397 research outputs found

    Dissecting the Daily Feeding Pattern: Peripheral CLOCK/CYCLE Generate the Feeding/Fasting Episodes and Neuronal Molecular Clocks Synchronize Them

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    A 24-h rhythm of feeding behavior, or synchronized feeding/fasting episodes during the day, is crucial for survival. Internal clocks and light input regulate rhythmic behaviors, but how they generate feeding rhythms is not fully understood. Here we aimed to dissect the molecular pathways that generate daily feeding patterns. By measuring the semidiurnal amount of food ingested by single flies, we demonstrate that the generation of feeding rhythms under light:dark conditions requires quasimodo (qsm) but not molecular clocks. Under constant darkness, rhythmic feeding patterns consist of two components: CLOCK (CLK) in digestive/metabolic tissues generating feeding/fasting episodes, and the molecular clock in neurons synchronizing them to subjective daytime. Although CLK is a part of the molecular clock, the generation of feeding/fasting episodes by CLK in metabolic tissues was independent of molecular clock machinery. Our results revealed novel functions of qsm and CLK in feeding rhythms in Drosophila

    Stabilization of Microtubule-Unbound Tau via Tau Phosphorylation at Ser262/356 by Par-1/MARK Contributes to Augmentation of AD-Related Phosphorylation and Aβ42-Induced Tau Toxicity.

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    Abnormal accumulation of the microtubule-interacting protein tau is associated with neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). β-amyloid (Aβ) lies upstream of abnormal tau behavior, including detachment from microtubules, phosphorylation at several disease-specific sites, and self-aggregation into toxic tau species in AD brains. To prevent the cascade of events leading to neurodegeneration in AD, it is essential to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the initial events of tau mismetabolism. Currently, however, these mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, using transgenic Drosophila co-expressing human tau and Aβ, we found that tau phosphorylation at AD-related Ser262/356 stabilized microtubule-unbound tau in the early phase of tau mismetabolism, leading to neurodegeneration. Aβ increased the level of tau detached from microtubules, independent of the phosphorylation status at GSK3-targeted SP/TP sites. Such mislocalized tau proteins, especially the less phosphorylated species, were stabilized by phosphorylation at Ser262/356 via PAR-1/MARK. Levels of Ser262 phosphorylation were increased by Aβ42, and blocking this stabilization of tau suppressed Aβ42-mediated augmentation of tau toxicity and an increase in the levels of tau phosphorylation at the SP/TP site Thr231, suggesting that this process may be involved in AD pathogenesis. In contrast to PAR-1/MARK, blocking tau phosphorylation at SP/TP sites by knockdown of Sgg/GSK3 did not reduce tau levels, suppress tau mislocalization to the cytosol, or diminish Aβ-mediated augmentation of tau toxicity. These results suggest that stabilization of microtubule-unbound tau by phosphorylation at Ser262/356 via the PAR-1/MARK may act in the initial steps of tau mismetabolism in AD pathogenesis, and that such tau species may represent a potential therapeutic target for AD

    Cochlear Implantation in the Poorer-Hearing Ear Is a Reasonable Choice

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    Choosing the optimal side for cochlear implantation (CI) remains a major challenge because of the lack of evidence. We investigated the choice of the surgery side for CI (i.e., the better- or poorer-hearing ear) in patients with asymmetric hearing. Audiological records of 74 adults with a unilateral hearing aid who had undergone surgery at Okayama University Hospital were reviewed. The definition of ‘better-hearing ear’ was the aided ear, and the unaided ear was considered the poorer-hearing ear. We performed a multiple regression analysis to identify potential predictors of speech recognition performance after unilateral CI in the patients. Fifty-two patients underwent CI in the poorer-hearing ear. The post-Ci bimodal hearing rate was far higher in the poorer-ear group (77.8% vs. 22.2%). A multivariate analysis revealed that prelingual hearing loss and the patient’s age at CI significantly affected the speech recognition outcome (beta coefficients: 24.6 and −0.33, 95% confidence intervals [11.75-37.45] and [−0.58 to −0.09], respectively), but the CI surgery side did not (−6.76, [−14.92-1.39]). Unilateral CI in the poorer-hearing ear may therefore be a reasonable choice for adult patients with postlingual severe hearing loss, providing a greater opportunity for postoperative bimodal hearing

    Loss of axonal mitochondria promotes tau-mediated neurodegeneration and Alzheimer\u27s disease-related tau phosphorylation via PAR-1.

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    Abnormal phosphorylation and toxicity of a microtubule-associated protein tau are involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD); however, what pathological conditions trigger tau abnormality in AD is not fully understood. A reduction in the number of mitochondria in the axon has been implicated in AD. In this study, we investigated whether and how loss of axonal mitochondria promotes tau phosphorylation and toxicity in vivo. Using transgenic Drosophila expressing human tau, we found that RNAi-mediated knockdown of milton or Miro, an adaptor protein essential for axonal transport of mitochondria, enhanced human tau-induced neurodegeneration. Tau phosphorylation at an AD-related site Ser262 increased with knockdown of milton or Miro; and partitioning defective-1 (PAR-1), the Drosophila homolog of mammalian microtubule affinity-regulating kinase, mediated this increase of tau phosphorylation. Tau phosphorylation at Ser262 has been reported to promote tau detachment from microtubules, and we found that the levels of microtubule-unbound free tau increased by milton knockdown. Blocking tau phosphorylation at Ser262 site by PAR-1 knockdown or by mutating the Ser262 site to unphosphorylatable alanine suppressed the enhancement of tau-induced neurodegeneration caused by milton knockdown. Furthermore, knockdown of milton or Miro increased the levels of active PAR-1. These results suggest that an increase in tau phosphorylation at Ser262 through PAR-1 contributes to tau-mediated neurodegeneration under a pathological condition in which axonal mitochondria is depleted. Intriguingly, we found that knockdown of milton or Miro alone caused late-onset neurodegeneration in the fly brain, and this neurodegeneration could be suppressed by knockdown of Drosophila tau or PAR-1. Our results suggest that loss of axonal mitochondria may play an important role in tau phosphorylation and toxicity in the pathogenesis of AD

    Absence of in vivo mutagenicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in single intratracheal instillation study using F344 gpt delta rats

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    Abstract Introduction It is known that fibrous particles of micrometer length, such as carbon nanotubes, which have same dimensions as asbestos, are carcinogenic. Carcinogenicity of nanomaterials is strongly related to inflammatory reactions; however, the genotoxicity mechanism(s) is unclear. Indeed, inconsistent results on genotoxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been shown in several reports. Therefore, we analyzed the in vivo genotoxicity induced by an intratracheal instillation of straight MWCNTs in rats using a different test system\u2014the Pig-a gene mutation assay\u2014that can reflect the genotoxicity occurring in the bone marrow. Since lungs were directly exposed to MWCNTs upon intratracheal instillation, we also performed the gpt assay using the lungs. Findings We detected no significant differences in Pig-a mutant frequencies (MFs) between the MWCNT-treated and control rats. Additionally, we detected no significant differences in gpt MFs in the lung between the MWCNT-treated and control rats. Conclusions Our findings indicated that a single intratracheal instillation of MWCNTs was non-mutagenic to both the bone marrow and lung of rats