440 research outputs found

    ANN for Predicting Temperature and Humidity in the Surrounding Environment

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    Abstract: In this research, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed and tested to predict temperature in the surrounding environment. A number of factors were identified that may affect temperature or humidity. Factors such as the nature of the surrounding place, proximity or distance from water surfaces, the influence of vegetation, and the level of rise or fall below sea level, among others, as input variables for the ANN model. A model based on multi-layer concept topology was developed and trained using data from several regions in the surrounding environment. The evaluation of testing the dataset shows that the ANN model is capable of correctly predicting the temperature with 100% accuracy

    Effects of Newcastle Disease Virus Strains Af 2240 and V4-Upm on Cytolysis and Apoptosis of Leukemia Cell Lines

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a member of the Paramyxoviridae that has caused severe economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Several strains of NDV were reported to induce cytolysis to cancerous cell lines. In this study, two NDV isolates namely, AF 2240 and V4-UPM were evaluated for their anti-leukemic properties against four leukemic cell lines - HL60 (Promyelocytic leukemia), WEHI 3B (Mouse myelomoncytic leukemia), CEMSS (Human T-lymphobalstic leukemia) and K562 (Erythromyelobalstic leukemia). The cytolytic effects of NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM towards WEHI 3B, HL60, CEMSS and K562 cell lines were determined using microtetrazolium (MTT) assay. The cytolytic dose - fifty percent (CD50) for WEHI 3B, HL60 and CEMSS treated with AF 2240 strain were 2, 25, 16 HAU, respectively, while the CD50 for WEHI 3B, HL60 and CEMSS treated with V4-UPM were 8, 110 and 64 HAU, respectively. Comparatively, both NDV strains showed very low cytolytic activity against K562 and non-leukemic cell lines namely, 3T3 (mouse fibroblasts), mouse lymphocytes and human peripheral lymphocytes. Further studies were done to observe the morphological changes in the WEHI 3B treated cells using light, transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The apoptosis and necrosis were examined under fluorescence microscope, where the cells were stained with acridine orange (AO) and propidiun iodide (PI). The treated cells with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM showed apoptotic features such as cell shrinkage, cell blebbing, and formation of apoptotic bodies compared to the control cells that did not express any features for apoptosis and necrosis. The early apoptosis was also observed under fluorescence microscope, where the cells were stained with Annexin V and PI. The virus effect on cell proliferation was determined by MTT assay and BrdU techniques. Furthermore, at molecular level, both NDV strains caused internucleosomal DNA cleavage producing a multiple of 180-200 bp fragments, that were visible as a ladder on the agarose gel. Early apoptosis was also observed using Annexin V flow cytometry method. The percentage of apoptosis for WEHI 3B cells treated with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM had increased with time. Cell cycle and apoptosis were also determined using flow cytometry PI method. Both NDV strains were not able to arrest WEHI 3B at specific cell cycle phases using flow cytometry PI method. In this study anti-leukemic activity of both NDV strains was evaluated on BALB/c mice induced leukemia with WEHI 3B cells. A day later they were treated with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM and arabinocytocine, a commercial drug, as positive control. The mice groups treated with arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM showed significant killings (p<0.05) of leukemic cells compared to the mice group without any treatment. The total white blood cell and percentage of blasts cell in the blood, bone marrow and spleen smears were significantly low (p<0.05) in mice treated with the arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4- UPM compared to the mice group without treatment, that showed high number of leukemia. Spleen and liver weights were significantly low (p<0.05) in the mice groups treated with arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM compared to the mice group without treatment, that showed significant (p<0.05) splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Histopathological studies carried out had confirmed haematological results. From the results obtained, the mice groups treated with both NDV stains AF 2240 and V4- UPM showed similar results as arabinocytocine, which is a commercial drug for leukemia. Immunoperoxidase staining, haemaggulatintion test and real time PCR were carried out to detect NDV in mice organs after treatment with NDV. The results showed no NDV particles were detected in the organs. This study showed that NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM had caused cytolytic effects against WEHI 3B leukemia cell line in vitro and in vivo

    The Production of the Opposite Adjectives in the Language of the Yemeni Children with Autism

