5,257 research outputs found

    Giant viscosity enhancement in a spin-polarized Fermi liquid

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    The viscosity is measured for a Fermi liquid, a dilute 3^3He-4^4He mixture, under extremely high magnetic field/temperature conditions (B14.8B \leq 14.8 T, T1.5T \geq 1.5 mK). The spin splitting energy μB\mu B is substantially greater than the Fermi energy kBTFk_B T_F; as a consequence the polarization tends to unity and s-wave quasiparticle scattering is suppressed for TTFT \ll T_F. Using a novel composite vibrating-wire viscometer an enhancement of the viscosity is observed by a factor of more than 500 over its low-field value. Good agreement is found between the measured viscosity and theoretical predictions based upon a tt-matrix formalism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of strong electron dephasing in disordered Cu93_{93}Ge4_4Au3_3 thin films

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    We report the observation of strong electron dephasing in a series of disordered Cu93_{93}Ge4_4Au3_3 thin films. A very short electron dephasing time possessing very weak temperature dependence around 6 K, followed by an upturn with further decrease in temperature below 4 K, is found. The upturn is progressively more pronounced in more disordered samples. Moreover, a lnTT dependent, but high-magnetic-field-insensitive, resistance rise persisting from above 10 K down to 30 mK is observed in the films. These results suggest a nonmagnetic dephasing process which is stronger than any known mechanism and may originate from the coupling of conduction electrons to dynamic defects.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dynamical Instability and Transport Coefficient in Deterministic Diffusion

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    We construct both normal and anomalous deterministic biased diffusions to obtain the Einstein relation for their time-averaged transport coefficients. We find that the difference of the generalized Lyapunov exponent between biased and unbiased deterministic diffusions is related to the normalized velocity based on the ensemble average. By Hopf's ergodic theorem, the ratios between the time-averaged velocity and the Lyapunov exponent for single trajectories converge to a universal constant, which is proportional to the strength of the bias. We confirm this theory using numerical simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A qualitative comparative survey of first cycle radiography programmes in Europe and Japan

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    Purpose: To qualitatively compare First Cycle Radiography programmes in Europe and Japan. Methods: This qualitative survey was conducted via a series of case-studies of university-based radiography curricula in Europe and Japan. Findings and conclusions: The main themes arising from the survey were that: (a) in Europe the freedom that most universities have in setting their own curricula and examinations means that in practice there is still a wide variability in curricula between and within states. On the other hand in Japan curricula are more uniform owing to central government guidelines regarding radiography education and a centrally administered national radiography examina- tion. This means that student and worker mobility is much easier for Japanese radiographers. (b) in some countries in Europe principles of reporting and healthcare management are being expanded at the expense of the more technological aspects of radiography. Physical science competences on the other hand are considered highly in Japanese culture and form a major part of the curriculum. This may indicate that Japanese students would be in a much better position to cope with role developments linked to changes in imaging technology. Pragmati- cally oriented studies need to be carried out to determine ways in which radiographers can enhance their role without sacrificing their technological competences. The profession cannot afford to lose its technological expertise e it is neither in the interest of the profession itself and even less of the patient.peer-reviewe

    Generalized Arcsine Law and Stable Law in an Infinite Measure Dynamical System

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    Limit theorems for the time average of some observation functions in an infinite measure dynamical system are studied. It is known that intermittent phenomena, such as the Rayleigh-Benard convection and Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, are described by infinite measure dynamical systems.We show that the time average of the observation function which is not the L1(m)L^1(m) function, whose average with respect to the invariant measure mm is finite, converges to the generalized arcsine distribution. This result leads to the novel view that the correlation function is intrinsically random and does not decay. Moreover, it is also numerically shown that the time average of the observation function converges to the stable distribution when the observation function has the infinite mean.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Ultraslow Convergence to Ergodicity in Transient Subdiffusion

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    We investigate continuous time random walks with truncated α\alpha-stable trapping times. We prove distributional ergodicity for a class of observables; namely, the time-averaged observables follow the probability density function called the Mittag--Leffler distribution. This distributional ergodic behavior persists for a long time, and thus the convergence to the ordinary ergodicity is considerably slower than in the case in which the trapping-time distribution is given by common distributions. We also find a crossover from the distributional ergodic behavior to the ordinary ergodic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Distributional Response to Biases in Deterministic Superdiffusion

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    We report on a novel response to biases in deterministic superdiffusion. For its reduced map, we show using infinite ergodic theory that the time-averaged velocity (TAV) is intrinsically random and its distribution obeys the generalized arc-sine distribution. A distributional limit theorem indicates that the TAV response to a bias appears in the distribution, which is an example of what we term a distributional response induced by a bias. Although this response in single trajectories is intrinsically random, the ensemble-averaged TAV response is linear.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure