1,049 research outputs found
Simple parameterization of nuclear attenuation data
Based on the nuclear attenuation data obtained by the HERMES experiment on
nitrogen and krypton nuclei, it is shown that the nuclear attenuation
can be parametrised in a form of a linear polynomial + , where is the formation time, which depends on the energy of the
virtual photon and fraction of that energy carried by the final
hadron. Three widely known parameterizations for were used for the
performed fit. The fit parameters and do not depend on
Possible influence of the two string events on the hadron formation in a nuclear environment
One of the basic assumptions of the string model is that as a result of a DIS
in nucleus a single string arises, which then breaks into hadrons. However the
pomeron exchange considered in this work, leads to the production of two
strings in the one event. The hadrons produced in these events have smaller
formation lengths, than those with the same energy produced in the single
string events. As a consequence, they undergo more substantial absorption in
the nuclear matter
Q(2) dependence of nuclear transparency for exclusive rho(0) production
Exclusive coherent and incoherent electroproduction of the rho(0) meson from H-1 and N-14 targets has been studied at the HERMES experiment as a function of coherence length (l(c)), corresponding to the lifetime of hadronic fluctuations of the virtual photon, and squared four-momentum of the virtual photon (-Q(2)). The ratio of N-14 to H-1 cross sections per nucleon, called nuclear transparency, was found to increase (decrease) with increasing l(c) for coherent (incoherent) rho(0) electroproduction. For fixed l(c), a rise of nuclear transparency with Q(2) is observed for both coherent and incoherent rho(0) production, which is in agreement with theoretical calculations of color transparency
Design and Expected Performance of the BTeV RICH
The BTeV experiment is a b-physics experiment designed to conduct precision
tests of the CKM description of CP violation and study rare processes involving
bottom and charm hadrons. The experiment will be located in the C0 interaction
region at the Fermilab Tevatron, and is intended to begin data-taking around
2007-2008. One of the most important elements of the BTeV spectrometer is the
ring-imaging Cerenkov detector (RICH) which is used for particle
identification. In this article we describe the BTeV RICH and present its
expected performance.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the RICH2002 Conference, Pylos,
Greece, June 5-10, 200
Nuclear Attenuation of high energy two-hadron system in the string model
Nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is considered in the string
model. The two-scale model and its improved version with two different choices
of constituent formation time and sets of parameters obtained earlier for the
single hadron attenuation, are used to describe available experimental data for
the -dependence of subleading hadron, whereas satisfactory agreement with
the experimental data has been observed. A model prediction for
-dependence of the nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is also
presented.Comment: 8 page
Application of the Two-Scale Model to the HERMES Data on Nuclear Attenuation
The Two-Scale Model and its improved version were used to perform the fit to
the HERMES data for (the virtual photon energy) and z (the fraction of
carried by hadron) dependencies of nuclear multiplicity ratios for
and mesons electro-produced on two nuclear targets (N
and Kr). The quantitative criterium was used for the first
time to analyse the results of the model fit to the nuclear multiplicity ratios
data. The two-parameter's fit gives satisfactory agreement with the HERMES
data. Best values of the parameters were then used to calculate the - and
- dependencies of nuclear attenuation for , K, K and
produced on Kr target, and also make a predictions for ,
z and the Q (the photon virtuality) - dependencies of nuclear attenuation
data for those identified hadrons and nuclea, that will be published by HERMES
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