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    Aims: The main goal of the present study is to shed the light on the production of the opposite adjectives in the language of the Yemeni autistic children. Also, it compared the performance of the autistic children to the performances of typically developing children matched them chronologically and mentally. Methods &amp; Procedures: A group of children with autism aged 7 years old chronologically and 4 years old mentally, matched to a control group of typically developing children aged 7 years old chronologically, and to a control group of typically developing children aged 4 years old mentally. The examiner used the Expressive Language Task to elicit the opposite adjectives from the three participated groups of children. Results: The findings of this study reported the significant difference between the performance of the autistic children on the adjectives, and the control TD groups of children who matched them chronologically and mentally. Additionally, the features of the opposite adjectives in the language of the autistic children were included in the current study based on their performance.Conclusion and Implication: The children with autism may face more difficulties in producing the opposite adjectives in their language. Particularly, the adjective which involve understanding the nonverbal language (e.g. happy &amp; sad), the adjectives which they don’t use regularly in their daily activities (e.g. full &amp; empty) or the adjectives which can be confused with other adjectives such as confusing (tall &amp; short or thin &amp; fat) with adjectives such as (big &amp; small). Further, the children with autism don’t acquire and learn their mother tongue spontaneously as the typically developing children. Therefore, they need extensive teaching and effective teaching methods and tools to learn the opposite adjectives more extensively and use them properly. Keywords: autism, production, adjectives, language, features. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/76-05 Publication date: February 28th 202


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    Object Recognition has been a field of interest to many researchers. In fact, it has been referred to as the most important problem in machine or computer vision. Researchers have developed many algorithms to solve the problem of object recognition that are machine vision motivated. On the other hand, biology has motivated researchers to study the visual system of humans and animals such as monkeys and map it into a computational model. Some of these models are based on the feed-forward mechanism of information communication in cortex where the information is communicated between the different visual areas from the lower areas to the top areas in a feed-forward manner; however, the performance of these models has been affected much by the increase of clutter in the scene as well as occlusion. Another mechanism of information processing in the cortex is called the feedback mechanism, where the information from the top areas in the visual system is communicated to the lower areas in a feedback manner; this mechanism has also been mapped into computational models. All these models which are based on the feed-forward or feedback mechanisms have shown promising results. However, during the testing of these models, there have been some issues that affect their performance such as occlusion that prevents objects from being visible. In addition, scenes that contain high amounts of clutter in them, where there are so many objects, have also affected the performance of these models. In fact, the performance has been reported to drop to 74% when systems that are based on these models are subjected to one or both of the issues mentioned above. The human visual system, naturally, utilizes both feed-forward and feedback mechanisms in the operation of perceiving the surrounding environment. Both feed-forward and feedback mechanisms are integrated in a way that makes the visual system of the human outperforms any state-of-the-art system. In this research, a proposed model of object recognition based on the integration concept of the feed-forward and feedback mechanisms in the human visual system is presented

    Application of Technology Acceptance Model on Database Normalizer

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    Normalization is one of the most important activities in database designing. The good database design is the database that meets user requirements and designed its structure carefully. Therefore, this study focused on developing a database normalization application that helps database designers to perform the normalization process automatically and improves the database designing by avoiding the problems of carrying out normalization manually which has many drawbacks such as time consuming, prone to errors and requires more than one skilled user. The main objective of this study is to develop a database normalizer application to normalize the database tables up to the third normal form (3NF). This study provides a normalization algorithm to perform the 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF automatically based on Microsoft Access and SQL Server databases. Experiment was conducted to check the functionality in performing the normalization process. The experiment result showed that the prototype achieved the result successfully as expected and fulfills the requirements and rules of normalization processes. Moreover, a questionnaire based on the Technology Acceptance Model technique has been adopted to ensure of the prototype level in terms of easiness of use, and satisfaction

    MM DialogueGAT- A Fusion Graph Attention Network for Emotion Recognition using Multi-model System

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    Emotion recognition is an important part of human-computer interaction and human communication information is multi-model. Despite advancements in emotion recognition models, certain challenges persist. The first problem pertains to the predominant focus in existing research on mining the interaction information between modes and the context information in the dialogue process but neglects to mine the role information between multi-model states and context information in the dialogue process. The second problem is in the context information of the dialogue where the information is not completely transmitted in a temporal structure. Aiming at these two problems, we propose a multi-model fusion dialogue graph attention network (MM DialogueGAT). To solve the problem 1, the bidirectional GRU mechanism is used to extract the information from each model. In the multi-model information fusion problem, different model configurations and different combinations use the cross-model multi-head attention mechanism to establish a multi-head attention layer. Text, video and audio information are used as the main and auxiliary modes for information fusion. To solve the problem 2, in the temporal context information extraction problem, the GAT graph structure is used to capture the context information in the mode. The results show that our model achieves good results using the IMEOCAP datasets

    Thymoquinone rich fraction from Nigella sativa and thymoquinone are cytotoxic towards colon and leukemic carcinoma cell lines.

