523 research outputs found

    Induction of Autoimmunity in a Bleomycin-Induced Murine Model of Experimental Systemic Sclerosis: An Important Role for CD4+ T Cells

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the excessive deposition of collagen in the skin or other organs and the production of specific antinuclear antibodies (ANAs). Recently, bleomycin (BLM)-induced experimental scleroderma was reported in a murine model. Here, we present further development of this model and suggest that it is appropriate for the analysis of human diffuse type SSc. BLM was injected into the shaved backs of C3H or BALB/c mice (100μg/mouse) 5 days per week for 3 weeks. Skin fibrosis was confirmed and pathological changes were seen in the lower part of the esophagus and stomach similar to those seen in SSc. The sera from these mice had autoantibodies specific to the damaged tissues and ANAs. Transfer of CD4+ T cells from BLM-treated BALB/c mice induced the same pathological changes and antibody production in untreated-BALB/c nude mice. Hence, tissue fibrosis and the production of ANAs are probably associated with CD4+ T-cell activity in this model. In conclusion, this model will be valuable for investigating the relationship between tissue fibrosis and abnormalities of the immune system

    Crystal Structure of the Complex between Calyculin A and the Catalytic Subunit of Protein Phosphatase 1

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    AbstractThe crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of the protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), PP1γ, in complex with a marine toxin, calyculin A, was determined at 2.0 Å resolution. The metal binding site contains the phosphate group of calyculin A and forms a tight network via the hydrophilic interactions between PP1 and calyculin A. Calyculin A is located in two of the three grooves, namely, in the hydrophobic groove and the acidic groove on the molecular surface. This is the first observation to note that the inhibitor adopts not a pseudocyclic conformation but an extended conformation in order to form a complex with the protein. The amino acid terminus of calyculin A contributes, in a limited manner, to the binding to PP1γ, which is consistent with findings from the studies of dose-inhibition analysis

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Obat Terhadap Peningkatan Perilaku Pengobatan Sendiri Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Self-medication is the mostly effort to coped health complaint, therefore to drug consume decrease unsuitable, it needed safety socialization to self-medication. The study was take to analyze the effect of drug counseling to self-medication increase in Banyumas regency. In addition to analyze the method effectiveness used in drug counseling to self-medication act. The instrument research used questionnaires in this study and purposive sampling used to took the sample. The respondents were 192 residents whom live in Banyumas regency. The type of research quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group pretest and posttest research design. The data then analyzed by dependent-sampel t-test to find the effect of counseling to self-medication behavior in α = 0.05. While to find the effectiveness of between discussion group and lecture method by leaflet used independen-sampel t-test in α = 0.05. The results showed there significant different between before and after drug counseling by discussion goup and lecture method used leaflet media, able to self-medication attitude improved such as knowledge and attitude about self-medication (P= 0.000), also it can to know both of methods as effective as to self-medication attitude which showed P=0.05. It\u27s mean both of drug counseling methods used as effective as to self-medication attitude improvement. Key words: self medication attitude, counseling methods, housewife, Banyumas

    Clearing A Space for Peer Supporters (II) : An Examination of Transcripts

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    関西大学ではピア・サポート活動の一環としてKU サポーターズというピア・カウンセリングを主な目的としたコミュニティがある。しかし、メンバーが傾聴の心構えや技術などの専門性にとらわれ、自らが相談活動を行っているという感覚が希薄化してしまうという問題があり、また、解決が簡単に見出せない問題と適切な距離をとり、上手く付き合っていく方略が求められている。そこで本研究では、大学院生2名をリスナーとし、KU サポーターズ所属の大学生12名をフォーカサーとしたClearing a Space(CAS) セッションを各フォーカサーに3回ずつ行った。本論第I部にてFMS第2因子「問題との距離を取る態度」のCAS実施前後の得点に変化が見られた事例のうち3例をここで報告する。これら3例のうち、2例はFMS第2因子において、低得点群から高得点群に移行した例(LH)で、1例は反対に高得点群から低得点群に移行した例(HL)である。逐語記録の検討よりKUサポーターズが問題から距離を置くという方略が身に付いていく様子がみられた。また、LH の2例では主体感覚の賦活化(吉良2002)が示唆された。それらにより、CASやそれによる主体感覚の賦活化がピア・サポート活動に対して有益である可能性が考えられた。In Kansai University, KU Supporters are organized for the purpose of peer counseling as a part of peer support. However, members are faced with issues of peers for which there are no easy answers, and training in specialized listening skills may hinder the spontaneity of the supporters. CAS was conducted on 12 peer supporters for 3 sessions. These sessions were conducted by 2 graduate students. Empirical studies using FMS was reported in the first part of this study. In this paper, CAS sessions from 3 peer supporters were examined in detail. These 3 supporters were selected because 2 of them scored Low to High (LH) and one of them scored High to Low (HL) on FMS-CD during this period. A consideration of these sessions showed that LH supporters acquired the strategy of distancing themselves from issues. In addition, the sense of subjectivity (Kira 2002) of these supporters were activated. CAS and the activation of the sense of subjectivity may benefit peer supporters

