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Grounded Distributional Semantics for Abstract Words
Since Harnad (1990) pointed out the symbol grounding prob-lem, cognitive science research has demonstrated that ground-ing in perceptual or sensorimotor experience is crucial to lan-guage. Recent embodied cognition theories have argued thatlanguage is more important for grounding abstract than con-crete words; abstract words are grounded via language. Dis-tributional semantics has recently addressed the embodied na-ture of language and proposed multimodal semantic models.However, these models are not cognitively plausible becausethey do not address the recent embodiment view of abstractconcepts. Therefore, we propose a novel multimodal distribu-tional semantics in which abstract words are represented indi-rectly through grounded representations of their semanticallyrelated concrete words. A simulation experiment demonstratedthat the proposed model achieved better performance in com-puting the word similarity than other multimodal or text-baseddistributional models. This finding suggests that the indirectembodiment view is plausible and contributes to the improve-ment of multimodal distributional semantics
肉用牛の肥育において,畜産の発展,多頭飼育とともに,肥育牛の消化器疾患が近時多発の傾向にあり,その経済的損失は多大である。そのうち死廃事故となった肥育牛の胃腸疾患における後胃障害の占める比率は高いものの,後胃,特に第四胃潰瘍については,不明な点も多く,今後に残された問題が種々あるのが現状である。 そこで本研究においては,肥育牛の第四胃潰瘍について野外実態調査を実施し,第四胃潰瘍の一因として粗飼料の給与不足が考えられたことから,粗飼料給与制限による肥育牛の第四胃潰瘍発生試験を実施した。 試験材料および方法1. 第四胃潰瘍の野外実態調査 野外実態調査は,山形県村山地域一円で飼育されている肥育牛(ホルスタイン種♂,黒毛和種♂,♀)を対象とし,第四胃潰瘍の発生状況,給与飼料状況を調査し,第四胃潰瘍牛の一般臨床,血液学的,血清生化学的および第一胃液検査を実施し,さらに病理解剖学的および病理組織学的検索を行なった。血液学的および血清生化学的検査として,血液はヘマトクリット値(Ht),白血球数(WBC),好酸球数(Eos),血清は総蛋白質量(TP),A/G,Na,K,Mg濃度を測定した。第一胃液はpH,低級脂肪酸(VFA)を測定し,さらに糞便の潜血反応を行なった。 検査方法は,Ht,WBC,Eosで,それぞれ毛細管法,トーマ式法,多田井式法を,TPで日立屈折蛋白計を,A/Gでセルロース・アセテート膜電気泳動法,Na,Kで炎光光度法,Mgで原子吸光光度法を用いた。またVFAはガスクロマトグラフィ,糞便の潜血反応はシノテスト4号を用い,組織標本はHE染色をし鏡検を行なった。2. 粗飼料給与制限による第四胃潰瘍発生試験 粗飼料給与制限による第四胃潰瘍発生試験では,黒毛和種♀14頭を用い,粗飼料給与状況により3群に分け,I群4頭,II群4頭,III群6頭とした。試験期間は,生後8ヵ月齢の試験開始時から,生後2,3ヵ月齢の解剖時まで,482日間である。 給与飼料は,各群に基礎飼料として,肉牛配合,プレスムギ,稲ワラを,さらにII,III群はヘイキューブ゙を給与し,給与飼料中粗飼料の占める割合は,TDN換算で,I群10.0%以下,II群10.1~30.0%,III群30.1~40.0%とし,給与量は日本飼養標準肉用牛の要求量に従った。 検査項目は,定期的に供試牛の体高,胸囲,体重,増体重,一般臨床所見,全血でHt,WBC,Eosを,血清でTP,A/G,Na,K,Mg濃度を,第一胃液でpH,VFAを測定した。さらに解剖時に第四胃液VFA枝肉量,各臓器重量を測定し,病理解剖学的および病理組織学的検索を行なった。なお,各検査の方法は,第四胃潰瘍牛の野外実態調査における検査方法と同様である。 試験成績1. 第四胃潰瘍の野外実態調査 肥育牛の第四胃潰瘍について,山形県村山地域の発生状況,給与飼料状況などを調査した結果,死廃事故とした肥育牛の胃腸疾患における第四胃潰瘍の占める比率は,74.0%(37/50頭)と高く,秋に若干多い傾向(14/37頭37・8%)がみられた。また,体重601kg以上(32/37頭,86.5%),経営規模61頭以上(32/37頭,86.5%)で多発の傾向にあった。 給与飼料に関し,第四胃潰瘍の未発生もしくは少数発生の肥育農家と多発農家の給与飼料状態を検討した結果,いずれの農家も給与飼料の種類に大差は認められなかったが,多発農家は未発生もしくは少数発生農家に比べ,肥育前期における給与飼料中粗飼料の占める割合が著しく低い傾向(TDN換算で,未~少発農家20.0%以上,多発農家10.0%以下である)が認められ,第四胃潰瘍の発生において,給与飼料中粗飼料の占める割合が大きな役割を演じることが一応推察された。 病理解剖で第四胃潰瘍の確認された37頭のうち,生前に検査のできた18頭について,その成績を検討した結果,主要臨床所見として,胃腸蠕動の減退~廃絶,腹囲の膨大,少量の黒褐色便等が著明に観察され,第一胃液VFA所見として,第一胃液VFA割合では,対照牛に比べ,酪酸が多く(PGroup II (4) : proportion of roughage 10.1~30.0%Group III (6) : proportion of roughage 30.1~40.0%3) Experimental period : 482 days.4) Factors of the examinationIn addition to the factors mentioned in the field survey, the author made the following measurements every month. a) height, b) chest size, c) body weight, d) zootomic dressed weight and e) weight of various organs.Results1. The field survey on the abomasal ulcer1) Abomasal ulcers were found in 74.0% (37/50) of the digestive diseases among the cattle in Murayama district in yamagata prefecture. They had the tendency of prevailing more frequently in autumn (37.8%), highe incidence in animals weighing more than 601kg (86.5%) and in animals raised on a large scale farming exceeding 61 animals (86.5%).2) There was no difference of the kinds of the feed between the farmers having the cattle without occurrence of abomasal ulcer and the farmers having the cattle with many abomasal ulcers.The proportion of roughage at the initial stage of fattening, however, was low in the case of the farmers having many cattle of abomasal ulcer (TDN rate of roughage was less than 10% in the farmers with many abomasal ulcer cattle, while in the case of the farmers with less abomasal ulcer cattle, the rate was more than 20%).Results of these findings suggested that the deficiency in roughage seemed to play a great role in the occurrence of the abomasal ulcer in cattle.3) Of 37 animals on which pathologic autopsies were performed, clinical findings, hematological and biochemical examinations and rumen juice tests were studied on 18 animals while they were alive.The results are as follow.a) As the clinical symptoms, decrease and standstill of peristaltic, abdominal swelling and small amount of blackish brown stool were recognized.b) Hematological and biochemical examinations of the diseased animal revealed no significant difference from control ones.C) The rumen juice of the diseased animals contained more butyric acid (p<0.01) and less acetic acid and isovalerianic acid (p<0.01) than the control ones.d) On post-mortem examinations, variable degree of erosion and ulcer of the abomasum (some of which extended into the muscularis mucosa and serous membrane), rumen parakeratosis, hyperemia or hemorrhage of small intestines, fatty necrosis of pancreas and minor hepatic necrosis and abscess were observed.2. Experimental abomasal ulcer by restriction of roughage.1) Well balanced growth of height, chest size and body weight were observed in cattle of group 1 which were fed a larger amount of roughage.2) As the clinical symptoms, slight bloat and continued soft feces were observed in 3 animal of group 1, 2 of group II and 1 of group III from 2 months after the commencement of the experiment.3) Hematological and biochemical examinations revealed significant differences in the level of Ht, WBC, Eosinophile count, Eosinophile/WBC rate, TP, and A/G rate in each group partially. Significant high level of Ht was found in the group with small amount of roughage supply.4) Rumen juice examinationsa) Low level of pH of the rumen juice was found in the group of less roughage supply.b) Significant differences were observed in acetic, propionic, butyric and isovalerianic acids of VFA concentration of the rumen juice in each group.5) VFA of abomasal juice revealed significant differences partially in the concentration of isobutyric and butyric acids and in the proportion of acetic, isobutyric and butyric acids in each group.6) Measurement of dress weight showed little difference among the groups, whereas the weight of the organ revealed significant differences in pancreas, omasum, colon and pituitary gland among the groups. Especially, the weight of pancreas was heaviest in the group fed with a large amount of roughage.7) Pathological findings.a) Various degree of erosion and ulcer of abomasum were found in 4 animals of group I and 1 of group II.b) Various degree of changes were found in rumen, duodenum, liver, pancreas, adrenals and kidneys.Conclusion From the results mentioned above, the author could make assure that the composition of feed for beef cattle caused various degree of influences upon the animal health through deficiency of roughage and excess of heavy feed. Finally, he succeeded in making abomasal ulcer of cattle experimentally by restriction of roughage.獣医学博士麻布大
