered by the students’ parents, whether they were mothers and fathers or family members. Study tends to use different approaches according to different contexts to serve study purposes.As the study begins with a theoretical background about psychological health and the behavioral status, and it uses both analytical and descriptive approaches. Both approaches were merged in some places, particularly when analyzing the results of the questionnaires and explaining the status of the interviews. he results of the study showed the negative effects on the psychological and behavioral conditions of the students, as the prevalence of psychological trauma is different intensity among them, as a result of their witnesses of severe forms of violence, ranging from watching clashes and missiles through television and social media sites, to the cases of death of a family member in front of their eyes, as a result of violence action, and the number of students who feel depressed, frightened and pessimism from the future. They think about leaving Iraq. The impact of these shocks ranges from the incoherence of some of them besides their losing their relationships with their friends, and even sometimes they think about leaving their country, in addition to the increase of their violence and aggression, their disobeying rules whether at school or at home, as well as the weakness of many moral values. This matter creates violent reactions for the educators and those who care for the students at school and at home, in addition to the weakness of their economical status and poverty. The study recommends building a strategic plan based on the Human Rights Agreement which guarantees the displaced students’ rights in learning, and it emphasizes on the necessity of building parallel remedial programs that guarantee the continuity of offering support at school and at home

    Registration of Satellite Images by Using the Linear Transformations

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    The processes of rectification and registration that conducted at the satellite images of the most important steps in images interpretation and extract information for use in various applications of remote sensing. There are things that must be observed before entering into the details of the operation. There are a number of important factors that must be considered. Such as the illumination angle, Sun- Earth distance varies throughout the year. In addition to the effects of environmental, climatic and weather such as cloud, haze, dusty weather, cover for one of the dates, that affect the nature of the scene this requires effort and extra work for the interpretation of these satellite images after removing the mistakes in them when captured by the satellite. The first process applied to the satellite image is the Pre-Processing process, and which includes radiometric and geometric corrections. In this paper, image to map registration method, of 1st order transform, has been performed to correct the SPOT image from geometric errors using geoimage of “UTM” projection. The total RMS error, which has been reached, was less than one meter,. The results were obtained using the ready program (ENVI)

    Silurian Gas-Rich “Hot Shale” from Akkas Gas Field, Western Iraq: Geological Importance and Updated Hydrocarbon Potential and Reservoir Development Estimations of the Field

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    The Silurian hot shale is encountered in the Akkas field, which is regarded as one of the largest gas fields in Iraq. It contains 5.68 tscf of initial gas in place of which 4.55 tscf is estimated to be recoverable. There is also the potential of condensate and other prospects in deeper formations. The well test confirmed the presence of natural gas with a flow rate of 6–8 MMscfd. Silurian shale contains two organic-rich black hot shale beds that are fissile with high-gamma uranium radiation. Silurian hot shales are geologically important from different sides. Stratigraphically, Silurian graptolites are used to delineate the time transgressive depositional advance of marine clastics across the Arabian Peninsula after the melting of Ordovician glaciers. For assessment of the hydrocarbon generation in the Paleozoic of Iraq, the hot shales of the Akkas Formation are low-sulfur, high-gravity oil, condensate, and gas and are considered as an important gas-rich formation in the region. From petrological and mineralogical view, the presence of distinctive minerals and some elements are important to interpret the depositional and climatic situation at Silurian time. This chapter also sets out assumptions about Akkas gas field development

    Mineral Chemistry of Chalki Basalts in Northern Iraq and Their Petrological Significance

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    Chalki basalts as a small body of volcanic rocks have green to grayish green color due to their nearly complete alteration to chlorite. The essential minerals of Chalki basalt to andesitic basalts are plagioclase (labradorite, An51–61; andesine, An35 to An42; and oligoclase, An22). Moreover, there is sodic plagioclase (albite, An0.1 to An04) whose coexistence with the other more calcic plagioclase means that albitization had occurred. The other essential mineral is pyroxene (endiopside, en66–68 wo27–28 fs05–06; and subcalcic augite, en72 wo14 fs14). Olivine (Fo80–81) is also present. According to the NiO content (0.11–0.12 wt%) in olivine grains, they are interpreted to be originated tectonically. The prevalent chlorite in all the samples is mainly diabantite and penninite, indicating chloritization after the ferromagnesian olivine and pyroxene. Serpentine (type lizardite and chrysotile) is also recorded as lesser alteration product after the forsteritic olivine. Rare secondary hornblende (type magnesiohornblende) is also found. The spinel group as accessory minerals is defined as magnetite, chromian magnetite, and chromian spinel giving the imprints of their metamorphic origin due to low temperature sub-sea metamorphism and also of alpine type

    Vacations of Policeman Included in the Iraqi Law of Service and Retirement for the Employees of Internal Security Forces No.(18) for the Year (2011) Modified.

