25 research outputs found

    Selected aspects of providing the chemmotological reliability of the engineering

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    Transport sector is an important component of the economy that have an impact on the development and prosperity of the population. Rational use of fuels and lubricants, energy efficiency, environmental safety are included into the list of the most important problems of the modern world. Solving these problems determines in a great manner the sustainable development of the world economy and keeping comfort conditions for human being. Efficiency, reliability of operation of vehicles, rational use of operational materials depend on their correct selection. According to its quality operational materials must conform to both the model and operating conditions of vehicles. The use of poor quality materials leads to a decrease in the durability and reliability of machinery and machine parts; the use of materials of higher quality than required causes unreasonable increase in costs. The knowledge of machinery suggest not only the knowledge of construction, kinematic, dynamic, and temperature characteristics but also physico-chemical properties of constituent materials that are necessary for analyzing and forecasting of physico-chemical processes during use of a Fuels or a Lubricants. Thus, the efficiency and reliability of vehicles operation depends not only on their structural characteristics, but also on the optimal selection of Fuels and Lubricants, Technical Liquids and other Operational Materials. Work professional activity of specialists dedicated to petroleum refinery, organizing of storage, transportation and distribution of products, assurance of correspondence between the properties of Fuels, Lubricants, Technical liquids and the conditions of operation of technology and engines aimed at obtaining maximum technical, economical, ecological and social effects is called usage of Fuels, Lubricants and Technical liquids. To know Fuels, Lubricants and Technical liquids is to clearly understand the interconnection of quality parameters with physico-chemical and energy processes, occurring in the process of their use under specific conditions, and also the connection with their chemical and group composition. The knowledge of technology suggest not only the knowledge of construction, kinematic, dynamic, and temperature characteristics but also physico-chemical properties of constituent materials that are necessary for analyzing and forecasting of physico-chemical processes during use of a Fuel or a Lubricant. The study of the essence, regularity (tendens) and connections of phenomena and the processes of use of Fuels, Lubricants, Technical liquids in Aviation Technology with the help of special methodological tools is the base of Aviation Chemmotology. Aviation Chemmotology is a part of Chemmotology that studies and solves the problems of ensuring the necessary quality and application requirements of Fuels and Lubricants used in Aviation Technology. Chemmotological reliability is a reliability of technology depending on the Quality of Fuels and Lubricants (the ability of technology to maintain good reliability when operated with Fuels and Lubricants grades that are of a economically reasonable quality level). This monograph as an intergative scientific work of many scholars is a striking example of the representation of these aspects and really illustrates the modern consolidated work of scientists and practitioners, trends in the development of scientific schools of different universities, different countries and science in general. Because, as is know, science does not have borders. Scientific achievements are global civilizational heritage

    The love paradigm and the retrieval of Western medieval love mysticism in modern Russian trinitarian thought (from Solov\u27ev to Bulgakov)

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    The present dissertation studies the emergence of the love paradigm in contemporary trinitarian doctrines, giving special emphasis to tracing this paradigm\u27s development in modern Russian philosophy and theology. This paradigm explains the triune relationship of the Divine hypostases by the ontological love within God. Two features in particular characterize this love paradigm: first, an approach to the trinitarian doctrine which is personalistic, and which begins from an analysis of personhood rather than of substance, and second, a modern relational understanding of the person as being in communion with others. The love paradigm emerged on the Russian side as the result of a rethinking of the Eastern patristic tradition in the light of both Western love mysticism (Bernard of Clairvaux, and Richard of St. Victor, etc.) and modern, post-Kantian, philosophy which is radically anthropocentric. Beginning with Vladimir Solov\u27ev, Russian thinkers developed a new form of exemplarism, the so-called concrete idealism, or concrete metaphysics. This form of exemplarism was not merely cosmological, but rather and primarily personalistic. The main vestige of the Trinity is not the world, but the human person. The conformity between the divine and human personalities is rooted in God\u27s humanity which is revealed in the Incarnation. Russian thinkers also link the mystery of personhood with the mystery of love. Since genuine love implies the transforming of one\u27s selfishness, ontological love in God, in which three divine Persons constitute one indivisible unity of life, can be understood as the very model of interpersonal relations. The theologians who embraced the love paradigm, both Russian and Western, emphasize that this paradigm comprises both Greek and Latin traditions. It reintroduces the Greek patristic concept of perichoresis within Augustinian love tradition. Thus it allows to overcome the polemics of the past and creates a basis for doing theology in an ecumenical perspective


