57 research outputs found

    Anthropometric Profile of Age Level & National Level Female Gymnasts In Bangladesh

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    Introduction: Each sport has a unique anthropometric profile that may be distinguished based on the position, function, or event type within each sport discipline. Anthropometric measurements of gymnasts are important because they play a crucial role in their athletic performance. There isn't much research on gymnastics in Bangladesh. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the anthropometric fitness traits of age-level and national-level female gymnasts in Bangladesh. Methods: A total of 20 female gymnasts from Bangladesh Krira Sikkha Protisthan (BKSP) were recruited for the study, divided into two groups: 10 age-level gymnasts and 10 national-level gymnasts. Their ages ranged from 15 to 18 years. The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry has outlined certain techniques for taking kinanthropometric measurements. The anthropometric characteristics, including height, weight, arm length, leg length, shoulder width, hip circumference& sitting height, were analysed, and the results obtained from the two groups were compared by the analysed "t-test" (p < 0.05). Results: The results indicate that the national-level gymnasts had significantly lower BMI and body fat percentages compared to the age-level gymnasts. Additionally, the study found that age-level gymnasts had significantly higher body fat percentages compared to national-level gymnasts. Conclusion: This study’s findings suggest a significant difference in the anthropometric profile of female gymnasts in Bangladesh between age-level and national-level athletes. These findings could be useful for coaches and athletes in designing training programs and optimizing performance for female gymnasts in Bangladesh.Introducción: Cada deporte tiene un perfil antropométrico único que se puede distinguir según la posición, función o tipo de evento dentro de cada disciplina deportiva. Las medidas antropométricas de las gimnastas son importantes porque juegan un papel crucial en su rendimiento deportivo. No hay mucha investigación sobre gimnasia en Bangladesh. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio fue determinar los rasgos de condición física antropométrica de gimnastas de nivel nacional y de edad en Bangladesh. Métodos: Se incluyeron en la muestra veinte gimnastas de Bangladesh Krira Sikkha Protisthan (BKSP); sus edades oscilaban entre los 15 y los 18 años. Se dividieron en dos grupos según su nivel nacional y su nivel de edad. La Sociedad Internacional para el Avance de la Cineantropometría ha establecido ciertas técnicas para tomar medidas cineantropométricas. Resultados: Se analizaron las características antropométricas, incluyendo la altura, el peso, la longitud del brazo, la longitud de la pierna, la anchura de los hombros, la circunferencia de la cadera y la altura sentada, y los resultados obtenidos de los dos grupos se compararon mediante la "prueba t" analizada (p ≤ 0,05). Conclusión: A partir de los resultados obtenidos, la investigadora encontró que los perfiles antropométricos de las gimnastas de nivel nacional eran significativamente mayores que los de las jugadoras de su edad

    Navigating Childhood Health: Unraveling the Tapestry of Anthropometric Indicators and Musculoskeletal Fitness in Elementary School Boys