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    يستحق رجل الشرطة اسوة بأقرانه الموظفين العموميين من المدنيين والعسكريين اجازات اعتيادية وأخرى خاصة، نظمها المشرع في قانون الخدمة والتقاعد لقوى الامن الداخلي المرقم بالعدد 18 لسنة 2011 بموجب المواد 26، 27، 28، 29،30،31، 32، 33، 34 منه. ولأهمية هذه الاجازات في حياة رجل الشرطة، فقد بحثنا هذا الموضوع بموجب خطة تضمنت مطلباً تمهيدياً في اهمية اجازات رجل الشرطة في قانون الخدمة والتقاعد آنفاً، فضلاً عن مبحثين خصص اولهما لبحث اجازات رجل الشرطة الاعتيادية، وثانيهما لبحث اجازات رجل الشرطة الخاصة، ومن ثم خاتمة تضمنت أهم الاستنتاجات والمقترحات التي خلصنا اليها فضلاً عن قائمة بالمراجع وموجز باللغتين العربية والانكليزية.The policeman , same as to his fellows of state employees civil and martial employees, deserves normal vacations and special vacations, these vacations were enacted by the Iraqi enactor in the law of service and retirement of internal security forces no. (18) for the year 2011 based of the arts of no. (26,27, 28, 29,30,31,32,33 , 34). Due to the importance of this vacations in the life of the policeman, so we have studied this subject according to a plan included preliminary question about the importance of vacation for the policeman in the above mentioned service and retirement law, plus to two sections, first one is specialized to tackle with the normal vacations of policeman, the second one is to search the special vacations of policeman, then an epilogue included the most important suggestions and results that we have come up with, in addition to the list of references, and an abstract in both languages Arabic and English

    Stylolite in Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs from Northwestern Iraq

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    Stylolites are commonly observed in the carbonate reservoirs in various oilfield of Iraq including those of upper Cretaceous successions from northwestern Iraq, where they are characterized by stylolite-rich zones in the Cenomanian-early Turonian Gir Bir Formation and to a lesser extent in the Turonian-Santonian Wajna and early Campanian Mushorah formations respectively. The observed stylolites are either large to be identified in the core samples or smaller ones that are well observed in the thin sections and are characterized by variations in amplitude, morphology and accumulated insoluble residues. The recorded stylolites are classified as hummocky, irregular, low and high-amplitudes peaks, and irregular anastomosing stylolites. Stylolites affect the porosity permeability and thickness reduction compaction as the main chemical compaction (pressure solution) that reduce porosity. Whereas, in other places, the stylolites act as seals and stop the upward movement of hydrocarbons. This is also seen for mineralization processes such as silicification that ended near the stylolite surfaces

    The Collocation Method for Solving the Linear Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Kind Using Bernstein Polynomials

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    Integral equation of the second kind which has, extensively, been solved bydifferent ways, but not this one that deals with the collocation method using Bernsteinpolynomials together with some useful examples to declare the method

    Lead-, Zinc-, and Iron-Sulfide Mineralization from Northern Iraq

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    The samples of the mineralization of Pb-, Zn-, and Fe-sulfides were collected from three localities (Dure, Lefan, in the northern Thrust zone; and Sinjar, in the Foothill zone) in Northern Iraq. The geochemical recognition using X-ray diffraction (XRD) affirms the presence of the ore deposit sulfides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena, smithsonite, and cerussite). The characterization of mineral chemistry using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) gives a clear and exact percentage of each element in each mineral. Fluid inclusions are mostly liquid H2O and/or water vapor, which may also contain lesser soluble salts and slightly ore elements. Some fluid inclusions contain CO2 vapor. This occurrence suggests the presence of two immiscible phases due to boiling at the time of their trapping. They are of epithermal system. The homogenization temperatures and salinities obtained for fluid inclusions can be comparable to those reported for the Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) lead-zinc deposits. It is concluded from the petrographic evidence, fluid inclusions and stable isotope data that lead-zinc mineralization was formed due to deeply circulating high-temperature fluids (brines) within the source basin, or later on by tectonic processes, which possibly contribute in leaching metals from either the diagenesis of host rocks or dewatering of deeper buried siliciclastic beds

    Middle Miocene Evaporites from Northern Iraq: Petrography, Geochemistry, and Cap Rock Efficiency

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    Evaporites (gypsum and anhydrite) of the middle Miocene age (Fat’ha Formation) form one of the main sulfate cap rocks in the Middle East oilfields. Detailed petrographic and diagenetic investigations accompanied with geochemical analysis of these evaporite rocks in Mosul and Kirkuk areas of northern Iraq have revealed that nodular gypsum is the dominant type, whereas laminated, structureless, and secondary (selenite and satin spar) also are present. Nodular gypsum was deposited in a very shallow, arid, and semi-restricted lagoonal environment which has undergone influx and reflux processes, while laminated gypsum may represent pulses of freshwater into the lagoonal basin of Fat’ha Formation. Low strontium values of the secondary and laminated gypsum may attribute to their secondary origin by hydration processes from the original anhydrite. Based on petrographic, diagenetic, and petrophysical (porosity and permeability) properties, it appears that the efficiency of the Fat’ha sulfates as petroleum cap rocks increases with increasing nodular growth and compaction degree. The occasional presence of bitumen inclusions with both nodular gypsum and host materials relates to early leakage of the hydrocarbons which were being halt due to the growing and packing of nodules and host materials