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    Aim. To show the place and role, as well as ways of development of x-ray surgical care in the existing health infrastructure of the Moscow region. Materials and Methods. The basis for this study was determined by the health care of the Moscow region, which has the advantages of being located close to the developed system of medical care of the metropolis - the city of Moscow. The analysis of the organization of departments of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment in the Moscow region was carried out in accordance with the legislative and regulatory documents(law from November. 21, 2011 № 323-FZ (ed. from 03.07.2016) «About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation»; Federal law from 29.11.2010 № 326-FZ (ed 25.12.2016) «On mandatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation»; Order of The Ministry of health dated by November, 15, 2012 of the Russian Federation № 918н (edited on 14.04.2014) «On approval of the Procedure of rendering medical aid to patients with cardiovascular diseases»; Resolution of the government of the Moscow region of August 23, 2013 № 663/38 «on approval of the state program of the Moscow region «Health of the Moscow region» for 2014-2020»; PR. Ministry of health of the Moscow region of 28.07.2014 year № 999 «on the provision of residents of the Moscow region of high-tech medical care in medical organizations involved in the implementation of the Moscow regional program of compulsory medical insurance»; Etc. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation June 22, 1998 № 198 «About further development of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment». The organization of the departments of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment in 2012 is governed by the order of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation № 918n from November 15, 2012 (as amended on 14.04.2014) «On approval of the Procedure of rendering medical aid to patients with cardiovascular diseases»). The annual reports of medical organizations of the Moscow region and vascular centers were also studied. Results. For the first time in the domestic health departments of x-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment were opened on the basis of municipal hospitals of the Moscow region, in contrast to the organized similar offices on the basis of regional hospitals in other regions of the Russian Federation. The work of departments of endovascular diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases has brought closer high-tech medical care to residents of small settlements and cities of the Moscow region, which should, in turn, lead to improved health indicators. Conclusions. Improving of medical care for cardiovascular diseases requires the use of effective technologies, including the introduction of endovascular x-ray methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.Цель. Показать место и роль, а также пути развития рентгенохирургической помощи в сложившейся инфраструктуре здравоохранения Московской области. Материалы и методы. Базой для проведения данного исследования было определено здравоохранение Московской области, имеющее преимущества расположения поблизости с развитой системой медицинской помощи мегаполиса - города Москвы. Анализ организации отделений рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения в Московской области проводили в соответствии с законодательными и нормативными документами: ФЗ от 21 ноября 2011 года № 323-ФЗ (ред. от 03.07.2016 г.) «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской федерации»; ФЗ от 29.11.2010 г. № 326-ФЗ (ред. 25.12.2016 г.) «Об обязательном медицинском страховании в Российской Федерации»; Пр. Минздрава от 15 ноября 2012 года РФ № 918н (ред. от 14.04.2014 г.) «Об утверждении Порядка оказания медицинской помощи больным с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями»; Постановление Правительства Московской области от 23 августа 2013 года № 663/38 «Об утверждении государственной программы Московской области «Здравоохранение Подмосковья» на 2014-2020 годы»; Пр. Министерства здравоохранения Московской области от 28.07.2014 года № 999 «Об оказании жителям Московской области высокотехнологичной медицинской помощи в медицинских организациях, участвующих в реализации Московской областной программы обязательного медицинского страхования»; Пр. Министерства Здравоохранения РФ 22 июня 1998 года № 198 от «О дальнейшем развитии рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения». Организация отделений рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения с 2012 года регламентируется приказом Минздрава РФ № 918н от 15 ноября 2012 года (ред. от 14.04.2014 г.) «Об утверждении Порядка оказания медицинской помощи больным с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями». При этом изучались годовые отчеты медицинских организаций Московской области и сосудистых центров. Результаты. Впервые в отечественном здравоохранении отделения рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения открыты на базе муниципальных больниц Московской области в отличие от организованных аналогичных отделений на базе областных и краевых больниц в других субъектах Российской Федерации. Работа отделений рентгенэндоваскулярной диагностики и лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний приблизила высокотехнологичную медицинскую помощь жителям небольших поселений и городов Московской области, что должно, в свою очередь, привести к улучшению показателей здоровья населения. Выводы. Совершенствование медицинской помощи при сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях требует применения эффективных технологий, в том числе внедрения рентгенохирургических эндоваскулярных методов диагностики и лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний