304 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the two-component fermionic hard-core gas in two dimensions

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    Motivated by potential realizations in cold-atom or cold-molecule systems, we have performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-component gases of fermions in two dimensions with hard-core interactions. We have determined the gross features of the zero-temperature phase diagram by investigating the relative stabilities of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic fluids and crystals. We have also examined the effect of including a pairwise, long-range r^3 potential between the particles. Our most important conclusion is that there is no region of stability for a ferromagnetic fluid phase, even if the long-range interaction is present. We also present results for the pair-correlation function, static structure factor, and momentum density of two-dimensional hard-core fluids

    Quasi-particle Density in Sr2RuO4 Probed by means of the Phonon Thermal Conductivity

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    The thermal conductivity of Sr2RuO4 along the least conducting direction perpendicular to the RuO2 plane has been studied down to 0.3 K. In this configuration the phonons remain the dominant heat carriers down to the lowest temperature, and their conductivity in the normal state is determined by the scattering on conduction electrons. We show that the phonon mean free path in the superconducting state is sensitive to the density of the quasi-particles in the bulk. An unusual magnetic field dependence of the phonon thermal conductivity is ascribed to the anisotropic superconducting gap structure in Sr2RuO4.Comment: 14 pages, 6 eps figures, Latex. This article corresponds to the reference 25 of Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.86 page2649-2652 (2001) and cond-mat/010449

    Social function of taxes as a toolkit for income differentiation reduction among population of the depressed republics of the North Caucasus Federal District

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    In the conditions of a difficult political situation, economic uncertainty and increasing unemployment in the land-poor manpower-surplus, depressive republics of the North Caucasus Federal District, the need to implement the entrepreneurial opportunities of the population is clearly manifested. It seems that small business can manifest itself in these conditions as a separate element of the economy decentralized sector. Of course, the success of small business in a depressed region depends on the state position to a large extent. And this is natural, because only the state is capable of creating the necessary conditions in market relations and various preference provision for the development of entrepreneurship, especially in the mountainous territories of the country.It should be noted that the next economic crisis and pandemic (coronavirus) not only led to the depletion of the state budget, but also collapsed the production activity of small diversified enterprises in the region. Most of the entrepreneurs of the North Caucasus Federal District declare that they are not able to independently solve the complex of this phenomenon negative consequences

    Superconducting Properties under Magnetic Field in Na0.35_{0.35}CoO21.3_{2}{\cdot}1.3H2_{2}O Single Crystal

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    We report the in-plane resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of the layered cobalt oxide Na0.35_{0.35}CoO21.3_{2}{\cdot}1.3H2_{2}O single crystal. The temperature dependence of the resistivity shows metallic behavior from room temperature to the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} of 4.5 K. Sharp resistive transition, zero resistivity and almost perfect superconducting volume fraction below TcT_{c} indicate the good quality and the bulk superconductivity of the single crystal. The upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} and the coherence length ξ\xi are obtained from the resistive transitions in magnetic field parallel to the c-axis and the abab-plane. The anisotropy of ξ\xi, ξab/ξc=\xi_{ab} / \xi_{c} = 12 nm/1.3 nm \simeq 9.2, suggests that this material is considered to be an anisotropic three dimensional superconductor. In the field parallel to the abab-plane, Hc2H_{c2} seems to be suppressed to the value of Pauli paramagnetic limit. It may indicate the spin singlet superconductivity in the cobalt oxide.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-triplet superconductivity due to antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuation in Sr_2RuO_4

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    A mechanism leading to the spin-triplet superconductivity is proposed based on the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation. The effects of anisotropy in spin fluctuation on the Cooper pairing and on the direction of d vector are examined in the one-band Hubbard model with RPA approximation. The gap equations for the anisotropic case are derived and applied to Sr_2RuO_4. It is found that a nesting property of the Fermi surface together with the anisotropy leads to the triplet superconductivity with the d=z(sin{k_x}\pm isin{k_y}), which is consistent with experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, revte

    Gravitational Instabilities, Chondrule Formation, and the FU Orionis Phenomenon

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    Using analytic arguments and numerical simulations, we examine whether chondrule formation and the FU Orionis phenomenon can be caused by the burst-like onset of gravitational instabilities (GIs) in dead zones. At least two scenarios for bursting dead zones can work, in principle. If the disk is on the verge of fragmention, GI activation near r4r\sim4 to 5 AU can produce chondrule-forming shocks, at least under extreme conditions. Mass fluxes are also high enough during the onset of GIs to suggest that the outburst is related to an FU Orionis phenomenon. This situation is demonstrated by numerical simulations. In contrast, as supported by analytic arguments, if the burst takes place close to r1r\sim1 AU, then even low pitch angle spiral waves can create chondrule-producing shocks and outbursts. We also study the stability of the massive disks in our simulations against fragmentation and find that although disk evolution is sensitive to changes in opacity, the disks we study do not fragment, even at high resolution and even for extreme assumptions.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Interface superconductivity in the eutectic Sr2RuO4-Ru: 3-K phase of Sr2RuO4

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    The eutectic system Sr2RuO4-Ru is referred to as the 3-K phase of the spin-triplet supeconductor Sr2RuO4 because of its enhanced superconducting transition temperature Tc of ~3 K. We have investigated the field-temperature (H-T) phase diagram of the 3-K phase for fields parallel and perpendicular to the ab-plane of Sr2RuO4, using out-of-plane resistivity measurements. We have found an upturn curvature in the Hc2(T) curve for H // c, and a rather gradual temperature dependence of Hc2 close to Tc for both H // ab and H // c. We have also investigated the dependence of Hc2 on the angle between the field and the ab-plane at several temperatures. Fitting the Ginzburg-Landau effective-mass model apparently fails to reproduce the angle dependence, particularly near H // c and at low temperatures. We propose that all of these charecteric features can be explained, at least in a qualitative fashion, on the basis of a theory by Sigrist and Monien that assumes surface superconductivity with a two-component order parameter occurring at the interface between Sr2RuO4 and Ru inclusions. This provides evidence of the chiral state postulated for the 1.5-K phase by several experiments.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figs; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Upper critical field in layered superconductors

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    The theoretical statements about a restoration of a superconductivity at magnetic fields higher than the quasiclassical upper critical field and a reentrance of superconductivity at temperatures Tc(H)Tc(0)T_c(H)\approx T_c(0) in the superconductors with open Fermi surfaces are reinvestigated taking into account a scattering of quasiparticles on the impurities. The system of integral equations for determination of the upper critical field parallel to the conducting planes in a layered conventional and unconventional superconductors with impurities are derived. The Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) values for the "clean" case in the Ginzburg-Landau regime and at any temperature in the "dirty" case are found analytically. The upper limit of the superconductor purity when the upper critical field definately has a finite value is established.Comment: 10 page

    A critical review of the impacts of cover crops on nitrogen leaching, net greenhouse gas balance and crop productivity

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    This work contributes to the UK-China Virtual Joint Centre N-Circle (grant number BB/N013484/1), SuperG (funded under EU Horizon 2020 programme) and ADVENT (grant number NE/M019691/1). DRC was supported by the UK-China Virtual joint Centre for Agricultural Nitrogen (CINAg, BB/N013468/1) and the UK-Brazil Virtual Joint Centre to deliver enhanced N-use efficiency via an integrated soil-plant systems approach (NUCLEUS), which are jointly supported by Newton fund via UK BBSRC and NERC. Jaak Truu received financing from Estonian Research Council (grant PRG548).Peer reviewedPublisher PD