A Laboratory Experiment on the Larval Development of Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae) Giles under Different Temperatures and Densities
Rearing experiments of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus Giles immatures were conducted under different temperature and densities to ascertain the developmental period and the mortality, which are parameters required to estimate the survivorship of natural populations. Linear relationship was confirmed between the rearing temperature and the developmental velocity, and the developmental zero was estimated between 11 and 15C. No instar specific or temperature dependent mortality was observed. The density effect was represented by the prolongation of immature period and by the increase of mortality. Higher mortality was probably due to longer immature period. The observed density effects might be caused by competition for food in old instar larvae
A Laboratory Experiment of The Predation by Possible Predators on Culex tritaeniorhynchus Larvae
Predation by natural enemies on Culex tritaeniorhynchus larvae was studied in the laboratory. Ceriagrion sp. nymphs, Sympetrum frequens nymphs, Notonecta triguttata, Rhantus pulverosus, Hydaticus grammicus, Oryzias latipes, Carassius gibelio langsdorfi and Migurnus fossillis anguillicaudatus preyed on mosquito larvae. The developmental stage and behavior of the mosquito larvae affected the efficiency of predation
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Tiam1 interaction with the PAR complex promotes talin-mediated Rac1 activation during polarized cell migration.
Migrating cells acquire front-rear polarity with a leading edge and a trailing tail for directional movement. The Rac exchange factor Tiam1 participates in polarized cell migration with the PAR complex of PAR3, PAR6, and atypical protein kinase C. However, it remains largely unknown how Tiam1 is regulated and contributes to the establishment of polarity in migrating cells. We show here that Tiam1 interacts directly with talin, which binds and activates integrins to mediate their signaling. Tiam1 accumulated at adhesions in a manner dependent on talin and the PAR complex. The interactions of talin with Tiam1 and the PAR complex were required for adhesion-induced Rac1 activation, cell spreading, and migration toward integrin substrates. Furthermore, Tiam1 acted with talin to regulate adhesion turnover. Thus, we propose that Tiam1, with the PAR complex, binds to integrins through talin and, together with the PAR complex, thereby regulates Rac1 activity and adhesion turnover for polarized migration
Retention of Mercury in Tissues and its Transference to Eggs in Chickens
白色レグホン種の産卵鶏に3種類の水銀化合街を投与して,水銀の組織内分布と,卵への移行に関して以下の結果を得た. 1.PMAの場合水銀は腎,肝に高率に分布するが,浅胸筋と脳組織にはあまり分布しなかった. 一方亘MCでは腎,肝に高率に分布するのみならず,浅胸筋,脳組織にもかなりの程度分布した. どの水銀剤の場合も血球へ高率に分布し,血漿には低かった. EMCでは特にこの傾向が著しかった. EMCはPMAと比較して,一般に長期貯留される傾向があった. 2.水銀の卵黄への移行については,MN,PMA,EMCの間に大差は認められなかったが,卵白への移行率には大差があり,EMCが最高で,PMA,MNの順となった. 特にEMCでは試験期間中の卵白への水銀移行総量は投与量の30形あるいはそれ以上に達するものと思われる. 3.PMA投与後数日問は産卵率に影響がみられたが,その後は対照との間に有意差は認められなかった. MN,EMCでは試験期問中産卵への影響は認められなかった. PMA投与鶏のうち2羽が軽度の脚部麻痺を示したが,それ以外には,はっきりした臨床症状は認められなかった
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