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    Introduction: Childhood serves as the foundational bedrock shaping future health and well-being, with the musculoskeletal system playing a pivotal role in overall physical development. This study investigated the intricate relationship between anthropometric indicators and musculoskeletal fitness among boys aged 9-12 years, illuminating the nuances of this crucial developmental phase. Methods: A cohort of 100 boys from Wheaton International Schools underwent comprehensive anthropometric measurements, encompassing height, weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat percentage, and skinfold assessments. Their musculoskeletal fitness was evaluated through diverse physical fitness tests, including Sit and Reach, Push-Up, Standing Long Jump, and Shuttle Run. Descriptive statistics were utilized to present the mean values and standard deviations of the collected anthropometric indicators, providing insights into the physical attributes and body composition of the boys. Subsequently, correlation analysis was performed between these anthropometric indicators and the physical fitness tests to understand their relationships. Results: Age showcased inverse relationships with flexibility and agility, while height emerged as a predominant influencer across all physical tests. BMI exhibited multifaceted impacts on various aspects of physical capabilities, shedding light on its potential implications for musculoskeletal health. The discussion extrapolates upon these correlations, elucidating age-related changes during adolescence, the profound influence of height on overall physical performance, and the intricate associations between body composition metrics and specific physical abilities. These insights foster a deeper understanding of childhood health and pave the way for targeted interventions in youth fitness programs. Conclusion: This study's revelations underscore the significance of anthropometric markers in assessing musculoskeletal fitness among elementary school boys, offering valuable insights into the interplay between physical attributes and functional capabilities. These findings lay the groundwork for informed strategies aimed at nurturing optimal musculoskeletal health in the formative years, thereby shaping healthier futures for the upcoming generation.Introducción: La infancia es la base fundamental que da forma a la salud y el bienestar futuros, y el sistema musculoesquelético desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo físico general. Este estudio investigó la intrincada relación entre los indicadores antropométricos y la aptitud musculoesquelética entre niños de 9 a 12 años, iluminando los matices de esta fase crucial del desarrollo. Métodos: Una cohorte de 100 niños de Wheaton International Schools se sometió a mediciones antropométricas integrales, que abarcaron altura, peso, IMC, circunferencia de la cintura, porcentaje de grasa corporal y evaluaciones de pliegues cutáneos. Su aptitud musculoesquelética se evaluó mediante diversas pruebas de aptitud física, incluidas Sit and Reach, Push-Up, Standing Long Jump y Shuttle Run. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas para presentar los valores medios y las desviaciones estándar de los indicadores antropométricos recopilados, proporcionando información sobre los atributos físicos y la composición corporal de los niños. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis de correlación entre estos indicadores antropométricos y las pruebas de aptitud física para comprender sus relaciones. Resultados: La edad mostró relaciones inversas con la flexibilidad y la agilidad, mientras que la altura surgió como un factor de influencia predominante en todas las pruebas físicas. El IMC mostró impactos multifacéticos en varios aspectos de las capacidades físicas, arrojando luz sobre sus posibles implicaciones para la salud musculoesquelética. La discusión extrapola estas correlaciones, aclarando los cambios relacionados con la edad durante la adolescencia, la profunda influencia de la altura en el rendimiento físico general y las intrincadas asociaciones entre las métricas de composición corporal y las habilidades físicas específicas. Estos conocimientos fomentan una comprensión más profunda de la salud infantil y allanan el camino para intervenciones específicas en programas de acondicionamiento físico para jóvenes. Conclusión: Las revelaciones de este estudio subrayan la importancia de los marcadores antropométricos en la evaluación de la aptitud musculoesquelética entre niños de escuela primaria, ofreciendo información valiosa sobre la interacción entre los atributos físicos y las capacidades funcionales. Estos hallazgos sientan las bases para estrategias informadas destinadas a fomentar una salud musculoesquelética óptima en los años de formación, configurando así futuros más saludables para la próxima generación

    Factor Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Corporate Sector in Bangladesh

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    Organizational Citizenship behaviour is presumed as one of the emerging management concepts that  are being emphasized for the organizational effectiveness.The present study has been undertaken in order to determine the factors affecting the OCB and to develop a theoretical model on OCB by employing sophisticated multivariate technique- Varimax Rotated Factor Analytical Technique. The study has determined factors affecting the OCB: Organizational Loyalty, Altruism, Civic Virtue, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Conscientiousness, Organizational Compliance, Problem Concern, Individual Initiatives, Self development. The study has suggested some policy guidelines by developing a conceptual model on OCB. Keywords: Organizational citizenship behaviour, Job satisfaction, Civic virtue, Altruis

    An investigation on price elasticity of demand for protein consumption in Sylhet City, Bangladesh

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    The study was carried out to measure the price elasticity of protein consumption in Sylhet City, Bangladesh. The objective of this study is to find out how people's protein consumption response with price changes. From various sources of proteins, 4 items (beef, chicken, egg, and milk) were selected to measure the protein intake of households. Simple random sampling was used to select four wards and households in the study area. A total number of 67 households were used for conducting the survey. The study is analyzed using descriptive statistics. The elasticity equation is used to measure the responsiveness between protein consumption and price changes. The correlations between income, household size, and protein consumption are also demonstrated here. The article is also discussed about the substitute goods which are replaced by household in case of price change. From the study, it is found that total protein consumption is negatively related to price and positively correlated with income. Protein consumption also depends on the size of the household and both are positively correlated. Among four protein sources, beef and milk are highly price elastic than chicken and egg. The elasticity of beef, chicken, egg, and milk are -2.43, -1.78, -1.72 and -2.14 respectively. Around 53.7 percent of households substitute fish, pulse, vegetables or other goods with those goods when the price increased. Again it is also showed that protein consumption varied with income level changes. Moreover low-income household is more responsive with price changes than high-income household

    Comparative Analysis between OFDMA and SC-FDMA: Model, Features and Applications

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    This paper represents Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SCFDMA) techniques along with the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The concept, model, features, scopes, applications and limitation for both types of multiple access have been discussed in this paper. In present 4G and 5G cellular communication system, both OFDMA and SC-FDMA have a notable applications. Dividing the available spectrum into overlapping orthogonal narrowband sub bands, OFDMA ensures high spectral efficiency. Besides by allocating multiple sub carriers to each user, OFDMA provides high data rate, reduces inter blockage interference, minimizes frequency selective fading and so on. But it suffers from high peak to average power ration (PAPR) which results in high power consumption at the transmitter end. SC-FDMA is one of the most promising techniques to solve the PAPR problems. Besides it also removes the capacity problem of wireless cellular systems and provides higher spectral efficiency, depending on multiplexing signals based on their spatial signature. On the other hand, in OFDM due to fixed subcarrier allocations for each user and its performance can suffer from narrowband fading and interference

    Spinal Cord Injury: Causes, types of manifestation and related complications of the patients in northern division of Bangladesh

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    Background: This study explores Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) in the Northern Division of Bangladesh, including its etiology, symptoms, and complications. The research focuses on this region to understand the etiology, varieties of SCI presentations, and the issues affected persons encounter. Purpose: to study the causes, symptoms, and complications of Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) in Northern Bangladesh. Methods: In order to better understand Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) among patients at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital and Rajshahi-CRP, Northern Division of Bangladesh, a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive design was used in this study. This convenience sample (n=300) includes patients who are undergoing treatment as well as those who have been discharged. Patients with SCI who have not had a head injury meet the inclusion criteria; patients who are unconscious or lack a diagnosis are not. Validated by a clinical physiotherapist, the data collection process uses semi-structured questionnaires and in-person interviews in accordance with ethical criteria that have been authorized by the ethical review board of Rajshahi Medical College. This ensures that patient care is not compromised. Results: The study had 300 participants, 80% male and 20% female, aged 20–50. About 42% were employed, mostly secondary school graduates, and rural residents. Trauma caused 64% of spinal cord injuries and paraplegia. 34% had pressure sores, while 92% had moderate discomfort. Urological and muscle problems affected 70% of patients. 68% of participants had psychological issues, including depression. Autonomic dysreflexia was 14%. Conclusion:  This study illuminates the origins, symptoms, and complications of Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) in Northern Bangladesh, providing useful insights for better management and care

    Hydrochemistry, water quality and land use signatures in an ephemeral tidal river : implications in water management in the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh

