942 research outputs found

    The canonical word order myth: investigating a processing-typological puzzle in the Cantonese double object construction

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    PosterThe frequency of canonicity (frequent, structurally basic and/or pragmatically neutral) word orders is often associated with easier processing, while syntactic alternatives usually incur complexity and processing difficulty (Hawkins, 2004; Ellis, 2002; Cook et al., 2009). In this paper we show that the canonical double-object construction (DOC, a) in Cantonese (VO with head-final NPs) is difficult to process in that incremental increases in the complexity of the direct object (DO) increase reading time (RT) and reduce recall accuracy relative to syntactic alternatives, and induce greater avoidance of the DOC in elicited production. We hypothesize that this is because the canonical word order involves processing-demanding center-embedding ...postprin

    Immunology-based control framework for multi-jointed redundant manipulators

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    Artificial Immune System (AIS) has recently been actively researched with a number of emerging engineering applications that has capitalized from its characteristics including self-organization, distributive control, knowledge mapping and fault tolerance. This paper reports the development of an AIS paradigm for the distributive control of a multi-jointed, redundant manipulator. Traditionally, manipulator control is achieved by analytical solutions. By adopting a multiagent-based control paradigm, a multi-jointed manipulator can be thought of as a group of separately controlled agents. In this paper, we investigate the viability of a multiagent immunology-based control framework for the trajectory control of a multi-jointed redundant manipulator.published_or_final_versio

    Reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus lytic cycle by histone deacetylase inhibitors

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is closely associated with certain lymphoid and epithelial malignancies such as Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and gastric carcinoma (GC). In the tumor cells, the virus persists in a tight latency, expressing a limited number of latent proteins. Reactivation of EBV lytic cycle from latency leads to expression of many more viral lytic proteins which may provide potential therapeutic targets for the EBV-associated cancers. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors belong to an emerging class of anti-cancer agents which work through acetylation of different histone and non-histone proteins in cancer cells. Our previous work showed that various pan-HDAC inhibitors, which inhibit eleven HDAC isoforms, can preferentially reactivate EBV lytic cycle in EBV-positive epithelial rather than lymphoid cancers and mediate enhanced killing of EBV-positive NPC and GC cells through augmentation of apoptotic cell death. Recently, we found that a selective class I HDAC inhibitor, romidepsin, can potently induce EBV lytic cycle in NPC and GC cells and confer susceptibility of the induced cells to killing by an anti-viral agent, ganciclovir, in vitro and in vivo. The reactivation of EBV lytic cycle by romidepsin is related to the inhibition of HDAC-1, -2 and -3 isoforms and the activation of PKC-. Interestingly, our current findings suggest that acetylation of non-histone proteins might also play a role in the regulation of EBV lytic cycle upon HDAC inhibition. In this review, we discuss our recent findings on the mechanisms of EBV lytic cycle reactivation and propose possible strategies in using HDAC inhibitors for the treatment of EBV-associated cancers.published_or_final_versio

    Induction of MAPK- and ROS-dependent autophagy and apoptosis in gastric carcinoma by combination of romidepsin and bortezomib

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    Proteasome inhibitors and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors can synergistically induce apoptotic cell death in certain cancer cell types but their combinatorial effect on the induction of autophagy remains unknown. Here, we investigated the combinatorial effects of a proteasome inhibitor, bortezomib, and an HDAC inhibitor, romidepsin, on the induction of apoptotic and autophagic cell death in gastric carcinoma (GC) cells. Isobologram analysis showed that low nanomolar concentrations of bortezomib/romidepsin could synergistically induce killing of GC cells. The synergistic killing was due to the summative effect of caspase-dependent intrinsic apoptosis and caspase-independent autophagy. The autophagic cell death was dependent on the activation of MAPK family members (ERK1/2 and JNK), and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but was independent of Epstein-Barr virus infection. In vivo, bortezomib/romidepsin also significantly induced apoptosis and autophagy in GC xenografts in nude mice. This is the first report demonstrating the potent effect of combination of HDAC and proteasome inhibitors on the induction of MAPK- and ROS-dependent autophagy in addition to caspase-dependent apoptosis in a cancer type.published_or_final_versio

    Quantification of Berberine in different Berberis Species and their Commercial Samples from Herbal Drug Markets of India through HPTLC

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    A simple, precise, and convenient HPTLC method has been established for the analysis of Berberine, the major marker compound extracted from the root and stem of different Berberis species and their commercial samples in the name of Daruharidra. Chromatography was performed on silica gel 60F254 plates with n-propanol:water:formic acid (90:8.0:0.4) as mobile phase. Detection and quantification were performed densitometrically at λmax = 360 nm with berberine as external standard. The method is characterized by high sensitivity and linearity over wide range of concentrations. Berberine concentration in different species and their commercial counterpart were calculated. This will be utilized by pharmaceutical industries for the bioprospection of allied Berberis species for commercial exploitation and batch to batch consistency of raw materials

    Peran Wanita Dalam Menumbuhkan Wira Usaha Guna Mendukung Ekonomi Keluarga Perumahan Melalui Pengolahan Makanan Jagung Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Makanan Pokok

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    The production of corn are currently faced on processing the utilization of crop will be an alternative food, therefore, the role of women is dearer to fill the void of women in residential district of Banyumanik who was as a housewife, at this momment, finding additional needs through entrepreneurship to support the economic of family in increasing their life. In food priority in developing National Security, so there are three reasons for the review: 1) access of nutrition is good enough for human rights, 2) food nutrition consumption is the basis for the establishment of the qualified human resources, 3) food priority is the basic for economic security, even the national food security. Utilization of corn as alternative food had a good role, to some products, ingredients of corn already can be developed in the type of food menu depends on the processed that the ingredients is corn flour.Keyword : Role of Women, Food Processing

    Analisis Peran Penyidik Dalam Penanganan Eksploitasi Terhadap Anak Dibawah Umur Dalam Kasus Peredaran Narkoba

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    Kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba berkembang sangat luas yang begitu sangat merugikan negara. Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) melakukan survey mengenai penyalahgunaan zat terlarang narkotika di Indonesia yang mana hasilnya mencapai 3.419.188 orang dan di rentang waktu dari tahun 2010 sampai 2019, jumlahnya naik sebesar 22 persen untuk jumlah pengguna narkoba. Peredaran gelap narkoba ini sendiri di sebabkan oleh penyalahgunaan narkoba yang pada prosesnya dijalankan oleh orang dewasa namun juga anak anak. Keterlibatan anak dalam peredaran dan penyalahgunaan semakin merajalela, Peraturan perundang undangan saat ini memang lebih berorientasi pada terpenuhinya hak keadilan anak dimana ada pengurangan masa pidana ataupun pengadaan proses restorative justice dan diversi dimana aturan tersebut begitu membantu anak dalam menjalani proses perkara. Penyidik memiliki peran yang vital dalam proses perkara anak dengan melakukan pernyidikan dan penyelidikan dimana dalam prosesnya harus berorientasi pada perlindungan hak anak sebagai seorang yang diduga melakukan tindak pidanaDalam prosedural pelaksanaan penyidikan pun penyidik harus melakukan pemeriksaan secara objektif bagaimana peran atau posisi anak dalam kasus atau perkara tersebut.  Penyidik perlu melakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut secara komprehensif sebelum menuju masa peradilan. Dalam melakukan penyidikan ada beberapa mekanisme yang perlu ditaati oleh Lembaga Kepolisian sebagai Penyidik yang telah diatur dalam UU SPP

    Visual search for size is influenced by a background texture gradient.

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