601 research outputs found
Anatomical evaluation of nasopalatine canal on cone beam computed tomography images
Background: Nasopalatine canal (NPC) (incisive canal) morphology is important for oral surgery techniques carried out on the maxilla, in the treatment of naso- palatine cyst, palatal pathologies that require a surgical intervention.
Materials and methods: The morphology of NPC was classified in sagittal, coronal and axial planes on the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The length of NPC was found by measuring the distance between the mid-points of nasopalatine foramen and incisive foramen. The numbers, shapes and diameters of incisive and nasopalatine foramina were examined. Nasopalatine angle present between the NPC and the palate and anterior to the NPC was measured.
Results: In the sagittal plane, the shape of NPC was classified in six groups: 26.7% hourglass, 14.7% cone, 13.3% funnel, 16.0% banana, 28.7% cylindrical and 0.7% reverse-cone-shaped. In the coronal plane, shape of NPC was classified in three groups: 63.3% Y-shaped, 36.0% single canal, 0.7% double canal and external border of NPC was classified in four groups: 26.7% U, 28.7% Y, 44.0% V and 0.7% reverse-V-shaped. In the axial plane, the shape of nasopalatine foramen, incisive foramen and NPC at the mid-level was evaluated. The shape of the canal was detected as four types at three evaluated levels: round, oval, heart- and triangle-shaped. It was seen in every three axial planes that the round group is more than the others.
Conclusions: The morphological properties and variations of NPC should be con- sidered with a correct radiological evaluation so as to prevent the complications and improper practices in local anaesthesia, maxillary surgery and implant surgery practices. Especially dentists, otolaryngologist and plastic surgeons need to know the anatomy and variations of NPC.
Kemalpasazade of ‘Gelür Gider” Rhymed of His Gazel Poem
Divan Edebiyatının önemli şairleri arasında yer alan Kemalpaşazâde, üretken bir müelliftir. Asıl adı Şemseddin
Ahmed b. Süleyman olan Kemalpaşazâde, Kemalpaşaoğlu veya İbn Kemal diye de anılır. Yaşadığı XV. ve XVI. yüzyıl
Osmanlı Devleti’nin ilim, kültür ve medeniyette zirveye yerleştiği bir dönemdir. Bu medeniyetin yetiştirdiği
Kemalpaşazâde, farklı konularda tarih, edebiyat, hukuk ve din ilimlerinde Türkçe, Farsça, Arapça olmak üzere farklı
dillerde eserler vermiştir. Şiiri hikmetli bir söz gibi değerlendiren ve eserlerinde de hikemî konulara ağırlık veren şairimiz,
divan şiiri geleneğine kendi tarzıyla bir soluk katmıştır. Sade ve anlaşılır bir dille olan bu gazelinde tasavvuf temi şiirin
omurgasını oluşturmuştur. Aşağıda incelediğimiz sufiyane gazel, şairin şiir dünyası ve kabiliyeti hakkında bizlere bir fikir
verecektir.Kemalpaşazade, who is one of the important poets of the Divan Literature, is a believer. The real name is
Şemseddin Ahmed b. Kemalpaşazâde, who is Süleyman, is called Kemalpaşaoğlu or Ibn Kemal. He lives in XV. and XVI.
century Ottoman Empire is a period of climax in science, culture and civilization. Kemalpaşazâde, which this civilization
cultivated, gave works in various languages including history, literature, law and religious sciences in Turkish, Persian and
Arabic. Our poet, who treats poetry like a wise word and emphasizes witchcraft in his works, has added a breath of his own
style to the divan poetry tradition. A mysterious example of mysticism in the gazelle is the backbone of poetry. The sufiyane
gazel which we have studied below will give us an idea about the poetry's world of poetry and its ability
Powdered Cross-Linked Gelatin Methacryloyl as an Injectable Hydrogel for Adipose Tissue Engineering
The tissue engineering field is currently advancing towards minimally invasive procedures to reconstruct soft tissue defects. In this regard, injectable hydrogels are viewed as excellent scaffold candidates to support and promote the growth of encapsulated cells. Cross-linked gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) gels have received substantial attention due to their extracellular matrix-mimicking properties. In particular, GelMA microgels were recently identified as interesting scaffold materials since the pores in between the microgel particles allow good cell movement and nutrient diffusion. The current work reports on a novel microgel preparation procedure in which a bulk GelMA hydrogel is ground into powder particles. These particles can be easily transformed into a microgel by swelling them in a suitable solvent. The rheological properties of the microgel are independent of the particle size and remain stable at body temperature, with only a minor reversible reduction in elastic modulus correlated to the unfolding of physical cross-links at elevated temperatures. Salts reduce the elastic modulus of the microgel network due to a deswelling of the particles, in addition to triple helix denaturation. The microgels are suited for clinical use, as proven by their excellent cytocompatibility. The latter is confirmed by the superior proliferation of encapsulated adipose tissue-derived stem cells in the microgel compared to the bulk hydrogel. Moreover, microgels made from the smallest particles are easily injected through a 20G needle, allowing a minimally invasive delivery. Hence, the current work reveals that powdered cross-linked GelMA is an excellent candidate to serve as an injectable hydrogel for adipose tissue engineering
The Drosophila Dbf4 Ortholog Chiffon Forms A Complex with Gcn5 That Is Necessary for Histone Acetylation and Viability
Metazoans contain two homologs of the Gcn5-binding protein Ada2, Ada2a and Ada2b, which nucleate formation of the ATAC and SAGA complexes respectively. In Drosophila melanogaster, there are two splice isoforms of Ada2b: Ada2b-PA and Ada2b-PB. Here we show only the Ada2b-PB isoform is in SAGA; in contrast, Ada2b-PA associates with Gcn5, Ada3, Sgf29 and Chiffon forming the Chiffon Histone Acetyltransferase (CHAT) complex. Chiffon is theDrosophila ortholog of Dbf4, which binds and activates the cell cycle kinase Cdc7 to initiate DNA replication. In flies, Chiffon and Cdc7 are required in ovary follicle cells for gene amplification, a specialized form of DNA re-replication. Although chiffon was previously reported to be dispensable for viability, here we find that Chiffon is required for both histone acetylation and viability in flies. Surprisingly, we show that chiffon is a dicistronic gene that encodes distinct Cdc7- and CHAT-binding polypeptides. Although the Cdc7-binding domain of Chiffon is not required for viability in flies, Chiffon’s CHAT-binding domain is essential for viability but is not required for gene amplification, arguing against a role in DNA replication
Microparticles from patients with metabolic syndrome induce vascular hypo-reactivity via Fas/Fas-ligand pathway in mice
Peer reviewedPublisher PD
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