493 research outputs found

    Light-weight and flexible Ni-doped CuO (Ni:CuO) thin films grown using the cost-effective SILAR method for future technological requests

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    Products based on nanostructured flexible thin films, which are anticipated to make their way into our lifetimes in the near future. Therefore, nanostructured metal-oxide thin-film materials grown on flexible substrates are anticipated to meet emerging technological requests. In this article, we present a promising light-weight and flexible thin-film material using un-doped and Ni-doped CuO samples. Ni:CuO flexible thin-film materials were fabricated by using the cost-effective SILAR method on cellulose acetate substrates and the effects of both Ni doping and bending on the change in electrical and optoelectronic performances were investigated. It is observed that Ni doping has a great impact on the main physical properties of flexible CuO samples. The optical bandgap value of the un-doped CuO film improves with increasing Ni ratio in the growth bath. Also, sheet resistance values of the un-doped and Ni:CuO samples are a little affected due to bending of samples for bending radius ~ 20 mm. These flexible all solution-processed nanostructured CuO samples are promising candidates for use in future optoelectronic applications

    A sensitive and selective chemiluminogenic probe for palladium

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    Palladium triggered removal of a propargyl group leads to the cleavage of the 1,2-dioxetane ring, leading to bright chemiluminescence. The reaction of the probe is highly specific for the Pd species, thus the probe described here has considerable potential for practical utility. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.2015

    Effect of corn particle size and inclusion of organic acid in the diet on growth performance and gastrointestinal structure in young chicks.

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    The effect of 3 corn particle sizes (dgw: 375, 1117, and 2402 μm) combined with or without organic acids (0.3 g/kg of Galliacid S®) was investigated on broilers from day 1 to day 21; 540 1-day old Ross 708 males were raised in 36 pens (3x2 factorial design, 6 blocks each). We measured: body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, liver weight, pH weight and height of empty gizzard, pH and length of intestine and caeca, height and width of ileal villi, crypt depth/gland diameter, total bacteria count. Different corn particle sizes and organic acid supplements only affected feed intake (days 14 and 21), feed conversion ratio (day 14), villus height, and crypt depth. On day 21, fine milling had negative effects on body weights compared with larger feed particle size (816 vs 848 and 844 g); acidic additive had a positive effect on broiler growth (859 vs 813g). Length of small intestinal villi and crypt depth were affected by both particle size and organic acids (fine to coarse small intestinal villi: 1869a, 1401c, and 1039d μm in non-acidified; 1708b, 1535c, and 942e μm in acidified. Fine to coarse crypt depth: 102ab, 98b; 65c μm in non-acidified; 106a, 70c, and 66c μm in acidified). No difference was observed in total bacteria counts of the gut in relation to the different treatments. Use of organic acids during starter phase is useful, especially when the milling process is inappropriate

    Heteroleptic Metallosupramolecular Complexes of Bodipy Dyes as Energy Transfer Cassettes

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Bodipy dyes with integral phenanthroline and terpyridine units heteroleptically assemble in the presence of zinc(II) ions to form energy transfer cassettes. These discrete complexes exhibit an approach to modularly designed efficient energy transfer and light harvesting systems through metal ion coordination

    Modular logic gates: cascading independent logic gates via metal ion signals

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Abstract Systematic cascading of molecular logic gates is an important issue to be addressed for advancing research in this field. We have demonstrated that photochemically triggered metal ion signals can be utilized towards that goal. Thus, independent logic gates were shown to work together while keeping their identity in more complex logic designs. Communication through the intermediacy of ion signals is clearly inspired from biological processes modulated by such signals, and implemented here with ion responsive molecules. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

    Forensic Psychological Perspectives in Deterring the Impact of Acts of Terrorism from ISIS and Khorasan: An Antiterrorism

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    Terrorism is a serious issue that affects lives around the world. Is there a way to deter terrorists from engaging in terrorist attacks? According to the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI), there are two types of terrorism to consider: domestic and international. For the purpose of this paper, international terrorism is defined as terrorism that takes place outside of the jurisdiction of the United States and domestic terrorism occurs in the United States (FBI, 2011). Terrorism has varying definitions depending on the country and agency enforcing terrorism laws. The United Nations does not have an agreed upon definition and Bruce (2013) argued that without an agreed upon definition, counterterrorism measures will not be effective. This paper will focus deterrence of terrorist acts by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Khorasan from a forensic psychological perspective

    Optimal Placement of Multiple Interconnected Gateways in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data c ollec ted b y sensors of ten h av e to b e rem otely d eliv ered th rou g h m u lti- h op w ireless path s to d ata sink s c onnec ted to applic ation ser v ers for inform ation proc essing . T h e position of th ese sink s h as a h u g e im pac t on th e q u ality of th e spec i c W ireless S ensor N etw or k ( W S N ) . Ind eed , it m ay c reate ar ti c ial traf c b ottlenec k s w h ic h affec t th e energ y ef c ienc y and th e W S N lifetim e. T h is paper c onsid ers a h eterog eneou s netw or k sc enar io w h ere w ireless sensors d eliv er d ata to inter m ed iate g atew ay s g eared w ith a d iv erse w ireless tec h nolog y and inter c onnec ted tog eth er and to th e sink . An optim iz ation f ram ew or k b ased on Integ er L inear P rog ram m ing (IL P ) is d ev eloped to loc ate w ireless g atew ay s m inim iz ing th e ov erall installation c ost and th e energ y c onsu m ption in th e W S N , w h ile ac c ou nting for m u lti- h op c ov erag e b etw een sensors and g atew ay s, and c onnec tiv ity am ong w ireless g atew ay s. T h e proposed IL P for m u lations are solv ed to optim ality for m ed iu m -siz e instanc es to analy z e th e q u ality of th e d esig ned netw or k s, and h eu r istic alg or ith m s are also proposed to tac k le larg e-sc ale h eterog eneou s sc enar ios

    Near-IR-Triggered, Remote-Controlled Release of Metal Ions: A Novel Strategy for Caged Ions

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A ligand incorporating a dithioethenyl moiety is cleaved into fragments which have a lower metal-ion affinity upon irradiation with low-energy red/near-IR light. The cleavage is a result of singlet oxygen generation which occurs on excitation of the photosensitizer modules. The method has many tunable factors that could make it a satisfactory caging strategy for metal ions

    Autonomous shuttling driven by an oscillating reaction: Proof of principle in a cucurbit[7]uril-bodipy pseudorotaxane

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    A bipyridinium dication-substituted Bodipy fluorophore, with a terminal carboxylic acid function, provides two alternative stations for cucurbit[7]uril. Changing pH from basic to acidic results in shuttling of the cucurbit[7]uril from one station to another. In addition, this shuttling is accompanied by a change in the emissive properties of the Bodipy dye, which is only observed in the presence of cucurbit[7]uril. More striking, is a demonstration of autonomous shuttling of the pseudorotaxane system in an oscillating pH system. © 2013 American Chemical Society