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    Despite its complexity and importance in managing water resources in populous deltas, especially in tidal areas, literatures on tidal rivers and their land use linkage in connection to water quality and pollution are rare. Such information is of prior need for Integrated Water Resource Management in water scarce and climate change vulnerable regions, such as the southwestern coast of Bangladesh. Using water quality indices and multivariate analysis, we present here the land use signatures of a dying tidal river due to anthropogenic perturbation. Correlation matrix, hierarchical cluster analysis, factor analysis, and bio-geo-chemical fingerprints were used to quantify the hydro-chemical and anthropogenic processes and identify factors influencing the ionic concentrations. The results show remarkable spatial and temporal variations (p <0.05) in water quality parameters. The lowest solute concentrations are observed at the mid reach of the stream where the agricultural and urban wastewater mix. Agricultural sites show higher concentration of DO, Na+ and K+ reflecting the effects of tidal spill-over and shrimp wastewater effluents nearby. Higher level of Salinity, EC, Cl-, HCO3 (-), NO3 (-), PO4 (3-) and TSS characterize the urban sites indicating a signature of land use dominated by direct discharge of household organic waste into the waters. The spatial variation in overall water quality suggests a periodic enhancement of quality especially for irrigation and non-drinking purposes during monsoon and post-monsoon, indicating significant influence of amount of rainfall in the basin. We recommend that, given the recent trend of increasing precipitation and ground water table decrease, such dying tidal river basins may serve as excellent surface water reservoir to supplement quality water supply to the region.Peer reviewe

    Effect of salt and organic acid on storage quality of minimally processed Indian spinach

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    Postharvest processing of horticultural products not only adds value to the products, but also makes the products more convenient to the consumers. The objective of this study was to investigate the storage quality of minimally processed Indian spinach as influenced by organic acid and salt. The vegetables were washed and immersed in cold (7�C) water with 100 mg L-1 free chlorine for sanitation. The samples were treated with NaCl, KMS and citric acid in 9 treatments viz. T1: 1% NaCl, T2: 1.5% NaCl, T3: 2% NaCl, T4: 1.5% citric acid, T5: 1% citric acid, T6: 0.5% citric acid, T7: 0.5% KMS, T8: 1% KMS and T9: 1.5% KMS. The treated samples were stored for 0 to 6 days. Among the treatments, changes in quality traits decreased significantly (p = 0.05) with the increasing rate of organic acid (T4) compared to the control and other treatments during the storage period. Treatment T4 was better than other treatments as the treated spinach had higher titrable acidity (33.47, 22.60 & 18.83), lower TSS (0.30, 0.30 & 0.40), lower pH (6.99, 3.43 & 4.12), higher vitamin C (17.03, 16.33 & 11.40), lower weight loss (10, 9.90 & 9.40) and higher firmness (15.45, 13.29 & 10.67) at 2, 4 and 6 days. The storage ability was good for all treatments, but keeping quality was not satisfactory for all treatments. There was significant variation among all treatments, and 1.5% citric acid was accepted for keeping the good storage quality of minimally processed Indian spinach

    Evaluation of Rapid stool antigen test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with dyspepsia

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    Background and objectives: Several diagnostic assays are used for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in suspected peptic ulcer cases. H. pylori stool antigen test is a non-invasive method for the detection of active infection. The present study has evaluated the efficacy of rapid stool antigen test to diagnose H. pylori infection in patients with dyspepsia.Materials and methods: Adult patients with complains of dyspepsia attending the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases (GHPD) of BIRDEM hospital for endoscopy were included. Gastric biopsy, blood and stool samples were obtained from each participant after informed written consent. Rapid urease test (RUT), serum H. pylori immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG and rapid H. pylori stool antigen (HpSAg) tests were performed. Only stool samples were obtained from 31 neonates aged 1 to 30 days as negative control for HpSAg test.Results: A total of 91 adult patients with complain of dyspepsia were included in the study. Out of 91 cases, 17 (18.7%) and 74 (81.3%) had peptic ulcer and erosion respectively. HpSAg was positive in 63.7% cases compared to 42.9% and 62.6% respectively by RUT and IgA. The rate of HpSAg positivity was significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) in ulcer compared to erosion cases. HpSAg test was positive in all (100%) RUT positive cases. Combination of HpSAg test and IgA yielded highest positive result in both ulcer (82.4%) and erosion (84%) cases. H. pylori IgG was positive in all cases.Conclusion: The study has demonstrated that HpSAg test is an effective and non-invasive diagnostic tool to detect active H. pylori infection in suspected dyspeptic patients.IMC J Med Sci 2016; 10(2): 39-44</jats:p