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    Nigella sativa has been used for centuries in Asia, Middle East and Africa to promote health and fight diseases. In this study, the anti-cancer effects of thymoquinone rich fraction (TQRF) extracted from N. sativa seeds using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) system and commercially available thymoquinone (TQ) on colon cancer (HT29), lymphoblastic leukemia (CEMSS) and promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cells lines were investigated. The concentration that gave 50% inhibition of cell viability (IC50) of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells treated with TQRF were 400, 350 and 250 µg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, the IC50 of TQ was 8, 5 and 3 µg/ml, respectively. Cell cycle analysis shows the increment of apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. However, both TQRF and TQ were not able to arrest the cell cycle phases of the cells. Apoptosis was the main mode of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells death induced by both TQRF and TQ. Our findings support the potential use of TQRF and TQ for the treatment of colon cancer and leukemia

    Apple Tree Responses to Deficit Irrigation Combined with Periodic Applications of Particle Film or Abscisic Acid

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    The objective of this study was to determine if the application of two antitranspirant compounds would moderate water deficit stress effects on physiological responses of “Granny Smith”, “Royal Gala” and “Golden Delicious” apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees on MM106 rootstock that occur during deficit irrigation. Uniform trees were grown in pots under water supply regimes of 30%, 60%, and 80% depletion of available water (DAW) before irrigation to runoff and received applications of kaolin particle film (PF) or abscisic acid (ABA) at 0, 30 and 60 days. At 120 days, genotype and deficit irrigation affected nearly all leaf traits, but antitranspirant treatment had no significant effects. As the % DAW increased, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (T), stomatal conductance, leaf water and pressure potential, variable-to-maximal chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf number, and leaf N, P and K contents were reduced. A significant genotype by deficit irrigation interaction was evident on T, water use efficiency (WUE), and leaf osmotic pressure potential. A significant deficit irrigation by antitranspirant interaction was evident on only leaf Pn, with PF and ABA reducing it at 30% DAW and only PF reducing it at 80% DAW. However, the periodic use of PF or ABA during deficit irrigation did not alleviate most physiological effects of water deficit stress due to deficit irrigation

    Formulation by design approach for effervescent granules of vitamin C using statistical optimization methodologies

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    Introduction: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a potent antioxidant, and the human body cannot synthesis it, so ascorbic acid can be obtained from external sources as food and pharmaceutical products. Objective: This study was using formulation by design (FbD) concept to prepare effervescent granules of vitamin C with high quality and more patient compliance in less effort and cost. Methods: A 23 factorial design was used to study the physical and chemical characteristics of the granules (disintegration time (DT), taste of product (TP), carbon dioxide amount (CO2), and pH of the solution). Also the effects of and interaction between selected independent variables (citric acid, tartaric acid, and sodium bicarbonate) evaluated, while, their concentrations were optimized by application of optimization model methodology for factorial design. Formulations were prepared by non-aqueous wet granulation method. Results: From the results of designed batches, the disintegration time ranged from 33±2.7 to 153±3.3sec while the amount of carbon dioxide ranged from 0.360±0.004gm to 1,512±0.002gm also the pH range was from 2.9±0.09 to 6.42±0.07 but the taste of product was coded numerically in proportional with acceptability from 1 to 5.   According to the experimental design, both of studied independent variables have significant effect in determining the physicochemical characteristics of effervescent granules. Conclusion: FbD concept effectively was utilized for the development of vitamin C effervescent granules as per modern quality practices used in pharmaceutical industries

    Frequency Independent Phase Shifter

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    A new simple and low cost frequency independent phase shifter is presented. The design is based on the simple op-amp phase shifter with programmable floating resistor and programmable capacitor. The phase shift can be varied using the programmable resistor. Compensation for the variation in the frequency is achieved using the programmable capacitor. Simulation results are also presented