2,541 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komitmen dan Disiplin terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Wahyuda Abadi Koto Baru

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    The study was conducted at PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto Jl. Southern District of New Logas Koto Regency Kuantan Singingi. With the aim to determine the effect of simultaneous commitment and discipline on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda Koto Baru, next to determine the effect of commitment on job satisfaction PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto, and to determine the effect on employee job satisfaction discipline PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. In this study population studied were employees of the office of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto totaling 68 people. The sampling method used is the census of 68 employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. Multiple Linear Regression method is to determine the relationship between the dependent variable (Y) with the independent variable (X) is used as the data analysis necessary to first examine the validity and reliability of research data. The results showed that there was a significant effect of both simultaneously and significantly between the variables of commitment and discipline to the job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. Variabel commitment and discipline is the dominant variable in affecting job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto.Keywords : Commitment , Discipline , Job Satisfactio

    Modulation of NKG2D expression in human CD8(+) T cells corresponding with tuberculosis drug cure.

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    BACKGROUND: Biomarkers predicting tuberculosis treatment response and cure would facilitate drug development. This study investigated expression patterns of the co-stimulation molecule NKG2D in human tuberculosis and treatment to determine its potential usefulness as a host biomarker of tuberculosis drug efficacy. METHODS: Tuberculosis patients (n = 26) were recruited in Lahore, Pakistan, at diagnosis and followed up during treatment. Household contacts (n = 24) were also recruited. NKG2D expression was measured by qRT-PCR in RNA samples both ex vivo and following overnight mycobacterial stimulation in vitro. Protein expression of NKG2D and granzyme B was measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS: NKG2D expression in newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients was similar to household contacts in ex vivo RNA, but was higher following in vitro stimulation. The NKG2D expression was dramatically reduced by intensive phase chemotherapy, in both ex vivo blood RNA and CD8(+) T cell protein expression, but then reverted to higher levels after the continuation phase in successfully treated patients. CONCLUSION: The changes in NKG2D expression through successful treatment reflect modulation of the peripheral cytotoxic T cell response. This likely reflects firstly in vivo stimulation by live Mycobacterium tuberculosis, followed by the response to dead bacilli, antigen-release and finally immunopathology resolution. Such changes in host peripheral gene expression, alongside clinical and microbiological indices, could be developed into a biosignature of tuberculosis drug-induced cure to be used in future clinical trials

    Analisa Peramalan Permintaan Mobil Daihatsu Dengan Metode Time Series

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    In production activities, forecasting is carried out to determine the amount of demand for a product and is the first step of the process of production planning and control. In forecasting, it is determined what type of product is needed (what), the amount (how many), and when it is needed (when). The purpose of forecasting in production activities is to reduce uncertainty so that an estimate is obtained that is close to the actual situation. The process of forecasting the demand for Daihatsu cars is carried out using the moving average method (Moving Average = MA). Then also do the EOQ static model making to determine the economic amount each time the order and the creation of an MRP system as a planning requirement based on time stages

    Dynamic Role of Zakat in Alleviating Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Poverty is a curse at individual as well as community level. It is a threat to humanity at whatever level it exists. All the societies of the world have made efforts to address this challenge. Islam being the religion of all times has also presented a comprehensive system to alleviate this curse. The present study explores the application of some of these measures in collective way and brought into consideration the Zakat system exercised in Pakistan since 1980. This is hypothesized that weather Zakat disbursement along with other Islamic measures has proved to bail out the poor from poverty. Descriptive as well as empirical appraisal of the existing system showed that the Zakat disbursement among the poor, needy, destitute, orphans and widows has played a significant role in poverty alleviation. The ARDL approach to cointegration is used to evaluate the short run and long run impact of Zakat disbursement along with the other exogenous variables on poverty. The results of the study show that there is an inverse relationship between poverty and Zakat disbursement both in the short run and long run. The study also investigated the certain flaws in the system operated in Pakistan and suggested the remedies

    Dynamic Role of Zakat in Alleviating Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Poverty is a curse at individual as well as community level. It is a threat to humanity at whatever level it exists. All the societies of the world have made efforts to address this challenge. Islam being the religion of all times has also presented a comprehensive system to alleviate this curse. The present study explores the application of some of these measures in collective way and brought into consideration the Zakat system exercised in Pakistan since 1980. This is hypothesized that weather Zakat disbursement along with other Islamic measures has proved to bail out the poor from poverty. Descriptive as well as empirical appraisal of the existing system showed that the Zakat disbursement among the poor, needy, destitute, orphans and widows has played a significant role in poverty alleviation. The ARDL approach to cointegration is used to evaluate the short run and long run impact of Zakat disbursement along with the other exogenous variables on poverty. The results of the study show that there is an inverse relationship between poverty and Zakat disbursement both in the short run and long run. The study also investigated the certain flaws in the system operated in Pakistan and suggested the remedies
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