998 research outputs found

    Sayyid Ahmad Khan Reformis Pendidikan Islam Di India

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    Bangsa Arab sudah ada berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat India melalui perdagangan lewat jalan sutra. Salah satu hasil adalah terkenal dengan pedang yang disepuh secara Hind. Penguasa Islam yang pertama adalah Muhammad Ibnu Qasim, Muhammad Ghazni hingga kaisar Mongol. Islam mulai memudar di India setelah masuk pengaruh bangsa Inggris yang berkejasama dengan masyarakat India. Islam mundur di India karena mereka tidak mau menerima hal yang terbaru termasuk pada dunia pendidikan. Menurut Sayyid Ahmad Khan umat Islam bangkit harus ada pembaharuan di bidang pendidikan dan berkerjasama dengan bangsa yang non Islam. Untuk memajukan umat Islam satu-satunya jalan adalah melalui pendidikan. Melalui pendidikan akan lahirlah para intelektual Islam. Ilmu pengetahuan dapat memaju kemajuan dan melahirkan kebudayaan modern Selain itu Sayyid Ahmad Khan mengatakan; perselisihan antara agama di dalam ajaran agama Islam dilaran

    Koordinasi Antar Instansi Terkait dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan di Daerah

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    The main objectives of this research are to describe: (1) the identification and implementation of mechanism model of local bureaucracy, (2) how the condition of coordination between related bureaucracy institution. This research is descriptive, that is, to answer the details of social phenomena according to research questions. The data in this research is analyzed with qualitative analysis. The result indicated that (1) Some used of the formula are, for example: (1) coordination of authority, (2) coordination of consensus, (3) coordination of recommended work, (4) coordination of forum. The implementation and execution is coordination between related bureaucracy institutions, especially in the area of development execution. Coordination between the related institution in the province level and sub-province area has not in good implementation

    Pengaruh Pemberian Daun Sengon (Albizzia Falcataria) Hasil Rendaman Dengan Larutan Ca(OH)2 Terhadap Bobot Karkas Dan Bobot Organ Pencernaan Ayam Pedaging

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    This research aims at meauring the use of Sengon soaked in kapur tohor and is effect on the performance of broiler. The Study used 100 broiler Hubber aged 3 days and 5 treatments ration which contain different sengon. The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatmen. Parameter measured were ration consumption, carcas, and digestive tract. The result of this study shows that the use of sengon in the ration is effective segnificantly (P<0,05) on the ration consumtion, carcass, and digestive tract. It could be concluded that sengon can be used up to 7,5% in the ration of the broiler

    Mediasi Penal Sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Perkara Pada Tindak Pidana Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Yang Mengalami Kerugian Material (Studi Di Polres Jember)

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    Research about implementation of penal mediation in traffic accident which caused a material loss by Jember Resort Police is supposed to know the mechanism of penal mediation and to analyze the obstacles in implementing it. The method used was empirical law research. Results of research are penal mediation was implemented in several steps, they are: can be used in a traffic accident which caused a material loss and minor physical injuries, there is an agreement between parties and a statement that they will not demand each other for the case, and investigator doing a case discussion about that case. The obstacles in implementing the penal mediation are: a) intern factors, such as: the investigator hesitates in implementing the penal mediation due to a lack of umbrella act and Standar Operating Procedure and there is no common understanding of the investigators; b) extern factors, such as: victim doesn't want to solve the case and agreement between parties is not achieved, and also the suspect isn't cooperative

    Relevansi Kurikulum Perbankan Syari'ah dengan Dunia Kerja (Analisis Kurikulum Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Stain Sultan Qaimuddin Kendari)

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    Analysis of curriculum study program of STAIN Kendari Islamic banking to its relevance to the world of work insustri sharia compliance with the industrial market pragmatism sharia. The composition and structure of the study program curriculum is designed on Islamic banking filosafi "Bee Smart" which comprises: main course competencies (MKU) 56%, 21% charged basic subjects (MKD), 12% of subjects supporting the rest of MKL. Semester credit units (credits) to be solved Islamic banking department of student totaled 145 credits consisting of 28 credits MKD, MKU 93 credits, 18 credits MKP, MKL, 12 credits. Learning tool is equipped with a technology-based instructional media and completeness of lab planning and mini sharia banks. SDM is supported 37 faculty lecturer sharia and Islamic economics, 6 lecturers Prodi with sharia-based educational qualifications, which amount will be increased to 16 lecturers in 2019.Constraints Prodi Islamic banking is a common obstacle that opens PTAI department / department of banking / economy sharia with the nomenclature of which the HR people and the implementation of the curriculum tend to charge Fiqh Muamalat concepts and theories. While the industrial market pragmatism requires the implementation of sharia more technical curriculum, the Faculty of Economics and Business nomenclature Islam is more appropriate, such as the status of the plan over STAIN be IAIN Sultan Qaimuddin Kendari nomenclature Faculty of Economics and Business Islamic adjusted

    Kebudayaan Melayu Riau (Pantun, Syair, Gurindam)

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    Dalam budaya Melayu, ungkapan memegang peranan penting karena bentuk sastra ini lazim mengandung nilai-nilai nasihat dan tunjuk ajar yang kental dan bernas. Ungkapan-ungkapan dalam seni budaya Melayu biasanya dijalin dengan bahasa dalam seni budaya Melayu biasanya dijalin dengan bahasa yang indah dan sarat dengan makna serta simbol. Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dapat dituangkan dalam salah satunya berbentuk pantun, syair dan gurindam. Gurindam yaitu bentuk puisi lama yang terdiri dari dua baris, dengan bunyi akhir yang sama. Jadi semacam syair dua bait. Gurindam yang paling terkenal tentu saja Gurindam Dua Belas, karangan Raja Ali Haji, sastrawan Melayu terkemuka yang melegenda sepanjang zaman. Raja Ali Haji mengatakan bahwa gurindam yaitu perkataan yang bersajak juga pada akhirnya pasangannya tetapi sempurna perkataannya dengan satu pasangannya sahaja; jadilah seperti sajak yang pertama itu syarat dan sajak yang kedua itu jadi seperti jawab. Gurindam 12 ini lebih banyak bertemakan nasehat dalam bidang agama dan tata pergaualan masyarakat. Berikut ini beberapa penggalan dari Gurindam 12, yaitu dikutip dari Gurindam ke 8. Begitu juga hal dengan syair dan pantun biasanya digunakan sewaktu ada acara pernikahan dan acara2 tertentu bagi masyarakat Riau, Gurindam, Syair dan pantun adalah symbol kebanggaan bagi kebudayaan Riau

    Strategi Menentukan Komponen Indikator dan Tolak Ukur Kinerja Belanja Langsung Bidang Sosial untuk Jangka Menengah pada APBD

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    This article examines the method to determine indicators and benchmarks of the performance of mid-term direct social expenses of the local administration\u27s budget. Indicators here refer to the means to plan and help communication process. Indicators are used for social evaluation in finding out the needs and priorities of the communities\u27 social rights in the development. The components of the social indicators include ideological social aspect, political social aspect, economical social aspect, cultural social aspect, and security social aspect
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