    Clearing a Space for Peer Supporters (I) : Measured Effects on Stress Coping

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    本研究の目的は、ピア・サポートで活動するサポータを対象にストレスの対処法略としてClearing A Space(CAS)が有効かどうかを検討することである。ピア・サポートとは学生が学生を支援する活動であり、関西大学においては8つのコミュニティが活動を行っている。そのうちの1つのコミュニティであるKUサポーターズでは、学生の悩みに対して相談活動を行っている。しかし、人間関係などの根本的な解決が難しい問題が存在し、これが活動をするうえでの問題点のひとつに挙げられよう。この問題点に対してCASは問題と距離を置く1つの対処法略として有効であると考えられるため、その有効性を効果測定にて検討した。臨床心理専門職大学院の大学院生2名がピア・サポーター12名に3ヶ月に渡って3セッションのCAS個人指導を行った。この期間の前後にTAC-24及びFMSを実施した。その結果、CASを行うことで、対処方略の一つである回避的思考においてpre-post間で有意差および大きな効果が認められた(W+=2.517, p=.012,r=.73)。これはCASをTAC-24で挙げられていた対処方略の3つの軸を基にして理解すると、①フェルトセンスに対して(情動)、②適度な距離を置く(回避)という③思考活動(認知)を行ったと理解できる。それが①情緒に対して②回避的に関わり③その反応として回避的な思考(認知)をする回避的思考の因子で言い表せられたと考えられる。また、メンバーを問題と距離を置く態度の尺度であるFMS 距離でHigh/Lowの群に分けて検定を行うと、Low群においてCASを行うとFMS距離の得点が有意に増加していたことが確認され、CASを行う事によって悩み事から適切な距離を取って心の余裕を保とうとする態度に対して有意な効果がみられた。This paper aims to determine the effects of Clearing A Space (CAS) as stress coping in a peer support group, the KU Supporters. Kansai University has 8 peer support communities where students support each other. In one of them, the KU Supporters, peer counseling services are provided on a wide range of issues including learning, human relations and campus life. KU Supporters\u27 face challenges on difficult issues such as human relations where solutions are hard to find. Since CAS is a skill where distance is created from issues, CAS may benefit peer supporters. Two graduate clinical psychology students taught CAS on an individual bases to 12 peer supporters for 3 sessions over a 3 month period. TAC-24, a measure of stress coping and FMS, a measure of Focusing attitudes were administered to the 12 students before and after this period. Results indicated that Avoid-Thinking (TAC-24) showed statistically significant increase (W+=2.517. p= .012. r= .73) over this period. When peer supporters were divided into High/Low subgroups on the basis of FMS-CD (Distance) scores, the Low group showed significant increases in FMS-CD scores indicating that they were more able to create distance from issues (t(6)=2.71, p= .035, r= .74.). Moreover, for the Low group, significant increases in Avoid-Thinking on TAC-24 was also observed (t(6)=5.30, p= .002, r= .91). These results suggest that CAS has enhancing effects on stress coping

    Magnetostriction studies up to megagauss fields using fiber Bragg grating technique

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    We here report magnetostriction measurements under pulsed megagauss fields using a high-speed 100 MHz strain monitoring system devised using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technique with optical filter method. The optical filter method is a detection scheme of the strain of FBG, where the changing Bragg wavelength of the FBG reflection is converted to the intensity of reflected light to enable the 100 MHz measurement. In order to show the usefulness and reliability of the method, we report the measurements for solid oxygen, spin-controlled crystal, and volborthite, a deformed Kagom\'{e} quantum spin lattice, using static magnetic fields up to 7 T and non-destructive millisecond pulse magnets up to 50 T. Then, we show the application of the method for the magnetostriction measurements of CaV4_{4}O9_{9}, a two-dimensional antiferromagnet with spin-halves, and LaCoO3_{3}, an anomalous spin-crossover oxide, in the megagauss fields.Comment: 9pages, 6 figures, Conference proceedings for MegaGauss16 at Kashiwa, Japan in Sept. 201