45 research outputs found

    Effect of Ecklonia Cava Polyphenol Extract in House Ear Institute-Organ of Corti 1 Cells Against Cisplatin Ototoxicity: A Preliminary Study

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    Objective:Cisplatin is a widely used agent for the treatment of adult and childhood malignancies. Side effects such as nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and ototoxicity lead to dose limitations. Ecklonia cava polyphenol extract (ECP) is a molecule obtained from algae that live in seawater in the Far East. ECP has recently been shown to have protective effects against oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible protective effects of ECP on cisplatin ototoxicity.Methods:In this study, we investigated the protective effects of ECP against cisplatin-induced cell death in mouse-derived House Ear Institute Organ of Corti (HEI-OC1) cochlear cells. Cisplatin (100 μM) and 1, 10, and 25 μM doses of ECP were administered to the cells, and the protective effects of ECP at 24 and 72 hours were investigated. Cell viability was evaluated by the WST-1 (water soluble tetrazolium salt).Results:Cisplatin (100 μM) reduced cell viability in both the 24th and 72nd hour evaluation. Although the 25 μM dose of ECP showed otoprotective effects in the 24th hour, in the 72nd hour this effect disappeared. Other doses of ECP showed no otoprotective effects in the 24th and 72nd hours.Conclusion:Although ECP showed some protective effects in the 24th hour against cisplatin ototoxicity, these effects disappeared by the 72nd hour. Further studies using recurrent and higher doses of ECP are required

    Evlerde bulunan kullanım dışı ilaçlarla ilgili toplum farkındalığının araştırılması: bir pilot çalışma

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    Rouzé Michel. Localisation du gène de la myopathie de Duchenne. In: Raison présente, n°80, 4e trimestre 1986. La formation, l'enjeu d'une société. p. 144

    Izloženost lebdećim česticama – kratki pregled s naglaskom na štetne učinke na srce i krvožilje, djecu i istraživanja provedena u Turskoj

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    Exposure to environmental particulate matter (PM), outdoor air pollution in particular, has long been associated with adverse health effects. Today, PM has widely been accepted as a systemic toxicant showing adverse effects beyond the lungs. There are numerous studies, from those in vitro to epidemiological ones, suggesting various direct and indirect PM toxicity mechanisms associated with cardiovascular risks, including inflammatory responses, oxidative stress, changes in blood pressure, autonomic regulation of heart rate, suppression of endothelium-dependent vasodilation, thrombogenesis, myocardial infarction, and fibrinolysis. In addition to these and other health risks, considerations about air quality standards should include individual differences, lifestyle, and vulnerable populations such as children. Urban air pollution has been a major environmental issue for Turkey, and this review will also address current situation, research, and measures taken in our country.Za izloženost lebdećim česticama (engl. particulate matter, krat. PM) u zraku iz okoliša već se dugo zna da je povezana sa štetnim djelovanjem na zdravlje. Danas se lebdeće čestice posvuda u svijetu smatraju sistemskim toksikantom koji ne oštećuje samo pluća. Brojna istraživanja, od onih in vitro do epidemioloških, upućuju na raznovrsne izravne i neizravne mehanizme toksičnosti lebdećih čestica koji su povezani s povećanim rizikom od bolesti srca i krvožilja, uključujući upalne odgovore, oksidacijski stres, promjene krvnoga tlaka, autonomnu regulaciju brzine srčanih otkucaja, supresiju endotelne vazodilatacije, trombogenezu, infarkt miokarda i fibrinolizu. Povrh ovih i drugih rizika za zdravlje, u razmatranjima o standardima kakvoće zraka trebaju se uzeti u obzir individualne razlike, stil života i ranjive populacijske skupine poput djece. U Turskoj se onečišćenje zraka u gradovima ističe kao izrazit okolišni problem, pa u ovom preglednom radu posvećujemo pažnju i trenutačnoj situaciji, postojećim istraživanjima i mjerama poduzetima u našoj zemlji

    Assessment of bisphenol A levels in preschool children-Results of a human biomonitoring study in Ankara, Turkey

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    There is general concern regarding environmental chemical exposures and the impact it may have on human health, which is particularly important for vulnerable populations such as infants and children in critical periods of development. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical used worldwide over the last 30 years in many consumer products that play an important role in our daily life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure of Turkish preschool children to BPA

    Alginate/Chitosan NaaAlginate/Chitosan NanopArticles for Adsorption and Controlled Release of Pemetrexed nopArticles for Adsorption and Controlled Release of Pemetrexed

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    Pemetrexed (PEM) is used for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. However, PEM has disadvantages like fast elimination, low bioavailability, poor tumor cell selectivity, and penetration. Thus, there is a need for using pemetrexed delivery system to increase the anticancer effect of drug in lung cancer cells and to minimize its side effects. The purpose of this study is development of alginate/chitosan nanopArticles (ACNP) that have biodegradable and non-toxic structure for effective delivery of PEM for lung cancer therapy. In the present study, ACNP were prepared using the ionic gelation method, and pemetrexed was loaded via the adsorption method. Drug adsorption efficiency was calculated to be 57.80% and characterization studies were performed. In vitro drug release tests were carried out at pH levels of 5.5 and 7.4 with pemetrexed-loaded alginate/chitosan nanopArticles (PACNP) and free pemetrexed, and both the results were subsequently compared. Up to 11% release yield was observed at pH 5.5, and the yield reached up to 7% in pH 7.4 in the 25 hours. This nanopArticle system could be investigated in vitro and in vivo in further studies for controlled release of pemetrexed

    Tip 1 diabetes mellituslu çocuklarda kaygı ve depresyon sıklığı ve bunların metabolik kontrole etkisi

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    Objective: Chronic diseases affect the quality of life negatively. Parents’ mental problems and their coping methods, may play a role on the behavior of children and adolescents. The aim of the study is to determine the anxiety and depression status of children and adolescents with type 1 DM, and to investigate their relationship with metabolic control. Methods: Forty-three patients between 6 and 17 years old with type 1 DM were included in this prospective study. Metabolic and clinical data of cases were retrospectively collected. Questionnaire forms were used for demographic data. Individual and family interviews were made by pediatric and adult psychiatrist. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Child Depression Inventory (CDI) and Beck Depression Scale (BDS) were used to determine depression and anxiety rates. Results: Depression was detected in 2.3 %, state anxiety in 23.2 % and trait anxiety in 25.5 % of the children with type 1 DM. Mild depression was detected in 24.4 %, moderate depression was detected in 6.9 % of mothers. There was a state anxiety in 7.3 %, trait anxiety in 11.6 % of the mothers. There was a significant correlation between the depression, STAI scores of mothers and children. It was found that an increase in depression scale point of child, affected trait anxiety score of mother (OR: 1.2, CI: 1.01-1.49), (p=0.02). Conclusion: Mental health condition is usually unnoticed in daily practice while monitoring T1 DM. Validated and efficient strategies are needed to screen and treat anxiety and depression symptoms in children and adolescents with T1 DM. © 2020, Istanbul Universitesi. All rights reserved